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Step into Life Keysborough

Phone: 0423 852 262 Email:

December 2012, Issue 75

Wow, what a year!

Dear Step into Life Members, Family and Friends As another year draws to a close, it brings with it a new and exciting opportunity a chance to think of some new years resolutions and solutions. Why wait until the st clock strikes 12-midnight on December 31 to think of the solutions? Think of them now and start planning the exciting journey to achieve them and hit the ground running for 2013. I would like to thank every Step into Life Franchise and members nationally for supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation fundraising initiative. It was Step into Lifes first foray into fundraising and for such a worthy cause and I am very proud of the Step into Life team nationally. The fund raising results will be announced in the January edition of Fresh Air. I am also excited to release the new merchandise range items for summer. Thanks to all of you for your feedback and requests and I know you will love the new items. The Step into Life Trainer merchandise committee did a great job in researching the new items including the yoga pants and tights plus new shirts and singlets. Please see page two for details and order forms from your Trainer. As the silly season draws closer please keep in mind all of your hard work and training. Dont go overboard and if you do one of your new years goals can be to start off the year with a Metabolic Jumpstart! I wish you and your loved ones everything of the best and good health. Regards Larry Cohen Director

Local News

We had some of our old (as in long time ago, not age...) members reunite! We love to see what everyones up to even if they are no longer training with us

Three very bleary eyed runners getting ready for their early morning achievit session ... *yaaaawwwn*

An all boys session! They think they look tough or something...Cmon girls!


Blitz Polo Mens and Ladies Vista Jacket Mens and Ladies



Action Singlet Mens and Ladies (previously Zenith)

Legacy Vest Mens and Ladies

$49.95 $25

Tempo Singlet Ladies (previously contrast)

Dri Gear venture Pullover Ladies



Endurit Tshirt Unisex

Yoga Pants Ladies



Action Tshirt Unisex (previously Zenith)

Knee Length Tights Ladies

$49.95 $25

Long Sleeve Tshirt Unisex

Full Length Tights Ladies



Please see next page for timetable changes for our Christmas/New Year sessions

Comic Relief ha ha ha

7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm


6:00pm 6:00pm


(Need 8 Bookings)






8:00 am

(Need 6 Bookings)

Please note the changes in toneup rotation are Monthly

DECEMBER toneup Sessions are COREBALL JANUARY toneup Sessions are WEIGHTS FEBRUARY toneup Sessions are BANDS Coreballs 55cm Blue or Green $50.50 65cm Blue or Green $59.00 75cm Blue or Green $65.00 Dont have your own? Youll need one. You may purchase one from your trainer
(we provide the weights)

Resistance Bands Green (Light) $30.00 Red (Medium) $32.00 Blue (Hard) $37.00

Dont have your own boxing gloves?

STANDARD Youll need them for boxkickTM sessions $25 in S, M or L. FINGERLESS

Local News
Santas coming! Have you been good? Attended all your sessions? Were gonna help make sure you dont have a big regret after this silly season by keeping as many sessions as we can up & running so you dont feel as guilty about all that extra partying youll be doing! Please keep this handy so theres no mix-ups!

Training Club
Achieving your goals at Step into Life
How close are you to your next Training Club milestone? Goal setting is a key element to gaining fitness, weight loss and improved health benefits. At all Step into Life sessions we add training points to your training club tally (you can see your total on your fortnightly performance report). Points gained are a measure of your commitment to your training. Ask your Trainer to help you set some time lines for your goals.

Christmas & New Years Timetable

Sun 23 Mon 24 No Session 30 endurit Sun 31 No Session Tues 25 No Session Wed 26 6:45pm boxkick Thurs 27 6:45pm toneup Fri 28 6am cardiomax Sat 29 8am boxkick

Awards achieved in 50 points Sarah Morris 500 points James Berry 1500 points Alun Roberts Silvana Moslih

Mon Tues 1 No Session Sessions go back to normal from the 2nd Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Only 3 Left this year! 14th Dec NS Teams 21st Dec Commandos 30th Dec Teaser (the Tough Missions)

Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday!
4 Tanya Whiteside 4 Martha Gaspar 15 Henryka Zabawski 16 Jan Cogger 17 Jess Chen 17 Silvana Moslih 21 Yathavan Sriharan 25 Irene Sin 26 Dierdre Nurhadi 29 Cedric Felix
th th th st th th th th th th

Dont miss out on our 200th! Feb 2nd

29 Mariana Koleski 30 Sam Dugar



Member Profile
Lia Hunter
Hunter has been a member of Keysie since June 2011 Members of the month receive a Step into Life $25 anystore giftcard .

