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Chapter EquipmentL T 1 8 9 1 1 3

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To enable a device manually:Click the Add button in the Equipment Configuration window.Whenever a device is not autodetected, its COM ports appear in the Portcombo boxes of this dialog. Two rows are provided in the dialog to allowenabling of two equipment channels (MS and DC).See section6.7.1for instructions on specifying ports and equipmentchannels.After you have finished the Add Equipment dialog, the enabled deviceappears in the Equipment Configuration window with the value User Addedwritten in the Info column: 6 . 7 . 1 . D e t a i l s o f M a n u a l E n a b l i n g

Details of how to enable devices manually are given here for devices thatcannot be autodetected by the application. Regarding other devices, seeappendixC,page333. 6 . 7 . 1 . 1 . S c a n n e r s

For all scanners, only row 1 in the Add Equipment dialog is used. Row 2 isgrayed out.

TEMS Investigation 8.0 Data Collection Users Manual36 AnritsuML8720

This scanner connects to a serial port. U n d e r P o r t , c h o o s e t h e p o r t t o w h i c h t h e s c a n n e r i s connected. U n d e r E q u i p m e n t C h a n n e l , t h e r e a r e t w o c h o i c e s : Choose M L 8 7 2 0 / M L 8 7 4 0 w i t h G P S i f y o u w i s h t o u s e a G P S t h a t i s connected directly to the scanner. C h o o s e M L 8 7 2 0 / M L 8 7 4 0 i f y o u w i s h t o u s e a s e p a r a t e G P S u n i t ( n o t one connected to the scanner). AnritsuML8740/8741 These scanners connect via USB. U n d e r P o r t , c h o o s e N o n e . U n d e r Equipment Channel there are two choices, as for the ML8720; see AnritsuML8720 above. PCTelSeeGullLXMM2ScannersforGSM/WCDMA

These scanners connect via USB.The scanner splits into two devices in TEMS Investigation: one for GSM andone for WCDMA scanning. You therefore need to add the scanner twice inthe application. U n d e r P o r t : F o r G S M s c a n n i n g , c h o o s e t h e lower virtual COM port number. F o r higher virtual COM port number.See this screenshot of the Device Manager: U n d e r E q u i p m e n t C h a n n e l , t h e s e choices exist for SeeGull: SeeGull LX GSM with GPS: GSM scanning, s c a n n e r G P S i n u s e GSM scanningWCDMA scanning W C D M A s c a n n i n g , c h o o s e t h e

Chapter EquipmentL T 1 8 9 1 1 3

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SeeGull LX GSM: GSM scanning, scanner GPS not in use SeeGull LX W C D M A w i t h G P S : W C D M A s c a n n i n g , s c a n n e r G P S i n use S e e G u l l L X W C D M A : W C D M A s c a n n i n g , s c a n n e r G P S n o t i n u s e If you are scanning on both GSM and WCDMA, and you want to use thescanner GPS, choose the GPS only for one device otherwise the GPS datawill be written twice to the logfile. PCTelSeeGullLXMM2Scanners(CDMA)

These are handled the same way as the GSM/WCDMA models; see above.Two choices are provided under Equipment Channel: S e e G u l l L X C D M A w i t h G P S : S c a n n e r G P S i n u s e S e e G u l l LX CDMA: Scanner GPS not in use PCTelSeeGullLX(Non-MM2Models)

These scanners connect to a serial port. U n d e r P o r t , c h o o s e t h e p o r t t o w h i c h t h e s c a n n e r is connected.Under Equipment Channel, make the appropriate choice: see the l i s t i n g for the MM2 models above. For example, for a single-band WCDMAscanner, choose SeeGull LX WCDMA and GPS if you wish to use theinternal GPS of the scanner, and choose SeeGull LX WCDMA if youwish to use a separate GPS unit, ignoring the scanner GPS. Rohde&SchwarzTSMU This scanner connects via FireWire. U n d e r P o r t , Equipment Channel, choose TSMU. 6 . 7 . 1 . 2 . D a t a C a r d s c h o o s e N o n e . Under

Sierra Wireless Use row 1 for TEMS measurements: U n d e r port number assigned to the port Sierra Wireless Diagnostics .... U n d e r E q u i p m e n t C h a n n e l , c h o o s e S i e r r a W i r e l e s s . . . . Port, choose the virtual COM


TEMS Investigation 8.0 Data Collection Users Manual38 Use row 2 for data service measurements: U n d e r P o r t , c h o o s e t h e v i r t u a l C O M p o r t n u m b e r assigned to the modem

Sierra Wireless AirCard HSDPA Modem. To find out the COM portnumber, right-click this item in the Device Manager and inspect theProperties dialog. U n d e r E q u i p m e n t C h a n n e l , choose Q u a l c o m m 3 G D a t a C a b l e . See this screenshot of the Device Manager: 6 . 7 . 2 . M a n u a l b y License E n a b l i n g o f E q u i p m e n t N o t C o v e r e d

If you manually add a device for which you have no license, the device willappear in the Equipment Configuration window, but the text will be red andthe Info column will read No License (just as for autodetected devices:compare section6.6.3). The device cannot be connected in TEMSInvestigation.Data servicemeasurementsTEMSmeasurements

Chapter EquipmentL T 1 8 9 1 1 3

6. Z 0 1 4 R A 9 F e a t u r e s



6 . 8 . F u r t h e r m e n t Configuration Window 6 . 8 . 1 . T h e R e

n c

If you are working with devices that can be autodetected, but the detectiondid not work as expected (for whatever reason), you can start the autodetectprocedure over from scratch. To do this:In the Equipment Configuration window, click the Refresh button. 1 6 . 8 . 2 . S a v i n g t h e E q u i p m e n t C o n f i g u r a t i o n

You can save the current setup in the Equipment Configuration window:Click the Save button.What this action does is to store the mapping between devices and EQ itemsin the Windows registry. This means that if a device is represented by (say)EQ3 and you save the configuration, that device will again be mapped to EQ3the next time it is plugged into the same PC with the same Windows userlogged in.The save function is applicable to all devices whose hardware permits areliable identification. Such devices include phones with their IMEIs.If you click Save once more, the previous configuration is overwritten. Toremove all configuration information from the registry, click Save in an emptyEquipment Configuration window.

1 . A s p e c i a l c a s e w h e r e yo u n e e d t o u s e t h e R e f r e s h f u n c t i o n i s i f yo u p l u g in a TEMS USB cable (used with Sony Ericsson phones such as T610),without a phone attached, and attach the phone only later. Theapplication will detect the cable, but to make it aware of the phone youmust click the Refresh button. Note:

Unlike previous versions of TEMS Investigation, this version doesnot save any information on equipment configuration in theworkspace.

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