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Production Brief Project Name Medium/Format Length Brief overview of content On the edge Short Film drama/ tragedy

y 5 minutes Our short film starts with images from Facebook which show Sam Cooper; our protagonist becoming a victim of cyber bullying with people sending her messages such as lesbo and freak. Fed up from the constant torments Sam takes a large handful of pills from her pocket and swallows them. Flashbacks from the physical bullying she faced are then exposed. She is then seen hiding in the boys toilet from her bullies, the bullies look for her in the toilet but cant see her, when she comes out of the toilet one of the bullies are there and pushes her against the wall ready to punch her but then Sam opens her eyes and realises no one is there; its her imagination. She then looks into the toilet mirror and the flashback of when she rang bully line begins. The pills she had previously taken then takes effect and she drifts slowly back on to the wall and gradually drops to the floor. The short film then ends with an ambulance arriving at King George Hospital. Our target audience will be manly female as all the actors are females and the plot is based around struggles girls may have in school with their sexuality, which girls are more likely to relate to than boys. However boys can also be a victim of bullying because of their sexuality so they may be able to relate in some way. Our age bracket will be people aged 15-20. It will be published on popular websites such as YouTube and the social networking site Facebook. We have researched Odd girl out which is a film that focuses on teen peer pressure and the emotional problems that may arise when teens are ostracized by their peers at school, this storyline is similar to our product whereby a student gets bullied and singled out because of her sexuality and for never being able to fit in with other students at school. It shows to bullies how bullying affects people as they may not be aware of the consequences of their actions, and to ultimately help stop bullying. The product will be watched by a focus group of our target audience to test whether the product is successful. We will also be conducting a pre and post questionnaire asking a variation of questions on the audiences opinions and the strengths and weaknesses of our production. This will give us a clear indication on whether our production has been successful and if there are any improvements we could make.

Target Audience:

Possible scheduling/publishing suggestion: What comparable products have you researched?

What is the rationale behind this text? How will you test whether the product is successful? How will you check that it accomplishes the intended effect?

What are the overt (obvious) messages incorporated into the text?

It shows to bullies how bullying affects people, as they may not be aware of the consequences of their actions. The overt message is to stop bullying and think about other peoples feelings. Time management: there may be issues with the time we can film as not all the cast will have the same free time in school and the cast may have work to do so we will have to work around the cast timetable and needs. Appearance: As our film is being filmed over the course of more than one day we will need to make sure our actors dont make any drastic changes to their appearance for example their hair colour as our film is meant to be based on a 1 day event. Room availability: As our short film is set in different locations we will need to make sure these rooms/locations are available to use when we need them and make sure they are not being used by anyone else.

Identify any resource constraints (money, equipment, human resources) that might affect your production and your hopes for your product:

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