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Primary Source

"Title IX." N.p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012 This source gave me the Title IX law about Title IX. It told me what the states, and what I as a women given the right to play sports, pursue math and science, giving pregnant and parenting students fair treatment,and does not allow sexual harassment or bullying in any schools. N.d. 12 Dec 2012. This gave me my Pat Summitt picture so I could show the audience what Pat Summitt looks like and so I could make use of my primary sources. It gave me a visual of what Pat Summitt. This picture was a recent photo so it gave me a better understanding of what she would look like than an older photo. Secondary Sources Karen, Elumenthal. Let Me Play, The Story of Title IX, the law that changed the futures of girls in America. New York, New York: Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing Division , 2005. Web. This book helped me by explaining what Title IX is. This book is a secondary source, which means it was wrote by someone that did not experience the event. This book was very effective in my research. Mitchell, Nicole, and Lisa Ennis. Encyclopedia of Title Nine and Sports. West Port, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007. eBook. This book gave me information on amendments that I had did not have acknowledgment of and showed me how these amendments work. This showed me what the creators wanted to

do if these amendments were enacted. I was also told if these amendments were enacted or not.

Simon, Rita. Sporting Equality Title IX thirty years later. Piscataway ,New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2002. eBook. This book helped me by giving me a clearly understanding about Title Ix. It also gave me a better idea about how it affected by Title IX. This book is a secondary source, which means it was it was wrote by someone that did not experience the event.

Walke, Richard. "" N.p.. Web. 11 Dec 2012. This gave me new information about Title IX that I never knew. It told me things that I couldnt find on any other website. It gave me a better understanding about Title IX. It told me how many girls started playing sports when Title IX was passed. It said that most girls that played sports played basketball and that more women played basketball than men.

"Title IX." Women's Sports Foundation. N.p.. Web. 6 Nov 2012. <w.>. Jenkins, Sally, and Pat Summitt. Sum it Up. Random House Digital INC., 2013. 1-256. eBook.

This Book gave me an idea of who Pat Summitt and what she did for the Lady Vols. I learned that she was the first one to win 1000 games. It shows that women can do anything that men can do, and sometimes even better than men. Also, women had won something men had not. It also gave me an idea of how she affected people and I think she proved Title IX right that women should and could be equally compared to men.

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