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Lausanne, 10/12/2012

To the attention of all AIBA National Federations

Registered Testing Pool (RTP) Athletes 2013 ADAMS Whereabouts Submissions

Dear President, Dear Secretary General,

As you are aware, the AIBA has adopted and implemented the World Anti-Doping Code. Under this Code and the AIBA Rules, the AIBA plans and conducts out-of-competition tests each year. In this regards, AIBA created a list of high level athletes who will be part of the AIBA Registered Test Pool (RTP) and who must provide us with their whereabouts information in order to know where these athletes will be when selected for testing. Enclosed you will find the AIBA 2013 RTP List. With effect from the 1st of January 2013, all RTP athletes whereabouts information must be communicated through the ADAMS system only and any whereabouts documents received by IF will not be taken into account. WADA developed ADAMS to assist athletes and anti-doping organisations (ADOs) with the management of their anti-doping control procedures and information. The ADAMS Athlete Whereabouts functionality allows athletes to enter their information online in an easy-to-use web-based format, while those without Internet access may designate a representative, such as their National Federation (NF) or their National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO), to enter the information for them. ADAMS also monitors failures to provide adequate or accurate whereabouts information and notifies athletes directly, as necessary. In addition, whereabouts information can be shared among ADOs to gain efficiency and effectiveness in unannounced out-of-competition testing programs.

For more information about ADAMS, please consult: / ADAMS

Who is included in the 2013 AIBA Registered Testing Pool? While all international level athletes are subject to in- and out-of-competition testing at any time, the athletes in our RTP are included on a special list used by AIBA, NADOs and WADAs testing services for their unannounced out-of-competition testing program. Each athlete concerned has been informed individually, or through his/her NF, of his/her participation in the AIBA RTP Programme. The criteria of the 2013 AIBA RTP are available on the AIBA website. (; documents tab; antidoping) What do RTP athletes need to do? It is the responsibility of each athlete in the AIBA RTP to file whereabouts reports for the information of the AIBA, NADOs and WADA. Athletes should in this order: 1. Read the information about ADAMS on the AIBA webpage for ADAMS ( / documents / antidoping) Watch the Whereabouts video and the ADAMS Overview Presentation available at Log in to ADAMS with the username and password they have received from AIBA following the ADAMS Quick Reference Card for Athletes (available on the AIBA Website) An ADAMS training program is available. For this a separate username and password are required. For details please contact:




Monthly schedules are to be submitted on a quarterly basis, in English or French, before the first day of each quarter or by the deadline given by AIBA (1 January 31 March / 1 April 30 June / 1 July 30 September / 1 October 31 December). Athletes should be aware that for each day, one specific 60-minute time slot, between 6am and 11pm, during which they will be available for testing at a specified location must be indicated. Whereabouts information must be submitted in one of the AIBA official languages, English or French. The athletes are requested to fill in their Location Form and Monthly Schedule for January, February and March 2013 by December 31st 2012 RTP athletes must also update ADAMS with any changes to their whereabouts schedule on a regular basis. In order to help athletes, ADAMS provides a feature that allows them to send last minute changes for the current day whereabouts by text messaging (SMS). Please check the AIBA website for instructions. (; documents tab; antidoping) All information will be kept confidential and will only be communicated to WADA, NADOs and testing service providers for testing purposes. It is the responsibility of each National Federation that has athletes on the AIBA RTP to ensure that their whereabouts are submitted correctly and on time. This can be done through the ADAMS account that has been sent to all National Federations at:

What may happen if athletes fail to provide whereabouts information or the information provided is inaccurate? While we recognize that this is a time-consuming task, it is important for athletes to realize that accurate whereabouts information is crucial to ensure efficiency of the anti-doping programs, which are designed to protect the integrity of sport and to protect clean athletes. All RTP athletes must therefore be informed that failure to provide whereabouts information or accurate whereabouts information resulting in athletes being unavailable at the locations indicated can be considered a violation of the AIBA Anti-Doping Rules: 5.5.2 An Athletes failure to advise AIBA of his/her whereabouts shall be deemed a Filing Failure for purposes of Article 2.4 where the conditions of Article 11.3.5 of the International Standard for Testing are met. 5.5.3 An Athletes failure to be available for Testing at his/her declared whereabouts shall be deemed a Missed Test for purposes of Article 2.4 where the conditions of Article 11.4.3 of the International Standard for Testing are met. 7.5.3 Where, in any eighteen-month period, an Athlete in AIBAs Registered Testing Pool is declared to have three Filing Failures, or three Missed Tests, or any combination of Filing Failures or Missed Tests adding up to three in total, whether under these Anti-Doping Rules or under the rules of any other Anti-Doping Organization, AIBA shall bring them forward as an apparent anti-doping rule violation. 10.3.3 For violations of Article 2.4 (Filing Failures and/ or Missed Tests), the period of Ineligibility shall be at a minimum one (1) year and at a maximum two (2) years based on the Athletes degree of fault.

National Federations may also be sanctioned, according to the AIBA Anti-Doping Rules if they dont fulfill their obligations to assist AIBA. 5.5.1 extract: It shall as well be the responsibility of each National Federation to use its best efforts to assist AIBA in obtaining whereabouts information as requested by AIBA. 12.1 It is the duty of each National Federation to ensure that these Anti-Doping Rules are respected and to collaborate with AIBA regarding any anti-doping matter. Failure to comply may lead to a referral to the AIBA disciplinary Commission and to the sanctioning of the National Federation. 12.4.3 A National Federation has failed to make diligent efforts to keep AIBA informed about an Athletes whereabouts after receiving a request for that information from AIBA. In such an event, AIBA may fine the National Federation a sum up to CHF 1000.(Swiss Francs one thousand) per athlete in addition to all of AIBA costs incurred in Testing that National Federation's Athlete.

We kindly request your assistance to ensure that the whereabouts of your athletes on the 2013 AIBA RTP List are submitted for January, February and March 2013. Should your athletes listed on the 2013 AIBA RTP have retired or retire during the year, please inform AIBA immediately by sending the Retirement Notification Form duly completed to Error! Bookmark not defined.The ADAMS accounts related to the RTP athletes were sent by email to all NFs concerned. Should you require any clarification or additional information, please consult the Anti-Doping section of the AIBA Website (; documents tab; antidoping) or direct your queries concerning antidoping by e-mail to: Ameline Gerbel at We thank you again for your precious assistance as it is of the utmost importance that the whereabouts submissions of the RTP athletes are fully and correctly provided and that WADAs and AIBAs objectives of protecting clean athletes are implemented successfully in your NF.

Yours Sincerely,

Ameline Gerbel AIBA Sport Director

Enclosed: AIBA 2013 RTP List Copies: - Chairman of AIBA Medical Commission - Chairwoman of the AIBA Anti-doping sub-Committee - WADA IFs Relations Manager

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