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Reading Response Allen

I. Summary In her article "The Inspired Writer vs. The Real Writer" Sarah Allen attempts to show all writers that there is no such thing as a naturally "good" writer. She argues that being a successful writer is a process attained through many sessions of trial and error because being a good writer is more than just a natural skill set. II. Conversation This article by Sarah Allen is similar to the article by Berkenkotter. to be Both articles emphasized the importance of planning and revision. Both Berkenkotter and Allen show that a good writer it is a process that doesn't just happen. While this may have not been the main point of Berkenkotter's article she makes the point indirectly ultimately coming to the same conclusion that Allen comes to. III. Assigned Exercises
QDJ. What does Allen propose as the solution for the way

around the idea of the inspired writer?

Allen proposes that the best solution is to tell the inspired writer to shut up and let you write. The best way to get better is to practice and get over the insecurities that prevent us from doing so. Allen also says that looking at other writers and asking those around us to revise our writings can help us as well. AE. Have you ever used the method of imitation (p32) within your writing? Why was this your approach at the time and under what circumstances would this be appropriate? I have never used the method of imitation however I think that it is a good idea and I might start using it on occasion. I think that if something works it is okay to borrow it and add a personal touch to it. I think that this method is appropriate at any time. It is a good way to get started down a path of good writing habits. Once those good habits are established it is easy to proceed from there. As long as there is no plagiarism involved I think that the method is a good way to learn good habits. Meta Moment: Have you ever been negatively affected by the idea of the inspired writer, a time when you didnt feel inspired but felt you should be? Describe your experience and how or whether you overcame this. Will your relationship with the

inspired writer be different now that youve read Allens article?

How can you use the knowledge youve gained from her to make writing easier? I haven't really thought much about the inspired writer. I have never been intimidated of writing and while I don't necessarily think that I am particularly brilliant at writing I do think that I have my own set of good writing habits. I can obviously improve but I think that the only way to do that is to write. My relationship with the inspired writer will not change because I have been indifferent to the inspired writer up to this point. I like to write and generally always have. I think that Allen's article just continued to affirm what I already thought - writing takes practice. IV. Personal Reflection I enjoyed Allen's article however I didn't find it necessarily helpful. I think that being intimidated of writing is a problem quite a few people have however I am not one of them. I have always enjoyed writing. However it helps me to know that even professional writers struggle with ideas at times and that they had to go through the same process of practice that I am going through every time that I write.

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