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52512 ,' " 01 10 HaTa'as St. Ramat Gan 52512, Israel www.israellawcenter.


Tel: 972-3-7514175 : Fax: 972-3-7514174 : Tel (US): 212-591-0073

Hanukah, 2012 Dear Friends, As we celebrate Hanukahs heroic story of the Jewish peoples struggle against its murderous oppressors; Shurat HaDin continues to be involved in dramatic new efforts to combat Israels modern enemies. During the past several weeks, the Jewish State has been subjected to numerous unprecedented challenges. The recent rocket war with Hamas in Gaza saw over a thousand powerful missiles being fired at Israeli population centers. Although, the IDF utilized its state of the art defense systems to neutralize much of this threat, the fear and peril inflicted upon millions of Israeli civilians has left the country in a difficult state. As one of those who was forced into shelters numerous times as the Code Red early warning sirens wailed, I can attest first hand to the fear the rocket attacks provoked in regular citizens in cities all across Israel. The Islamic terrorists in Gaza proved that they could successfully smuggle long range rockets into the Palestinian controlled territories and rain a brand new form of violence on city centers previously thought to be out of their range. Make no mistake; they have been emboldened by their new terrorist capabilities. Almost as soon as a cease fire with Hamas was negotiated, the Palestinian Authority (PA) launched its bid in the United Nations for non-member observer state status. The campaign which resulted in a successful vote in the General Assembly is just the latest international effort by the Palestinians and their supporters at delegitimizing Israel and challenging its right to exist as a Jewish state. Armed with their new status it will only be a matter of time until the Palestinians attempt to join the International Criminal Court and launch war crime investigations against Israel in the Hague. The harm that the indictment of Israeli officials, IDF officers and soldiers will cause cannot be underestimated and it will put Israel on a diplomatic collision course with many other countries. Moreover, the strenuous efforts by the Iranians to procure a nuclear weapon that could be launched against Israel, continues unabated. While the whirlwind of civil war continues in Syria and while Egypt and other Middle Eastern regimes remain engulfed in upheaval and violent demonstrations, Tehran is utilizing the political turmoil to speed along its nuclear program. Israel has yet to find an international consensus or coalition to confront this extremist threat. Time, terrifyingly, seems to be on the Iranians side. With each passing month it appears more and more likely that Israel might have to undertake action against the Iranian nuclear program alone. Shurat HaDin has been pushing forward in all directions to assist Israel and the world Jewish community in confronting these menacing challenges. We employ a network of law offices in North America, South America and Europe to wage this legal struggle.

Combating terror financing: We are seeking justice for the victims of the 2006 Hezbollah rocket attacks by targeting the Lebanese banking system which is the backbone of the Islamic terrorist groups infrastructure and financial base. We have won a historic decision allowing the victims to assert US court jurisdiction over the banks in Beirut that move funds for Hezbollah. In addition, our lawsuits on behalf Sderot rocket victims against other banking institutions for providing services to Hamas are proceeding in the New York court and we have recently won several important decisions. Stopping US funding from reaching the terrorists: We are working to obstruct funds provided to the PA by the State Department and USAID from falling into the hands of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza. A lawsuit was filed in the Washington, DC federal court against Secretary Hillary Clinton alleging that Congressionally legislated safeguards and oversight requirements have been illegally ignored. The lawsuit contends that presidential waivers facilitating funding to the PA have not complied with reporting and transparency obligations and that a portion of American aid is being provided to the terrorist organizations for their operations. Targeting and Isolating Iran: We are tracking Iranian funding and targeting those financial institutions that provide services and facilitate Irans Central Bank and oil industry. We have warned, and are now preparing legal actions against satellite communication companies which provide services to the Iranian oil tankers and allow them to navigate their banned cargo to ports in violation of international sanctions. We are seeking to further isolate the Islamic Republic by taking action against courier and communication service providers which allow Tehran to maintain contact with the outside world. Battling the BDS movement: We are blocking new efforts by the extremist boycotts, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) to delegitimize the Jewish States right to exist. We are working to combat boycotts and other anti-Israel campaigns in different Scandinavian and European countries. We are investigating the financial ties and cooperation between the movement to delegitimize Israel internationally and the Muslim Brotherhood. Defending IDF officers against war crimes allegations: We are organizing groups of terror victims who are prepared to bring their own war crime complaints against Palestinian officials in the International Criminal Court should the PA seek membership and attempt to prosecute IDF officials. Shurat HaDin has experience in going on the legal offensive to defend against efforts to indict IDF officers and servicemen for war crimes. If the PA attempts to become a signatory to the Rome Treaty and tries to have the Hague Court prosecute Israel for war crimes, we intend that hundreds of victims of Palestinian terror will flood the Court with their own complaints against the PA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad leadership and Palestinian bodies and media outlets for crimes against humanity and genocide. Those who seek to wage lawfare against Israel and challenge its right to exist will find that they too are subject to the rule of law.


The expenses of these and other cases and campaigns is ever mounting. We must utilize expert intelligence and military witnesses, translators and local law offices. We incur filing fees, travel cost and numerous other litigation expenses in order to prosecute these cutting edge proceedings and seek a measure of justice for the families of the victims of terrorism. Shurat HaDin is helping Israel, the Jewish community and the terror victims to fight back. We demand compensation from terrorist groups, outlawed regimes and banks that facilitate their criminal operations. In this day and age, no one can simply kill and injure Jews and walk away without paying a price. No one can wage lawfare against the Jewish State and not expect to come into the legal crosshairs themselves. We need your partnership to continue our legal struggle on Israels behalf. If you are outraged by the Palestinian and Islamic groups wanton murder of innocent Israelis, frustrated by the United Nations aggression, believe that terror victims must be compensated by the terrorists, angered by the world's indifference and fearful for Israel's future, we ask you to make a generous contribution to Shurat HaDin's work. Click here to donate.

Wishing you a meaningful Festival of Lights.


Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Esq. Director Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center


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