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Computing Fundamentals Evolution of Computers Computer Generations Computer Organisation Primary and Secondary Storage Input and Output

d Output Devices Operating System File Organisation Data Communications and Computer Networking Fundamentals of Programming Numerical Systems Binary Arithmetic Boolean Algebra abd Logic Circuits Algorithms Flowcharts Arrays - single and multidimensional File Orgranisations C Programming Introductory Concepts C Fundamentals Operator and Expressions Data Input and Output Operator and Expressions Statements (control, conditional, looping) Functions Arrays Pointers Structures and Unions Trees Stack Queues Linked Lists Object Oriented Programming Classes Objects Inheritance Polymorphism Abstract Classes Reusability

Syllabus for Common Entrance Test (CET)

Section I :Computing Fundamentals (25 marks) Evolutions of computers, Computer generations, Computer organization, Primary and Secondary storage, Input-output devices, Computer software, Operating systems, Data communications and computer networking, Multimedia, Classification of computers, etc. Section II : Fundamentals of Programming (10 marks) Algorithms, Flowcharts, Computer languages, System implementation and operation, File organizations and Data processing, etc. Section III :Programming in C (50 marks) Introductory concepts, C Fundamentals, Operators and Expressions, Data Input and Output, Control statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Structures and Unions, Arrays, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists (Single, double, Circular), etc. Section IV :Object Oriented Programming Concepts (15 marks) Understanding of the object oriented concepts, such as Classes and Objects, Generalizations, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes and Re-usability, etc. Section V :General Apptitude (50 marks) Questions shall be modeled on GMAT pattern The Question paper Sample is given on the link which i am specifying. GOOD LUCK. Read: Syllabus of C-DAC entrance exam,2012 for CSE branch? What is the selection procedure through C-DAC Entrance exam? 2012

Pre-DAC Syllabus
Pre-DAC Modules Computing Fundamentals Evolution of Computers Computer Generations Computer Organisation Primary and Secondary Storage Input and Output Devices Operating System File Organisation Data Communications and Computer Networking Fundamentals Of Programming Numerica Systems Binary Arithmetic Boolean Algebra abd Logic Circuits Algorithms Flowcharts Arrays - single and multidimensional File Orgranisations C Programming Introductory Concepts C Fundamentals Operator and Expressions Data Input and Output Operator and Expressions Statements (control, conditional, looping) Functions Arrays Pointers Structures and Unions Trees Stack Queues Linked Lists Object Oriented Programming Classes Objects Inheritance Polymorphism Abstract Classes Reusability
Syllabus for Common Entrance Test (CET) Section I :Computing Fundamentals (25 marks) Evolutions of computers, Computer generations, Computer organization, Primary and Secondary storage, Inputoutput devices, Computer software, Operating systems, Data communications and computer networking, Multimedia, Classification of computers, etc. Section II : Fundamentals of Programming (10 marks) Algorithms, Flowcharts, Computer languages, System implementation and operation, File organizations and Data

processing, etc. Section III :Programming in C (50 marks) Introductory concepts, C Fundamentals, Operators and Expressions, Data Input and Output, Control statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Structures and Unions, Arrays, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists (Single, double, Circular), etc. Section IV :Object Oriented Programming Concepts (15 marks) Understanding of the object oriented concepts, such as Classes and Objects, Generalizations, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes and Re-usability, etc. Section V :General Apptitude (50 marks) Questions shall be modeled on GMAT pattern

Sr. Question No. 01 ________performs and supervises the execution of instructions and directs other devices of computer to act as per their designated functions. All of the following are input devices EXCEPT Magnetic disk is a ________ storage device Which of the following are not Hard disk Which of these keys belong to QWERTY keyboard Collection of Programs is _______is a program execution.

Option 1


Option3 Option4

Ans wer


Control Unit RAM

Main Memory


Touch screen Direct access

Punch Cards Mouse Indirect access

03 04 05 06 07

Zip disk Disk packs Numeri c null Keypad Softwar Instructions e Procedu Process re MSDOS WINDOWS

08 09 10

_______ is an operating system

None of these 4 options None of Random these 1 access options Floppy Wincheste 3 disk r Disk Alphanu All of meric these 4 Keys options Hardwar Procedure 1 e All of Algorith these 2 m options All of LINUX these 4 options 1 1

The conversion of digital data to analog Modulat Demodulation Sampling Modem form is _______ ion The first generation machines used Vaccum Transistors IC`s None of

_________ 11

Tube binary octal

these options decimal 2

The input interfaces transforms the data hexa into _________code


13 14 15 16




20 21


24 25

FUZZY MULTIPROC PARELL LOGIC ESSING EL Super computers use __________ and RISC AND AND PROCES __________ technologies to solve AND NEUTRA 2 PARELLEL SING complex problems faster CISC L PROCESSIN AND TECHNI G RISC QUE Job All of System Command Different types of user interfaces include control these 4 calls language language options _______ is a device capable of changing Trasisto Transducer Sampler Scanner 2 signals from one form to another. r The interface that enables similar Bus Cable Router Bridge 4 networks to communicate is called network modem A value written into a program Identifie instruction that does not change during Constants Objects Operators 2 rs the execution of program. DECISI Algorithms can be represented in various PROGR FLOWCHAR ON SPREAD 4 ways EXCEPT AMS TS CHART SHEET S _________ symbol is used for Rectangl Oval Parallelogram Diamond 3 Processing of data. e The ______ symbol is used to indicate the comments/remarks on the contents of Docume Annotaion Arrow Connector 2 a procedure in order to clarify some nt point of the flowchart. None of All of the following are computer Compile Translation Interpret these 4 Language Processors EXCEPT: r Software er options Language Primarily used for internetFORTRA ADA C++ JAVA 3 based applications N Syntax None of The errors that occur in computer Syntax error and Logical error these 3 program is________ error Logical options error All of Program errors are known as ________ Virus Bugs Errors these 2 options The component of data base Data Data Data None of 3 management system is ________ definitio manipulation definitio these

n Language Langua ge

n options Languag e and Data manipula tion Languag e Sequenti Batch al only All of windows these operating options system None of these options 1


The file organization method which stores records in no specific order is called:


Indexed Sequential


C can be used on

Only MSonly unix DOS operating operatin system g system name_2 __tail__ 3


Which of the following is not a valid identifier? void main() { int A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0; if((A==B)&&(A*B<=B)) { if(D==1) C=1;



else if(A==1) C=2; } else C=3; if((B==0)&&(A==B)&&(A!=1)) D=1;





} What are the final values of C and D? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 30 int x=10; (x<0)?(int a =100):(int a =1000); printf(" %d",a); } If `a` is an integer variable, a = 5/2; will 2.5 return a value: What is the output of the following code : #include<stdio.h> void main() 32 { extern int out; printf("%d",out); } int out=100; What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> 34 void main() { int a = 0; printf("\n %d\t", (a = 10/a)); 0 1 Compile Runtime Time Error error 4 Run time error Compile time 100 error Garbage value 3 Error 1000 100 None of these options 1


} Write a for loop which will read five characters (use scanf) and deposit them into the character based array words, beginning at element 0. #include<stdio.h> void main() { while (1) { if (printf("%d",printf("%d"))) 36 break; else continue; } } The output is What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> char *someFun() 37 { char *temp = "String constant"; return temp; } String Null value constant Error None of these options 1 Compile None of Goes into an Garbage time these infinite loop values error options for( loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++ )scanf( for( loop for( loop = 0; = 0; loop None of loop <= 5; < 4; these loop++ loop++ options )scanf( )scanf(


main() { puts (someFun()); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> int Check(int); void main() { printf("\n%d\t",Check(100)); } int Check(int a) { if(a%2==0) { return 1; break; } return 0; } The expression temp1 = f(); temp2 = g(); 39 temp3 = h(); temp4 = temp2 * temp3; temp5 = temp1 * temp4; is equivalent to 40 If you don`t initialize a static array, what 0 will be the elements set to? the an a floating character undetermined point 1 constant value number `\0` subscript data type 3 11 Error 1 f() + g() f() + (g() * * h() h()) Any of these options None of these options 4



None of these options

41 42

Elements in an array are identified by a symbol order unique _______. What is the output of the following 16 7 code?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }}; printf("\n%d",**(*arr+1)+2+7); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 43 int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50}; int x,*ptr1 = arr, *ptr2=&arr[3]; x = ptr2 - ptr1; printf("\n%d\t",x); } 44 An address is a ________, while a pointer is a _________. #include"stdio.h" main() { int *p1,i=25; 45 void *p2; p1=&i; p2=&i; p1=p2; p2=p1; Program will not 25 compile Garbage Address of 2 value I variable variable, , position location constant, None variable 3 6 3 Compile Runtime Time Error error

printf("%d",i); } The output of the above code is : main() { char thought[2][30]={"Don`t walk in front of me..","I am not follow"}; 46 printf("%c%c",*(thought[0]+9),*(*(thou k k ght+0)+5)); } What is the output of this program? 47 ptr equivalent of a[i][j] is ((*a+i)+ *(*(a+i)+j) j) structur e bolts structure is engine is nested nested within within structure structur maruti e engine none of **a+i+j these options structure maruti is nested within structure engine 2 Don`t walk in I may not k front of me follow 4

Given the statement, 48 maruti.engine.bolts = 25; which of the following is true? struct num { int no; char name[25]; }; 49 void main() { struct num n1[]={{25,"rose"},{20,"gulmohar"},{8," geranium"},{11,"dahalia"}}; printf("%d%d"n1[2].no,(*&n1+2)-

structure maruti is nested 2 within structure bolts




8, unpredicta 2 ble

>no+1); } What is the output of this program? What is the output of the following program? void main() { struct player { size = char name[30]; 32 unsigned char player_number; float batting_average }; printf("size = %d", sizeof (struct player)); } A _______ is a linear list in which additions and deletions take place at the Stack same end. Stack can be represented using Stack is not used in Which of the following is not an operation of queue, assuming that queue has items `Q` and `X`? Consider a linked list of n elements. What is the time taken to insert an element after an element pointed by some pointer? The node of the circular doubly linked list must have:


size= 35

size= 36 size= 33



Linked list Only linked list Postfix Notation

None of 1 the above None of 2 the above Simulatio 4 n

52 53 54

Arrays or Arrays linked list Recursi Quick Sort on empty( deque(Q,X) Q) O(log2n O(n) )

enque(Q, push(Q,X) 4 X) O(n log2n)





The function of the C Preprocessor is: The statement that prints out the character set from A-Z, is


One Two data Two data data and One data and and two and one two one address 1 address address address fields fields fields fields macro conditional file All of the replace 4 inclusion inclusion above. ment for( a = for( a = `a`; a for( a = for( a = `z`; a < <= `z`; a = a + `A`; a <= `Z`; a <= 3 `a`; a = 1) `Z`; a = a `A`; a = a

a - 1) printf("%c", printf(" &a); %c", &a); /*consider that file zzz.h starts here*/ printf("Hello"); /*and ends here*/ void main() 59 { #include "zzz.h" printf("World"); } What is the output of the above program void menu( The function called menu which prints int menu( void ) { the text string "Menu choices", and does void ) { printf(" not pass any data back, and does not printf("Menu Menu accept any data as parameters, looks like choices"); } choices" ); } #define INCH Which of the following are correctly #define SQR PER formed #define statements (X * X) (X) FEET 12 Front== When is linear queue said to be empty? Front=rear-1 rear The data type created by the data abstraction process is called Peer-to-peer relationship is a type of _________. An object has _____. World Hello

+ 1)

+ 1)

printf("% printf("%c c", a); ", a);

HelloWo Compilaio 3 rld n Error


int menu( char string[] ) None of 4 { the above printf("% s", string); } #define #define SQR (X* SQR(X) 4 X * X) (X) * (X) Front=re ar+1 Abstract Data type


62 63



Front=rear 1 +1 User Class Structure Define 3 Data type None of Associat Aggregation Link these 3 ion options All of State Behaviour Identity. these 4 options.


A derived class


Reusability can be achieved through.


An object containing other object is called_____.


UML stands for

Inherits data Inherits members Object data and can member member Inherits access s and functions constructors protected member from base 1 and members function class as destructor. with the s from well as dot base Inherits operator. class. constructo rs and destructor. All of Inherita Associati Composition. these 4 nce. on. options Containi None of Containi ng and Composition these 2 ng Composi options tion Unique modelin Unified Unified Unified g modeling modern master 2 languag language language laqnguage e. encapsul grouping 3 ation.


The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that do not datapackaging. contribute to its essential characteristics hiding. is called _____________.


