Sisk Firefly

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Life Cycle of an Firefly

KeShawn Braxton Zante Kefa



Sharay Allenya Jimmie


Larva Puppa

Amy Tommy Darricka Rayona TyJuan Isiah Shawn

The firefly is a type of insect called a beetle.

Alina Rashed Jordan Octavia SOURCES

Mrs. Sisk 2nd Grade

Adaptations Diagram of a firefly

Fall: Eggs are lied in the soil. Winter: Larvae spends the winter underground in little holes. Spring: Larvae come out of the soil, turns into pupae for about 10 days. Summer: Adult fireflies are developed but only live a few weeks.

Fun Fact:
Fireflies are mostly black, with two red spots on their head.

Did you know?

Fireflies flash to talk with each other.

Gardeners value fireflies because the larvae and adults eat away (snails, slugs, and earthworms) predators to their crops

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