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High Blood Pleasure (HYPERTENSION)

What is High Blood Pleasure Causes of Hypertension Symptoms of Hypertension Medicines for Hypertension Define Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels. Normal blood pressure is an average systolic pressure of 120 mm of Hg and an average diastolic pressure of 80 mm of Hg. If it is 120/80 mm of Hg or less, that means normal. Systolic pressure means the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and diastolic pressure means the pressure that apply between each beats of the heart. If the blood pressure is 140/90 mm of Hg or more and it will be high blood pressure called Hypertension. Pre-hypertension is the elevated blood pressure where between 120/80 to 139/89 mm of Hg. It is one of the vital and critical sign that shows the health of heart, so we have to be careful with this and need to control diet, lifestyle etc. How do we measure blood pressure? The instrument which measures the blood pressure called Sphygmomanometer. Anyone can use that instrument to check blood pressure and the digital BP measuring instrument is not reliable without calibration. What is High Blood Pleasure (HYPERTENSION)? Hypertension is defined as the elevated blood pressure that exceeds 140/90 mm of Hg. It is classified into two types, Primary Hypertension and Secondary Hypertension. Primary Hypertension is the term for high BP which has an unknown cause and the Secondary Hypertension is the state of elevated blood pressure with known cause like tumors, renal diseases etc. Compared to primary hypertension, there is only 5% of secondary hypertension in all reported cases. Is Low Blood Pressure good or not? No, it's not good for health. Low BP is the pressure when it so low due to low blood flows through blood vessels. In this case the low blood supply causes lack of oxygen and nutrient supply to organs like brain, heart, kidney etc may lead to damage of those organs. It is not diagnosed by a specific BP measurement; there will be related signs and symptoms. What are the Causes of Hypertension? There will not be any causes of Primary Hypertension and it may be due to a combination of some risk factors. The main factor is Age and race; there is a chance to elevate BP when we are in old age compared to younger ones. We have seen that the Africans and Americans have high blood pressure compared to others. Some of the inborn factors like genes and insulin resistance can be a reason for increasing the blood pressure. In most of the hypertensive cases, lifestyle was the main reason for hypertension. That is an uncontrolled diet like increased salt concentration in food materials and lack of exercise. Obesity, stress and bad habits like chronic smoking and heavy alcoholism will increase the blood pressure. So this medical case has the easy curative and preventive measures by changing lifestyle as per doctor's instruction. Secondary hypertension is due to long-term usage of some medications like NSAIDs, birth control pills, diet pills. Heavy drinking of alcohol, usage of cocaine and nicotine may worsen the condition of elevated BP. Medical conditions like renal and endocrine disorders, pregnancy, hyperparathyroidism and renal artery stenosis may cause Hypertension. Do you know the Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension? In most of the cases we have seen that the people won't know that they are hypertensive, because it is asymptomatic. So it is called as “Silent Killer”. If the hypertension is untreated or unknown, that may lead to complicated medical conditions like heart attack, stroke etc. In rare cases there will be headache, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, chest pain and shortness of breath. 90% of people won't take medicines for hypertension, till they get any complications like heart failure, kidney failure, eye damage, stroke, heart attack etc. How do we Maintain a normal Blood Pressure? To maintain normal blood pressure we have to follow the strict healthy diet and increase the intake of water. Try to avoid the intake of food with rich saturated fats and get hydrogenated food. Limit the fried, tinned and baked foods. Eat food with rich fiber and have fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. Prefer whole grains over white flour and eat some nuts, peas, seeds etc. Try to do some exercises at least for 30 minutes. Reduce the intake of salt and stop smoking and alcoholism. Check the blood pressure regularly and get instruction from doctor for controlling.

Medicines for Hypertension: Diuretics – it helps to excrete sodium from the kidneys and maintain BP. Beta blockers – It's slower the heartbeat rate, same time the BP becomes low. Calcium channel blockers - relax blood vessels by stopping calcium from entering cells Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - relax the blood vessels Angiotensin II receptor blockers. Alpha blockers Vasodilators Natural Remedies for hypertension: The best natural product to reduce the high blood pressure is garlic and it is a long term medicine that is used by most of the patients to control their BP. There are some vegetables that help to reduce the blood pressure and they are bitter melon, bitter gourd, carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and flower vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage etc. Some fruits like melon, bananas, prunes etc can reduce blood pressure. Do you know the consequences of untreated hypertension? If the hypertension is not treated properly, may leads to failure of our vital organs like heart, kidney, eyes etc. There are some disease conditions due to untreated hypertension and they are chronic renal diseases, Heart failure, Transient Ischemic attack, disturbances in vision etc.

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