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The Transitional Justice aims to address issues arising from violations committed during conflict or political violence.

In Brazilian case, the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappearance cases discussing the relevance of compensation under the decisions of the Amnesty Commission and the Special Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances. It is evident that brazilian human rights organizations and activists have pursued a wide range of reparative goals corresponding to what the UN calls restitution, satisfaction, and guarantees of nonrepetition. In according to the document, restitution involves, whenever possible, restor[ing] the victim to the original situation before the gross violations of international human rights law or serious violations of humanitarian law occurred. It also involves satisfaction measures which tends to encompass still more specific instances of restitution, such as the search for the whereabouts of the disappeared for the bodies of those killed [and] assistance in the recovery, identification and reburial of the bodies in accordance with the expressed or presumed wish of the victims. This thesis aims at understanding, from an anthropological perspective, the meaning of the restoration measures for families of people who disappeared in circumstances of conflict or repression under former dictatorship. The research highlights that the impact of disappearances on the families is still devastating and long lasting, leaving them in a terrible limbo, unable to find closure. At the same time, it reaches beyond the immediate communities of the disappeared, affecting entire societies grappling with the legacy of unresolved crimes and the obligation to provide families with the truth about the fate of their loved ones. Thus, in native point of view, the former Comissions restore only material damage, discarding the damages, which were the major injuries sustained by victims of political persecution. By doing so, the fixing of indemnification regarding the damage suffered by victims of political persecution covers only patrimonial damage, injuries being silent about the compensation damages, averaging the process of Transitional Justice in Brazil and disregarding those suffering in the lives of those people.

The research highlights, from an anthropological perspective, the feelings of anger and impotence, and what they believe should be done. It evaluates

the need for justice and recommendations on whom should be punished, why, and how. The information is helpful to understand how families and victims understand the By doing so, Despite having an eminently symbolic and immaterial character, such moral component would carry a much greater objectivity as an expression of violence than a physical aggression in the strict sense of the term.

verification demands a very clear analytical division between the physical and moral dimensions of the act of aggression, an issue that is frequently explored by L. Cardoso de Oliveira (2002), and, as we will see farther on, is extremely useful for understanding the meanings of violence in East Timor

Thesis aims to analyze the practices of disappearance and the torture of socalled subversive under the civil-military dictatorship. Examining the construction of the category of the family of disappeared from multiple angles, this work questions howand why was important for those victims the recovery of memory and truth of the facts concerning to the trajectories of who were persecuted and/or killed by civilian and military agents. Focusing on the efforts of the families and the victims, my work reveals the meaning that those groups gave to In according to the symbolic and social worlds from those group, the reparation looks forward, signalling not only the concern of victims and survivors with monetary compensation but, just as importantlyas the natives point of view indicateswith upholding dignity and recovering health in the wake of gross violations of human rights. By responsibility, they meant to emphasize the key backward looking tasks on which groups seeking reparation and political transition must focus: affixing causal responsibility and assigning moral blame for the relevant injustices.

This paper analyzes what is, how emerges, and what are the possibilities to achieve the 'right to memory and truth in the Brazilian reality. Conceived as a mechanism for reconciliation of societies that have gone through traumatic experiences (so named because of the repeated violation of human rights in them), this right is, basically,. In Brazil, it appears that the memory and the truth as rights have been gradually better treated. However, there are still serious obstacles to its realization

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