Where were you born?
Hamilton, Victoria, near the Grampians

What is your current profession?


What sports have you been involved with during your life/best achievement?
I played netball throughout primary and highschool lots of netball - in all sorts of weather. I also loved to rollerskate.


28 December 2012 Friday from 6pm

What is your favourite Step into Life session?

Keysies Christmas Party! Bring a Food Plate to Share @ Victory Park, Chelsea 100% of proceeds goes to the Keysie Animal Shelter Open to anyone who has completed a session with us 16km 18km Tough Mudder

12th January 2012 10:45am @ Wachter Res.

My favourite session iswait for itBootcamp! Its fun, you always have a laugh, the support, and its a real sense of achievement when it is done. I also like cardio when it is sprints.

Keysies 9 year celebration

30min to 2 hr Fitness Challenge th ENTRIES CLOSE January 9
19th January 2013


What is your favourite naughty treat when your trainers arent looking?
All of them! Thats the problem.

January 27th 2013

Womens Triathlon

100m Swim 3km Bike 500m Run

150m Swim 5km Bike 1.5km Run

300m Swim 7km Bike 3km Run

What are your top 3 goals you would like to achieve?

1. Run a 10km without stopping in June 2013 2. Good health no aches and pains 3. Fit into my skinny jeans!!

A Great Triathlon to start with.. do it! Saturday 2nd feb 11am

Teaser 11am 12pm

Keysies 200th

8th February for 3 Weeks

Fri 7pm

Sat 6am

Sun 8am

What goals have you achieved at Step into Life so far?

I havent quit!! Everything Ive done has been an achievement, even when I struggle I am learning. My achievements have even encouraged my colleagues to become more active, I never thought that would happen! The support of everyone at Keysie is key for methanks guys! At this years Keysie Ball Lia was awarded a 2012 Member of the Year Nominee ! This rewards are not given. They are earned

February 24


& March 10


200m Swim 10km Bike 2km Run 5km Walk/Run

500m Swim 20km Bike 5km Run 10km Run

3 March 2013


3rd March 2013

7km Obstacle Course

23rd March 2013 Toughest Bloke & Chick Challenge




Silvana Moslih Alun Roberts First Session 18th March 2010 Total # of Sessions 320 Fitness Tests 4 Bootcamps/endurits 16 (5- Teasers 3-Recruits 3-Marines 5-Navy Seals) Achievits 2 packages 2011 Step into Life De Castella Team Run 2012 Keysie Competition First Session 24th February 2005 Total # of Sessions 392 Fitness Tests 8 2009 Keysie Competition

James Berry First Session 31st October 2011 Total # of Sessions 112 Fitness Tests 5 Bootcamps/endurits 19 (5 Teasers, 4 Recruits, 5 Marines & 5 Navy Seals) 2012 Keysie Competition

Johns Corner
A Positive Mental Attitude The Key To Happiness
A positive attitude can have a life-changing impact on your physical as well as mental health. According to U.S. News and World Report, people who are happy experience fewer strokes, heart attacks, pain conditions and even colds. They also live longer than individuals who tend to be negative. Optimistic people aren't necessarily born that way. Many of them had to learn specific techniques for developing a positive mental attitude--and you can do the same. In regards to the training that you do at Step into Life, being positive in a group of people has a compounding effect on your own training. As an example, the more encouragement that you can give to others around you, the more encouragement you will receive from them and in return feel positive and uplifted by the training that you are doing. The next time you are at a training session, try to give encouragement to 3 people throughout the session, you will be amazed at the feeling you will have and the appreciation that those around you will have. You will find yourself running faster, have more energy to give and hence greater results for you and for everyone else. Step 1 Pay attention to your internal dialogue. Automatic negative thoughts are statements that you repeat to yourself over and over. You might not realize that you're doing this, because it usually begins during childhood. Over time, you start to accept that these false statements are true. Change this pattern by listening or observing your negative thoughts and turning them around. If you catch yourself saying, "I'm lazy," you could begin telling yourself, "I am developing self-discipline" or "I accomplish many things." In other words, use positive affirmations to develop a positive, mental attitude. Step 2 Develop relationships with other people who have positive mental attitudes. It's difficult to remain optimistic when you're surrounded by people who constantly complain. Their negativity and lack of ambition will tend to rub off on you. Likewise, simply associating with positive friends can help you develop a better outlook. You might have to make a difficult decision about the time you spend with a significant other, friend or family member who brings you down.