If constructor is not provided then


Method overloading is _________

All Objects data will Compile be stored Default r will Object in same constructo not creation is not memory 4 r will be compile possible area so provided the class overwriti ng of data will happen Overloa A feature in Overload ding which ing None of different member without these 1 member function with argument options function same name pasing. of a and different

73 74 75 76


class signature. snow : missile : freeze launch redunda nt : saturn : venus wordy flood : famine : food water artifacts : actors : stage museum apathy : pity : strong caring

tree : wave : exfoliate undulate

heavenly wolf : sly 3 : starry fire : ashes tools : worker disease : 1 germ instrument s: 1 musicians



immorali frequency ty : 1 : known wrong





81 82 83

PROHIBITED : REFRAIN :: ASSUAGE : COURT : In 1950, transylyvania earned $ 1 million in tourist revenue.By 1970, tourist revenue doubled and in 1980, it reached the sum of $4 million Each of the following, if true may explain the trend in tourist revenue except:


stamp : diaper : cast : envelop gloves : hands 4 baby fracture e confirm ed : announced : included suggested 1 suspicio candidacy : guest : idea n innocuo deleterious : required compulsor us : 4 embark : decide y : comply forbid humiliat intensify convert solidify 2 e reject uncover infect subject 1 The number of Average the average tourists stay per number of expenditure has tourist total hotel 4 per tourist has increase has rooms has increased d from increased increased. 1950 to 1980 8 2




Each of the following could be the number of white puppies in the shelter 4 5 6 EXCEPT sushil is the son of the teacher. mohan is the teacher and he has a son and definitel cannot probably true daughter therefore mohan is the father of y true say sushil Typically the entrepreneur is seen as an An Someone who Entrepre individual who owns and operates a owner develops an neurs do

probably 2 false Entrepren 2 eurs are

small business. But, simply to won and operate a small business or even a big business does not make someone an entrepreneur. If this person is a true entrepreneur, then new products are being created, new ways of providing services are being implemented. Which of the following conclusion can be best drawn from the above passage. During 1985, advertising expenditures on canned food products increased by 20%, while canned food consumption rose by 25%.Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except:

of a enterprise large may be business considered an may be entrepreneur. an entrepre neur.

not own the main and actors in operate economic small growth. businesse s.


Advertis Canned food ing prices effectiv decreased eness relative to increase substitutes. d.

Canned food products are available in more stores. some countries develop economi cally faster than others

Can opener 1 production doubled.





Once a company has established an Sales extensive sales network in a foreign network market and therefore has achieved can be substantial sales, it seems that the thesemarket should be treated in a very same in similar fashion to those in one`s own both courtry. It is therefore those countries foreign where only initial sale and representation and have been developed where marketing domesti methods will have to differ from c domestic activities market starting from a point x jayant walked 15metres towards the west he turned to his left and walked 20 metres he then 32 turned to his left and walked 15 metres metres he then further turned to his right and south walked 12 metres how far is jayant from the point x and in which direction? Every town with a pool hall has its share All of unsavory characters. This is because gambler the pool hall attracts gamblers and all s are gamblers are unsavory. Which of the unsavor following, if true cannot be inferred y. from the above? In winning its bitter,protracted battle to Blue acquire Blue industries, Inc., Bell Industri industries has fulfilled its goal to lessen es is in its reliance on tobacco holdings, while the the $5.2 billion deal may spur more tobacco takeover activity in the insurance, industry

Extensive sales networks are preferable to less developed ones.

larger markets abroad are more adaptable 4 to domestic marketing methods

42 47 metres east metres north

27 metres 1 south

Every All pool halls town has attract unsavory gamblers. character s. Belle Industries is in the insurance business

All gamblers are 3 attracted by pool halls. More Blue divestmen Industrie t takes s is in the 3 place in insurance the business. tobacco








101 102 103 104

analysts said. . Every town with a pool hall has its share All of unsavory characters. This is because gambler the pool hall attracts gamblers and all s are gamblers are unsavory. which of the unsavor following, if true cannot be inferred y from the above? Which of the following equations can be used to find a number x, if the difference x - 21 = between the square of this number and 4x 21 is the same as the product of 4 times the number? How many terms of the series -9 , -6 , -3 ,.........must be taken such that the sum 11 may be 66? If the measures of the three angles of a triangle are (3x + 15), (5x - 15), and (2x 75 + 30), what is the measure of each angle? A boy takes a 25 question test and answers all queations. His score is obtained by giving him 4 points for each correct answer, and then subtracting 1 17 point for each wrong answer. He obtains a score of 70, how many questions did he answer correctly? First Which is a better investment? 14% stock investm at Rs.120 or 10% stock at Rs.90 ? ent is better I sell 20 boxes for Rs. 132 gaining thereby the cost price of 4 boxes. What 5.0 is the cost price of each? If the ratio of women to men in a meeting is 4 to 1, what percent of the 20% persons in the meeting are men? .03 times .05 is 15% What is the length of side BC ? 3 If the lengths of the two sides of right triangle adjacent to the right angle are 8 15.8 and 15 respectively, then the length of the side opposite the right angle is

Every All pool halls town has attracts unsavory gamblers character s

All gamblers are 3 attracted by pool halls

x2- 21 = 4x

x2 = 21- x + 4x 4x2=21









Second Both are None of investment is equally 1 the above. better good 4.8 5.5 6.6 3

25% 1.5% 5 16

33 1/3% 80% 0.15% (34)1/2 17 0.015% 7 17.9

1 3 3 3

Sample Question Paper 02

Sr. Question No. ________performs and supervises the execution of instructions and directs other 01 devices of computer to act as per their designated functions. 02 ______Gate is the Universal gate 03 ALU Control RAM Unit AND Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Ans wer

Main 2 Memory



06 07


09 10 11


NOR 2 None of Direct Indirect Random Magnetic disk is a ________ storage device these 1 access access access options All of Modern magnetic tapes use 8 bit EBCDIC BCD ASCII these 1 ________code format for data recording options Analog Extends to the Projects It is an Digital compute informatio Interface and r`s Bus n from a unit SCSI Interface helps in Digital 1 outside computer between to the on a large I/O device Analog compute screen and Ports Conversi r ons ___________ is the Software made available Firmwar Abstractio Fireware Casetool 1 on Hardware stored in ROM. e n Comman Job All of System Different types of user interfaces include d control these 4 calls language language options A process is selected for running from the READY queue in FIFO sequence. If the Round Relocatio process runs beyond a certain fixed length of SJF FCFS 2 Robin n time, it is interrupted and returned to the end of the READY queue. This is known as The interface that enables similar networks to Bus Cable Router Bridge 4 communicate is called network modem _______ computers perform the complex processing by directly measuring the discrete Analog Digital Hybrid Personal 2 physical quantities. Amplitu _______is not a Modulation Technique Phase Frequency Light 4 de None of RISC CISC The fifth generation computers worked on Parellel these processo processo 3 the principle of_________ processor options is r r correct


Physical devices of a computer is 13 a____________




17 18






None of Hardwar User Software these e software options Main In the third generation of computers which of Mini Micro frame Super the following type of machines was compute compute Computer computer introduced? rs rs s Scanning Samplin Selection None of Digitization is composed of __________ and and g and and these __________. Encodin Quantisa Sorting options g tion _____ contains the addresses of all the Subscrip records according to the contents of the field Index Array File t designed as the record key. None of The programming language that was Address ASCII ALGOL these designed for specifying algorithm options Processi Flow Input Connector is used as a substitute for Decision ng Lines Output Effective Time Analysis Effective Efficient Advantages of using flow charts is consumin and Analysis Coding g Efficient Coding It is a program written Also May be so that it Known Intrinsic All of The following statement is valid in context can be as or these with sub-programming: used Function Programm options without s er Written rewriting . Object Assembl oriented Language wherein Encapsulation and y program Pascal Cobol Abstraction of data is done is called as: Languag ming language e Languag e Ease of All of During system evolution __________ is to be Time Failure maintena these considered analysis rate nce options _________ is a point at which the debugger None of Memory Watch Break stops during program execution and awaits a these Dump point point further command. options

3 3

24 Commonly used file organization are: The file organization method which stores records in no specific order is called:


26 C language came into existence in the year

Direct Sequenti and al Random Indexed Direct Sequenti al 1971 1958 double double d; d;

All of Indexed these Sequential options Sequential Batch 1972 1983 None of these options

1 3

27 The correct statement to read a double is

Which is the correct statement to check 28 whether a number is in the range of 100 to 1000 What is the output of the following code #include<stdio.h> main() { 29 int x=10, j=20; y=x, y?(x,y)?x: y: y; printf("%d %d", x,y); } 30 The value of the expression 3 ^ 2 & ~ 1 is : What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() 31 { int a=14; a += 7;

Any of these scanf(" options scanf("% %lf", f", &d); &d); value != value <= value >= 99 && 100 || 100 && value value value !=1000 <=1000 <=1000

value >= 100 || 3 value <=1000

Compile time 10 10 error

Runtime None of 2 error the above




None of these options

a -= 5; a *= 7; printf("\n%d",a); } What is the output of the following code #include<stdio.h> main() 32 { int a = 5; printf("%d %d %d %d %d",a++, a--,++a,-a,a); } a = 1; a = 1; The statement which reproduces the following output, is 1 33 22 333 4444 55555 a = 1; while(a <= 5){b while(a while(a = 1; <= 5){ <= 5){ while(b <= a){printf ("%d ", a);b = b + 1;} a = 1; while(a <= 5){printf( " ");b = 1; 55665 5665545654 45545 4

while(b while(b <= a){ <= while(a 2 5){printf( <= printf(" "%d", a);b b){printf( %d", = b + 1;} "%d", a);b a);b = b = b + 1;} + 1;} a=a+ ;a = a + 1;printf(" a=a+ printf(" 1;} ");} 1;} ");a = a + 1;}

#include<stdio.h> void main() 34 { while (1) Goes Compile None of into an Garbage time these infinite values error options loop

{ if (printf("%d",printf("%d"))) break; else continue; } } The output is Passing Passing a a pointer Choosing copy of a to a a random 35 What does the term `call-by-value` refer to? variable variable value for into a into a a variable function function What is the output of the following code? #include <stdio.h> main() { char string[] = "Hello World"; 36 display(string); } void display(char *string) { printf("%s", string); } What is the output of the following code? 37 #include<stdio.h> Error Hello World Garbage Compile None of 3 value time error the above A function that does 1 not return any values

The value Garbage Null of process value Value is 0

func(a,b) int a,b; { return (a= (a==b)); } main() { int process(), func(); printf("The value of process is %d", process(func,3,6)); } process (int (*pf) (), int val1, int val2) { return((*pf) (val1,val2)); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() 38 { int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }}; printf("\n%d",**(*arr+1)+2+7); } The statement 39 int n[4] = { 11, -13, 17, 105} assigns is assigns assigns the value wrong; it the value the value - 3 17 to gives an 17 to n[2] 13 to n[2] n[3] error 16 7 11 Error 1

message What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 40 int i; int a[5] = {1,2,3}; for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("\n%d",a[i]); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 41 int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50}; int *ptr = arr; printf("\n %d\t %d\t",*++ptr, *ptr++); } What is the output of the following code ? void main() { 42 int i = 100, j = 200; const int *p=&i; p = &j; 100 200 300 None of 2 the above 30 20 30 10 20 30 30 30 2 No output 123 There is a garbage 1 2 3 0 0 run time 3 garbage error

printf("%d",*p); } void main() { float x[2][3]={{1.1,1.2,1.3}, {2.1,2.2,2.3}}; 43 printf("%1.1f", *(*(x+1))); } What does the printf statement is the above code print #include<stdio.h> void main() { int I,fun1(),fun2(),fun3(); int (*f[3])(); f[0]=fun1; f[1]=fun2; 44 f[2]=fun3; for(I=0;I<3;I++) (*f[I])(); } fun1(){ printf("what");fun2();} fun2(){printf("happened");} fun3(){printf("Tulika");} What is the output of this program? Interpret the following statement : what Error:Inva what what happened lid pointer happene happene 3 happened assignmen d Tulka d Tulika t 1.1 2.3 2.1 2.2 3


b is a pointer

invalid b is a b is a 1 statemen pointer to pointer of

void(*b)(int *);

to a t function which takes a pointer to an int and returns a void

a void which can be typecast as a pointer to int

type int which is a pointer to a void

struct { int acct_no; float balance; } customer, *pc = & customer; 46 The member acct_no can be accessed by a. pc->balance b. *pc->balance c. *pc.balance d. (*pc).balance What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 47 union result { int marks; char grade; } res; 90 A garbage Error A garbage garbage 2 a and b a and c b and d a and d 4

res.marks = 90; res.grade = `A`; printf("\n%d\t%c",res.marks,res.grade); } Memory needed for None of The memory allocated to the union is equal Compiler storing these 1 to dependent the options smallest variable ((A+B)*C Transform this expression to infix form? $+*ABC $+GF-- (DNone of -ED*C+ 3 E))$(F+G the above AB+C*DE--FG+$ FGDE$ BA ) A _______ is a linear list in which additions Linked None of Stack Queue 1 and deletions take place at the same end. list the above A list of data items usually words or bytes with the accessing restriction that elements Linked Stack Memory Heap 1 can be added or removed at one end of the list list, is known as Queue has ------indices 0ne two three none 2 it is not Before deleting an element from list we make it is an it is not an it must be a invalid 3 sure that list empty list full. list Which of the following is a tabular listing of Byte contents of certain registers and memory Loop Program Subroutin sorting 2 location at different times during the program trace e program program execution of a program? What is time required to insert an element in O(n O(1) O(log2n) O(n) 1 a stack with linked implementation? log2n) What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> 56 void main() { int i=5,j=0; 5 1, 4 2, 4 0, 3 0, 4 1, 3 2, 2 None of 3 3, 2 3, 2 0, 1 0, 3, 1 4, 0 these 1 4, 0 0, 5, options 3 Memory needed for storing the largest variable




51 52 53



while ( i-- && ++j) { printf ("\n%d\t%d\n",i,j); } } Perhaps string doesn`t have enough memory. "!" is not "!" instead allowed of "!" None of as a 4 should be the above. character used. .

