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Screenplay untitled webseries by Josh Calvano

untitled webseries by Josh Calvano

INT.TOMS CAR 3 friends walking to there car from campus getting ready to leave for the summer. JOSH I am so stoked for school to be done we are going to literally drink our dicks off this summer. KETURI I dont think thats physically possible. And I was looking forward to getting some reading done this summer. Stephen Hawking just came out with this awesome book aboutTOM Reading? Who the fuck actually does that shit still? Unless your going to be reading up about the Female anatomy or how we can get drunk faster you need to quit being a bitch and accept the fact that Josh and I are getting you wasted this summer." JOSH Yeah hes right Keturi, its our time man, our summer we will be bathing in that sweet pussy now fists in. KETURI Wait, like, Baithing in pussy Fists in.( makes motion of fisting) or like baithing in pussy comma fists in JOSH either or man either or its our summer INT. EMMAS DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT PART MONTAGE The door to the basement opens and we step in while the party is going with the title cards days of the weeks cutting each montage scene of use parting like playing spinners or chugging or funneling stuff JOSH says something funny on entrance multi-take it and add lib

untitled webseries by Josh Calvano INT KETURI HOUSE

2. 3

we pan into the 3 passed out on the floor after a long week of partying and we hear someone skateboarding outside so we go to investigate KETURI (waking up startled) Where am I JOSH huh waah oh dude we are at your house we walked your drunk ass home man we practically had to pull you off Zoey KETURI .....I made out with Zoey? JOSH Hahaha yeah man it was pretty intense man like an alien face hugger way to much tongue. TOM I had a dream last night that I tried to start my car with a crayon I think we need to find a new hobby, maybe start reading more or something. KETURI wait what ? thats what i wanted..(gets cut off) JOSH Shut the fuck up for a second, do you here that? EXT.OUTSIDE KETURIS HOUSE We see Erik skateboarding probably have him go off a small ramp maybe I dont know. JOSH Who is this guy? ERIK I see you heard me Skateboarding. Yeah, its no big deal you know. Just defying physics and shit on this little piece of wood. 4


CONTINUED: untitled webseries by Josh Calvano


JOSH Neat, skateboarding eh? You know Ive been known to shred some gnar back in my days. TOM You have literally never shredded any gnar in your life. You have the co-ordination of a slightly handicapped 4 year old. JOSH Yes I have. Remember when I did that 900 spin back at the x games in the 90s. KETURI That was Tony Hawk you never did that. ERIK Why dont you boys stop holding each others dicks and come Rape the Pavement. JOSH Yeah Im down, Ill show you guys what a real gnar wizard looks like. TOM Seriously man stop saying gnar you sound stupid. EXT.OUTSIDE KETURIS HOUSE we just do a montage of the 3 of us skating but me constantly falling instead which leads to me hurting myself EXT.OUTSIDE KETURIS HOUSE Josh is sitting by Keturis basketball net with crutches while Keturi Tom and Erik are surrounded by hot chicks Josh gets up and runs away but trips and falls. JOSH Its not fair look at them they think theyre better than me YOURE NOT BETTER THAN ME !! I HATE YOU !!!! 6 5


CONTINUED: untitled webseries by Josh Calvano TOM What is he yelling about? KETURI I think he is just mad cause he cant shred gnar . EXT KETURIS STREET



Keturi, Tom and Erik are out skating around when they notice something is amiss. TOM woow did you see that sick Ollie. KETURI check this sick move out (does some stupid like ground move where he picks his board up like stupid long board trick) TOM hey whys Erik paying our groupies ? EXT KETURIS STREET Tom and Keturi confront Erik TOM Sooo uhmm whats this all about why are you paying these girls ERIK For real? you guys are a bunch of scrubs. Look at your one friend dude has coordination of a box of retarded kittens and have you seen that stupid mustache he looks like he slows down in school zones. KETURI Not cool man! we thought you were rad and could shred serious gnar but your just a poser! TOM (Fakes being upset.) I trusted you! (Leans in closer to whisper) Was it at least a flat rate? Or did you have to pay by hour? Because (MORE) (CONTINUED) 6B

CONTINUED: untitled webseries by Josh Calvano


TOM (contd) Im thinking about doing this party whereKETURI (Pulls Tom back) Tom, were supposed to be pissed off at him, what do you not understand about that. TOM Oh, right. (As he walks away) Your the scum of the earth! (Then he mouths call my about the girls, with a pinky-thumb phone held to his ear) EXT.TOMS BACKYARD 6C

Josh is sitting alone when Keturi and Tom go to talk to him. KETURI Hey man you okay? Your making all the ladies feel uncomfortable. That little out burst there eh, what was that all about? JOSH Leave me alone! TOM Hey man we see that this really upset you so like we decided that we arent going to skateboard anymore. JOSH What about all those babes you were with man. KETURI Your friendship is worth more man. JOSH Awww you guys TOM Plus man, those werent even real babes Erik just paid them like one of them was my cousin i dont even know how I didnt notice that. I (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: untitled webseries by Josh Calvano


TOM (contd) think she even sent me nudes.....oh god. EXT.TOMS BACKYARD We group hug while Erik watch us crying ERIK Thats beautiful you guys are beautiful Ive never had friends. i just wanted you guys to see me skateboarding I thought you guys would like that,I see you 3 always partying and you guys never really noticed me. JOSH Wait...youve seen us partying ERIK Yeah you should really pay closer attention (flash back to montage and we zoom in on you being there the whole time) KETURI No, no, actually I do remember that now. I dont know how we missed that. JOSH You know what Erik your a good guy you can hang with us, hell you did get Tom to accidentally get it on with his cousin and thats okay in my books. TOM (crying?) Oooh good what have I done? (All of us laughing and panning out and done. ) 7

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