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1st Semester Projects (CSIE) SUGGESTED TITLES 1.

A Presentation of the European Language Portfolio, its uses, and its Rel evance to You 2. English as the International Language of Business 3. The Job Interview: 1) Preparing for a Job Interview. 2) Dos and Donts duri ng a Job Interview 4. Todays Labor Market: New Challenges and Opportunities for an Academy of E conomic Studies Graduate 5. The Importance of Cross-Cultural Awareness in Todays Business World 6. Cultural Stereotypes and their Effect on Business Practices and Relation ships 7. How to Deal with Cultural Stereotypes in Business 8. Culture Shock (explain its meaning and give an example/examples of cultu re shock that you yourself experienced) 9. Managing Cultural Identities and Differences in Business 10. Intercultural Business Communication Norms and Taboos across Cultures 11. Cultural Differences between East and West in the Business Arena 12. Cultural Values and their Impact on the Business Environment 13. Models of Cross-Cultural Analysis Based on Dimensions and their Applicati on to the Business Environment (see Geert Hofstede) 14. High-Context versus Low-Context Cultures in Business Communication 15. Culture-Clash: Comparing 2 Cultures (Romanian culture + another) 16. National Culture and Corporate Culture NOTE. The above titles are tentative. Other proposals from students may also be considered. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SUGGESTED READING: 1: CHECK OUT THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE TOPICS, INCLUDING THE IN TERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION THEORIES OF Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars, Edward T . Hall, Richard Gesteland. etc. 2: MAIN BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES C. Bennett, 1999. A comprehensive multicultural education (4th ed.). Boston: All yn and Bacon Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, Cultural Reproduction and Social Repr oduction. In Richard K. Brown (Ed.), 1973. Knowledge, Education and Cultural Cha nge. London: Tavistock. Castillo, Richard. 1996, Culture and Mental Illness: a Client-Centered Approach , Wadsworth Pub. Co. Cateora, Philip R. and Graham, John L. 1993. International Marketing, Irwin Pub lishing Company. Foster, Dean Allen. 1995. Bargaining across Borders. How to Negotiate Business S uccessfully Anywhere in the World, MGraw-Hill, Inc. French, W.L. and C.H. Bell (1979). Organization development. New Jersey: Prentic e Hall. Gesteland, Richard R. 1997. Cross-Cultural Business Bahaviour, Handelshojskolens Forlag, Copenhagen. Edward T. Hall, 1989. Beyond Culture. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday. Hall, Edward T.1990. The Silent Language. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/D oubleday Hall, Edward T. 1983.The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time. Garden City , New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday. Hall, Edward T. 1966. The Hidden Dimension. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/ Doubleday. Hall, E. T. & Hall, M. R. (1987). Hidden differences: Doing business with the Japanese. Anchor Press/Doubleday. Hampden-Turner, Charles and Trompenaars, Fons. 1997. Riding the Waves of Cultu

re: Understanding Diversity in Global Business, McGraw-Hill. Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture s Consequences: International Differences in Work-R elated Values. Beverly Hills CA: Sage. Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and Organizations. Software of the Mind. London , UK: McGraw Hill. Hofstede, Geert H. 2001. Cultures Consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, insti tutions, and organizations across nations, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Harris, Philip R., and Robert T. Moran, Managing Cultural Differences, Gulf Publ ishing, Houston, 1991. Kluckhohn, C. K. (1951). Values and Value Orientations in the Theory of Action. In T. Parsons and E. A. Shils (Eds.), Toward a General Theory of Action. Cambrid ge, MA: Harvard University Press. Kluckhohn, F.R. & Strodtbeck, F.L. (1961). Variations in Value Orientations. Ev anston, Ill.: Row, Peterson Kroeber, A.L., & Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A critical review of concepts an d definitions. Harvard University Peabody Museum of American Archeology and Ethn ology Papers 47. Lewis Richard D., 1993. When Cultures Collide: Managing Successfully Across Cult ures. London: Nicholas Brealey. Oberg, Kalervo. 1960. Cultural Shock: adjustment to new cultural environments in Practical Anthropology 7 Porter, Richard and Samovar, Larry. 1985. Approaching Intercultural Communicati on, in Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 4th ed., eds. Samovar and Porter, B elmont, CA: Wadsworth. Selfridge, R. J. and Sokolik, S. L., 1975, A Comprehensive View of Organization Development. MSU Business Topics, 23 (1) Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1920 [1871]. Primitive Culture. New York: J.P. Putnams Son s.

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