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Differences between the education of English in Public and private elementary school in Peru.

Public elementary school, private elementary school. Which of them do we have to choose whenever we want to take our kids there? It is a good idea to think about it now because it will be the base of the general education of our future kids. But when we mention general education do we are talking about foreign language? Or only Math, Language, Science and History are important for the formation of the children. The minister of education of Peru said that the educational models must follow theses definitions of: Education, learning, teaching, student and teacher. Of course the teacher has the leading role and the students the function of listening and learning and all the courses. However, English it is not added there. According to the National Curriculum for Basic education of 2009, the present curriculum that all schools must follow, elementary schools take Match, language, science etc. However, the area of foreign language we meant English it is not taken. English is taken in High School.

Now, lets go to our real life. Private elementary schools adapt this curriculum to their curriculum. For example, they teach English because these schools are business so they should have more followers. This is a competition, as they have more level in English, they will have more people interested on them. In the case of public elementary school, as the National Curriculum for Basic education of 2009, English is not included but we can find a lot of schools that teach this course. For example the case of Huaca de Oro that is located in Pro, near to Los Olivos. In this text, we are going to do compare same important points that you should now if you are interest in Public or Private school.

Chapter I:
How Public and private elementary schools teach.

Chapter II:
Books, the materials they use to help students to learn. In the state school working with public books and something extra materials for examples in fourth grade they are reading Romeo and Juliet and fifth grade they are reading Oliver Twist, They are reading a short stories to improve the vocabulary and practice grammar. They dont have additional books but working with copies about the stories, the teacher prepare karaoke is an opportunity practice English and also prepare speech for a specifics topics. The students practice English listening songs to improve the pronunciation, fourth and fifth grade they have three hours a week and first to sixth grade only two hours so in fourth and fifth used two hours they develop all topics and the other hour the students reading.

The private schools times are given English are six. Two hours they working lectures with grammar and listening. The books they use are chosen by management; however the teachers should choose the books. Practices and exams notes are divided into four parts: aimed practices, practices qualified, monthly review, and bimonthly review.

Chapter III:
Dynamic, how teachers do the class, projects, homework, classes in general.

Chapter IV:
Projects, the purpose of the course.
Set the foundation for future learning in terms of skills and strategies, vocabulary, language functions and structures grammaticalness. Make teaching English is a fun and entertaining experience. Understanding general and specific information in simple oral and written texts produced in natural communication situations for students with a specific communicative intention. These messages will have the support necessary for contextual understood by the pupils of this age. Produce oral and written texts in very short, simple communication situations real or simulated, and in connection with the world and the childhood experiences of this developmental stage. We will have to use language creatively enhancing the verbal and nonverbal resources so as to overcome the communication gaps that may occur.

Read comprehensively simple texts related to personal experience of students and classroom situations. It aims to promote the pleasure and interest in reading and specific reading strategies. Linking the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of words and phrases and recognize aspects of sound, rhythm and intonation characteristic of the foreign language. Understanding and using linguistic and nonlinguistic elements involved in common situations of social interaction and communication so that it is easier and smoother. Show open attitudes of understanding, respect, care and concern for another language to its speakers and their way of life and culture. Transfer the foreign language learning to previous knowledge and experiences from the acquisition of language, contributing to the progressive development of independent learning processes. Consider learning a foreign language as a means to compensate for deficiencies in knowledge and culture of our area. The domain code like this will help the students be integrated into social life and future academic success. As suggestions for improvements to the difficulties we had last term we propose the following specific objectives: With regard to integrated students with special difficulties to follow the development of the subject through the conventional textbook and materials typical of the area, we produce a booklet designed for them, where the various thematic units will work with the rest of his teammates. This material is adapted to their abilities and seeks to promote a different approach to English. As for students who do not show much interest, we will try that from the 1st cycle are motivated by the English and keep it throughout the stage. Along these lines we will try to maintain contact with coprimary child and educate people in that language.

A good extra motivation, it would also have an English classroom where the student has a more direct and real with the language and where different materials and more attractive to their learning. For this reason, we demand a specific classroom English, safely and with adequate facilities to house all the material year after year is gained. We will give a new impetus to the project during the course.

Chapter VI:
Teachers degree. . This chapter aims to raise awareness and find out the training of teachers of public and private schools and skills they acquire them for proper education to their students. . Knowledge of English as an international language. Learning English as an international language contributes in the context of globalization to strengthen students' communicative competence to make contact with other people who speak that language, either in their environment or others. The profile of a professional teacher of English is to have studied at a foreign language and be able to finish the methodology by adding the master's degree at a university with a master degree in English language teaching. The teacher has an important role in this process of student learning, according to our interview and supporting them with some data we can see that private schools put more emphasis on learning English justifying given six hours a week, in which two teaching hours (equivalent to a class) teach theory texts based on grammar, spelling, phonics and the other four hours are missing practices such as reading comprehension, reading and listening as it helps to corroborate what they have learned, the books also are used according to the publisher that is chosen by the school board, choosing in this way the book did not choose the grateful acceptance of the teacher who will have this tool available, the teacher should choose your written materials to

be more comfortable teaching in public schools change in hours is reduced to four hours of class, two hours of theory and the next two practices, the state still do not provide books and teachers have to manage their utensils learning with small text. Most private schools have at least 3 teachers of English in primary and exams are divided into four graded practices and foster greater learning addressed, however the state schools, with less hours of work, consider hiring a lot of 3 people and do not and there is only practice and final exams. A secondary problem could be if the teacher is a graduate of a center or institute to teach British or American English mistakes and causing confusion in students.

Conclusion: - By the state no fomentation to learn English in public schools and reduce the hours and in the teachers should provide students with a good publishing books that help them see a better picture of English. - In private schools the books are chosen by the directions and not the teacher, without the support of this to choose a good book publisher. - Personally I think the earliest age English to teach you more easily will help you understand the grammar and phonetics and therefore less difficult it will be in touch. Annexes: Photographs and videos (interview).

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