Step 3 Set realistic goals for yourself. Goals can give you a positive direction in life, and you'll develop self-esteem when you accomplish them. It's easier to flounder and become confused when you don't know what you're working towards. Begin by setting goals that are small and specific, especially if you lack confidence in your ability to follow through. Don't set yourself up for failure by planning to do things that are unreasonable. Step 4 Help other people. Begin volunteering for a cause that you believe in. Look for ways that you can be of assistance to others in your daily life. Giving your time and knowledge forces you to direct your energy outward, so you stop worrying about your own real or imagined problems. Service can give you a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. You will be able to see and appreciate the good things in your own life if you work to help others who are less fortunate. Step 5 Recognize joy in small things. Make it a habit to write down what you're grateful for each day. This will train your mind to look for the positive things in life. Make lists of the things that you've accomplished on a regular basis as well. It doesn't matter how small the accomplishments might seem to other people. Major successes don't happen very often. Paying attention to your achievements along the way will help improve your mental attitude.
REFERENCES U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Building SelfEsteem Clarke College: "Make Yourself Happy" Developing a Positive Attitude Kansas State University: Cognitive Restructuring--Employing a Positive Attitude and Helpful Thoughts West Virginia University: The Winning Attitude U.S. News and World Report: Get Happy, and You'll Live Longer

This is a little story about the Rabbitts as we know them at Step into Life West Lakes.
Hi we are Andy, Leeanne, Daniel and Jess Rabbitt who all love coming out to the Step into Life fitness program. We have now lived in Adelaide for 3 years, having lived in country regions for most our lives. The main reason for coming to the city was to complete Daniel and Jesss schooling and also look for opportunities for Daniel post school. Daniels cerebral palsy was a result of a near drowning when he was 13months old and I suppose we are on a journey to make Daniels life (and Jesss) as normal and stimulating as possible. In the country, sport is as much about the social aspect and participation as it is competition and fitness. This is great as you get a certain amount of fitness, plus you get to know people very easily. When we came to Adelaide Leeanne and I were too old now to participate in team sports and were looking for a physical outlet. After I had attended a couple of classes it was obvious that this was the best choice of fitness for me plus it had all the aspects of a friendly team environment. I think its great how we can all do it together and still cater for all fitness levels. I said to Leeanne she should also join but she was un-sure as now being a little older and having previously broken both ankles and a collarbone after falling off horses at different times, the body might completely fall apart. To her surprise (and mine) she has not only held together but is able to continually improve her running and fitness. I wonder if Shannon can get her to run as fast as she can talk?!! It was when Leeanne was back on the farm at KI being the mid-wife to the ewes that were lambing that I took Daniel to a Saturday morning session. On the first week he was looking a little bored and so the following week I pushed him around at the warm up. He really enjoyed this and it was then that Shannon and Carly suggested that he could participate in any part of the program. For Daniel this is the highlight of his week which is obvious from the noise he makes. We would like to say a big thank you to Shannon and Carly and Everybody that attends Step into Life West Lakes for having Daniel in the program as I know sometimes he is a little too noisy and that his chair has probably pushed you off the track (mostly Candidos fault) and although he enjoys the running it is the group that makes it for Daniel with high fives, saying gday etc. For us the increase in our fitness has been great, but its the environment that we are training in that makes it easy and worthwhile.

