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Why we should read Plato - Jerry Balmuth

0:00 AND this man here JEROME BALMUTH is an institution, he is actually, he instantiates ? 0:09 the best called i think that totally entirely 0:12 seriously 0:13 he is that has been teaching here for over fifty years 0:19 and uh... love you 0:21 who haven't taken a course that you have to think it was with him 0:25 one of those people like uh... blvd processing 0:30 from early on 0:32 that 0:33 who'd getting a between 0:39 water quality of the all that 0:42 how terrible and 0:45 magic everest college with a lot of people 0:49 georgian though he was caught he would rather work cornell 0:56 scarlet letter 0:58 he survived ebay 1:01 and could tell us about that long 1:04 uh... 1:05 you know all he 1:07 arson 1:08 poppies chair 1:10 influx religion 1:12 on 1:14

what can i say like that and that kind of gerontologist why is that we replayed 1:20 in our series why do you read it 1:22 the classics think the great work 1:25 arbitrary 1:32 i get the polls is premature 1:35 i think in my coat off because all of this 1:40 lavish introduction here t_v_ 1:44 knots at all certain i can live up to that 1:47 prospectus 1:48 this is not a lecture it's a talk 1:51 in by the call improvise as we go along 1:56 certain ideas and i want to get across 1:59 and up 2:02 unwilling to accept questions in the in the course of it 2:06 bought probably it's preferable if i'm just 2:09 go through what i have to say first concern 2:13 how can the questions that you know 2:16 one 2:17 people ask me why with its higher counselors it's a billboard 2:21 it's a billboard for plato 2:24 yes i do believe in 2:26 uh... i 2:27 both in philosophy is most profound 2:31 critical subject yeah 2:33 uh... 2:34 one engagement 2:36

and also as plato as the done 2:40 relieving 2:43 central focus the sample 2:45 sinker him 2:48 philosophical tradition 2:50 they see sort of a sample alfred north whitehead when school though 2:55 or question four 2:57 a footnote to play out 3:00 and we had in mind 3:02 was that 3:06 that was so much 3:08 healthy 3:10 deep reflection 3:12 and so much of the subsequent history info 3:15 is grounded in plato 3:18 including of course the history of uh... 3:21 medieval thought 3:22 history 3:23 christianity bleakness them 3:26 one can really understand or appreciate 3:30 focused in without understanding 3:34 and confronting platelets and 3:37 uh... 3:41 the contemporary 3:44 karen plea comical mckinny's is a reference here to 3:50 the concept of god 3:54

as remain significantly answer west insult 4:01 uh... the book i'll be talking about will spoil his plato's republic 4:05 and the reason is 4:07 it's the work 4:10 that is most easily accessible i think and com 4:14 tries to incorporate 4:17 the fulfillment of 4:20 plato's 4:21 own 4:23 andrej summary 4:24 because socrates begins it was a simple question 4:28 hardship one of the line 4:31 and asking that question how sweet wonderful life 4:35 you've and fixed on the idea that there is such a thing 4:40 the excellence of something 4:42 each thing in the universe as its own 4:45 if you have a special expense 4:48 because at the virtue of that particular things retreat knife protrude 4:54 virtually table 4:55 uh... the virtual thelma's is being able to grasp 4:59 and make it possible 5:01 each thing has a kind of excellence 5:04 specially 5:05 to that particular 5:07 object 5:08 if that's the case it may well be that human beings in their exercising at life 5:14

the choices mag 5:17 should be guided by this notion of this question here what is the excellence 5:22 political life 5:23 what kind of life it won't live 5:26 if one person to see 5:28 question 5:29 the fortune 5:30 uplifting 5:31 what our what is this 5:34 the reflects this virtual because so 5:38 socrates was convinced that socrates words afterall acquittals 5:43 vision teacher 5:45 commenced that no human being really beautiful 5:49 let's say 5:50 no you won't be had 5:54 sab 5:55 wouldn't you would be a sale was acts with proposals 5:59 some purposes always 6:01 the anticipated to be realized by the action 6:06 one one creating object when the soul 6:08 as an action here to realize that good 6:11 song 6:13 the question that became column what is the good 6:17 to be realized 6:19 in human behavior human infection 6:23 m 6:24

