December 15, 2008 Council Minutes

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Minutes of a regular meeting held in the Rosthern Town Council Chambers on

Monday, December 15, 2008 commencing at 7:00 p.m.

Present Mayor Doug Knoll

Councillors Dom Corbett
Don Greve
Dennis Helmuth
Terry Hinz
Ted Janzen
Don Reimer
Staff Nicole LaChance, Town Administrator
Colin Aebig, Outside Superintendent

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knoll at 7:00 p.m.

364.2008 Reimer: That the agenda for the December 15, 2008 regular meeting be accepted
as amended.

365.2008 Helmuth: That the minutes of the December 1, 2008 regular meeting be adopted.

RM Agreement – Recreation
366.2008 Janzen: That the Town enter into a three-year agreement with the RM of
Rosthern No. 403 regarding annual financial contributions to the operating costs of the
recreation facilities.

November Payroll
367.2008 Helmuth: That the payroll for November in the amount of $26,244.64 be

November Bank Reconciliation & Financial Statement

368.2008 Janzen: That Council accept the November bank reconciliation and financial
statement as presented.

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Regular Meeting
Monday, December 15, 2008
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December List of Accounts

369.2008 Hinz: That Council approve the December list of accounts, cheque numbers 8588
to 8676 in the amount of $99,550.30.

2009 Salaries
370.2008 Greve: That the following increases to employee wages be accepted:

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Monday, December 15, 2008
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Transit Bus Heaters
371.2008 Janzen: That the Town replace two heaters in the transit bus at a cost of $400

2009 Revaluation Workshop

372.2008 Hinz: That Pat Reimer and Nicole LaChance be authorized to attend an
assessment revaluation workshop being held in Saskatoon on January 22, 2009
with associated expenses being paid by the municipality.

Delegation 7:30 p.m. – Cam Nicolle, Jeff Loeppky and Ryan Epp, all of Valley Action
Abilities, entered the meeting.

2009 Well Rehabilitation

373.2008 Helmuth: That Colin Aebig be authorized to extend the well rehabilitation program
on the remaining four wells using Hayter Drilling, with funds from the 2009

Administration Reports
374.2008 Hinz: That the following administration reports be accepted as presented:
a) Town Administrator=s Report
b) Outside Superintendent=s Report

8:10 p.m. – Cam Nicolle, Jeff Loeppky and Ryan Epp left the meeting.

VAA Contract
375.2008 Greve: That the Valley Action waste contract be tabled until the January 19
regular Council meeting.

Committee Reports
376.2008 Corbett: That the following committee reports be accepted as presented:
a) Joint Fire Committee, December 9
b) Fire Hall, December 10

Traffic Bylaw Amendment

377.2008 Corbett: That the administrator draft an amendment to the traffic bylaw to add a
stop sign facing east to 3rd Avenue at the high school rear exit.
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Regular Meeting
Monday, December 15, 2008
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Vanthuyne Request
378.2008 Helmuth: That a meeting be set up with the RCMP, Rosthern High School, Town
and concerned citizens on 3rd Street regarding traffic issues arising from the school
parking lot located at 3rd Avenue and 3rd Street.

Fuel Tender
379.2008 Reimer: That TR Petroleum be awarded the tender for the Town’s fuel
requirements for 2009 and 2010.

Add Utility Bills to Taxes

380.2008 Reimer: That the following outstanding utility bills be added to the taxroll effective

Roll # Name Total

633 Alexandrovich, Douglas 413.32
614 Armstrong, Tim 209.43
388 Bartel, Kevin 133.54
444 Billay, Tyler 96.08
514 Bloomfield, Sylvia 122.03
576 Braun, Staci 183.48
651 Britton, Harvey 96.16
768 Britton, Jordan 359.84
578 Chipurda, Amelia 121.30
183 Cooley, Trent 252.10
607 Dahl, Douglas 261.98
394 Dehmke, Edward 60.40
534 Deptuck, Peter 121.74
453 Dobransky, Mary 133.62
754 Doering, Terry 207.06
714 Dyck, Darren 70.38
118 Eberle, Lawrence 876.47
099 Ebert, Doug 248.59
107 Enns, Elmer 277.24
760 Esperance, Albertine 85.00
098 Fahl, Derek 219.51
698 Gould, Rickey 556.97
344 Green Brier Flowers 157.16
571 Grismer, Emery 244.58
(resolution cont’d . . .)
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Monday, December 15, 2008
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Resolution #380.2008 continued

475 Grismer, Joseph 123.50

780 Grismer, Joseph 102.37
494 Hancock, Calvin 499.71
572 Hanemaayer, Ken 247.08
805 Harv’s Autobody 1,427.95
051 Henschel, David 125.46
283 Henschel, Glen 444.17
634 Hodgson, Sheri 136.64
818 Houle, Ted 171.87
440 Janzen, Jay 127.99
384 Klaassen, Ron 518.56
076 Knoll, Brett 112.16
067 Koslowski, Clayton 690.14
205 Lapierre, Daniel 230.32
336 Lapierre, Shannon 145.33
470 MacKinnon, Debbie 578.81
149 Matiiw, Richard 580.39
387 Migneault, Heidi 555.35
189 Morash, Shirley 76.50
469 Neufeld, Greg 76.50
558 Neufeld, Leslie 706.81
167 Nichol, Bradley 547.30
289 Nicolas, Reg 158.22
006 Pelletier, Roger 162.26
699 Perrin, Marcel 216.00
416 Prima, Michael 12.28
592 Rathgeber, Jeff 450.71
595 Rempel, David 276.96
542 Robin, Samantha 234.23
366 Rosthern Bakery 648.41
366 Rosthern Bakery 77.43
060 Rudolph, Floyd 178.02
324 Rudolph, Robert 563.98
158 Seniuk, Robert 730.48
249 Stigen, Todd 157.69
759 Stuart, Josh 1,152.29
539 Teichroeb, Janice 58.14
136 Thomas, Felix 239.70
(resolution cont’d . . .)
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Monday, December 15, 2008
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Resolution #380.2008 continued

155 Timmermans, Eugene 76.50

636 Ukrainian Catholic Hall 76.50
045 Valley Infrasonics 2,104.95
380 Wall, Timothy 170.39
058 Warkentin, David 564.18
570 Weightman, Dave 211.38
172 Weselowsky, Lance 33.74

Total 22,287.33


SUMA – Application for Judicial Review and Legal Representation

381.2008 Corbett: That in the matter of an application for judicial review submitted by the
Canadian Union of Public Employees with respect to decisions made by the
Municipal Employees’ Pension Plan, the Council of the Town of Rosthern hereby
joins the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) in providing a
response to the application and further hereby appoints SUMA as its agent to
retain and instruct legal counsel on behalf of this municipality exclusively on this
matter. The municipality acknowledges that SUMA will not accept any liability on
behalf of the municipality and the municipality saves harmless SUMA, any of its
directors and agents with respect to any financial implication in this matter. The
municipality further acknowledges that it will promptly remit to SUMA any
assessment of cost related to providing collective representation on a prorated
share, based on actual solicitor and court costs.

Adjourn Hinz: That the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

382.2008 CARRIED.

Mayor Doug Knoll Town Administrator Nicole LaChance

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