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February 2008 Edition

Ev en ts
ruar y

SURVIVAL 2.04.08
Orlando Sentinel

KIT Careerbuilder Job Fair

(Orlando, FL)

Local employers recruiting for various

position from account managers to
systems analyst. Free admission.

Worried about the recession and how it may 2nd Annual Advertising &
a!ect your career? Worry no more. The Marketing Industry Diversity Job
Fair (San Francisco, CA)
Recession Survival Kit is here!
Top ad agencies recruiting new grads
and experienced creative professionals,
5 keys t o r id i n g o u t t h e r e c e s s i o n with an emphasis on diverse candidates.

he “Big R”, Recession, is Department stores reported 2.21.08

T upon us. Ushered in by
higher gas prices and the
disappointingly low sales numbers
for the holiday season and are HireQuest Diversity Job Fair
(San Jose, CA)
subprime mortgage debacle, signs scrambling for a new strategy to
HireQuest job fairs focus on retail, sales
of the recession are spreading like win back previously free"spending
and management positions. Dress
Ebola to every sector of the consumers.& professionally. Bring resumes. Free
economy. The stock market admission.
The “Big 3” automakers are
recently took a spine"tingling 326"
planning to layo! nearly 130,000
point dive before rebounding #to
our collective relief$. The workers in the coming year. Greater NYC Citizenship and
Social Enterprise Expo
unemployment rate is at a two"year (New York, NY)
And, big business is announcing
high of 5%. Housing prices and
mass layo!s in nearly every sector. Thirty companies and social enterprises
home sales are at an all"time low recruiting students and professionals for
Manufacturers are closing their
#una!ected by Fed rate cuts$. CSR, nonprofit and green jobs.
doors in record numbers #over
Signs of the recession are spreading like Ebola
to every sector of the economy.
212,000 jobs lost in 2007$. The So, what can you do to ride out this
Event Info
financial services firms are recession?
scrambling to regroup. Even the
Events Calendar
shiny, high"performing tech sector
has been a!ected #Yahoo recently Learn more about these and other career
announced its plan to layo! as and professional development events by
“In Every visiting
many as 14,000 workers$. Crisis, An events-calendar/.
And, the only relief in sight is the
economic stimulus package being Want to list your own event?
hastily constructed by the Contact at
President and members of
Congress, the benefits of which we
may not see until this summer.

r e so ur c e s fo r Re ce ssi o n- p r oofing
y o ur c ar ee r

R ec es s io n -P ro o f

! Careersthatdontsuck.
co m I w ill ho no r m y pledge
of ca re er
! Careersthatdontsuck. em po wer men t, come
com’s w hat m ay.
Declaration of Care No th ing w ill ta ke me
er of f m y
Empowerment (200 ca re er path .
! CareerCasts Newslett I w ill us e al l of th e re
ers so urce s
av ai la ble to me an d en
! Recession Survival K lis t he lp
it if I ne ed it.
What can you do to ride out the recession?

iding out a recession does not

Steady Yourself: The only way Embrace the Opportunities:
mean simply surviving but, to beat back uncertainty is with Even in crisis there is opportunity.&
where possible, arriving at the preparation. Start by preparing For every change there is someone
shore in a better condition than you yourself emotionally. Share your to usher it in. Could you be that&
left. Believe it or not, this is possible
concerns and fears with your someone? While layo!s are awful
with any economic or other crisis that
may impact your career. significant other, friends, family or for those a!ected, they spell great
career coach. Having a support opportunity for entrepreneurs,
The 5 steps featured here are time" and structure in place during a crisis or human resources professionals,
crisis" tested. setback is key to staving o! consultants, attorneys, job coaches,
depression and hopelessness. Your outplacement firms and even
personal support group can also colleges.
5 ke y s t o r i d i n g help you plan your “recession
o u t th e re ces si o n Take advantage of the opportunity
survival strategy”.
to re"tool""take executive
education classes online or at local
colleges, take a hobby to a new
1. Steady Yourself Shore Up Your Finances:
Now is the time to save money,
spend wisely, lay o! the credit cards
2. Shore Up Your and refinance variable loans while
Finances rates are low #if your credit allows$.
Don’t rule out taking a part"time or
freelance job. You’ll earn extra cash Career & Leadership Coaches:
3. Flu! Up Your and, just maybe, start a new career. Professional coaches provide career
Resume and interview coaching, job search
help and presentation skills
Flu! Up Your Resume: Don’t training.
4. Network...A Lot! assume you will lose your job, but
do keep an open mind and an eye career"advice.
on the job listings. If your boss
5. Embrace the does deliver dreaded layo! news,
Opportunities you’ll feel better having a job search Research
plan in place. mortgage rates, no"fee, high"
interest savings and checking
accounts and no"risk CDs.
Network...A Lot! This sounds
crazy, but consider this.
Networking is key to staying
abreast of hidden job opportunities ResumeEdge: Resume writing
and emerging business services and consultations.
opportunities. There’s also a
social"emotional benefit:&
Commiserating with others
actually makes us feel better.
Events Calendar: Find
sub sc ribe to ca r e e r s t h a td o nt s uc k . c o m

professional and business events in Network with

ot Ti ps
your area.
other professionals based on
career or personal interests.
5 Employment Trends
You Must Know

Hiring is Like Baking a

Subscribe to It can’t be rushed.
Opportunity Alerts: Nineteen percent of employers took two
Business and career opportunity or more months to fill open positions.

alerts emailed to your mailbox.

Subscribe at
Bend It Like... Sixty percent of employers.
newsletters. Sixty percent of employers currently offer
flexible schedules; 39 percent plan to
Sponsored By offer alternative schedules, compressed
workweeks, telecommuting, sabbaticals,
Everybody Else’s Guide to summer hours and/or job-sharing.

Starting A Career: Resume

Free Agents Are Hot
templates, interview tips and job
search resources. Properties
The Right
Gear for Every Put your talent on the market.
Careersthatdontsuck Career Thirty-one percent of employers expect
Career. to hire contractors or freelancers in 2008.
Changers’ Group: Network with
career changers, entrepreneurs and
other professionals in the San Movin’ On Up
Francisco Bay Area.
It’s not just for George and Weazy. Twenty-six percent of employers plan to
provide more promotions and career
advancement opportunities in 2008.
Have you met
CareerCasts editor?
Your Google resume, or dossier.
D.D. Johnice, SPHR is a Employers are taking another page out
of the Internet daters’ handbook; they
career and leadership are “Googling” prospective candidates.
Thirteen percent of employers always or
coach, author, speaker usually use search engines and social
networking sites to research job
and entrepreneur. Learn candidates; 33 percent do it occasionally
and 19 percent plan to start or increase
more about D.D. Ask use of Internet resources in 2008. What
career questions at will your “Googleme’ say about you?

(Source: Job Forecast 2008)
d ecl ar ati o n o f c ar ee r e m po w e r me nt

My Ca re er 2008
proves th! From this day for ward,
I declare my
fortunate; commitment to career
empowerment and, hereb
the following:
y, pledge
" I will maximize my earn
" I will make optimal use
adversity, th! " I will proactively mana
work and personal time
" I will deliver my be
of my

my career st
great.” " I will find or create
that enable me to do wh
performance ever yday
" I will actively pursu
at I professional growth
do best ever y day
Pliny The Younger #A.D. 62?"113?$. " I will fearlessly pursu opportunities
Panegyric, 31 e " I will start saving fo
career opportunities th r
at retirement today
excite me

P.O. Box 66864, Baton Rouge, LA 70896

Car e e r st hatd o nts uc k .c om

s ubs c r ib e r

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