57 Why doesn`t strcat(string, `!`); work?

struct num { int no; char name[25]; }; void main() 58 { struct num n1[]={{25,"rose"},{20,"gulmohar"},{8,"gera nium"},{11,"dahalia"}}; printf("%d%d"n1[2].no,(*&n1+2)->no+1); } What is the output of this program? What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> 59 void main() { Error 0 garbage garbage 65432 43210 4 garbage garbage 88 89 98 8, unpredicta 2 ble

int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; int i,*ptr; for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++) printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]); } struct time { int hours; int minutes; 60 int second; } t; struct time *tt; tt = &t; Looking at the above declarations, which of the following refers to seconds correctly: Requires Requires at least Can be no one overridde paramete paramete n r r always doesn`t have return have return object of return value the owner value class Behavio Identity. ur None of these options tt.second (*tt).sec time.t s onds tt4 >seconds

61 Default constructor:

62 Constructors___________

depends on 2 requireme nt

63 An object has _____.

64 A derived class

All of State these 4 options. Inherits Object Inherits Inherits data can access data construct members protected members ors and 1 and members and destructo member with the member r. functions dot functions

from base class.

operator. from base class as well as Inherits constructo rs and destructor . Athlete. Sport. Team. 3

65 66

Which is a logical abstract base class for a class called "CricketPlayer"?





70 71 72

None of Complex object composing of other object is Aggregat Assosiati Compositi these 1 called_____? ion. on. on. options A line with an Only arrowwith a head line Diamond Cannot be pointing between shape represente Inheritance in UML can be represented by: in 1 base between d in direction class & classes. UML. of parent derived or classes. superclas s. Which of the following do you think is used Comma Semito seperate the base classes in a base class Colon (:) Tilde (~) 1 (,) colon (;) list? Pass Make argumen general ts and Pass classes Improve add argumen into more data features ts and specific hiding Inheritance is a way to to 3 improve classes and existing data and add encapsulat classes hiding. features to ion without existing rewriting classes. them. According to OOP, What is the kind of Aggregat Composi Inheritanc relationship we should not have for two Friend. 1 ion. tion. e. classes. rancid : myopic : euphoniou decrepit : Odoriferous : Smell :: 3 taste vision s : sound age pond : desert : street : RAIN : DELUGE :: ore : iron 1 ocean camel road

73 CONE : PINE :: 74 Horse : colt :: 75 BLUEPRINT : CONSTRUCTION :: 76 MANDATORY : OPTIONAL ::

77 Imitation : Individuality :: 78 INTRANSIGENT : 79 TEMERITY : 80 SALIENT : The movement to ownership by unions is the latest step in the progression from management ownership. Employee 81 ownership to employee ownership can save depressed and losing companies. All the following statements, if true provide support for the claim above EXCEPT

Rock and roll music started in the 1950s as a young mans medium and rock is still best performed by men in their twenties and thirties. As rock performers grow into their 82 forties and even fifties, they are simply less physically capable of producing the kind of exciting music they did when they were younger. All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT: A politician wrote the following: "I realize there are shortcomings to the questionaire method. However, since I send a copy of the 83 quetionnaire to every home in the district, I believe the results are quite representative.... I think the numbers received are so large that it is quite accurate even though the survey is

fruit : bulb : acorn : needle : 3 berry flower oak fir bird : child : seed : sheep : 4 eaglet adult fruit lamb itinerary signal : tenant : volume : 1 : trip light premises library pious : compete opaque : chaste : indignan 2 nt : inept ornate celibate t determin reckless vanity : debaucher ation : ness : conformit y : 4 success courage y morality conclusi workabl recogniza amenable 4 ve e ble foolhardi negligen timidity care 3 ness ce insignifi worrisom climactic awesome 1 cant e Employe Employe Employee e-owned e Employee union compani participa union ownership es tion in owner enable generally 3 mangae drives up worker to have ment salaries share in higher raises and wages the producti morale profits. ve As rock performe Women The rs Rock performer physical mature, music is s have demands their dominat always of performa ed by played a performin 3 nces tend male significant g rock are to performe role in better met become rs rock by the less music young exciting Most the A large, Most people questionn absolute people who aire number of in the received method of replies is 4 district the data synonymo live in question collection us with homes. naire is accuracy

not done scientifically" Typically the entrepreneur is seen as an individual who owns and operates a small business. But, simply to won and operate a small business or even a big business does not make someone an entrepreneur. If this 84 person is a true entrepreneur, then new products are being created, new ways of providing services are being implemented. Which of the following conclusion can be best drawn from the above passage.

have replied An owner of a large business may be an entrepre neur.

unscientifi c

Someon e who Entrepren develops eurs do Entrepren an not own eurs are enterpris and the main 2 e may be operate actors in consider small economic ed an businesses growth. entrepre . neur. Canned food Canned During 1985, advertising expenditures on Advertisi prices food canned food products increased by 20%, ng Can decrease products while canned food consumption rose by effective opener 85 d are 1 25%.Each of the following, if true, could ness productio relative available help explain the increase in food increase n doubled. to in more consumption except: d. substitut stores. es. It is In impossib modern le to Even if societies The measure people , coolants A worldwide ban on the production of with should refrigera in certain ozone-destroying chemicals would accuracy give up tion of refrigerato provide only an illusion of protection. the the use of food is rs can be Quantities of such chemicals, already quantity refrigerato necessar fully produced, exist as coolants in millions of of rs, the y to recovered 86 refrigerators. When they reach the ozone ozonecoolants 4 prevent at the end layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot destroyin already in unhealth of the be halted. So there is no way to prevent these g existing y and useful life chemicals from damaging the ozone layer chemical refrigerato potential of the further. Which of the following, if true, most s that rs are a ly liferefrigerato seriously weakens the argument above? exist as threat to threateni rs and coolants atmospher ng reused. in ic ozone. conditio refrigerat ns. ors. All Every town with a pool hall has its share of All All pool Every gamblers unsavory characters. This is because the pool gamblers halls town has are 87 hall attracts gamblers and all gamblers are are attract unsavory 3 attracted unsavory. Which of the following, if true unsavory gamblers characters by pool cannot be inferred from the above? . . . halls.


89 90










Looking at a potrait, A said "her mother`s only son is my cousin`s father". My cousin is A`s the daughter of my maternal uncle who has Uncle an only sister. whose potrait was "A" looking at? Which of the following is an acceptable L, M, N, schedule starting from Monday to Friday? O, P If F sits directly opposite L and between K and M, which guest must sit directly opposite G M? Which of the following equations can be used to find a number x, if the difference x - 21 = between the square of this number and 21 is 4x the same as the product of 4 times the number? If x + 1/x = 5, then value of x3 + 1/x3 is 125 The price of 4 rolls, 6 muffins, and 3 loaves of bread at a certain bakery is $9.10. The price of 2 rolls, 3 muffins, and a loaf of bread $1.10 at the same bakery is $3.90. What is the price of a loaf of bread at this bakery? The volume of a cube is numerically equal to the sum of its edges. What is its total area in 66 square units? There are 4 quarts in a gallon. A gallon of motor oil sells for Rs.12 and a quart of the same oil sells for Rs.5. The owner of a rental agency has 6 machines and each machine Rs.84 needs 5 quarts of oil. What is the minimum amount of money she must spend to purchase enough oil ? If a certain chemical costs Rs.50 for 30 gallons, then how many gallons of the 12.5 chemical can be purchased for Rs.625? The population of a town increases 4% annually but is decreased by emigration 10 annually to the extent of 1/2%. What will be the increase percent in three years? An employer reduces the number of employees in the ratio 9:8 and increases the wages in the ratio 14:15. The difference in Rs.92.00 the amount of the bill, if the earlier bill was Rs.1890, is The towns of Andover and Diggstown are 91/2 840 miles apart. On a certain map, this

A`s sister

A`s A`s grandmoh mother ter P, O, L, M, L K

M, N, O, O, N, L, N, M P, M H J

1 3

x2- 21 = 2 x+ x = 21-4x 2 4x 4x =21 110 45 75
















Rs.95.50 Rs.90.00 Rs.94.50 3




distance is represented by 14 inches. The towns of Lincoln and Charleston are 630 miles apart. On the same map, the distance between them in inches is 100 If x = K + 1 / 2 and K = 3 / 2, then x = ?



Sample Qestion Paper 03

Sr. Question No. 01 02 03 04 05 The input interfaces transforms the data into hexa _________code The following is not a Analog type of computers ______ holds data as the Processor CPU works with it. The connectivity channel between CPU and BUS Memory is________ Which of these is an Magnetic Strip electronic card. Card The branch that deals with systematic application of computer the principles of computer engineering science is________ ___________ is a multi MS-DOS tasking system. ________ is used by operating system to map file names to their corresponding file Directories attributes and file data, and also to provide greater flexibility to users in file naming ______ is the smallest unit Frame of data The job of the _____ layer in OSI model is to provide node-to-node communication and to Data-Link hide all the details of the communication subnet from the session layer. Which of these keys Numeric belong to QWERTY Keypad keyboard ______is collection of the Data facts or informational raw binary Digital Memory Cache Memory Smart Card software engineering Unix octal Hybrid decimal Logical Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Answ er 2 4

Processor None of 2 and Memory these options Control Unit ATM Card None of 1 these options Punch Card 2


IT None of 2 engineering these options Linux None of 3 these options













Presentation 3

11 12

null Database

Alphanumeri All of these 4 c Keys options Computer Main Memory 1

material and become information after processing. Analog to Extends the Digital and computer`s Bus Digital to outside the Analog computer Conversions Plotter WAN Projects information from a computer on a large screen Keyboard LAN It is an Interface unit between 1 I/O device and Ports COM MAN 3 1


SCSI Interface helps in

14 15









Which of these is not a Monitor output device. _______ is not a network DAN type _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the Index contents of the field designed as the record key. A sequence of precise and un ambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a ALGOL finite number of operation is___________ ___________ symbol is used to show data Annotation transmission from one location to other. __________ is the analysis tool used for Protocol planning program logic A language which allows instructions to be Machine represented by letters (i.e language abbrevation) is_______ Language wherein Encapsulation and Assembly Abstraction of data is done Language is called as: During system evolution __________ is to be Time analysis considered The errors that occur in computer program Syntax error is________






None of 2 these options

Offline Storage


Communicat 4 ion Link

None of these PROLOG options Assembly Language Scientific Language

Pseudocode 4

Programmin 2 g language

Object oriented Pascal programming language Language


Ease of All of these Failure rate 4 maintenance options Syntax error None of Logical error and Logical 3 these options error


Standard methods of organizing data are:

File-oriented approach

Databaseoriented approach

File-oriented approach Object and Oriented Databaseapproach oriented approach Master file


A file management system typically supports the Transaction file Storage file following types of files, EXCEPT: Which of the following are keywords of the "C" language? i.if All are keywords

Backup file 2

27 ii.else iii.then

only i,ii and only i,ii and only i and ii iii are iv are are 2 keywords keywords keywords


iv.elseif All of the following are C int basic data types except: void main() { int A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0; if((A==B)&&(A*B<=B) ) {




29 if(D==1) C=1; else if(A==1) C=2; } else C=3;





if((B==0)&&(A==B)& &(A!=1)) D=1; } What are the final values of C and D? Which statement sets the 3rd lowermost bit of an unsigned integer x to 0, ^3; leaving other bits unchanged? What is the output of the following code? void main() { int a=0, b=2, x=4, y=0; printf("\n%d\t,",(a==b)); 31 printf("\n%d\t,",(a!=y)); printf("\n%d\t,",(b<=x)); 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4





printf("\n%d\t,",(y > a)); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> 32 void main() { char str1[]="India", Both the Both the string Compile string are not are same Time error same

Runtime Error

str2[]="India"; if(str1==str2) printf("\nBoth the string are same"); else printf("\nBoth the string are not same"); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() 33 { int a = 0; printf("\n %d\t", (a = 10/a)); } What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 34 int s=0; while(s++<10) { if(s<4 && s<9) continue; 12345678 1 2 3 10 9 456789 10 456789 3 0 1 Compile Time error Runtime Error 4

printf("\n%d\t",s); } } The break statement is used to exit from: I have a function extern int f(int *); 36 which accepts a pointer to an int. How can I pass a constant by reference? What is the output of the following code? #include <stdio.h> main() { void swap(); int x=10, y=8; 37 swap(&x, &y); printf("x=%d y=%d",x,y); } void swap(int *a, int *b) { *a ^= *b, *b ^= *a, *a ^= *b; } 38 Recursive Functions Are necessary Take less Are to solve a main storage executable certain class of space faster than None 1 x=8 y=10 x=10 y=8 Null value Error 1 f(&5);


an if statement a for loop

a program

the main() function

int five = 5; f(&five);

int five = 5; f(5); f(five);

problems What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 39 int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8 },{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }}; printf("\n%d",**(*arr+1)+ 2+7); } What is the difference between the 5`s in these two expressions? 40 int num[5]; num[5]; int **array2 = (int **)malloc(nr int **array1 = ows * (int sizeof(int **)malloc(nro *)); ws * sizeof(int *)); array2[0] = How can I dynamically (int allocate a two-dimensional for(i = 0; i < *)malloc(nro array? nrows; i++) ws * ncolumns * array1[i] = (int sizeof(int)); *)malloc(ncolu mns * for(i = 1; i < sizeof(int)); nrows; i++) array2[i] = array2[0] + i 16 7

iterative ones



first is particular element, second is type

first is first is array particular size, second element, is particular second is element array size

both specify 2 array size


int *array3 = (int *)malloc(nro Any of the ws * above. ncolumns * sizeof(int));