this is the of 6:26 the point at which 6:28 uh... socrates and raise the question 6:33 it's not him 6:35 no woman 6:37 acts 6:38 court evil why is there people 6:40 wiser 6:42 while some of these decisions 7:18 please 7:22 pollution 7:28 least was 7:31 molecule 7:33 hello 7:35 and mother 7:37 there are still 7:38 was open 7:41 there are others who knows 7:45 what he had an overactive 7:48 millions of 7:50 loans 7:51 is squeeze c 7:56 does the whole 7:57 right now 7:58 know what it is 8:05 past those who each of you know 8:09

traditional 8:11 you know he's 8:15 protection 8:16 hello 8:18 usa 8:20 except 8:26 representation dispute 8:28 suitors 8:29 uh... 8:31 question 8:32 ingane 8:34 squid 8:35 suitors 8:41 abuse you 8:43 ascites 8:46 clearly dialogues 8:48 is that we need to 8:51 determine what the good news 8:53 in order to live in exile life 8:57 there are all kinds of uh... huh 9:00 candidates for this 9:02 but most of these candidates are incapable 9:05 of being sustained hereby 9:07 critical thought 9:10 again 9:12 the 9:14

uh... 9:16 the 9:18 claim here 9:20 that alone 9:21 there aren't capable of uh... is one here which appears done through 9:27 what he calls the dialogue 9:30 the over all of us who 9:32 the talk 9:34 and plato was uniquely responsible for this idea that theme 9:40 talking through idea as we reach various levels of understanding 9:45 and that the dialogue is massive of 9:50 discovering and self discovery but the truth is or at least 9:54 what is false would assign people to be stank trip 9:58 so the dialogue is a unique 10:00 uh 10:02 expression 10:03 of a form of reasoning 10:06 of rational reflection 10:08 which challenges the received opinion 10:12 uh... by 10:14 raising questions about what is good 10:16 of course that made 10:18 socrates pavilion 10:21 pleasant person large number of 10:23 single experience 10:25 and of course 10:27

resolve is 10:29 that he was moderate 10:30 to this 10:32 commitment 10:33 to fine good in life 10:35 overgrown of human 10:38 and 10:39 now 10:40 three weeks ago bangalore and give us 10:44 of montrose talk 10:46 on the bronco marriage bureau 10:48 we know that the american hero about where the use of this year's hector 10:53 achilles 10:54 well i commend them 10:56 had certain virtues 10:58 certain expenses 11:00 those accidents as well the expenses that i have to do with 11:04 with both 11:05 fighting sustaining 11:07 lathis within the community 11:10 uh... 11:11 reflecting conventional wisdom about 11:15 the value 11:17 of life itself 11:21 it played a role for the first time introduces the idea of the intellectual 11:26 hero 11:28

the hero whose fortunes have to do with follow-up 11:32 and reflection 11:34 not with the commitment here to certain military values or a certain 11:38 uh... i would say uh... moral 11:41 uh... moral claims that have to do with fighting again 11:47 true this quality 11:49 all of which are all quite valuable 11:53 and homebuyer communities 11:55 but plato introduces a new level 11:58 the level of 12:00 reflection for upon the nature of her 12:03 humanly human beings themselves and the nature of human community 12:09 so 12:10 here we have a new kind of hero 12:14 one who was moderate 12:17 really 12:18 uh... slain 12:20 for exactly this kind of challenge to the conventional wisdom 12:24 he's a hero to all 12:27 western fought the costs 12:29 the challenge to 12:31 oh receive dependent 12:34 is not necessarily antagonistic 12:37 to seek 12:39 it is simply asking the question 12:42 can we see it depended justify itself 12:46