From Shannon and Carly: Daniels favourite Step into Life session would have to be our cardiomax marathon sessions. The whole West Lakes team give him a high five as he and Andy come flying past. Daniel can often be heard in the car park when hes getting out of the car before a session yelling and calling out because of the excitement and jubilation that he gets from being involved with such a great group. The amazing thing is that you would think pushing a heavy wheelchair would affect Andys running times, but amazingly over the time at Step into Life he has been able to run just as fast with the wheelchair as when he first started without Daniel!!! I and the whole Step into Life West Lakes team are inspired by what Andy and Daniel have been able to do and achieve. I remember watching Andy and Daniel run the Henley Beach Bash this year 4km run between jetties along the beach. Yes thats right, on the soft sand. They still manage to run just over 26mins. A brilliant effort. The camaraderie amongst our Step into Life West Lakes team is fantastic. Some of our members will also get involved and give Andy a hand to push Daniel around the park just to make it a little easier for Andyespecially when its a hills session The boys often compete in the South Australian Road Runners Club events and can be definitely heard and seen along the way. Andy completed his first half marathon this year and I think next year well target doing the half marathon with Daniel..what do you think Andy? Having Daniel train with us isnt a problem, its a pleasure. We get just as much joy out of seeing him smile and carry on yelling and screaming in the early hours of the morning as he does. Any session we do weve been able to include Daniel into the session. It might be a cardiomax games, blitz, circuit or even a boxkick session, it doesnt matter we can always get the boys a great workout and have a lot of FUN.

Partying without the pounds

With a little party planning, social events need not sabotage your healthy eating plan. Here are some tips to feel more confident about managing food at functions.

Avoid stockpiling your plate with food you may not need, but are likely to eat. Take one or two items and come back for more if you are genuinely hungry. Adopt a pastry-free policy. By avoiding one of the most calorie laden party foods, youll be ahead. Choose a smaller plate at buffets and smorgasbords. Move away from the buffet once you have something on your plate. When you move away, face the opposite direction so as not to be tempted back for more. At the party, talk more and eat less. Eat slowly and pay attention to your stomachs fullness signals so you know when its time to stop eating. You dont have to finish your plate. Its far better to put the calories in the waste than around your waist. Be first to push your plate away. This will signal to others that its OK to stop eating too. Place leftovers in the fridge or freezer immediately after serving. This makes it harder to go back for more. Dont feel youll offend the host if you dont have dessert. If you are satisfied with the main course, put yourself first and let the host know the meal was lovely and that you are full. Clear the table after the meal, rather than leaving food out as tempting all-afternoon or all-night nibbles. Better still - give any leftovers to guests when they leave. You have to put yourself first. Go dancing or go for a stroll after dinner to burn up some of the extra calories. If you overindulge, try not to feel guilty, as this can make it harder to get back on track the next day. Having flexibility in your program is a key factor for success.

Start the day of a party with a healthy breakfast. if you know there will be only high-calorie foods at the party, eat a little less than you usually would during the day (no starving) Dont arrive hungry. Have a small healthy snack before the function to take the edge of your hunger. Schedule an activity session before the party so youve burnt up calories in advance. If youve been asked to bring a plate, bring a lowcalorie dish you know you can eat. If you are the food provider, plan your menus. Only buy and prepare as much food as you need. Throw your own party and put on a low-calorie spread. Your guests may be pleasantly surprised at how tasty it is. Let people know you are eating healthy foods and ask that they dont offer you fatty or sugary treats. Set yourself a limit for alcohol before you start partying and stick to your plan. Choose diet soft drinks, mineral water or plain chilled water. When offered pre-dinner snacks from a platter, simply say Ive already tried it it was lovely, but Ill save myself for dinner.

Matt ONeill BSpSc, MSc, APD, AN, Nutritionist, Sunrise & Morning Show

At Last - Guilt Free Eating!

Healthy Recipe

Thai Shredded Chicken Salad

Serves: 2 Prep: 20mins
Ingredients 1 cups cooked skinless chicken breast shredded (150g) 1 cup Chinese cabbage (wombok) shredded 1 cup bean shoots 1 carrot, finely grated bunch coriander leaves 2 green shallot stalks (green part only) Sesame seeds to garnish Dressing cup reduced-sodium soy sauce 3 tsp sesame oil 1 tbsp lime juice ( lime) 1 small red chilli, seeded and chopped tsp brown sugar Method 1. In a large mixing bowl, combine shredded chicken, bean shoots, carrot, coriander and shallots. 2. Combine ingredients for dressing in a screw-top jar and shake to mix well. 3. Just before serving, pour dressing over the salad and mix well. Garnish with sesame seeds. Optional: serve in iceberg lettuce leaf cups.

