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Muscular System

Chapter 9

9.1 Introduction to the Muscle

Muscle Organs that use energy to exert a pulling force on structure that they are attached to. Muscles basic functions: a) Movement of parts c) Movement of materials b) Posture d) Heat There are three general types. Skeletal Cardiac Smooth

9.2 Structure of Skeletal Muscle

CONNECTIVE TISSUE COVERINGS: Fascia Dense connective tissue that separates out individual skeletal muscles. Epimysium Connective tissue that lies under the fascia. Perimysium - Extends from the epimysium and surrounds bundles of muscle tissue. Endomysium Surrounds individual muscle fibers which are found in the bundles surrounded by the perimysium. Tendon The connective tissue that extends away form the muscle to the bone. Tendons at the connection to the periosteum often intertwine forming a strong bond. Aponeuroses Connective tissue of one muscle forming a connection to another muscles connective tissue. Skeletal Muscle Fiber A single muscle cell that was made from the fusion of many undifferentiated cells to form one cell which has many nuclei. Sarcolemma Cell membrane Sarcoplasm Cytoplasm of the muscle cell which contain a large amount of mitochondria. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Found on the outside of the sarcolemma and connects muscle cells together and transport extracellular fluid between them. Transverse tubules Connect to the sarcoplasmic reticulm and extend through to the sarcolemma. Myofibrils Treadlike fibers in the sarcoplasm that run parallel to eachother. Myosin Thick filaments of the myofibrils.
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Cross bridges Strands of gobular proteins that stick out of the myosin fibers and help in movement. Actin Thin filaments of the myofibrils. Tropomyosin Rod shaped molecules that are in the grooves of the actin filament. Troponin Found on tropomyosin and connect to the cross bridges. Sacromers Area in which the myosin and actin meet and overlap. I-bands Actin filaments joined together at the z-line. A-bands Where actin and myosin bands overlap. H-zone Area of only myosin fibers are located. M-line Area where proteins hold the myosin fibers together. Titin A protein that holds the myosin to the z-line.

9.3 Cartilaginous Joints NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION: Motor neuron Neuron of the nervous system that attaches to the muscle fiber. Motor neuron is responsible for signaling a muscle contraction. Neuromuscular junction - Site where the axon and muscle fiber meet. Motor end plate Site where the muscle fiber is adapted to receive the stimulus from the motor neuron. Many of the fibers nuclei and mitochondria are located here. Motor unit Combination of both the neuron and the muscle fiber. Synaptic cleft Space between the motor neuron and the muscle fiber. Neurotransmitter Chemicals that are used to transmit the signal in the synaptic cleft. Acetylcholine (ACh) Neurotransmitter used to control muscle contraction.
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Sliding filament theory Shortening of the sarcomere by the fact the thin filaments move toward the center sliding over the thick filaments. STEPS OF CONTRACTION: 1. Signal is sent to the relaxed muscle via the motor neuron which triggers acetylcholine to be released through the muscle fiber. ACh causes the muscle release calcium through the muscle. 2. Calcium attaches to the binds to tropinin allowing troponin to pull aside exposing the binding site on the myosin. 3. Actine bond to the now exposed myosin sites forming cross bridges. 4. ADP and P are released causing the cross bridges to pull the thin filament. 5. ATP reattaches to myosin breaking the link between thick and thin filaments. 6. ATP breaks which releases the myosin to prepare to reattach to the actin sites to pull the thin filament again as long calcium is still being released by the cell it will continue to cycle through steps 2 thru 6. STEPS OF CONTRACTION: 1. Nerve impulse ceases and acetylcholine is no longer released and whatever acetylcholine is present is broken down by another enzyme. 2. Calcium is no longer pumped into the contraction site and then allows ATP to close up the bonding sites which allows the muscle fibers to return back to a relaxed state. ENERGY SOURCES OF CONTRACTION: ATP Adenosine triphosphate is the energy source for contraction. High energy bonds between phosphate groups P P P supply energy when broken. Creatine phosphate supplies energy to put phosphate groups back on to ADP molecules.
Creatine Phosphate Energy P ADPP ATP ENERGY RELEASED

Oxygen Supply & Cellular Respiration: Myoglobin and hemoglobin are used to carry oxygen in the blood. During exercise O2 is used to run aerobic respiration to provide ATP.

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When there is not enough O2 the muscle starts producing lactic acid instead of ATP. The lactic acid can be converted back onto usable glucose which with O2 can be converted back into ATP at a later time. Oxygen debt Amount of oxygen needed to convert lactic acid into glucose. Muscle fatigue Produced by exercise over a period of time that causes a lower pH in the muscles. This can lead to the inability to contract muscles or to uncontrolled contractions of the muscles (cramps). Heat is the other main product of cellular respiration and result in maintenance of body temperature.

9.4 Muscular Forces

Threshold stimulus Muscles will not contract until a certain stimulus in produced by the motor neuron. All or None Response The idea that unless a full stimulus is provided by a motor neuron a contraction will not occur. You can not have half of a muscle fiber contraction. Twitch A quick contraction that occurs in the muscle. Staircase effect A series of twitches that occurs in the muscles that gradually increase in strength. Summation When twitches start to combine to make one contraction. Tetanic contraction Stimuli are so close together that relaxation does not occur in the muscle fibers. Muscle Tone Even when muscles are not in use some of the muscle fibers are still contracting to maintain posture and good form. Muscles can contract in several ways. Isotonic When a muscle contracts and the ends of the muscle pull closer together and move an object. Concentric When a muscle shortens. Eccentric When the muscle lengthens. Isometric Muscle contracts but does not move the object or shorten. Muscles can vary in contraction speed. Slow-twitch Muscles that have a lot of myoglobin and are very vascular. They are designed to keep up with ATP production and can go long periods of time without fatigueing. They can only contract at slow rates. Fast-twitch Muscle that contracts at a rapid rate. These muscles cannot keep up the contractions because they use up all their ATP quickly due to low amounts of myoglobin and less vascular environment.
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Fast-twitch fatigue resistant Muscles that have quick contraction rate due to large amounts of myglobin, and are fairly vascular in nature.

9.5 Smooth Muscle

Smooth muscle cells are short and have a single centrally located nucleus. Filaments in the smooth muscle fibers are not as organized so they do not contain striations. Smooth muscle generally contract much slower than the skeletal muscles do. When smooth muscle is contracted it will contract back automatically by itself. Hormones have the ability block or initiate smooth muscle contraction Two types: 1. Multiunit smooth muscle Muscle fibers work alone and contract only when stimulated by a motor neuron. 2. Visceral smooth muscle Spindle shaped cells that are joined together to each other and can pass a stimulus on to the next muscle fiber. The moving stimulus produces a wave called peristaltic waves.

9.5 Smooth Muscle

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Cells are joined end to end. Cells contain a single nucleus with filaments similar in organization and structure to the skeletal muscle fiber cell. Muscle impulses that cause contractions are transmitted from one cell to another by intercalated disks located between the ends of the muscle fibers. The intercalated disks allow contractions to move from one end of the heart to another in rhythmic pattern.

9.6 Smooth Muscle

Origin The immovable end of the muscle which is attached the unmoving part. Insertion Movable end the muscle which is attached to the moving part. Prime mover - Muscle which is mostly responsible for movement. Synergists Muscle that contract to help the prime mover. Antagonists Muscles that resist the movement of the prime mover. These generally move in an opposite direction of the prime mover.

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