is it can it be in some ways 12:49 warranted 12:50 or 12:52 isn't healthier solely by convention 12:55 and without any justification for 13:00 that suggests therefore that critical 13:05 element here kal 13:06 socrates is really the biting element 13:09 of vote 13:11 hopeful his socrates contribution has played also 13:15 and that by the element 13:17 is what has remained consistent either 13:20 in philosophy and in fact all 13:23 critical thought 13:26 pd 13:27 weenie 13:28 it is the 13:30 function of the academic 13:32 world 13:33 constantly challenge 13:35 not because they're skeptical 13:37 but because they are searching for that elements 13:41 although nancy independent 13:43 that can be warranted 13:45 and what alternatives that can be anticipate and game 13:50 uh... substitute 13:53

and so they're constantly raising new kinds of questions plato is 13:58 of the hero 14:00 even 14:01 uh... 14:03 recognizing this and socrates aryan 14:06 making this 14:07 part of our culture 14:09 and part of the western 14:12 but contribution here 14:14 to the cellphones hemming and understanding of the world 14:19 well now inmate plato's republic 14:22 uh... at the next 14:25 possibility for the good 14:26 is taken up 14:28 and it's take it up as 14:29 the concept of just 14:34 an 14:36 the public 14:38 raises the question 14:40 maybe the good over human being is the goodness or the justice of him as a deal 14:46 to him or higher 14:48 as a human being 14:50 living in a just a 14:54 and 14:55 yet all of us 14:56 to exercise 14:58

those powers that that just a is able to 15:02 uh... administered 15:05 but what is that just a 15:08 and what is justice anyway 15:11 this notion of what is already 15:14 socal essential concert 15:18 is that what all of those necessary conditions without which 15:22 thing would not be worth it 15:24 is a challenge here 15:26 to everything that is proposed 15:31 what is the essential nature of justice 15:34 and 15:36 support prado sets up socrates as 15:40 posing any 15:41 uh... possible answer to this 15:44 you 15:46 justice for the individual justice for the state 15:50 which of critically interconnected 15:54 uh... is in part 15:57 his response to 15:59 uh... how will should a man 16:01 how she looked and i have no and live 16:05 and how shiva state 16:07 be organized 16:09 such that it would be fulfilment 16:12 of the best 16:13

that can be 16:15 and assay 16:19 nahi at the beginning of the 16:21 utm 16:23 of the republic 16:25 um... 16:28 there are a number of 16:31 comments made about the nature of justice 16:33 for the most part the important i'll comment is that it's idea that justice 16:38 is really a compromise 16:44 and then dividual 16:46 had his druthers 16:48 sis famous ring obliging since had the brother had there 16:52 ability here 16:54 to virtues that world 16:57 each of us which usually world in which we were totally dominant am powerful 17:02 enable 17:04 and in which 17:05 we might not abuses book 17:09 buddy which we worked totally invulnerable of other people's 17:16 that would be the best of all possible worlds 17:20 of course the obverse 17:22 but worst of all possible worlds 17:25 would be a world in which 17:28 others have power over us 17:30 and we were totally week 17:32

and then defended fence defenseless 17:36 incapable of 17:37 functioning in any way 17:39 that would realize our own 17:42 purposes 17:44 and between those two you have them the best 17:47 and the worst 17:48 world 17:49 the best world is a world in which 17:52 you have a lot more 17:54 and the powell and the capacity here act as you will 17:59 without restraints 18:01 but the worst world 18:03 is the world in which we are 18:06 in 18:06 we are 18:08 victims 18:09 or victimized 18:11 by a world of which we had 18:13 no control 18:16 justice is the hypothesis is 18:19 is really a combination 18:22 or compromise 18:24 between those two 18:26 each of us gives up our power 18:29 to exercise 18:31

