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2012 by Donald E. Pusch. Some rights reserved.

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Vaudreuil's Code Book

Donald E. Pusch In 1757, with the French and Indian War then in its fourth year, a set of codes was created by the French naval ministry and provided to the governor general of New France, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, for use in protecting his communications with the minister. The code, of a type called a two-part nomenclator, allowed Vaudreuil's administrative staff to encode his dispatches, producing documents that consisted mostly of numbers. Following is the first paragraph of one such letter, written from Montreal on August 13, 1760, less than a month before 1 Vaudreuil's complete surrender of the colony. Monseigneur, 356.661.198.107.590.271.453.341.51.51.674. 235.214.471.235.642.594. 512.341.235.688.123.336.235.642.673.55.642. 217.430.421. 626.642.354.608.192.674. The coding method, although simple to use, provided a moderately robust means of protecting sensitive correspondence. How it works is explained in detail in the author's article, "Kerlrec's Cipher: The Code Book of Louisiana's Last French Governor," Louisiana History, vol. 49 (fall 2008), pp. 46380. That article reported the results of the author's investigation of the French two-part nomenclator used throughout the Seven Years' War (of which the French and Indian War was a subset) by Louis de Kerlrec, then governor of Louisiana. Vaudreuil's code was similar in structure but contained different code elements. The basis for the code is a set of letters, word fragments, and whole words, each of which is assigned a number from 1 to 700. In the example, the encoded text can be decoded as follows: 356 ja 661 i 198 trai 107 te 235 s 688 different 235 s 608 en 590 pa 642 de 123 es 247 compte 192 rend 271 r 594 ce 336 partie 235 s 674 re 453 des 204 qui 235 s 547 que 341 le 235 s 642 de 356 ja 51 t 251 est 673 la 661 i 51 t 411 pas 55 colonie 529 eu 674 re 309 se 642 de 67 l

235 214 471 s particulier e 512 dans 217 puis 626 honneur 341 le 430 les 642 de 235 s 421 dernier 354 vous

The plaintext French is thus: "J'ai trait par des lettres particulires de ce qui s'est pas[s] dans les diffrentes parties de la colonie depuis les derniers comtes que j'ai eu l'honneur de vous en rendre."

Vaudreuil to Minister, Montreal, August 13, 1760. ANOM, Colonies C


105, fol. 147r52r.

Or in English: "I have dealt, in specific letters, with that which took place in various parts of the colony since the last report on it that I have had the honor to render to you." The letter continues on for several pages describing the desperate circumstances that existed at Montreal, Trois Rivires, and Ristigouche, and on Lakes Ontario and Champlain as the English accelerated their efforts to subdue the entire colony. It also describes Vaudreuil's ongoing redeployment of the land and naval resources still available to him, the details of which were worth protecting. In regard to the degree of security that Vaudreuil's code provided, it should be noted that the code itself was created in 1757 but was still in use in the fall of 1760. Modern security practices would dictate much more frequent code changes in order to reduce the amount of information that would be compromised should the code be broken. But apparently this was of little concern to the French during this era. The code used by Governor Kerlrec in Louisiana was active without modifications from 1755 to 1762. Had the code been broken early in this period, any encoded letters that fell into enemy hands after that point could have been easily read. Breaking such a code would certainly have been possible. Also, at the naval ministry, when an encoded letter was received, a cipher clerk would decode it and annotate, directly on the face of the encoded letter, the corresponding plaintext, which was usually written between the lines of code. The letter would then be circulated to various officials for action. Should a few of these parallel texts fall into enemy hands, the entire code book would have been compromised. In fact, this is exactly how the author was able to reconstruct Kerlrec's code book. In the case of Vaudreuil's code book, reconstruction was not necessary, because the code book survives, held 11E today at the Archives nationales d'outre mer (ANOM) at Aix-en-Provence. It is cited as Colonies C 10, fol. 280 (although the folio numbers are somewhat irregular). For the benefit of scholars interested in performing a firsthand decoding of Governor Vaudreuil's encoded lettersof which there are only a fewthe author presents here a complete transcript of the associated table dchiffr (decoding table). Canada 1757 Chiffre avec M. Le M[arqu]is de Vaudreil gouverneur et lieutenant gnral de la Nouvelle France Dchiffrant [ANOM, Colonies C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 gouvernement campagne etranger garnison intention magazin necessaire navigation possession ouvrage affaire par at ordon tre La Loisianne 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 favorable surplus denre menace ba limite fregate soient Erie b barque or glace enfin chevelure genre

10, fol. 280]

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