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Hamlet Omelet

In pieces nothing, put together, Delicious!


 Take an Act of Hamlet and create a mini-lesson to teach to a small group of your classmates.
As a group you will decide who does which act.

 Within your mini-lesson, you need to teach all of the assigned information for that topic.

 You must create a teaching tool (i.e.: fill in the blank worksheet, chart with headings, graphic
organizer, notes outline with headings and number of points, or something really creative) to be
completed by your group while you teach your lesson.

 You are also responsible for creating a small test (10 questions… multiple choice, fill in the
blank, true/false, or something really creative) for your section that will be given to everyone in
your group after all of the mini-lessons have been taught. One question must be from each of
the six categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and the other four are of your choosing.

***** You are going to mark these quizzes and hand the marks in *****

 Your group members will then evaluate how well you taught your
Goals and Specific Outcomes:

G.O. #1-Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

• 1.1Discover Possibilities

• 1.2 Extend awareness

G.O. #3-Manage Information

• 3.1 Determine inquiry or research requirements

• 3.2Follow a plan of inquiry

G.O. #5-Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

• 5.1 Respect others

• 5.2 Work within a group

Acts, Scenes and What You Must Cover

(Find all of the information under all of the following headings)

Basic Breakdown of scenes in the Act

 How many scenes are there? Pages of text?

 Where does the scene take place? (x 2!)

 The P.O.V. is?


 Follow play and plot the plot on a timeline. You decide how to show this visually.

 What happens? Remember, Shakespeare wrote the play and he does not need you
to rewrite it!!! So, how can you get the biggest bang for you buck, so to speak?

 Who is in the scenes?

 What do know about them? How do we know this?


 What struggles did the characters undergo in this act? Make an educated guess as to what the
conflict might be. Also, discuss what themes are introduced or developed in this Act. Why do
you think this?

 What Literary Devices are used in the Act? Why?

Peer Evaluations

Your peers will evaluate your teaching presentation based on:

 how prepared you are

 how complete your information is

 how interesting your lesson is

 how fair your test questions are

Hamlet Omelet The Rubric
When you read this rubric and the words contained inside, please think about what
feelings or emotions came to mind.

How prepared you are:

Level 4 Excellent 3 Proficient 2 Satisfactory 1 Limited


Design/ efficient practical viable impractical


innovative effective workable ineffective

Organization skillful systematic simplistic haphazard

purposeful logical methodical ineffective

Access and Accesses and Accesses and Accesses and Accesses and
retrieve retrieves retrieves retrieves retrieves vague
information significant and meaningful and appropriate and and trivial
relevant generally information from
information from
a variety of information from applicable few sources.
sources. a variety of information from
sources. a variety of
How complete your information is:

Level 4 Excellent 3 Proficient 2Satisfactory 1Limited

Relevancy of pertinent relevant general trivial
significant meaningful superficial Superficial

Degree of precise accurate partial vague


comprehensive thorough generally accurate little or no

Support for compelling convincing believable weak support


insightful logical simplistic little or no

How interesting your lesson is:

Leve 4 Excellent 3 Proficient 2Satisfactroy 1 Limited


Visual appeal significantly interesting simplistic lacks visual
enhances imaginative relevant appeal

memorable detailed and predictable sketchy


Presentation enhances supports partially supports interferes with

exceptionally genuinely reasonably little confidence

confident confident confident

captivating substantially partially engaging minimal

engaging engagement
How complex your test questions are:

Lev 4 Excellent 3 Proficient 2Satisfactory 1Limited



Questions/ perceptive focused reasonable irrelevant

insightful logical predictable unrelated

You must hand in all you r work upon completion. You must all so hand in a Works
Cited page. Yes, we will cover this in class! And yes, Delicious will come in really
handy here!!!

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