Nanohana: Fortnightly Newsletter

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Edition 67December 14th 2012
Welcome to the Sixty Seventh Edition .

Kindergarten Winter Performance

Well done to both Kindergarten and Elementary for their excellent Winter Performances. For the children these events are so important and memories they keep for a very long time. I hope that parents will agree that holding the event outside of school was largely a success. A special thanks to the Arts Team for organizing this years Performances so well. Our vision at MIS is to improve everything we do each year and I believe we have done so once more. I hope parents enjoyed the shows! Obic Seagulls On Monday evening, 60 of our children and parents are going to Tokyo Dome to take part in prematch celebrations for the last match of the American Football Season. As parents will remember, Obic Seagulls came to MIS a while ago. They have very kindly asked our children to form an honour guard with their cheerleaders for when the team enter the field. I was amazed that so many children were keen to attendbut also delighted. Lets have a great evening! Lost and found items are still in the office so please check. They will be thrown away at the end of term as is our normal procedure.

End of Term Disco The School Council are organizing an end of term disco for all children on Thursday December 20th. On this day children should wear their school uniform to school but may bring their own clothes to change into for this event. There will be various activities that the children can watch and competitions to take part in with prizes being given out. This event is being entirely organized by the School Councilso well done to them. More information will be sent out nearer the time!.
Santa Clause We were delighted to hear that Santa Clause will be visiting some classes on Friday December 21st to distribute some presents! He will arrive at the school in the morning and then visit classes from that time onwards. I believe he will then also attend lunch with some staff and give them presents as well. We are all looking forward to seeing him again this year. Maths Challenge Answer = 72 years old.

Elementary Winter Performance House points up to this time for the whole of the school are as follows. Sari have 19 points. Nila have 21 points. Midori have 24 points and Rosso are in the lead with 36 points. There is still one week to go until the end of this term so teams have a lot to work towards. Please remember that each week the team with the most house points are given 4 points, the next team are given 3 points and so on.

House Points

Maths Challenge My grandsons age is about as many days as my sons age in weeks. My grandsons age is as many months as mine in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years old. Can you therefore tell me my age in years? The answer can be found on the opposite page at the bottom. Good luck. Winners will be mentioned in assembly as always! PTA News Please ensure you read the PTA newsletter that was sent home recently. It provides dates of a Coffee Morning to be held on January 19th, so please put that day in your diaries if you are keen to participate more in PTA events. There is also a PTA meeting scheduled to take place on Friday January 25th at 2.00pm in the school Media Centre. We hope to see many of you there.

Staffing As previously mentioned, we have a new ESL Coordinator (Ms. Min) beginning work at MIS in January 2013. We would like to thank Mr. Siddall for all his excellent work this term. He has been a quietly diligent teacher who I know the children have enjoyed working with. He has fitted in very well to life at MIS and will be sorely missed. We hope to see Mr. Siddall again in the future at MIS. Thank you! We also would like to remind parents that Takashina-sensei will not be with us from the January term. She is expecting her first child in the near future and we wish her well! She will be very much missed whilst she is away, by children and staff. I am sure she will let us know her good news in due course. News on her replacement will be made next week in a separate letter. However, as always, please be assured that we have made every effort to interview and recruit the very best staff we can, to help the children and school whilst Takashina-sensei is away from MIS.

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