uh... house transporters 18:34 whatever advantaged cavalry others 18:36 in return for 18:39 others 18:40 giving that up 18:42 uh... 18:44 in their possibility of controlling ourselves 18:47 so that what we have a used a compromise between the best 18:52 and the worst 18:54 and justices those previous compromise one that's looks at it 18:58 i think the good world just brutal 19:01 as a world in which one minute delays one's way to one's own best advantage 19:08 and to the lease dispatch 19:10 so convince is the 19:13 principle 19:14 virtual 19:15 meaning the excellence social life 19:19 and socrates is confronted with this as the common opinion about justice 19:26 kaminin about our relationship to each other 19:29 and to this day 19:32 his his comment canyon 19:34 that uh... socrates and takes up 19:38 two exam 19:40 he wants to all of you 19:42 let this makes justice only an instrumental good 19:47 what is news dramatically 19:49

instrumental goes on those goods that are only good 19:52 for what they bring 19:54 they are not necessarily good themselves la 19:57 good examples of loneliness medical treatments 20:01 one 20:03 and treatment 20:05 would be a ecstatic that we 20:08 uh... 20:09 highway collection 20:11 nobody seeks to the rubbish collection for its own sake 20:15 when does it for 20:17 the advantage brings 20:19 um... 20:21 studied economics for example is 20:23 good it's your neighborhood 20:26 answer hardly 20:28 valuable for its own secularism well let's leave it welcome question 20:33 uh... 20:35 but those uh... blows or 20:40 of course people don't necessarily 20:43 recognize this but that money after orders up no value whatsoever of lesson 20:48 temperatures 20:49 and do something 20:51 sosa purely instrumental good 20:55 there are a contest of that there are these intrinsic alot so these goods that 20:58 are worth having for their own sake such as 21:04

such as education knowledge and understanding 21:12 one can really justify happiness is 21:15 something 21:17 seeking something else it is it's own 21:21 satisfaction so on 21:23 some forms of pleasure 21:25 not all but some 21:27 will be intrinsically 21:30 good at its own 21:32 now the challenge too 21:35 socrates is to show that justice is worth having 21:39 not only for the brains 21:42 that is occurred 21:44 adjust lights 21:46 and a just society 21:48 but also 21:50 is valuable 21:52 for happy itself 21:54 your respective 21:55 of the consequences code 21:58 the 'em 22:00 the employment of the car and the exercise 22:04 and that's a very cold shower 22:07 considering that most people consider justice purely as their summer tested 22:12 purely v 22:13 uh... 22:15

the conditions of the strong 22:17 as he puts it the uh... 22:20 what the stronger holes 22:23 the uh... in the interest of the strong 22:27 com 22:29 how does 22:32 uh... 22:36 how does that reason receipt 22:39 well he says 22:42 uh... 22:43 if if we're going to talk about 22:45 the intrinsic value of justice 22:48 we really need to talk about uh... the nature of the mumbai 22:54 as well as a nation state 22:57 let's say we would really need too 23:02 disentangle the various 23:05 characteristics of the uh... human being 23:08 as well as the first day 23:10 if worked on the stand 23:12 what we are 23:16 part of this is plato's unique 23:18 and there is a big a supporter which plato is really advance beyond socrates 23:25 which plato uniquely begins to have a functional 23:30 understand 23:32 of justice 23:34 that is to say 23:36

he believes that 23:38 justice is a consequence dependent variable 23:43 depended upon other factors 23:46 each of which 23:48 is a 23:49 a factor it's all right 23:52 well i mean 23:53 well 23:54 he says what the individual every individual 23:58 ob 23:59 has acts 24:01 the appetite of element here that is the element hero 24:06 soph 24:07 nearly needing things for survival 24:10 will call this food 24:12 sheldon clothing police are studies on our 24:17 urgency 24:19 those are minimally required here 24:23 acquittal that sometime 24:25 life you know that will be at least at the beginning place and south 24:31 security 24:32 one can imagine and make them life without any please 24:37 are short notes 24:39 of these satisfactions our appetites 24:44 so that's a fact that the other 24:47 of the soul was important for reproaching 24:51

