Psychology of Human Sexuality

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Personal Narrative

By Julie Carlson

PSY/ 230 Theories of Personality Instructor: Chris Allen Shreve, MA, LPC

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Personal Narrative

In the past five years I have seen an evolution in the purpose and meaning of my life. The primary reason for this is that my responsibilities as a caregiver, which was my primary role for the past 25 years, have diminished as my children are now adults. According to personality theorist Gordon Allports development theory I have reached a point in my personality maturity that reflects my desire to invest time and effort in pursuing significant life projects and endeavors since I am no longer preoccupied with the immediate needs of others. Evidence of this would be deciding to return to school to further my education. Allports theory contends that my central traits (the Big Five) will remain the same throughout my lifetime (McAdams, 2006). Contrary to that theory, evidence for gradual and systematic changes in all of the Big Five trait domains has been found (McAdams, 2006). Research on the stability of personality over a lifetime indicates a decrease with age in personality trait areas including; extraversion, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Traits related to agreeableness and conscientiousness may rise gradually during that period. In relation to changes in my personality traits, I would agree to the changes noted by this research as reflecting the change in my personality traits. For example, I have noticed the decreased need to be the center of other peoples attention and of the desire to try new things, such as foods from other cultures. According to Eriksons Eight Stages of Life I am in the Mature Adulthood (Generativity vs. stagnation) stage of my growth as a human being. I am 48 years old, have four grown children, three grandchildren, and have been married for almost 20 years. This means that

Personal Narrative

I have passed the stage of Young adulthood (Intimacy vs. isolation) and have achieved a level of intimacy that allows me to be part of a committed relationship to my spouse, children, and grandchildren. I have had the opportunity to nurture my children and now need to find another way to fulfill the desire to be needed (McAdams, 2006). This theory would also explain my decision to return to school to study psychology, to pass on knowledge to the next generation (McAdams, 2006). I have studied the Holy Bible and find that the material presented in the passages gives me a sense of peace and purpose. I pray often, sometimes several times a day, and have faith that my prayers are not only heard but answered by the Supreme Being. Praying over situations in my life, and others lives, that are beyond mortal control eases the anxiety I experience. I do not belong to a congregation or attend worship meetings, but have, at several points in my life, participated in Bible study with members of the Jehovahs Witnesses congregation. In the past five years I have noticed that I am more concerned with trying to live up to the standards of conduct proposed in the Bible. The episode in my life that I would change, if it were possible, is to have not been subjected to sexual abuse as a child. I believe that the molestation hindered the progression of normal emotional growth. The age when the incidents occurred affected my ability to trust.

Personal Narrative


McAdams, D. P. (2006). The person: A new introduction to personality psychology. (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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