Majitek Overview Slides

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Next Generation Service Delivery

Using Leap Plaza to transform traditional service providers

FM2.0 B2C Property Services

The new growth market

Facility Managers
I need solutions to help me to charge and deliver maintenance services directly to building occupants

Property Managers
I need solutions to sell, support and charge tenants for ancillary services in the buildings they work and live in

Energy Companies
I have a financial obligation to encourage my customers to buy energy saving services for their buildings

Retail Companies
I have large customer base and I want to capture a % of their expenditure on home energy saving measures

Business To Consumer in Property Services

Capture New Revenue By Providing Maintenance Direct to Consumers Deliver B2C Services Using Common Operations and Existing Staff Expand Offering Beyond Maintenance Into Adjacent Value Added Services Lower Your Overall Costs Of Managing Each Customer

Introducing Majitek
We enable service businesses to become virtual service providers
Generate New Revenue from Existing Operations and Customers Reach New Customers Improve Efficiency In Existing Operations Lower Cost Of Customer Acquisition

The Leap Plaza platform supports these strategic objectives through

Unique Software-as-a-Service (cloud) Customer Service Delivery Platform Zero IT investments Deploy to Live in weeks Pay as you Grow Flexible to try new ideas with limited Risk/Cost

Leap Plaza

Property Service Delivery Platform

Improve Customer Experience

Offer web self-service with a consumer friendly interface

Improve Customer Contact

Ease-of-use to deliver more with your existing staff

Improve Field Operations

Simplify, automate, and track work and schedules

Show Me The Money

Electronic billing, invoicing, payments and receipts
YTD Revenue US$2.94M

Ave 83% Monthly Customer Growth during 2012

Ave Purchase Value US$525

Purchases per Buyer 1.7

Registration to Purchase Conversion 54%

Getting Started

SaaS makes this a business solution (zero IT investments)

A Pilot can be up and running in 1 week (90 days, xed fee) We can expand the range of services over time We can expand the number of customers over time Integrate to existing systems if and when you need to Negligible initial investment, prove out value before deciding No Capex, just pay as you use

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