Cooking: 0mins

MJ Nutrition Matt ONeill

Exchanges per serve



Nutrients per serve

1207kj (289 cals), 25.9g Protein, 18.6g Fat, 3.4g Saturated Fat, 2.9g Carbs, 2.5g Sugars, 2.6g Fibre, 1235mg Sodium Source:

Refer a friend and well give you anything you want!

At Step into Life we value your patronage and the people you refer to us.
Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness to your friends and family by referring them to Step into Life. For each friend who joins as a result of your referral to any Step into Life Franchise nationally, you will receive a Step into Life Any Store Gift Card to the value of $25. Use your referral gift card from us to purchase almost anything provided it can be purchased from a store which has eftpos facilities.

Step into Life has a fantastic opportunity for you to become a qualified Personal Trainer. We are inviting Step into Life members that would like to learn about becoming a Personal Trainer to contact our state offices. We will tell you how easy it is for you to become a qualified Personal Trainer. Every member that decides to go ahead with a Personal Trainer qualification will have access to course discounts at various providers. Contact your state office on 1300 134 136 for more information.

Due to customer demand we have Franchise territories available throughout Australia and New Zealand. If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness that would love to run a Fitness Franchise, please let them know about this exciting opportunity. $1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes a Step into Life Franchisee.

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Please support our national and local traders, and take advantage of the discounts they offer to Step into Life members. Simply, show your Step into Life membership key ring to the staff of participating outlets.

Receive a 20% Discount on all Ryders Eyewear Products

To purchase Ryders Eyewear visit and quote the promo code that corresponds to your state SIL-SA-2012 SIL-NSW-2012 SIL-VIC-2012 SIL-QLD-2012 SIL-WA-2012

Discount movie tickets from your trainer


Subscribe to Men's Health and Women's Health magazine for JUST $26 every quarter by automatic credit card payment. You'll SAVE a massive $85 off the full price in the first year. Plus both of these fantastic magazines will be delivered direct to you FREE. Also, this offer is RISK FREE - you can cancel at any time, no questions asked!

Radisson Resorts & Hotels

Members receive discount accommodation at the following: Radisson Blue Hotel Sydney Radisson Hotel & Suites Sydney Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens Melbourne Radisson Resort Gold Coast Offers Valid till December 2012. Terms & Conditions available from the Radisson.

SAVE yourself over 43%


VIDEO EZY 401 PRINCESS HIGHWAY NOBLE PARK Ph. 9547 5977 Receive New Releases for $2.95 . 292 CORRIGAN ROAD KEYSBOROUGH 9798 1402 Dr. Jose & Dr. Kevin


SUBWAY Receive ANY 6 Gram 6 inch Sub, salad or Wrap With a Mount Franklin Bottle of Water OR Yogurt for $8


Is a sponsor of SiL Keysborough therefore offer a complimentary first consult.

Remedial Mobile Massage Service 50% OFF that comes to you! 1st Consult Services the Bayside & & 10% OFF South Eastern Suburns After that Contact Donna on 0427 978 860

128 CHANDLER RD NOBLE PARK 9798 4081 Receive 10% off all consultations



KEYSBOROUGH 9711 7562 Dr Penny Gosling All current Step into Life members receive concession rates.

159 KINGSCLERE AVE KEYSBOROUGH 9711 7562 Receive 10% off all consultations


Cue Sports & Entertainment Complex

240 Princes Highway Dandenong Ph: (03) 9794 6588

10% off Services & Merchandise Fancy a ride? Join these guys on Saturdays 8am Call the Store and speak with Brett

20% OFF! Ladies/Gents Haircuts, Perms, Colours, Shaving, Facials, Swiss Skin Care Products, Work Shops, Threading and even a massage chair and coffee while you wait


SHOP G1 PARKMORE SHOPPING CENTRE Ph: 9769 1466 Receive a FREE hot drink with any meal purchase.

0467 346 837

Members receive special rates


20% OFF Vibram FiveFingers Available from Peak Potential Mentone

9551 9435. Hire a water cooler and get two 15 litre bottles for FREE

131-133 Lower Dandenong Rd

Must make an appointment to try them on for sizing

Aqua Central provide a free scheduled delivery service. Their spring water is sourced from a protected spring in the Daylesford Region of Victoria and is bottled by hygienically sealed 15 litre returnable bottles

9584 1308

Franchise Directory
To find your nearest location please visit our website

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