* ncolumns; #include<stdio.h> void main() { int I=10,*p=&I,**q=&p; 42 printf("%u",***(&(*(&Q) ))); } What is the output of this program? What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 43 int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; int i,*ptr; for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++) printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]); } This pointer for any class int *this; internally declared as #include<stdio.h> void prg(int); 45 main() { int a=10,j=3,i=2; 10 20 50 None of these 3 Error 65432 0 garbage garbage garbage garbage value of p is printed address of p value of I is address of I 3 is printed printed is printed



X *thid;

const X *this;

X *const this;

prg(a); a*=( i + j ); printf("%d",a); } void prg(x) { int x; int k=2; x*=k; return (x); } What is the output of this program? Consider the program segment given below. (The italicized numbers represent program line numbers) : 1. #include<stdio.h> 2. int y; 46 3. void main() 4. { 5. int x,*px,**ppx;void f1(int *); 6. x = 10; 7. y = 1000; 10 1000 20 None of 3 these options

8. px = &x; 9. ppx = &px; 10. f1(px); 11. printf("%d",*px); 12. } 13. void f1(int *p) 14. { 15. *p = 20; 16. printf("%d",*p); 17. } The printf() at line 11 prints the value: Consider the declaration : struct sample { unsigned int a; 47 unsigned int b; }; struct sample v; The size of v.b is typedef struct { The correct way for a char *item; structure in C to contain a NODEPTR pointer to itself is next; } *NODEPTR; The main purpose of declaring a union. To allow the same storage struct node { char *item; struct node Both are None of *next; }; 2 correct. above. typedef struct node *NODEPTR; To use it To allow the None of the 1 instead of same storage above 1 bit 6 bits 5 bits None of the 4 above



location to structure store data of different data types at different times. The operation for adding an entry to a stack is Add traditionally called: Pushdown list means: Stack is not used in Stack Recursion

location to store data of different data types at the same time. Insert Linked list Push All of the above Simulation 4 1 4

50 51 52 53 55 56

Append Queue Quick Sort


Postfix Notation When is linear queue said Front=rear+ Front==rear Front=rear-1 to be empty ? 1 Queue has ------indices 0ne two three Every link Links have Arrays are node has a arrays of In case of a linked list used to hold pointer to the pointer to the list next link code next link How can I print a `%` character in a printf format Try \% Try %% Try $% string? I tried \%, but it didn`t work. #include<stdio.h> void prg(int); main() { int a=10,j=3,i=2;

Front=rear+ 1 1 none 2 All of the above 1

None of 2 these options


prg(a); a*=( i + j ); printf("%d",a); } void prg(int x) {




None of 3 these options

int k=2; x*=k; return (x); } What is the output of this program? What will happen if you try to put so many values into an array when you Nothing initialize it that the size of the array is exceeded? What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { int x=25, y=50, z=75, *ptr; ptr = &x; *ptr *=2; ptr = &y; *ptr *=3; ptr = &z; *ptr *=4; printf("\n %d\t %d\t %d\t", x, y ,z); } What is the output of the following code : 61 #include<stdio.h> void main() { Run time error Compile time 100 error Garbage value 3


Error Possible message system from the malfunction compiler

Other data may be 3 overwritten



50 150 600

50 150 300 50 75 100

extern int out; printf("%d",out); } int out=100; What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { 62 int a = 20,b=100; int &n = a; n=a++; n = &b; printf("\n%d, %d",a, n); } 63 Encapsulation is Information hiding and None of Data Binding 3 Data these options Binding All Objects data will be stored in Default Compiler will Object same constructor not compile the creation is memory area 4 will be class not possible so provided overwriting of data will happen To initialize to allocate to initialize the the objects None of memory for objects of it`s of it`s class these 1 the objects of class. as well as to options. it`s class only allocate Information hiding 21, 21 20, 21 21, 22 Error 4


If constructor is not provided then


The use of constructor is ______.

memory for the objects of it`s class 66 __________ is the capability to share and extent the functionality of an existing class. Inheritance through interface is called ________. Complex object composing of other object is called_____ Both Polymorphis Polymorphism. Inheritance. Abstraction. 2 m and Inheritance Interface Implementation Definition Delegation inheritance 2 inheritance. inheritance. inheritance. model. Aggregation Assosiation Whether the methods & attributes are global or local. Composition None of 1 these options







73 74 75 76 77

Whether the Used only methods & with attributes are attributes not 1 overloaded with or methods.. overridden. Data Data Inheritance, Encapsulatio Overloading, Which are the main three Encapsulation, Polymorphis n, Inheritance features of OOP Inheritance & m & Inheritance & 3 language? Exception Exception & Polymorphis handling handling Polymorphis m m Which of the following Object Procedural Object based Structural programming technique oriented 1 language language language focuses on the algorithm. language Inherits data members Object can and member Inherits data Inherits access functions members and constructors protected from base A derived class member 1 and members class as well functions from destructor. with the dot as Inherits base class. operator. constructors and destructor. IGNOMINY : death : derelict : fame : heroism martyr : man 1 DISLOYALTY :: victory fool RAIN : DELUGE :: pond : ocean desert : camel ore : iron street : road 1 CONE : PINE :: fruit : berry bulb : flower acorn : oak needle : fir 3 Horse : colt :: bird : eaglet child : adult seed : fruit sheep : lamb 4 Bland : Piquant :: inane : relevant charlatan : slavish : terse : 2 Whether the The (+) sign and (-) sign methods & to the left of the attributes attributes are & methods signify: public or private.

genuine 78 79 80 81 82 OPEN : SECRETIVE :: mystery : detective conclusive argumentative Wasteful danger tunnel : toil workable imaginative Flippant safety






INTRANSIGENT : INCREDULOUS : SCRUPULOUS : JEOPARDY : During 1985, advertising expensing expenditure on canned food products increased by 20 percent, while canned food Advertising consumption rose by 25 effectiveness percent. Each of the increased following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except Each of the following could be the number of 4 white puppies in the shelter EXCEPT The gateway of india is in mumbai mumbai is in maharashtra therefore the false gateway of india is in maharashtra sushil is the son of the teacher. mohan is the teacher and he has a son definitely true and daughter therefore mohan is the father of sushil Prof. Tembel told his class that the method of student evaluation of teachers is not valid measure of teaching quality. Students Prof. Tembel should fill out received low questionnaires at the end rating from his of the semester when students. courses have been completed. Which of the following, if true, provides support for Prof. Tembel`s

servile forthright : snide recognizable indifferent Sloppy perjury

serious better : best 3 amenable irreligious Shady conundrum 4 4 3 2

Canned food price decreased relative to substitutes

Canned food Canned products opener were avaible production in more doubled stores

cannot say


probably false

probably true cannot say

probably false

Students filled up the questionnaire after the midterm exam.

Teachers are Students are not obligated interested in to use the 2 teachers survey evaluation. results.


proposal ? The Pistons have more points than the Nuggets. The Bullets have less points than the Lakers. The Nuggets and the Suns have the same number of points. The Suns have more points than the Bullets. If the above is true, which of the following must also be true?

The Nuggets have fewer points than the Bullets.

The Pistons have more points than the Bullets.

The Nuggets The Lakers have fewer have more 1 points than points than the Lakers. the Pistons.


being overweight is always caused A person hearing this by unhappiness advertisement countered, and unattractivenes s If the 2nd and 4th saturdays and all sundays are declared holidays ,what would be the 24 minimum no of working days of any month of any year If G sits at the head of the table, and F in the middle seat on one side of the table and immediately on G K`s left, the guest seated directly opposite F must be An employment questionnaire asks the prospective employee, "If XYZ company hires you, will you continue to use drug?" The prospective 1 only employee may not wish to indicate "yes" or "no" because 1. a simple "yes" or "no"

being overweight is the only cause of unhappiness and unattractiven ess

unhappiness and unhappiness unattractiven necessarily ess can leads to 2 cause being someone to overweight be overweight







2 only

1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 3

answer could indict the applicant. 2. The question contains an implication to which the applicant may not wish to lend credence. 3. The question presents a moral judgment. If the operation * is defined by *a = a2 - 2, 23 then *(*5) is On the number line shown, which point I corresponds to the number 2.27? It is between 10 and 11 that the hour and minute hands of a watch are 56 mts. past 10 exactly coincident. What is the time? A trapezium ABCD is formed by adding the rectangle ABEF whose area is 6 sqr. inches and two right triangles AFD 2t + 6 and BEC equal in area of t sq.inches. What is the area of the trapezoid in square inches? A manufacturer of jam wants to make a profit of Rs.75 when he sells 300 jars of jam. It costs 65 paise each to make the first 100 jars of jam and Rs.175 55 paise each to make each jar after the first 100. What price should he charge for the 300 jars of jam ? By selling 12 marbles for a rupee, a shopkeeper 8 loses 20%. In order to gain 20% in the transaction he







54 6/11 mts. 35 6/11 mts. 57 6/11 past 2 past 10 past 10 10


5t + 25

2.5t + 12.5

(t + 5)2






should sell the marbles at the rate of how many marbles for a rupee? To a sugar solution of 3 liters containing 40% sugar one liter of water is 99 33 added. The percentage of sugar in the new solution is If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and decreases by 100 the width is decreased by 20% 20%, then the area A car traveled 75% of the way from town A to town B at an average speed of 50 kmph. The car travels at an average speed of S 101 10 kmph for the remaining part of the trip. The average speed for the entire trip was 40 kmph. What is S? For every six metres forward a man walks, a gale force wind pushes 102 him back two metres. If he 500 needs to cross a 200-metre plot, how many metres will he actually walk?



None of the 2 above.

decreased by stays the 4% same

increases by 2 10%







Sample Qestion Paper 04

Sr. No. Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Answer

01 _______ is a nonvolatile memory chip in which data once ROM stored cannot be altered by programmer 02 The Calculations & decision making is done in Control Unit






Control Unit and ALU

03 Modern magnetic tapes use 8 bit EBCDIC ________code format for data recording 04 Magnetic disk is a ________ storage device 05 Which of the following are of type Optical Disk: Direct access



All of these options

Indirect access WORM Instructions

Random access

None of these options 1


CD-ROM and Zip disk WORM Hardware Procedure

3 1 1

06 Collection of Programs Software is 07 FAT stands for File Allocation Table

File File File Allotment Administratio Available Transfer n Table Table

08 ________ is used by operating system to map file names to their corresponding file Directories attributes and file data, and also to provide greater flexibility to users in file naming 09 The OSI model has ________ layers 10 __________ terminal is a graphics terminal that has a rich set of terminals 5 Intelligent terminal




7 Dumb terminal

X terminal

Smart terminal

2 2

11 The fastest computers microcompute super

Pentium 3 mini computer

of today`s era is________ Which of these keys belong to QWERTY keyboard 12

rs Numeric Keypad

computer Alphanum All of these options eric Keys


It is a powerful desktop Which of the computer following is true in designed to regard to Work station. meet greater processing power, large storage etc.

They can It is not used be used by for computer several All of these options aided design personnel at a time

13 Rules that govern transmission of data Router over communication network is__________ 14 The periodic refreshing of ____________ RAM is required STATIC


Prototype Protocol



None of these options 2

15 A value written into a program instruction that does not change Identifiers during the execution of program. 16 _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.








17 The flowcharts used to describe the sequence System of operations for a flowcharts particular problem is called 18 The method of carrying out the instructions given in the flowchart with some sample data is

Program flowcharts

Activity None of these options 2 flowcharts



Executing Tracking and Tracing 2

known as 19 Language wherein Encapsulation and Abstraction of data is done is called as: Assembly Language Object oriented Pascal programming language Language C++ It is complete when all desired verification s against specifications are done Bugs JAVA Cobol 2

20 Language Primarily used for internet-based ADA applications 21 _________is not true related to Debugging. Process which should be planned and scheduled properly Virus


It is process of validating the All of these options correctness of program. Errors All of these options

23 Program errors are known as ________ 24 Standard methods of organizing data are:

File-oriented approach

Databaseoriented approach

Fileoriented approach Object Oriented and approach Databaseoriented approach

25 The component of data Data base management definition system is ________ Language

Data definition Data Language manipulation and Data None of these options 3 Language manipulati on Language `enter values `23.56eof p n r` 03` statement all of the above 4 4

26 which of the following is NOT a character `Thank You` constant 27 Every C program requires : 28 void main() { float 1.1 x[2][3]={{1.1,1.2,1.3}, {2.1,2.2,2.3}}; printf("%1.1f", char

arithmetic main () function operator




*(*(x+1))); } 29 the process of Source compiling and running program a C program includes: 30 A continue usually associated with __________. 31 (int) 21.3/ (int) 4.5 goto 5 1971 6 Char executable object all of the above code If 0 1972 31 char None None 1983 32 char

object code

Else 1 1958 8 Char

4 1 3 3

32 C language came into existence in the year 33 A max width of c variable name can be 34

The while The condition void main() { while(1) Sunc will be loop is an A linker error is in while loop printf(" sunc"); } printed once. infinite generated. is illegal loop. Hi Hello Hello Hi Hello Hi still stack Infinite no overflow of times

35 main() { printf(" \n Hello"); disp(); } disp() { printf(" \n Hi"); main(); }

36 main() { char ch= 'A'; printf("%d%d", 11 sizeof(ch) ,sizeof('A')); }


22 this = `T` * 20; c c++


con = `T` * 37 which of the following mes = 123.56; statement is wrong `A` 38 void main() { float a=0.7; if(a< 0.7) printf("c"); else printf("c++"); } 39 Unions are different than structures in that c c++