home 24:52 in contrast 24:54 too 24:56 another element of the person in which is 24:58 that spirit 25:00 kind of passion 25:02 commitment here 25:03 various kinds 25:07 and suburbs 25:10 now the interesting example that plato provides is as follows 25:16 if you're a thorough devilishly thursday 25:21 and your 25:23 uh... or wounded in the sunlight is the family is 25:27 and europe 25:30 calling out for 25:34 but then you're told that 25:36 or you den recognize 25:40 that if you drink 25:41 this will enhance 25:44 unlikely 25:45 destroy the possibility of 25:47 alvo of 25:51 becoming 25:53 successful in europe 25:55 becoming well again 25:59 if you know what waterways poisonous 26:02

if you know the water is 26:04 uh... 26:06 such there it'll destroy your life 26:08 rather than an answer 26:10 but you don't 26:12 as per graphics 26:14 but if you're not drinking at 26:17 you have the urgency to drink 26:20 like the entry producing driving 26:24 but the recognition that to drink 26:26 is really to destroy 26:29 the purpose of wish 26:31 the drinking was supposed to fulfil their life 26:37 how is that possible 26:39 that on the one hand of the searchers c_n_n_ land disintegration 26:45 well there must be another factor 26:47 now to ability to control 26:50 or to sensor 26:52 what is that you have letters flow 26:56 that ability to control the census 26:59 is what equals 27:01 the rational 27:03 of a human being 27:23 reasons for that type deaden 27:25 constitute 27:27 what we won't see a veto 27:30

rudimentary 27:32 anthropology or psychology 27:34 that uh... plato office 27:37 hello 27:39 region 27:40 and i have before us 27:42 spirit 27:43 through most of my heart 27:45 and of course appetite 27:47 below the belt 27:49 at that point we have them be 27:53 tripartite 27:54 soul 27:54 or the great contributions 27:57 that plato made again 27:59 trying to reflect on the nature of human beings 28:03 now what's important here is that 28:06 in each of these 28:08 each of these parts have a fortune 28:11 let's say they themselves have a excellence 28:16 and the part 28:17 as we said each individual part has an excellent 28:22 batteries moves 28:26 that if spirit 28:28 its coverage 28:30 battle uptight is 28:35

moderation 28:37 the audio dot com 28:40 they are controlled by 28:43 the fortune 28:44 they'd try to seek berksten 28:46 and the ideal individual 28:48 that is the individual who is 28:51 in harmony with itself 28:53 is one that 28:56 exercises these virtues 28:58 fill the spots 29:00 now justice she says it is a dependent variable 29:04 depending on 29:05 approaches 29:07 the realisation of the virtues of each of the parts for the sole 29:11 so that 29:12 that 29:13 complex concept of a virtual 29:16 that it's not a 29:19 it's a dependent variable upon each of these 29:22 that constitutes 29:27 the justice of the individual 29:30 this means that 29:33 one 29:34 there should be 29:36 a rational ordering 29:38

of these 29:41 relationship 29:42 so that just as the 29:45 rational parts as well it's wrong to to drink 29:49 so the appetite a bug may continue to 29:54 exercise insurgency 29:56 but what was particularly a about the human 30:00 uh... 30:01 reaching in factories here 30:04 is that 30:05 there is no self governments 30:09 yeah i am these two factories 30:13 that the only self-governing element com factory is that a reason 30:19 so that to the degree to which raises a lot exercise censorship and control 30:25 to that degree you have a just individual 30:30 that control is lacking 30:32 and if it gets out of 30:34 at that particular juncture the appetites will go wild 30:39 we call that addiction 30:41 or 30:43 totally incapacity here too 30:45 have that kind of self control 30:49 oc 30:50 adn 30:51 spirit 30:52 remains as a dependent 30:55

