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ALUCINE The Answer to our Void

ave you ever really wondered what it was like to experience the culture of South America, without actually traveling to the beautiful continent? We have plenty of excuses nowadays; no time to travel, financial instability and the language barrier, all obstacles which can put a halt on the thrill of experiencing this marvel. How about if you are Latin and live in a city such as Toronto, where constantly you have a mash up of different cultures? Do you have an opportunity to experience your own culture, learn about different issues happening in your country and get to see what life is truly like on the opposite end of the scale? The answer is simple. Attend AluCine Latin Film Festival. A festival that, every year, debuts movies by Latin filmmakers and giving them a chance to emerge and display their talents. Today, we constantly hear of the TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) more so than any other event that features films. Why? Because of celebrity exposure and of course, good PR. AluCine, basically the Latin-Canadian version of TIFF is not only that; it is more. Organized by a non-profit organization known as

By Paulina Pestryakov

Southern Currents or Corrientes del Sure, it gives Latin-Canadians a chance to reconnect with their roots, premiering films from a variety of South American countries. However, despite its growth in Toronto, showcasing films every year and being consistent with premiering these films, the festival is not only popular among the Latino-Canadian community (mostly comprised of middle age/older generation Latinos), but also attracts a wide range of people, representing exactly what Toronto is; a mix of everything. A chance to speak with Sinara Rozo, executive director of AluCine taught us just that. We get audiences from all different cultures, Rozo explains. It is an equal balance between the Latino community and other cultures. It also depends on the program because there are programs where we only see Latinos and there are others where we see Canadians or others of a diaspora, from India, from other countries. Every year we have people supporting us and joining us for 10 days of celebration that comes with the festival especially with our own community helping us out with the exhibitions, performances and other events.

However, although the older generation is more in touch and aware of their roots, the younger generation may not be in touch with their Latin-Canadian background and more in touch/feel closer to their newer Americanized family. Our program, our festival attracts not only the Latino community here in Toronto, but also our audience is composed of Canadians, says Rozo. It also depends on our program because we have films coming China, Spain, experimental film, drama, documentaries, youth programs. We try to create a mix so that we dont only cater to the Latino community. Attracting people of non-Latin decent is what Toronto is about. Our city is diverse, no question about that. We are not a division of communities, but we all merge into one. Torontonians are great at adapting to new cultures and are open-minded to learning about other countries. The festival continues to strive and receives good feedback from the community, but definitely deserves more recognition so that it can be on the same level as TIFF. The next debut for AluCine takes place at the AGOs Jackman Hall and will be featuring films from March 21-31.


Elena Emelianov, 22 Seneca College Student
I feel that AluCine would be an amazing event to attend for someone like me who is always intrigued by different cultures.

Rajeev Raveendran, 25 UTSC Student

This festival seems deep and cultural, definitely something that I wouldnt mind attending as it may teach me alot about Latin cultures.

Ronita Goldin, 20 York University Student

I am always going to TIFF events, so AluCine may be a nice change and an even better experience than TIFF is.

PAGINA 7 siete (see.yeh.tay)

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