Google Doc-How Thailand Exports Poncho

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Thailand exports computers by shipping.

Thailand exports computer to malls not factories.

Organize computer and information technology events in Thailand. Comtech Thailand 2012 is the largest exhibition for corporation that manufacture and sell IT products.

(PC world magazine)

The factory workers put them together. v=SeGqCl3YAaQ&noredirect=1

Before the term was used to describe a machine that computes, it was first used to call a person who does mathematical computation.

The name computer came from the viking king.,5753, -18959,00.html

The Factory worker gets the computer and sell it.

(Primary source from mum) Good start Poncho. You need some more information though. lets talk tomorrow - Ms Andrews ok it's already tomorrow. Ms andrews can you fix the white outline for the words.- Yes i did, I will have to show you so you can do it in the future!

Thailand export computer

The computer industry in Thailand has been an important factor in the countrys economic growth and industrialization of the past 20 years. Computers and parts have been Thailand's leading industrial export since 1985 with the value of computers and parts exported in 1998 reaching US$ 8 billion, amounting to 15 per cent of the country's total exports for the year.With the exception of 1992 and 1993, the average rate of growth for computer exports over the past decade was 20 percent a year.Most of the manufacturers of computers and parts in Thailand are foreign companies who receive promotional privileges from the Board of Investment (BOI). According to the BOI, some 53 manufacturers were granted promotional status as of 1998, with the stipulation that 80 per cenMt of their production must be exported.

Thailand export computer

Computers and parts have been Thailand's leading industrial export since 1985 with the value of computers and parts exported in 1998 reaching US$ 8 billion, amounting to 15 per cent of the country's total exports for the year. With the exception of 1992 and 1993, the average rate of growth for computer exports over the past decade was 20 percent a year.

Exports of computers and parts in 1999 showed an increase of only two percent over the previous year, which is low in comparison with recent years. Computer parts made up about 76 per cent of total value of computer exports, with the rest consisting of completely built up units. Major export markets were the US, Singapore and the EU, taking in 28, 27 and 20 percent of the total value of Thailands computer exports respectively.The hard disk drive industry in Thailand began in 1983 with Seagates investment in head-stack assembly, employing some 50 workers. Some fifteen years later, the industry has expanded to include around 25 firms engaged in all aspects of the industrys assembling and manufacturing activities. The HDD industry accounted for approximately ten percent of Thailands total exports in 1998, earning US$ 5.3 billion.

Thailand has become one of the worlds important production sites for hard disk drives and related components, but the country faces significant competition from Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and China. While American and Japanese companies dominate sales of HDD, over 65 percent of product final assembly is achieved in Southeast Asia with Singapore having almost 50 percent of the total market.

http://www.thailand. com/exports/html/industry_computer.htm

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