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ins(tu(ons re-congurate their visual iden(ty on the internet

Beatriz Sznaider - Ximena Tobi Ciencias de la Comunicacin, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA. 2012 Proyecto UBACyT: Letra, imagen, sonido. Convergencias y divergencias en los medios y en el espacio urbano (2011-2014). Director: Jos Luis Fernndez

World Wide Web: an extension of tradi(onal communica(on spaces of ins(tu(ons

InsQtuQons on Facebook: an specic way of managing the relaQonship with their audience, through the convergence of a variety of technical devices, discourses y social pracQces.
Facebook was born to connect InsQtuQonal communicaQons: discoursive genre which refers to people (today: personal proles, fanpages, groups) the bond ins(tu(on-audience

Facebook interface features allows the construcQon of a virtual common (shared) space. Proposed acQons (share, like, comment, recommend) are shown as an organiced collecQon of verbal and iconic visual elements. InsQtuQon/user interac(on as well as user/user and user/objects interacQon take place on a con(nuous and perpetual temporality.

cuan(ta(ve reinforcement

capacity of genera(ng community prosumers voices (words) get into an ins(tu(onal space public conversa(on ins(tu(on-prosumers

InsQtuQons communica(ng 24/7 , always available. Here and now ins(tu(on-audience rela(onship is being updated. (interacQon). The Constant present of communicaQonal exchange is arQculated with past (archive: what have insQtuQons did and said).

Biography as a Qmeline is the spacial-visual format of temporality con(nuous upda(ng.



Header: idenQfying and Date selector promoQonal usage Ins(tu(onal contents in and out of the Facebook fanpage

InsQtuQonal informa(on Space to write Our own friend (fans of the insQtuQon) Prosumers posts. Fanpages liked by in(tu(on / space for recommendaQons.


Wall = Posts + comments

There are divergent visibility spaces for the same fanpage

Ins(tu(ons as speakers on Facebook

Symmetrical enunciaQon: game of singulari(es played by insQtuQon and its audience.
Enunciator Ins(tu(on Facebook Prosumers


Gain: new communicaQon channel Loss: subrogated communicaQon


Radio booth: space which centralizes radio-emission language (Fernndez, 1994). An eect of inQmacy complements with polaroids the casual style of radio show (genre). Hosts: in acQon portraits (Mitre) or studio photography (Metro). Radio staQons as insQtuQons present themselves, they are through the persons who make them.

Quilmes online communica(on system: FB executes brand promise the avour of ge\ng together

Par(al conclusions
The fact of ranking of the most recent events, what is happening now, obligues ins(tu(ons to be in ac(on: talking with their public (or the lack of it). InteracQon brings closeness and a more symmetric relaQonship: personalisaQon of insQtuQons and insQtuQonalisaQon of people. Emergent meaning: somebody is there (on the other side of the screen).

Thank you!
Beatriz Sznaider Ximena Tobi

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