3 + a = b;


union union union contents members members use are not are All of above the same members anonymou space s i only i and iii none of the above

40 Which of the following statement is i, ii and iii correct regarding arrays ? Array

elements are stored in contiguous memory locations The size of the array can be mentioned anywhere in the program In an array'arr' the expression arr[i] refers to the i + 1th element in the array. 41 The output of the following program will be ::- main() { int a, *ptr,b,c; a=25; ptr = 25, 25, 25 &a; b= a+30; c= *ptr; printf(" %d, %d, %d ", a, b, c); } 42 Stack is constantly changing 43 Consider the program segment given below. (The numbers represent program line numbers) : 1. #include 2. int y; 3. void main() 4.{ 5. int x,*px,**px; 6. x = 10; 7. y = 1000; 8. px = &x; 9. ppx = &px; 10. f3(ppx); 11. printf("%d",*px); 12.} 10 100 1000 20 3 element

25, 55, 25

25, 55, 55 none of these


memory location

set of integers

13.void f3(int **pp) 14.{ 15. *pp = &y; 16. printf("%d",**pp); 17.} The printf() at line 11 prints the value : 44 A linked list can have member node, which has 45 Consider the program segment given below. (The numbers represent program line numbers) : 1.#include 2. int y; 3. void main() 4. { 5. int x,*px,**ppx; 6. x = 10; 7. y = 1000; 8. px = &x; 9. ppx = &px; 10. f1(px); 11. printf("%d",*px); 12. } 13. void f1(int *p) 14. { 15. *p = 20; 10 1000 20 None of the above 3 An elementary data item A next pointer

A list

All of the above

16. printf("%d",*p); 17. } The printf() at line 11 prints the value: 46 If there are no element in stack empty(s) TRUE returns as the value 47 b is a pointer Interpret the following to a function which takes a invalid statement : pointer to an statement void(*b)(int *); int and returns a void 48 Consider the following statements. i. stack is a LIFO ii. stack is a FIFO iii. queue is a LIFO iv. queue is a FIFO 49 If stack contain no item then it is called as Null stack ___ 50 two In doubly link list each information node contain ______ node Waste stack only i and iii are true only ii and iii only i and only ii and iv are true 3 are true iv are true


b is a pointer to a void b is a pointer of type which can int which is a pointer 1 be typecast to a void as a pointer to int

Empty stack

Stack of no use

two pointer

two nodes double header


An external variable

has a declaration is globally "extern" accessible by associated all functions with it when declared with in a function 4

will be initialized All of the above. to 0 if not initialized.

52 static int x=3 , y,z; void main() { int a; a= 3 x++ * ++y + ++z; printf("%d", a); }


53 void main() { int k=4; switch(k) { default : printf("A"); case 1: C printf("B"); case 4: printf("C"); case 2+3 1 : printf("D"); }} 54 The expression ((fpt = fopen(" sample","w" ))= = NULL) would be true if ::The file "sample" doesn't exist while fopen is being executed

Compilatio None n Err

The file "sample" could not be created for writing

ftp is not declared as the file "sample" is a FILE read only. pointer

55 A function called total(), totals the sum of an integer array passed to it (as the first parameter) and returns the total of all the int total( int elements as an integer. numbers[], int Let the second elements ) { parameter to the function be an integer which contains the number of elements of the array. The correct code is 56 Passing a What does the term copy of a call-by-value refer to? variable into a function

int total( int total( int int numbers[], numbers[], None of the above int elements ) int { elements ) {

Passing a pointer to a variable into a function Infinite loop

Choosing a random A function that does 1 value for a not return any values variable 21 Declarations syntax err 2

57 void main() { int k=3; while(k) { int k=1; 1 printf("%d", k); k--; } } 58 Consider the function int my(int n) { if(n!=1) return (n* my(n-1)); 20 } Call it with my(4). What is the return value of this function? 59 Suppose a, b and c are 45






integer variables that have been assigned the values a=8, b=3 and c =-5. Determine the value of 2*b+3*(a-c) 60 What is output void main() { int n=3,a=2; 7 a*= n+1; printf("%d", a); } 61 Which of the following are good reasons to use an object oriented language. You can define your own data types

6 It is easier to conceptual ize an object oriented program


An object oriented program can be taught to correct its own errors

You can define your own data types and It is easier to 4 conceptualize an object oriented program

62 Object-oriented technology`s ______ feature means that a small change in user Abstraction requirements should not require large changes to be made to the system. 63 An object has _____. 64 What is inheritance? 65 State


Encapsulat Modelling ion



All of these options.

4 3

Aggregation It is same as of encapsulation. information.

Generaliza tion and All of these options. specializati on.

Any class that In interface implements methods do Which of the an interface Both are not have any following is not false? must provide true. implementatio the n. implementati on. Aggregation Assosiation association

Both are false.

66 Complex object composing of other object is called_____

Compositi None of these options 1 on link activity 2

67 A relationship that can function be identified between

two object entities (classes or individuals) is called a ___________. 68 Which of the following programming technique focuses on the algorithm. 69 Shallow copy is defined as Procedural language Memberwise copying of objects Object oriented language Object based language

Structural language

There is Is same nothing like like Deep shallow copy copy

None of these options 1


To initialize the objects of it`s to allocate to initialize class as The use of constructor memory for None of these the objects of well as to is ______. the objects of options. it`s class. allocate it`s class only memory for the objects of it`s class fame : heroism death : victory derelict : fool martyr : man


72 It may be useful to think of character in fiction as a function of two ________ analogous hu disparate agg divergent impulses: the impulse manize randize typify to individualize and the impulse to __________. 73 GAZELLE : SWIFT :: horse : slow swan : graceful charlatan : genuine eraser : correction fastidious : grime

comparable delineate 3

lion : roar lamb : bleat leash : dog wall : house slavish : servile solvent : paint terse : serious reagent : chemical

3 2 2 1 1

74 TRAP : GAME :: 75 Bland : Piquant ::

novel : author net : fish inane : relevant balm : pain articulate : speech


humorous servile : rebellion : laughter


biased rejection

violent separation

complete timidity 6

humane care 8

1 1 3 2

negligence descent

foolhardiness negligence 80 TEMERITY : 81 Each of the following could be the number of 4 5 white puppies in the shelter EXCEPT 82 During 1985, advertising expensing expenditure on canned food products increased by 20 Advertising percent, while canned effectiveness food consumption rose increased by 25 percent. Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except 83 Typically the entrepreneur is seen as an individual who owns and operates a small business. But, simply to won and operate a small business or even a big business does not make someone an entrepreneur. If this person is a true entrepreneur, then new products are being created, new ways of providing services are being implemented. Which of the following conclusion can be best drawn from the above passage.

Canned Canned food food price products Canned opener decreased were production doubled relative to avaible in substitutes more stores

An owner of a large business may be an entrepreneur.

Someone who develops an enterprise may be considered an entrepreneur.

Entreprene urs do not Entrepreneurs are the own and main actors in 2 operate economic growth. small businesses.

A large, absolute 84 A politician wrote the Most people Most people the following: "I realize who received in the district questionna number of replies is there are shortcomings the live in ire method synonymous with

to the questionaire questionnaire homes. method. However, have replied since I send a copy of the quetionnaire to every home in the district, I believe the results are quite representative.... I think the numbers received are so large that it is quite accurate even though the survey is not done scientifically" 85 Farmers in the North have observed that heavy frost is usually preceded by a full moon. They are convinced that the full moon somehow generates the frost. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the farmers convection? 86 The movement of ownership by unions is the latest step in the progression from management ownership to employee ownership. Employee ownership can save depressed and losing companies. All the following statements, if true, provide support for the claim above except: 87 A person hearing this advertisement countered, The temperature must fall below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) for frost to occur.

of data accuracy collection is unscientifi c

Absence of a cloud cover cools the ground which causes frost.

Farmers No one has proven are that the moon causes 2 superstitio frost. us.

Employeeowned companies generally have higher productivity.

Employee participation in management raises morale.

Employee union ownership drives up salaries and wages.

Employee union ownership enables workers to share in the profits.

being overweight is always caused by

being overweight is the only cause of

unhappine unhappiness ss and necessarily leads to unattractiv being overweight eness can

unhappiness and unattractivene ss 88 Looking at a potrait, A said "her mother`s only son is my cousin`s father". My cousin is the daughter A`s Uncle of my maternal uncle who has an only sister. whose potrait was "A" looking at? 89 Which of the following pair of activies could be done L and O on Monday and Tuesday? 90 In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in a straight line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it. The cups are numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the balls is painted a single solid color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange, purple, red, and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in a manner that conforms to the following conditions: The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-numbered cup than the orange ball. The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent

unhappiness and unattractiven ess

cause someone to be overweight

A`s sister

A`s grandmoht A`s mother er

M and P

L and M

N and O

Magenta, Green, Magenta, red, yellow, green, purple, purple, magenta, red, red, orange, yellow, purple, orange yellow green, orange

Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, 3 purple

to the cup under which the magenta ball is hidden. The green ball must be hidden under cup 5. Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups, in order from 1 through 6? 91 If the angles of a triangle ABC are in the acute ratio of 3 : 5 : 7, then the triangle is




0.000000000 0.0000000 92 0.000006 * 0.0000007 0.0000000042 0.00000000000042 =? 042 000042 93 Rahul buys 16 cookies, Amit buys 12 cookies and Nayan buys x cookies. The average number of cookies the three bought is 35 between 19 and 23, inclusive. What is the smallest number of cookies Nayan could have bought? 94 A cylindrical vessel of radius 4 cm contains water. A solid sphere of radius 3 cm is lowered into the water 9 / 2 cm until it is completely immersed. The water level in the vessel will rise by 95 If a certain sum of money becomes double at simple 8 (1/3) interest in 12 years, what would be the rate




9 / 4 cm

4 / 9 cm

2 / 9 cm




of interest per annum? 96 Rakesh credits 15% of his salary in fixed deposit account and spends 30% of the Rs. 3500 remainder amount on groceries. If the cash in hand is Rs. 2380, what is his salary? 97 If the price of steak is currently Rs.1.00 a pound and the price triples every 6 months, 1 year how long will it be until the price of steak is Rs.81.00 of a pound? 98 A,B and C play cricket.Ratio of A`s runs to C`s runs and C`s runs to B`s runs are same as 3:2. They score altogether 342 runs. The runs A,B,C respectively scored were.

Rs. 4500

Rs. 5000

Rs. 4000

2 years

2 1/2 years 13 years



72,108,162 162,72,108

99 If the operation * is defined by *a = a2 - 2, 23 then *(*5) is 100 An old picture has dimensions 33 inches by 24 inches. What one length must be cut 2 inches from each dimension so that the ratio of the shorter side to the longer side is 2:3?




6 inches

9 inches

10 1/2 inches

Sample Qestion Paper 05

Sr. No. 01 Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Answe r

_______ computers perform the complex processing by Analog directly measuring the discrete physical quantities. _______ is a nonvolatile memory chip in which data ROM once stored cannot be altered by programmer Modern magnetic tapes use 8 bit ________code EBCDIC format for data recording The tape of magnetic tape storage is divided into Vertical columns called_________ and horizontal rows is called________











All of these options


Channels Frames and and Frames Channels

Tracks and Frames

Channels and 2 Tracks

05 06

Which of these is Magnetic an electronic card. Strip Card

Smart Card

ATM Card

Punch Card

________ is a set of control statements and Application System software extends processing software capability of Computer system Different types of Command user interfaces System calls language include

Operating system



Job control language

All of these options

08 FAT stands for 09 The OSI model has ________ layers Standard multimedia compression technique is

File Allocation Table 5

File Administration Table 6

File Available Table 7

File Allotment 1 Transfer 8 7





All of these options


The mechanism of counting the 1 bits of the character bit set and adding a check bit to make Parity the total number of 1 bits even while transferring the data, is referred to as The shortcoming of Mark 1 computer is ___________ It is very slow

Even Parity

Odd Parity

Error Checking

Very complex indesign and huge Unreliable in size

It is very slow and also very complex 4 indesign and huge in size Winchester Disk 3


Which of the following are not Hard disk

Zip disk

Disk packs

Floppy disk


The unit of measurement of Maud data transfer rate is ______ ______is collection of the facts or informational raw Data material and become information after processing.



None of these 2 options




Main Memory 1


Algorithms can be PROGRAM represented in FLOWCHARTS S various ways



EXCEPT 16 _____ contains the addresses of all the records according Index to the contents of the field designed as the record key. Advantages of using flow charts is The logic used to perform instructions one after another is_______ Effective Analysis





Efficient Coding

Time consuming

Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding


Selection logic

Sequence logic

End case

None of these 2 options


Computer languages are Machine classified as all of Language the following EXCEPT: Limitation of Executed Machine language fast by are, EXCEPT: Computer

Code language

Assembly language

High level Language


Difficult to program

Error prone

Machine dependent


________ is true for Syntax error.

These program error typically It is easier The program involve to detect cannot be compiled incorrect All of these Syntax error and executed until Punctuation, options compared to all syntax errors undefined logical error are corrected terms, no parenthesis etc. Bugs Errors Indexed Sequential All of these options All of these options


Program errors are known as Virus ________ Commonly used file organization are: Sequential


Direct and Random


_________languag e that enables users to define Query there requirements for extracting




required information. 26 27 3.2 % 3 1 0 Hello 0.2 HiHello Err 4 What is o/p If c=10, d=20 ( c> d Hi ? printf(" Hi") : printf(" Hello")); Which of the following are keywords of the C language? i)if All are keywords ii)else iii)then iv)elseif 29 which of the following is NOT `Thank a character You` constant void main() { int arr[10]; printf("%d", sizeof(arr)); getch(); } Following are the rules for naming an identifier except: 32

None of these 2


only i,ii and iii are only i,ii and iv keywords are keywords

only i and ii are keywords

`enter values of p n `23.56e-03` r`

all of the above







Uppercase case letters are not equivalent to lowercase letters

Should not start with a digit but can Any letter with - Letter starting 3 have digits in + = sign with between the name

What is output void main() { int 7 n=3,a=2; a*= n+1; printf("%d", a); } The keyword _______ breaks the control from while loop. Consider the declaration break The compiler



exit The compiler will search first the

both a and b



The compiler None of the will search only above.

