Stress, Frustration Psych

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Second stage- Resistance sits in The body mobilizes its resources to overcome stress.

The heart and breathing rates may return to normal. Last stage- Exhaustion Frustration - The feelings, thoughts, and behaviors associated with not achieving a particular goal or the If some measures of equilibrium is not restored, exhaustion is reached. The bodys capacity to handle stress is progressively undermined, the organism seemingly gives up, and belief that a goal has been prematurely interrupted. eventually it dies. In some cases, however, death may occur immediately. Selye believed that the damage produced by stress accumulates over time and find expression in Common Origin of Frustration 1. Physical factors- the physical characteristics of an individual often prevent him from cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, ulcers, and possibly cancer. the attainment of satisfaction and maintenance of self-esteem. Sources of Stress 2. Intellectual Differences-in the area of mental abilities there are many potentials for frustration such as academic performance in school and abilities required to succeed in 1. Life Change. Refers to any event that requires a modification in the accustomed way of living. specific jobs. 2. Daily Hassles. The irritating demands and troubled relationships that plague us day in 3. Socio-economic factors- financial and status can also foster frustration. and day out. 4. Cultural origins-many frustrations originate from the characteristics of the culture where 3. Crowding . it contributes to violence, crime, chronic physical and mental illness, family an individual lives. breakdown, alcoholism and suicide. It is a condition that disturbs our sense of control over our relationship with other people. Conflict 4. The Workplace. Occupational Stress is related to physical illness, psychological -Is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. Conflict exists when the impairment and lowered job performance and satisfaction. reduction of one motivating stimulus involves an increase in another, so that a new
GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Frustration, Conflict, Stress and Adjustment

adjustment is demanded. Common Sources of Conflicts

1. Aspiration versus Abilities- many individuals have not learned to adjust their

aspirations to their limitations. All people are not equally capable of succeeding in all areas, try as they may. 2. Incompatible Desires- problems of choosing between various possibilities and in many cases, choices may not cause too much tension, but at times the alternatives are so evenly balanced as to prevent ready decision. 3. Inhibitions and Desires- inhibition and desires cone into conflict. There is the desire to express one self but there are also obstacles or hesitations. 4. Conflicting Cultural Values- two sets of values, each widely accepted, may actually prove to be in conflict.

- Is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stages of Stress (according to Hans Selye, a endocrinologist and biologist) First stage- Alarm Reaction The nervous system is activated, digestion slows, heartbeat, blood pressure, and breathing rate increase, and the level of blood sugar rises. The body pulsates with energy.

Coping skills Tension Reduction- done through the use of progressive relaxation, meditation or autogenics. Cognitive Restructuring- entails changing the meaning of an event or changing perception of personal adequacy to handle the situation. Problem Solving-consists of rational steps used to reduce stress Social skill-includes training in self-disclosure and assertiveness. Positive Diversion-also called attention diversion where one uses constructive activities to divert attention from stressful and distressing thoughts. Open and Close System-also known as self-disclosure and catharsis Stress Monitoring-is the awareness of stress which is important to survival Assertive Behavior-training in asserting ones self in various situation. Negative Coping-include avoidance and withdrawal which are used to protect against unwanted emotions Denial and Suppression- seek to eliminate unpleasant emotions Escape Through self-Medication-is the use of drugs and alcohol to reduce arousal or blunt the effect of stress Structuring-refers to ways in which we assemble or organize coping resources in anticipation of a stressful event

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