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Solar Goddesses
Throughout history there have been gods and goddesses associated with the sun, from Khepri, Atum and Ra, of ancient Egypt, to Surya, of Hinduism. In several previous religions, for example, in ancient Egypt the aspects of the sun are actually represented by several individual gods, with Khepri representing the rising sun, Atum representing sunset and Ra representing noon. The gods and goddesses are often depicted as riding through the sky with the aid in a vessel, such as a magical horse drawn chariot, a boat, or even a cup, but there are also several portrayals of the sun as being a bastion of safety, particularly for goddesses, after traumatic experiences. There are many myths surrounding sun goddesses, and the reasons they are far away in the sky, including the tale of Akycha, who fled to the sun after she was raped by her brother, and the Djanggawul sisters, who had their power objects stolen by their brothers. It is believed that sun goddesses represent the power and force of the suns light. There are a great amount of sun goddesses from various religions and myths, including Sol of Norse mythology, and Amaterasu of Japanese mythology.

In Norse mythology, Sol (also known as Sunna or Sunne), is the goddess of the sun, responsible for providing the energy for life to exist. The tale of Sol in Norse myth depicts her as travelling through the sky in a magical chariot, while being chased by a supernatural wolf, Skoll, who occasionally comes close to biting the goddess, which is used as an explanation for solar eclipses. Though often depicted as immortal, Sol is an occasional example of a mortal deity, similarly with all the Norse gods, and in said to die during Ragnarok, the end of the cosmos, when she is slain by Skoll, who eventually catches her.

Another sun goddess, in Japanese mythology, Amaterasu is also portrayed as providing humanity and the earth with life, aiding the rice fields to grow, and, as an accomplished weaver, creates satins, silks and brocades, all of which Japan is famous. As Amaterasu has a pair of brothers, Tsuki-Yomi, the moon god, and Susanowa, the storm god, there are often stories of the goddess involving either, or both, of the brothers, including a tale of Susanowas jealousy towards the goddess, which forced into a deepdepression, and a story of Tsuki-Yomi killing a goddess, angering Amaterasu. It is thought that the tale of Uzume releasing the goddess from her depression is a reminder of the healing powers of laughter and dance.


The Sun
Mainly consisting of hydrogen and helium, the sun is mostly a gigantic ball of gas suspended in constant animation in the vacuum of space, but it also consists of several other lesser elements. The sun gives of extraordinary amounts of energy, utilizing a technique known as fusion, which is when two or more atomic nuclei join together, or fuse, recently artificially replicated to provide nuclear energy from power stations. The sun has existed for over 4.5 billion years, and will exist for 5 billion more.

Elements of the sun

Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen Silicon Magnesium Neon Iron Sulphur

% of Total Atoms
91.2 8.7 0.078 0.043 0.0088 0.0045 0.0038 0.0035 0.030 0.015

% of Total Mass
71 27.1 0.97 0.40 0.096 0.099 0.076 0.058 0.014 0.040

Feng Shui
A Chinese geomancy system used to improve someones qi, feng shui is commonly used in modern home decoration to bring sanctity and peace to many a household. The system is composed of five natural elements, fire, earth, water, metal, and wood, and involves various cycles to combine the elements for a desired outcome. There is the productive cycle, the destructive cycle, the controlling cycle, and the dissolving cycle.

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