#include Here the will search angled brackets only the indicate standard libraries for the file myfile.h 35 main() { printf(" \n Hello"); disp(); } Hi disp() { printf(" \n Hi"); main(); } C() { printf("C"); } B() { C(); printf("B"); } A() CAMB { printf(" A"); B(); } main() { printf("M"); A(); } which of the following shows the correct hierarchy of arithmetic operations in C

user`s default/ the user`s working directory default/working and then the directory standard libraries for the file myfile.h Hello Hi Infinite no of times


Hello Hi still 4 stack overflow






(), **, * or /, (), **, *, /, +, + or ?

(), **, /, *, +, -

(), / or *, - or + 4


main() { printf(" C C to it that to it that C C servies servies"); main(); infinitely } The statement int (* arr [5]) (int *, char *) means What error would the following function give on compilation ? f(int a, int b) { int a; a=20; return a; } array of pointer to five functions Missing parentheses in return statement

Compilation Error Linker Error

C to it that C servies still 4 stack overflow


an integer function array of 5 taking 5 arrays and pointer to returning an char integers The function should be defined as int f ( int a , int b)

None of above 1


Redeclaration of None of the a above


If the binary equivalent of 5.375 in normalised form is 40 AC 00 0100 0000 1010 00 1100 0000 0000 0000, 0000 what is the output of the

00 CA 00 40

00 00 AC 40

00 00 CA 04

following'C' program ? main() { float a = 5.375; char *p; int i; p=(char*) &a; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) printf("%02x",(uns igned char)p[i] ) ; } 42 Interpret the following statement : void(*b)(int *); b is a pointer to a function which takes invalid statement a pointer to an int and returns a void Smallest b is a pointer to a void which can be typecast as a pointer to int b is a pointer of type int which is a pointer to a void


From an ascending priority queue only Largest the_________item can be removed Consider the program segment given below. (The numbers represent program line numbers) : 1. #include 2. int y; 3. void main() 4.{ 5. int x,*px,**px; 6. x = 10; 7. y = 1000; 8. px = &x; 9. ppx = &px; 10. f3(ppx); 11. 10







printf("%d",*px); 12.} 13.void f3(int **pp) 14.{ 15. *pp = &y; 16. printf("%d",**pp); 17.} The printf() at line 11 prints the value : 45 A stack in c is declared as a ____ array containing two objects The remove operation can only empty be performed, if the queue is Stack is constantly element changing In a doubly linked list if a node is to be deleted between two nodes, how 2 many links of the existing list have to be modified? What is the output of the following code? void main() { int i = 100, j = 200; 100 200 300



collection of element


non empty

overloaded memory location


47 48


set of integers 3


None of the above

const int *p=&i; p = &j; printf("%d",*p); } 50 The value of automatic variable that is declared but 0 not initialized will be




51 52

In a'C' program before main after main constant is defined


none of the above A function that does not return any values.

Passing a What does the Passing a pointer Choosing a copy of a term 'call-byto a variable into a random value variable into reference' refer to? function. for a variable. a function. Consider the following declaration ::enum color {black=-1, blue, green }; This represents


black= 1,blue=2, green=3

black= -1 ,blue = - black= -1 ,blue an illegal 2, green= -3 = 0, green= 1 declaration


The macro FILE is defined in which stdlib.h of the following files; A function called total(), totals the sum of an integer array passed to it (as the first parameter) and returns the total of all the elements as an integer. Let the second parameter to the function be an integer which contains the number of elements of the





int total( int int total( int numbers[], numbers[], int int elements elements ) { ){

int total( int numbers[], int elements ) {

None of the above

array. The correct code is 56 Passing a What does the Passing a pointer Choosing a copy of a term call-by-value to a variable into a random value variable into refer to? function for a variable a function Associativity of unary minus is right to left left to right from center A function that does not return any values None 1

57 58

void main() { int I=0; for(;I= =2;) { 0 printf("%d", I); I++; } } If ( ps->top=-1) return (true); else return (false); For this group of statements suggested shorter and more efficient method The fwrite() and fread() functions handle data in When the language has the capability to produce new data type,it is called____. return (1 (ps>top=+1) else return 0;



No output


return (ps->top==return(top+1); 1);

it can not be made shorter


text form

binary form

hexadecimal form

octal form







______ is the good example of a method that is Constructor Attribute shared by all instance of a class. Which of the is-a Part-of following are class relationship. relationship. relationships? Derived class Data inherits from base members. class. A contract is implemented Class Member function.

Constructor and None of these 1 Attribute options


Use-a relationship. Constructor & destructor. Abstract Class.

All of these options. Both Data members and Member function.




Interface and 4 Abstract Class

through. 66 Complex object composing of other object is called_____ Aggregation Assosiation Composition None of these 1 options


A relationship that can be identified between two object entities function (classes or individuals) is called a ___________.





Data Encapsulati Which are the Inheritance, on, main three features Polymorphism & Inheritance of OOP language? Exception handling & Exception handling 1?.n, where Only with a line Cardinality can be n represents between base class represented as: an unlimited & derived classes value.

Data Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism A line with an arrow-head pointing in direction of parent or superclass. Behavior heavenly : starry

Overloading, Inheritance & 3 Polymorphism


Cannot be represented in 1 UML. None of these 1 options wolf : sly 3

70 71 72 73 74 75 76

Method is another Function name of____ SATURINE : MERCURIAL ::


redundant : saturn : venus wordy

KIND : Requital Reverentral:imprud Circumspect:sh Muddy:unclea 4 BENEVOLENT :: :reverberate ent ort-sighted r Horse : colt :: CONE : PINE :: MANDATORY : OPTIONAL :: BLUEPRINT : CONSTRUCTIO N :: CELEBRATE : MARRIAGE :: PROHIBITED : REFRAIN :: bird : eaglet child : adult fruit : berry bulb : flower pious : indignant itinerary : trip window : bedroom competent : inept signal : light lament : bereavement seed : fruit acorn : oak opaque : ornate tenant : premises pot : pan required : decide sheep : lamb needle : fir chaste : celibate volume : library face : penalty compulsory : comply 4 3 2 1 2 4

77 78

innocuous : deleterious : forbid embark

79 80 81

ASSUAGE : DORMANT : Studies over the last 20 years have shown that virtually all babies born to drug addicted mothers are themselves adicted to drugs. No such correlation, however, has been shown between drug-addicted fathers and thier newborn children. It would appear, then, that drug addiction is a genetically inherited trait that is gender-linked and passed through the mother. All the following, if true, would weaken the argument above EXCEPT



convert active

Solidify uninteresting

2 3

authoritative elastic

There have been instances in which drugaddicted babies have been born to addicted fathers and nonaddicted mothers.

Although some biological conditions have been shown to be genetically based, drug addiction is not among them

Prior to the recent Drug addiction development is an acquired of DNA condition which testing, which cannot be maternity was 1 passed on from unquestionabl a mother to her e, paternity children could not be positively determined


During 1985, advertising expensing expenditure on canned food products increased by 20 percent, Advertising Canned food price while canned food effectivenes decreased relative consumption rose s increased to substitutes by 25 percent. Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption

Canned food products were avaible in more stores

Canned opener production doubled

except 83 The gateway of india is in mumbai mumbai is in maharashtra false therefore the gateway of india is in Maharashtra Ravi is the younger than sachin sachin is younger than tarun true therefore ravi is the youngest among them

cannot say


probably false 3



cannot say

probably true


During 1985, advertising expenditures on canned food products increased by 20%, while canned food Advertising Canned food prices consumption rose effectivenes decreased relative by 25%.Each of s increased. to substitutes. the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except: The movement of ownership by unions is the latest step in the progression from management ownership to employee ownership. Employee ownership can save depressed and losing companies. All the following statements, if true,

Canned food products are available in more stores.

Can opener production doubled.


Employeeowned companies generally have higher productivity .

Employee union Employee ownership participation in drives up management raises salaries and morale. wages.

Employee union ownership enables workers to share in the profits.

provide support for the claim above except: 87 One major obligation of the social psychologist is to provide his own discipline, the other social sciences and conceptual tools that will increase the range and the reliablilty of their understanding of social phenomena. Beyond that, responsible government officials are today turning more frequently to the social sientists for insight into the nature and solution of the problems with which they are confronted. The above argument assumes that:

Social psychologist must have a strong background in other sciences as will as their own

The social scientist has an A study of social obligation to psychology should provide the be part of the means by which curriculim of social government phenomena may officials. be understood by others

Social phenomena are little understood by 3 those outside the field of social psychology.


starting from a point x jayant walked 15metres towards the west he turned to his left and walked 20 metres he then 32 metres turned to his left south and walked 15 metres he then further turned to his right and walked 12 metres how far is jayant

47 metres east

42 metres north

27 metres south

from the point x and in which direction? 89 If P and N are done on Thursday L is done on L is done on and Friday, then Tuesday Wednesday which of the following is true? A farmer plants only five different kinds of vegetables -beans, corn, kale, peas, and squash. Every year the farmer plants exactly three kinds of vegetables according to the following restrictions: If the farmer plants corn, the farmer also plants beans that year. Beans, corn, Beans, peas, If the farmer plants kale, corn, Beans, corn, peas, squash, beans, kale one year, the peas, squash beans, corn, squash corn, kale farmer does not plant it the next year. In any year, the farmer plants no more than one of the vegetables the farmer planted in the previous year. Which of the following is a possible sequence of combinations for the farmer to Corn, peas, squash, beans, 3 kale, peas M is done on Monday O is done on Tuesday


plant in two successive years? 91 If x + 49 =8.2, then the value of x 1.20 is equal to If a = -1 and b = 2, what is the 343 value of (2 - ab2)3? If z = 1, y = 2.......a = 26. Find the 351 value of z + y + x + .......+a. A clock that gains two minutes each hour is synchronized at midnight with a clock that loses one minute an hour. What will be 36 the difference, in minutes, between the times shown on the two clocks when a third clock correctly shows noon? 50 copies of a book can be purchased for a sum payable 3 months hence while 51 copies 6% can be had for same sum for cash payment. What is the rate of interest per year? The Compound interest on a sum of money in 3 960 years at the rate of 5% per annum is


















10 %

12 %





Rs.1261. What is the simple interest of the same sum of money in the same number of years but at 4% per annum of simple interest. 97 If the radius of a cylinder is tripled while its height is halved halved, its volume will be In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed Rs.40each, 45% contributed Rs.20 each, and the rest 30% contributed Rs.12 each. What percentage of the total contributed came from people who gave Rs.40? A is 8 miles east of B. C is 10 miles north of B. D is 13 miles east of C and 5 miles E is 2 miles north of D. Find shortest distance between A and E. A dishonest milk seller professes to sell milk at cost price but gains 12 8:1 1/2%. The proportion of water he adds to milk is increased by 350%








6 miles

13 miles

18 miles




None of the above.

