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China Political Change


How did the Republic of China (1912 1949) start? What were their goals? How did they overthrow the Qing Dynasty and the last emperor Puyi? Chinese Revolution. When a form of the republic of china ended a dynasty of over 2,000 years. Puyi (emperor) was only 3 when he took the crown. They took advantage of puyi of his age. Government was corrupt. They wanted to unify the groups and take back land that was taken from them. Puyi was still the face of china but he did not run the government.

What problems did the Republic of China (1912 1949) face both internally and internationally? Internal- Communist party intro. Chinese civil war communist vs. nationalist=communist win. Nationalist go to Taiwan. International- WW1 they were allied powers, same with Russia, USA, England, France. They were nationalist. (1912) the boxer rebellion (where they try to kick foreigners out) probably jump started WW1. Invasion of china.

How was Taiwan founded? What is its importance in relation to China and the Republic of China? The Nationalist came in. Taiwan is officially the republic of China which was first in the middle of China, in its mainland. It is a course of foreign relations that was expelled from the United Nations as well as it lost all international memberships.

What allowed for the Republic of China to fall and the Peoples Republic of China to begin? The republic of china fell in 1912 because of Yuan Shikai. The president at the time Sun Yixian stepped down and let Yuan rule but he was very foolish because he tried to recreate a dynasty but the men in the military didnt support him and this divided the nation. In 1949 the people republic of china was established with Beijing as its capital. The Soviet Union recognized the People s Republic on October 2, 1949. Mao the leader at the time established a new policy called leaning to one side. After months and months of bargaining in February 1950 China and the Soviet Union signed a friendship treaty and alliance and a mutual assistance which would stay valid until 1980. What issues did the Peoples Republic of China face internally and internationally in the first years of its creation? The Tiananmen Massacre started internally because their communist leader Party Secretary General
Hu Yaobang died, the people were in mourning and they decided to have and decided to have a high government officials funeral. No one thought that this would spark controversy but this would spark pro-democracy demonstrations which then led to the square protests and the massacre, which ended in shortly two months.


China Political Change


Internationally Tibet and china crackdown. China considered Tibet part of their territory but Tibet didnt like that. Tibet and China started to fight and Tibet killed many more Chinese people than china did Tibet. China was pretty embarrassed and closed down the out skirts of their country for a while to keep people out and they also monitored all internet access so people couldnt be showing footage or be talking about what had happened.

How has the Peoples Republic of China changed since its inception? It has still stayed a single party state. They lived under a martial law that was set as an emergencey that gave the president basically unlimited power for use against the communist. But then the martial law ended and people were treated very harshly. They have lowered prices on press and lifted prohibition against some parties. The Republic of China on Taiwan operates under a system of Five Yuan: Executive, Legislative (parliament), Judicial, Control, and Examination. Said the

Resources Used -This class-History and Prospect of Chinese Romanization".- From Rural Transformation to Global Integration: The
Environmental and Social Impacts of China's Rise to Superpower". CI7Ctk - - World History Book

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