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FADE IN INT: PLAYGROUND DAYTIME SCENE 1 OLIVIA (17) is sitting on the bench VOICEOVER Some people think that school is the best of times and the worst of times, with the so called popular girl prancing around, with God playing a practical joke on her with beauty but no brains, and with a moustache that we all know that she waxes. Like the girl over there, you couldnt miss here with the ET glow and the look of everyone loves me but in fact everyone hates her. OLIVIA is still sitting on the bench and tilts her head to one side then the other The same people in EVERY sports team; even though he is rubbish at sports in general. And so even when we lose the yearly football match against Ilford Country High School, he still manages to win sportsman of the year. Like the boy over there, making out he is the comedian of the year, and tripping up anyone who comes near him that could be considered too nerdy or freaky. But for me school is a waste of time, half the people I know at the moment I will forget their names in five years. And hopefully this is dump they call A Educational Foundation But as I said school is the best of times and the worst of times. OLIVIA is still sitting on the bench. CUT TO SCENE 2 VOICEOVER Thinking back to my school life, and I have to admit there have been some embarrassing moments in my life to tripping over endlessly and balls hitting me on the head in dodge ball.

INT: SPORTS HALL DAYTIME FLASHBACK OLIVIA is in the sports hall, about to catch the ball. A ball from the opposite direction had hit her on the head. OLIVIA trips slightly causing her not to catch the ball. OLIVIA just stands there embarrassed. EXT: PLAYGROUND DAYTIME

Olivia is still on the bench; she grabs her bag and flask and heads towards the doors. OLIVIA is looking through a classroom door/window. CUT TO SCENE 3 FLASHBACK VOICEOVER The most embarrassing moment although happened in this classroom, year 8 it happened. I would never forget it. INT: CLASSROOM DAYTIME OLIVIA is sitting on a chair, and is about to get up when she cant. There is a confused look on her face. She tries again and is successful. OLIVIA walks out the classroom. INT: SCHOOL CORRIDOR DAYTIME OLIVIA is walking down the corridor VOICEOVER What I didnt realise that there was chewing gum stuck on my skirt and that is how I got my name gumbum. Yep. Wonderful memories. Wonderful nicknames. It cant get any worse can it? Well it did. I only realised that I had been walking around with gum stuck to my bum when I looked on Facebook that night. So great, the whole school knew. Just what I needed. My ass stuck on the internet forever with gum stuck to it with the tag gumbum.

CUT TO SCENE 4 FLASHBACK EXT: OFFICE DOORS DAYTIME OLIVIA is now working out of some doors. VOICEOVER I remember my first relationship out here, well my first break up anyways. This happened in year 11. EXT: OFFCIE ENTRANCE DAYTIME PETER and OLIVIA are sitting on a bench PETER Look there is something that I need to talk to you about okay honey? I havent been completely honest with who I am really or just who I am. As you properly noticed I am quite into people like Gok Wan and Kylie Minogue and fashion so there is not really an easy way to say this to you butI am gay. OLIVIA just sits there with a shock looked on her face, emotionless. VOICEOVER I should have seen it coming. Jazz hands. Check. Man purse. Check. Glitter blazer. Check. Yep I was dating a gay dude. How embarrassing. As you do I made out I ended it with him. CUT TO SCENE 5 EXT: MAIN SCHOOL DOORS EVENING OLIVIA is walking out of the doors and heading for the exit of the school VOICEOVER University, ucas points, open days, degrees and student finance this has all been shoved down my throat by the head of year. I am going to uni, yep me a student for another four years working on my degree to be a doctor. Yep ditzy, little old I got in to Cambridge. So up yours popular girl and sports

man of the year, who by the way are now working in Tescos as life employees. Dumb asses. OLIVIA is still walking down path towards the exit doors. VOICEOVER The best time of my life and the worst time of my life, I think I would certainly have to agree with old dickens there. Lets see if hes right about uni INT: STREET EVENING OLIVIA is walking out the gates with the gates completely shutting. FADE OUT

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