Sample Question Paper 06

Sr. No. 01 Question The decimal equivalent of 1011 is 21 Option1 11 Option2 10 Option3 12 Option4 Answ er 2


The _______ is useful device to obtain the computer output Graph plotters in the form of graphs or drawings. ______ holds data as the CPU Processor works with it. In a floppy, the circular plate coated with magnetic oxide, is divided into sectors, tracks ______ and these are further divided into _____. Which of these is not a output Monitor

Graphic pens


Punch Cards



Processor and None of these Memory options


tracks, sectors

circles, sectors

ovals, circles





device. 06 Source code analysis tools Design screens functions as ,menus ,reports _____________ etc. _ The principle task of a command language is: _______is a program execution. To initiate execution of programs Procedure Testing and debugging of programs Optimising programs by Pointing out unreachable lines of code Generate source code from 3 design given


To access the To cause an system functions interrupt

None of these options All of these options Bit





______ is the smallest unit of Frame data




In the third generation of computers Micro which of the Mini computers computers following type of machines was introduced? ______Gate is the Universal gate NAND OR

Main frame Computers

Super computer 1




A small high speed memory which is used to increase the RAM speed of processing is_____ 12 Which of the following are of CD-ROM type Optical Disk:


Cache Memory

None of these options


CD-ROM and Zip disk WORM


The transistor technology was Second introduced in First generation Third generation generation ___________ generation ________ is High level Low Level Medium

Fourth generation None of these


concerned with scheduling the decision to temporarily remove a process from the system. 15 Pictorial representation flowchart of an Algorithm is _________ The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm A table used to define clearly the word statement of a problem in a tabular form is_______ The flow lines are represented by the symbol of Language Primarily used for internetbased applications


Level scheduling









None of these options


Design table


Decision Table













Machine language has two part format the first part OPCODE,OPE is__________ RAND and the second part is __________ The process of incorporating System changes in an Maintenance existing system



System Valuation

System evaluation

None of these options

to enhance, update its features is_________. 23 The errors that occur in computer program is________ Syntax error and Logical error None of these options

Syntax error

Logical error


_________langu age that enables users to define there Query requirements for extracting required information. The file organization method that can Direct be used with magnetic tape storage is: Which of the following are keywords of the "C" language? All are i.if keywords ii.else iii.then iv.elseif The largest permissible same as the magnitude of an octal integer integer constant number is: The expression, a = 7/22 * (3.14 8.28 + 2) * 3/5; evaluates to The Output of the following code is: #include 5.0






Indexed Sequential

None of these options


only i,ii and iii are keywords

only i,ii and iv are keywords

only i and ii are 2 keywords


same as the short integer number

same as integer

None of these options








void main( ) { float a = 1, b; int m = 3, n = 5; b = (a ? m : n)/2.0; printf ("%3.1f ", b); } 30 Which statement sets the 3rd lowermost bit of ^3; an unsigned integer x to 0, leaving other bits unchanged? What is the output of the following code? #include void main() { int a = 32, b = 66; 32 if (a, b) printf("\n%d",a) ; else printf("\n%d",b) ; } What is the output of the following code? #include void main() Error { int a = 20; printf("%d",a + `F`); } The statement that compares the value of an







None of these options




garbage value


if( sum < "65" ) if( sum <= 65 ) printf("Sorry, printf("Sorry, try again" ); try again" );

if( 65 == sum if( sum < 65 ) ) printf("Sorry, printf("Sorry, try again" );

integer called sum against the value 65, and if it is less, prints the text string "Sorry, try again", is 34 What is the output of the following code? #include void main() { int s=3,score=200; switch(s) { case 1: printf("\n %d ",score + 1); case 2: printf("\n %d\t",score + 203 2); case 3: printf("\n %d\t",score + 3); case 4: printf("\n %d\t",score + 4); case 5: printf("\n %d\t",score + 5); } } What is the output of the following code? #include hi aaa() { printf("hi");

try again" );

203 207 212

203 204 205

None of these options





} bbb() { printf("hello"); } ccc() { printf("bye"); } main() { int (*ptr[3]) (); ptr[0]=aaa; ptr[1]=bbb; ptr[2]=ccc; ptr[3]=(); } 36 When a function is called in C and parameters are passed into reference the routine, the variables passed by Sending a copy of data to a Recursion program module is called _____.



None of these options


Passing a reference

Passing a value



What will happen if you assign a value to Other data an element of an The element will Nothing, its may be array whose be set to 0 done all the time overwritten subscript exceeds the size of the array? The statement is wrong; it assigns the value int n[4] = { 11, gives an error 17 to n[3] 13, 17, 105} message What will happen if you try to put so many values into an array assigns the value 17 to n[2]

Error message from the compiler


assigns the value 3 -13 to n[2]



Error message Possible system Other data may from the malfunction be overwritten compiler

when you initialize it that the size of the array is exceeded? 41 Which of the following is the correct way of float ptr; declaring a float pointer: Which of these are reasons for using pointers? 1.To manipulate parts of an array 2.To refer to keywords such as for and if 1&3 3.To return more than one value from a function 4.To refer to particular programs more conveniently None of the above

float *ptr;

*float ptr;


Only 1

Only 3

All of the above 1


The purpose of declaring float (*x) (int(*a)[]); is to indicate :

x is a pointer to a function that accepts an argument which is an array of amibiguous pointers to declaration integer quantities and returns a pointer to a floating point quantity.

x is a pointer to a function that accepts an argument which is a None of these pointer to an options integer array and returns a floating point quantity.


void main() { int I,fun1(),fun2(),f what happened un3(); Tulika int (*f[3])(); f[0]=fun1; f[1]=fun2;

what happened

what happened happened Tulika

Error:Invalid pointer assighnment

f[2]=fun3; for(I=0;I<3;I++) (*f[I])(); } fun1(){ printf("what");f un2();} fun2(){printf("h appened");} fun3{printf("Tul ika");} What is the output of this program? 45 What is the output of the following code? #include void main() { int arr[] = 30 20 {10,20,30,40,50 }; int *ptr = arr; printf("\n %d\t %d\t",*++ptr, *ptr++); } The correct way for a structure in C to contain a pointer to itself is typedef struct { char *item; NODEPTR next; } *NODEPTR;

30 10

20 30

30 30


struct node { char *item; struct node Both are *next; }; typedef correct. struct node *NODEPTR; Compiler dependent

None of above.


Individual structure member can be True initialized in the structure itself Given the statements, struct someone { int age; char *name;


None of these options



printf("%s", printf("%c", None of the someone.pers person->name); above on->name);

} *person; the C statement that will print out the name of the person is : 49 The operation for adding an entry to a stack is traditionally called: Transform this expression to infix form? AB+C*DE-FG+$








((A+B)*CNone of the (D-E))$(F+G) above


Which data structure is needed to Linear list convert infix notation to postfix notation In the arrary representation of circular Front=rear queue when can we say that the queue is full? For queue which It is an ordered of following are list true A linear list, in which elements can be added or removed at Queue either end but not in the middle, is known as What is the output of the following code? 0 #include void main()





(rear(rear+1)%max= 1)%max==fro rear=front-1 =front nt All the deletion are made from front


All the insertions are made at rear

All of the above 4






Compile Time Runtime Error error

{ int a = 0; printf("\n %d\t", (a = 10/a)); } 56 57 Text file end with? `\n` Null value `\r` EOF 4

If you don`t initialize a static array, what will 0 be the elements set to? 12.34f is a ________ constant. string literal

an undetermined a floating the character value point number constant `\0`


float literal

double literal character literal 2


What is the output of the following code if user enters "This is a test"? #include #include void main() This is a test { char str[8]; scanf("%s",&s tr); printf("\n%s", str); } What is the output of the following code? #include void main() { 123 /* this is /* an example */ of nested comment */ printf("\n123"); } Encapsulation is Information

This is a




Compile time error

Run time Error

None of these options


Data Binding


None of these

hiding 62 Encapsulation prevents the program from becoming _______ ______ is the property of an object that distinguishes it from all other object.

hiding and options Data Binding









None of these options.


What is the term used to describe the situation when a derived Inheritance class provides a function already provided in the base class? Abstract class cannot have ________-. Zero instance.



Both Inheritance 2 & Overloading


Multiple instance.

Both Zero instance & Multiple instance. Containing and Composition

None of these options.


An object containing other Containing object is called_____. What name is given to a collection of components or routines?


None of these options







Data Which are the Encapsulation, main three Inheritance & features of OOP Exception language? handling Peer-to-peer relationship is a Association type of

Inheritance, Polymorphism & Exception handling

Data Encapsulation Overloading, , Inheritance Inheritance & & Polymorphism Polymorphis m Link None of these options



_________. 70 The use of constructor is ______. to initialize the objects of it`s class. To initialize the objects of to allocate it`s class as memory for the well as to None of these objects of it`s allocate options. class only memory for the objects of it`s class


There are any number of theories to explain these events and, since even the experts disagree, paradoxical for it is ______ the ... abstain from rest of us in our role as responsible scholars to _________ dogmatic statements.

incumbent on arrogant of ... opportune for ... ... refrain 3 compensate with quarrel over from

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

ODE : POEM :: character : novel brick: building GAZELLE : SWIFT :: horse : slow swan : graceful bulb : flower eraser : correction Jelly:jam violent fastidious : grime elastic climactic Employee participation in mangaement

ballad : song lion : roar acorn : oak solvent : paint Wine:grapes complete humorous : laughter active worrisome Employee union owner drives up

street : intersection lamb : bleat needle : fir reagent : chemical

3 3 3 1

CONE : PINE :: fruit : berry LUBRICANT : balm : pain FRICTION :: HAM : PORK :: Pickle:sardine DISINTEREST biased ED : GRACEFUL : articulate : MOVEMENT :: speech DORMANT : SALIENT : authoritative insignificant

Chocolate:coffe 3 e humane servile : rebellion uninteresting awesome 1 1 3 1

The movement Employeeto ownership by owned unions is the companies

Employee union ownership 3 enable worker to

latest step in the generally have progression higher from productive management ownership. Employee ownership to employee ownership can save depressed and losing companies. All the following statements, if true provide support for the claim above EXCEPT 82 In 1950, transylyvania earned $ 1 million in tourist revenue.By 1970, tourist revenue doubled and in 1980, it reached the sum of $4 million Each of the following, if true may explain the trend in tourist revenue except:

raises morale

salaries and wages

share in the profits.

The number of tourists has increased from 1950 to 1980

average Average stay the number of expenditure per per tourist has total hotel rooms 4 tourist has increased has increased. increased


Ravi is the younger than sachin sachin is younger than true tarun therefore ravi is the youngest among them


cannot say

probably true


Monopoly is ABC`s market is Monopoly is characterized by not defined as one an absence of or monopolistic. seller in a

The ABC The ABC company has company is 1 no domestic publicly owned

decline in competition. The ABC company realizes that its operations are in competitive industries. Which of the following conclusions may be inferred from the above? 85 The Pistons have more points than the Nuggets. The Bullets have less points than the Lakers. The Nuggets and the Suns have the same number of points. The Suns have more points than the Bullets. If the above is true, which of the following must also be true?



The Nuggets have fewer points than the Bullets.

The Pistons have more points than the Bullets.

The Nuggets have fewer points than the Lakers.

The Lakers have more points than 1 the Pistons.


During 1985, advertising expenditures on canned food products increased by Advertising 20%, while effectiveness canned food increased. consumption rose by 25%.Each of the following, if true, could help explain the

Canned food prices decreased relative to substitutes.

Canned food products are available in more stores.

Can opener production doubled.

increase in food consumption except: 87 A person hearing this advertisement countered, 88 being overweight is always caused by unhappiness and unattractiveness being overweight is the only cause of unhappiness and unattractiveness unhappiness and unattractivene ss can cause someone to be overweight unhappiness necessarily leads 2 to being overweight

Looking at a potrait, A said "her mother`s only son is my cousin`s father". My cousin is the A`s Uncle daughter of my maternal uncle who has an only sister. whose potrait was "A" looking at? If F sits directly opposite L,H sits at the head of the table, and G sits immediately on One H`s left, what is the total number of possible seating arrangements of the guest ? If F sits directly opposite L and between K and G M, which guest must sit directly opposite M? 0.000006 * 0.0000007 = ? The sum of digits of a twodigit number is 0.0000000042 4

A`s sister

A`s grandmohter

A`s mother






91 92

0.000000000042 2

0.0000000000 0.000000000000 3 042 42 6 none of the above 2

8 and the product of the digits is 15. What is the difference between the digits of that number? 93 The price of 4 rolls, 6 muffins, and 3 loaves of bread at a certain bakery is $9.10. The price of 2 rolls, 3 $1.10 muffins, and a loaf of bread at the same bakery is $3.90. What is the price of a loaf of bread at this bakery? Robert is 15 years older than his brother Peter. However, y years ago Robert was 13 twice as old as Peter. If Peter is now b years old and b > y, find the value of b y. If paper costs 1 paisa per sheet, and a buyer gets a 2% discount on all the paper he buys after the Rs 49.30 first 1000 sheets, how much will it costs to buy 5000 sheets of









Rs 50.00

Rs 39.20

Rs 49.20

paper? 96 The inside circumference of a circular running track is 88 metres long and the track is everywhere 7 Rs. 140 metres wide. Find the cost of leveling the track at the rate of 18 P per square metre. How many metres of silk at Rs. 4.50 a metre must a draper 21 give in exchange for 50kg of sugar at Rs. 2.70 a kg? The price of jute has been reduced by 20%. If the reduced price is 960 Rs. 800 per quintal, the original price per quintal was A grain merchant bought 50kg of wheat at the rate of Rs. 7 per kg. And 20 kg of wheat at the rate 190 of Rs. 8 per kg. After mixing the two, he sold at the rate of Rs.10 per kg. What was his total profit in this

Rs. 138.60

Rs. 143.70

none of the above




None of the above








none of the above

transaction? 100 If m = 121 - 5 k is divisible by 3, which of the following may be true? 1. m is odd 1 only 2. m is even 3. k is divisible by 3

2 only

2 and 3 only

1 and 2 only

Sample Qestion Paper 07

Sr. No . Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Answe r

01 _______ computers perform the complex processing by Analog directly measuring the discrete physical quantities. 02 _______ is a nonvolatile memory chip in which data once ROM stored cannot be altered by programmer







03 Modern magnetic tapes use 8 bit ________code format for data recording




All of these options

04 The tape of magnetic tape storage is divided into Vertical Channels Frames and columns and Frames Channels called_________ and horizontal rows is called________ 05 Which of these is an Magnetic electronic card. Strip Card Smart Card

Tracks and Frames

Channels and 2 Tracks

ATM Card

Punch Card

06 ________ is a set of control statements Application and extends System software software processing capability of Computer system 07 Different types of user interfaces include 08 FAT stands for 09 The OSI model has ________ layers System calls File Allocation Table 5 Command language File Administration Table 6 MPEG FOR VIDEO

Operating system


Job control language File Available Table 7 MPEG FOR AUDIO

All of these options

File Allotment 1 Transfer 8 All of these options 1 4

10 Standard multimedia compression JPEG technique is 11 The mechanism of counting the 1 bits of the character bit set and adding a check bit to make the total Parity number of 1 bits even while transferring the data, is referred to as The shortcoming of Mark 1 computer is ___________ It is very slow

