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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test 1. Who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? a. Tom Sawyer b.

Mark Twain c. Tom Jones 2. What town did Huck Finn live in? a. St. Paul b. St. Petersburg c. St. Peter 3. What state did Huck Finn live in? a. Missouri b. Mississippi 4. Who was Hucks good friend? a. Mark Twain b. Tom Jones 5. Who did Huck live with? a. Aunt Daisy c. Widow Douglas c. Minnesota

d. Tom Finn d. St. Penelope d. Montana

c. Tom Thumb d. Tom Sawyer b. Widow Sawyer d. Aunt Finn

6. What did Huck give up when he signed the paper at Judge Thatchers? a. his fathers last name b. his money c. his dog d. his visiting right to see Pap 7. What did Pap want from Huck? a. he wanted Hucks money b. he wanted Hucks dog c. he wanted Huck to live with him d. he wanted Hucks raft to live on 8. Where did Pap take Huck? a. down the Mississippi River on a raft c. to a cabin in Illinois b. to his aunts house d. to Judge Thatchers

9. How did Huck escape from Pap? a. he sawed a whole through the cabin wall b. he made lots of noise and someone opened the cabin door c. he crawled out a window d. he hit Pap over the head with a pan and ran out the door 10. Why did people think Huck was dead? a. Pap told everyone Huck killed himself b. Huck made it look like someone had killed him at the cabin c. They found Hucks clothes outside the cabin d. Huck left a note 11. Who did Huck find on the island? a. some kids camping b. Tom Sawyer c. the slave Jim d. Pap 12. Why did Jim run away? a. he thought he was going to be sold down to New Orleans b. he wanted to find Huck c. he wanted to get away from his family d. he wanted to travel down the river 13. Who did the two men Huck saved, by getting them on his raft, say they were? a. a king and a prince b. a king and his slave c. a duke and an earl d. a king and a duke 14. Who were the two men pretending to be when they got to Peter Wilks house? a. Mr. Wilks two brothers from England b. Mr. Wilks uncle and nephew from England c. Mr. Wilks father and uncle from England d. Mr. Wilks two uncles from England

15. Who did the Wilks family think Huck was? a. one of the two mens son b. a run away boy c. the two mens slave d. one of the two mens nephew 16. What was Hucks plan to try and stop the two men from stealing the money? a. He would steal the money for himself b. He would tell them the money was lost c. He would hide the money, then give it to the nieces d. He would turn the money into the police 17. Who showed up at the door and ruined everyones plans? a. Jim and Aunt Polly b. Mr. Wilks two brothers c. Pap and Aunt Polly d. Aunt Polly and Tom Sawyer 18. How did Huck find out where Jim was? a. He went into town and saw Jim being taken away b. He asked the sheriff if he had seen a runaway slave c. A farmer in town mentioned a runaway slave to Huck d. He asked some people at the post office 19. When Huck went to find Jim, who did Aunt Sally think he was? a. a runaway kid b. her lost son c. Jims owner d. Tom Sawyer 20. Who did Tom think Huck was when he saw him in the wagon on the road? a. Hucks ghost b. Huck himself c. His cousin d. Jims owner

20. Tom pretended to be ______________when he got to the Phelps. a. Huck Finn b. His half-brother Sid c. A runaway kid d. Jims owner 21. How did Jim escape with Tom and Huck? a. through a tunnel Tom and Huck had dug under the hut b. through a hole in the wall Tom and Huck made with a saw c. through a hole in the wall Jim had made with a saw d. by walking out the front door when the guard was sleeping 22. What happened to Tom during the escape? a. he tripped and broke his leg b. he ripped his leg open on the fence c. he was shot in the leg from the men chasing them d. he fell and hit his head on the ground 23. After the doctor brought Tom back to the Phelps, what did Tom tell Aunt Sally? a. that he shot himself in the leg accidently b. that he and Huck freed Jim c. that Jim was his slave from back home d. that Jim escaped all by himself 24. What happened to Jim? e. he went down the river on an adventure with Tom and Huck f. he stayed with the Phelps family and was their slave g. he was set free h. he went back to Miss Watson and was her slave again 25. What is Hucks plan now that this adventure is over? a. he is heading out to Indian territory b. he is going back home c. he is going to be adopted by Aunt Sally d. he is going to Aunt Pollys to live with Tom

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