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12 Steps to Understanding a Qualitative Research Report

Insert Student Name: Insert Student ID Number Student Programme ______________ ___________________________ Group Number

You are requested to work through Chapter 7 and 11 of Locke et al (2010) before you begin to work on any journal articles. Plan time to do this early to ensure you get the most benefit. Once you have your assigned/chosen journal article read it a few times to develop your knowledge and understanding of the article. Note your observations on what difference the article made to you. See Instructions from Chapter 7 and 11 of Locke et al

under each step. For your article create a 2 page long, 12 step framework. Pay attention to the additional information Locke et al have inserted at each step. more than 2 pages are to be used for any article you review. For practice (your draft 12 step framework) can extend to 3 pages but you need to re-visit and decrease content to 2 pages before you upload your work. I also recommend you take No

a separate note of all new terms that you come across both in the Locke et al text and any articles you read. You will then be able to come back to them later in the module. When you complete your first article you need to move onto a 2nd article that you found but decided not to use for a 12 step framework for qualitative research purposes. Reflect on what made you leave that article aside for the moment.

You have a minimum of 200 words to use for this. I have added an area after the 12 step framework for this purpose. Finally please include a bibliography of the articles you found when you searched for your chosen topic. List these in Harvard reference style. Again I have assisted by reminding you

Data Analysis ModuleM1N120382-12-A and Spirduso (2010)

Adapted from Locke, Silverman

12 Steps to Understanding a Qualitative Research Report

that there is a specific sequence used to inform all the important information to find the article(s) that you have found.

Step 1. CITATION in Harvard Reference style Step 2. PURPOSE AND GENERAL RATIONALE Step 3 FIT AND SPECIFIC RATIONALE Step 4. PARTICIPANTS Step 5. CONTEXT Step 6. STEPS IN SEQUENCE. In the order performed, what were the main procedural steps in the study? Describe (diagram for yourself separately) (Refer to Locke et al, 2010, page 211) Step 7. DATA. Step 8. ANALYSIS Step 9. RESULTS Step 10.CONCLUSIONS Step 11. CAUTIONS. Step 12. DISCUSSION.

Data Analysis ModuleM1N120382-12-A and Spirduso (2010)

Adapted from Locke, Silverman

12 Steps to Understanding a Qualitative Research Report


You could begin this part with ..

SECOND ARTICLE ON THIS TOPIC The second article that relates to (enter the topic) was written by (insert author(s) name with the year published in brackets). The reasons that this article was not developed through the 12 step framework are as follows:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx


Author surname, initial(s), (year published) Title of the article, Journal title in italic print, Volume and/or Issue Number of the journal, pages that the article appears in noted as pp # - # Data Analysis ModuleM1N120382-12-A and Spirduso (2010) Adapted from Locke, Silverman

12 Steps to Understanding a Qualitative Research Report

1st Author surname and initials with a comma between names, 2nd authors details and 3rd authors details (year published) Title of article, Journal title in italics, Volume and/or Issue Number of the journal, pages that the article appears in noted as pp# - #

Data Analysis ModuleM1N120382-12-A and Spirduso (2010)

Adapted from Locke, Silverman

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