Even Parity

Odd Parity

Error Checking

Very complex indesign and huge Unreliable in size

It is very slow and also very 4 complex indesign and

huge in size 12 Which of the following are not Hard disk Zip disk Disk packs Floppy disk Winchester Disk 3

13 The unit of measurement of data Maud transfer rate is ______ 14 ______is collection of the facts or informational raw Data material and become information after processing. 15 Algorithms can be represented in various ways EXCEPT



None of these 2 options



Main Memory 1




16 _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to Index the contents of the field designed as the record key. 17 Advantages of using Effective flow charts is Analysis 18 The logic used to perform instructions Selection one after another logic is_______ 19 Computer languages are classified as all Machine of the following Language EXCEPT: 20 Limitation of Machine language are, EXCEPT: 21 Executed fast by Computer




Efficient Coding

Time consuming

Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding

Sequence logic

End case

None of these 2 options

Code language

Assembly language

High level Language Machine dependent All of these options

Difficult to program The program cannot be compiled and executed until all syntax errors

Error prone These program error typically involve incorrect

It is easier ________ is true for to detect Syntax error. Syntax error compared to

logical error are corrected

Punctuation, undefined terms, no parenthesis etc. Errors Indexed Sequential All of these options All of these options 2 4

23 Program errors are Virus known as ________ 24 Commonly used file Sequential organization are: 25 _________language that enables users to define there Query requirements for extracting required information. 1 26 3.2 % 3 27 What is o/p If c=10, d=20 ( c> d ? printf(" Hi Hi") : printf(" Hello")); 28 Which of the following are keywords of the C language? i)if ii)else iii)then iv)elseif 29 which of the following is NOT a character constant `Thank You`

Bugs Direct and Random




0 Hello

0.2 HiHello


None of these 2

All are keywords

only i,ii and iii are only i,ii and iv keywords are keywords

only i and ii are keywords

`enter values of p n `23.56e-03` r`

all of the above

30 void main() { int arr[10]; printf("%d", 20 sizeof(arr)); getch(); } 31 Following are the rules for naming an identifier except: Uppercase case letters are not equivalent to lowercase letters




Should not start with a digit but can Any letter with - Letter starting 3 have digits in + = sign with between the name

32 What is output void main() { int n=3,a=2; 7 a*= n+1; printf("%d", a); } 33 The keyword _______ breaks the control from while loop. 34 break



both a and b


The compiler Consider the will search declaration #include only the Here the angled standard brackets indicate libraries for the file myfile.h Hi

The compiler will search first the user`s default/ working directory and then the standard libraries for the file myfile.h

The compiler will search only None of the the user`s above. default/working directory

35 main() { printf(" \n Hello"); disp(); } disp() { printf(" \n Hi"); main(); }


Hello Hi Infinite no of times

Hello Hi still 4 stack overflow

36 C() { printf("C"); } B() { C(); printf("B"); } A() { CAMB printf(" A"); B(); } main() { printf("M"); A(); }




37 which of the following shows the (), **, * or /, correct hierarchy of (), **, *, /, +, + or ? arithmetic operations in C 38 main() { printf(" C to C to it that it that C servies"); C servies main(); } infinitely 39 array of The statement int (* pointer to arr [5]) (int *, char *) five means functions Missing parentheses in return statement

(), **, /, *, +, -

(), / or *, - or + 4

Compilation Error Linker Error an integer function array of 5 taking 5 arrays and pointer to returning an char integers The function should be defined as int f ( int a , int b)

C to it that C servies still 4 stack overflow None of above 1

40 What error would the following function give on compilation ? f(int a, int b) { int a; a=20; return a; }

Redeclaration of None of the a above

41 If the binary equivalent of 5.375 in normalised form is 0100 0000 1010 1100 0000 0000 0000, 0000 what is the output of the 40 AC 00 following'C' program 00 ? main() { float a = 5.375; char *p; int i; p=(char*) &a; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) printf("%02x",(unsig ned char)p[i] ) ; } 42

00 CA 00 40

00 00 AC 40

00 00 CA 04

b is a pointer to a function Interpret the following statement : which takes invalid statement a pointer to void(*b)(int *); an int and returns a void Largest Smallest

b is a pointer to a void which can be typecast as a pointer to int

b is a pointer of type int which is a pointer to a void

43 From an ascending priority queue only the_________item can be removed 44 Consider the program segment given below. (The numbers represent program line numbers) : 1. #include 2. int y;



10 3. void main() 4.{ 5. int x,*px,**px; 6. x = 10; 7. y = 1000;




8. px = &x; 9. ppx = &px; 10. f3(ppx); 11. printf("%d",*px); 12.} 13.void f3(int **pp) 14.{ 15. *pp = &y; 16. printf("%d",**pp); 17.} The printf() at line 11 prints the value : 45 A stack in c is declared as a ____ containing two objects 46 The remove operation can only be performed, if the queue is 47 Stack is constantly changing




collection of element


non empty

overloaded memory location




set of integers 3

48 In a doubly linked list if a node is to be deleted between two nodes, how many 2 links of the existing list have to be modified? 49 What is the output of the following code? void main() 100 {



None of the above

int i = 100, j = 200; const int *p=&i; p = &j; printf("%d",*p); } 50 The value of automatic variable 0 that is declared but not initialized will be 51 In a'C' program constant is defined 52 What does the term 'call-by-reference' refer to?



None none of the above A function that does not return any values.

before main after main


Passing a Passing a pointer Choosing a copy of a to a variable into a random value variable into function. for a variable. a function.

53 Consider the following declaration black= ::- enum color 1,blue=2, {black=-1, blue, green=3 green }; This represents 54 The macro FILE is defined in which of the following files; 55 A function called total(), totals the sum of an integer array passed to it (as the first parameter) and returns the total of all the elements as an integer. Let the second parameter to the function be an integer which contains the number of elements of the array. The correct code is 56 What does the term stdlib.h

black= -1 ,blue = - black= -1 ,blue an illegal 2, green= -3 = 0, green= 1 declaration




int total( int int total( int numbers[], numbers[], int int elements elements ) { ){

int total( int numbers[], int elements ) {

None of the above

Passing a

Passing a pointer

Choosing a

A function

call-by-value refer to? 57 Associativity of unary minus is

copy of a to a variable into a random value variable into function for a variable a function right to left left to right from center

that does not return any values None 1

58 void main() { int I=0; for(;I= =2;) { 0 printf("%d", I); I++; }} 59 If ( ps->top=-1) return (true); else return (false); For this group of statements suggested shorter and more efficient method 60 The fwrite() and fread() functions handle data in return (1 (ps>top=+1) else return 0;



No output

return (ps->top==return(top+1); 1);

it can not be made shorter

text form

binary form

hexadecimal form

octal form

61 When the language has the capability to Extensible produce new data type,it is called____.




62 ______ is the good example of a method Constructor Attribute that is shared by all instance of a class. 63 Which of the following are class relationships? 64 Derived class inherits from base class. is-a Part-of relationship. relationship. Data members.

Constructor and None of these 1 Attribute options Use-a relationship. Constructor & destructor. All of these options. Both Data members and Member function.

Member function.

65 A contract is implemented through.



Abstract Class.

Interface and 4 Abstract Class None of these 1 options activity 2

66 Complex object composing of other Aggregation Assosiation object is called_____ 67 A relationship that can be identified function association

Composition link

between two object entities (classes or individuals) is called a ___________. 68 Which are the main three features of OOP language? 69 Cardinality can be represented as: 1?.n, where Only with a line n represents between base class an unlimited & derived classes value. Function Attribute Data Encapsulati Inheritance, on, Polymorphism & Inheritance Exception handling & Exception handling Data Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism A line with an arrow-head pointing in direction of parent or superclass. Behavior heavenly : starry Overloading, Inheritance & 3 Polymorphism

Cannot be represented in 1 UML. None of these 1 options wolf : sly 3

70 Method is another name of____ 71 SATURINE : MERCURIAL :: 72 KIND : BENEVOLENT :: 73 Horse : colt :: 74 CONE : PINE :: 75 MANDATORY : OPTIONAL ::

redundant : saturn : venus wordy

Requital Reverentral:imprud Circumspect:sh Muddy:unclea 4 :reverberate ent ort-sighted r bird : eaglet child : adult fruit : berry bulb : flower pious : indignant competent : inept signal : light lament : bereavement seed : fruit acorn : oak opaque : ornate tenant : premises pot : pan required : decide convert active Drug addiction is an acquired condition which cannot be passed on from a mother to her children sheep : lamb needle : fir chaste : celibate volume : library face : penalty compulsory : comply solidify uninteresting 4 3 2 1 2 4 2 3

itinerary : 76 BLUEPRINT : CONSTRUCTION :: trip 77 CELEBRATE : MARRIAGE :: 78 PROHIBITED : REFRAIN :: 79 ASSUAGE : 80 DORMANT : 81 Studies over the last 20 years have shown that virtually all babies born to drug addicted mothers are themselves adicted to drugs. No such window : bedroom

innocuous : deleterious : forbid embark humiliate There have been instances in which drugaddicted babies have been born to intensify Although some biological conditions have been shown to be genetically based, drug addiction is not among them authoritative elastic

Prior to the recent development of DNA 1 testing, which maternity was unquestionabl

correlation, however, has been shown between drugaddicted fathers and thier newborn children. It would appear, then, that drug addiction is a genetically inherited trait that is genderlinked and passed through the mother. All the following, if true, would weaken the argument above EXCEPT

addicted fathers and nonaddicted mothers.

e, paternity could not be positively determined

82 During 1985, advertising expensing expenditure on canned food products increased Advertising Canned food price by 20 percent, while effectivenes decreased relative canned food s increased to substitutes consumption rose by 25 percent. Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except 83 The gateway of india is in mumbai mumbai is in maharashtra false therefore the gateway of india is in maharashtra 84 Ravi is the younger than sachin sachin is younger than tarun true therefore ravi is the youngest among them 85 During 1985, advertising

Canned food products were avaible in more stores

Canned opener production doubled

cannot say


probably false 3


cannot say

probably true

Advertising Canned food prices Canned food effectivenes decreased relative products are

Can opener production

expenditures on s increased. to substitutes. canned food products increased by 20%, while canned food consumption rose by 25%.Each of the following, if true, could help explain the increase in food consumption except: 86 The movement of ownership by unions is the latest step in the progression from management ownership to employee ownership. Employee ownership can save depressed and losing companies. All the following statements, if true, provide support for the claim above except: 87 One major obligation of the social psychologist is to provide his own discipline, the other social sciences and conceptual tools that will increase the range and the reliablilty of their understanding of social phenomena. Beyond that, responsible government officials are today turning more frequently to the social sientists

available in more stores.


Employeeowned companies generally have higher productivity .

Employee union Employee ownership participation in drives up management raises salaries and morale. wages.

Employee union ownership enables workers to share in the profits.

Social psychologist must have a strong background in other sciences as will as their own

The social scientist has an A study of social obligation to psychology should provide the be part of the means by which curriculim of social government phenomena may officials. be understood by others

Social phenomena are little understood by 3 those outside the field of social psychology.

for insight into the nature and solution of the problems with which they are confronted. The above argument assumes that: 88 starting from a point x jayant walked 15metres towards the west he turned to his left and walked 20 metres he then turned to his left and 32 metres walked 15 metres he south then further turned to his right and walked 12 metres how far is jayant from the point x and in which direction? 89 If P and N are done on Thursday and Friday, then which of the following is true?

47 metres east

42 metres north

27 metres south

L is done on L is done on Tuesday Wednesday

M is done on Monday

O is done on Tuesday

90 A farmer plants only five different kinds of vegetables -beans, corn, kale, peas, and squash. Every year the farmer plants exactly three kinds of vegetables according Beans, corn, Beans, corn, peas, Beans, peas, kale, corn, squash, beans, to the following beans, corn, squash peas, squash corn, kale restrictions: If the farmer plants corn, the farmer also plants beans that year. If the farmer plants kale one year, the farmer does not plant

Corn, peas, squash, beans, 3 kale, peas

it the next year. In any year, the farmer plants no more than one of the vegetables the farmer planted in the previous year. Which of the following is a possible sequence of combinations for the farmer to plant in two successive years? 91 If x + 49 =8.2, then the value of x is 1.20 equal to 92 If a = -1 and b = -2, what is the value of (2 - ab2)3? 343







93 If z = 1, y = 2.......a = 26. Find the value of 351 z + y + x + .......+a. 94 A clock that gains two minutes each hour is synchronized at midnight with a clock that loses one minute an hour. What will be the 36 difference, in minutes, between the times shown on the two clocks when a third clock correctly shows noon? 95 50 copies of a book can be purchased for a sum payable 3 6% months hence while 51 copies can be had for same sum for








10 %

12 %

cash payment. What is the rate of interest per year? 96 The Compound interest on a sum of money in 3 years at the rate of 5% per annum is Rs.1261. What is the simple 960 interest of the same sum of money in the same number of years but at 4% per annum of simple interest. 97 If the radius of a cylinder is tripled while its height is halved, its volume will be







increased by 350%

98 In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed Rs.40each, 45% contributed Rs.20 each, and the rest 30% contributed Rs.12 each. What percentage of the total contributed came from people who gave Rs.40? 99 A is 8 miles east of B. C is 10 miles north of B. D is 13 miles east of C and E 5 miles is 2 miles north of D. Find shortest distance between A and E. 10 A dishonest milk 8:1 0 seller professes to sell milk at cost price




6 miles

13 miles

18 miles



None of the above.

but gains 12 1/2%. The proportion of water he adds to milk is

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