on its own 30:56 range it will sometimes rely itself 31:00 with reason 31:01 and other times 31:03 and align itself with appetite 31:05 and so you'll find that very often are passionate is 31:09 to satisfy our appetites when we know rationally 31:14 that's not a good thing 31:15 whether it's alcoholism or drugs 31:18 or power 31:21 grove insatiable appetites 31:24 no governance 31:26 that part of our soul has no governance 31:29 the only part of the soul that is 31:32 governing is 31:33 the rational are 31:36 most important 31:37 uh... 31:39 recognition 31:40 because it means that 31:43 unless we have reasoning 31:47 unit community 31:49 uh... 31:50 the society individuals will not be jealous by application 31:55 your society 31:57 will not be jealous 31:58

if it's consistent 32:00 consists of these kinds of persons 32:03 you can think of that in terms of the current election 32:06 and think of those who are 32:09 trying to understand 32:10 uh... what would be the best resolution 32:14 the problems that we presently have 32:18 financially economically 32:20 and uh... 32:23 and c to what degree 32:26 also result than what the greek 32:28 ruled by ideological 32:31 appetites 32:32 with spirit 32:34 at any rate this is the just individual this is a model 32:39 that he uses 32:40 uh... which 32:42 actually 32:44 tomato the notion of the state 32:47 the state he says it is the sole writ large 32:51 the launch meeting by that 32:53 that we can see in 32:55 the state is a whole 32:58 the 32:59 elements here 33:00 already 33:01

these elements are 33:03 uh... state 33:05 and they function slightly differently 33:07 so 33:09 you will have a 33:11 ruling 33:13 or a person 33:15 you'll have a hand 33:18 instead 33:20 we'll have the producers 33:24 and you have the parties 33:30 and the state plus is a itself depended 33:35 street justice in the state or if you'd like rationality in the state 33:40 depends on 33:41 the virtues of the ruling group 33:43 their capacity 33:45 to use reason 33:47 and not understanding knowledge 33:51 ut too 33:52 patrol 33:54 the state itself 33:56 to control it over the producing element 33:59 before sir produces 34:01 know what they want what no what they're supposed to do 34:05 because part of plato's theory here is what's called a division of labor 34:10 specialization function he was very clear about that 34:13

way before marks 34:15 that specialization of function 34:17 and division of labor 34:19 is an essential element here 34:25 of what certainly at the state 34:28 now when the ruling group 34:30 functions well 34:32 in accordance with the the purposes in st 34:35 and 34:37 the of produces continued to produce 34:40 you have them 34:42 the virtues 34:46 wisdom in the state 34:50 and 34:51 moderation temperance 34:55 in the state 34:59 and you have 35:01 courage 35:05 and afghanistan 35:07 madness rack 35:09 so 35:11 point being here 35:13 that 35:16 you can provide the 35:19 society into these forms 35:21 and each of us has a virtual hadn't the just eight is the state in which 35:26

the relationship 35:27 to the parts is exactly of similar to 35:31 as mentality here that he likes to play with 35:35 and it's of course a very valuable time 35:37 of analogy 35:39 now 35:42 what is the on just sold waali until so late one with the appetites takes 35:46 control 35:49 al 35:50 or the spirit takes control 35:54 incapable of being 35:56 am so you have a kind of uh... 35:59 analytic account here 36:01 of uh... and be distorted or 36:05 unhappy so 36:07 ineffective 36:09 well same thing goes for the state 36:12 and his hero 36:13 the marxist state 36:15 in which the 36:18 produces 36:19 are in control of the 36:22 ruling group 36:23 what itself 36:24 i'll be frustrating 36:28 state stadium which part 36:31

the reducing group 36:33 would have no 36:34 real capacity 36:36 to too 36:37 rule 36:38 and so you have to have a dictatorship proletariat know how to make it work 36:44 if you have a military state 36:46 as we often do 36:48 where the guardians takeover 36:51 and intro 36:55 itself the company the 36:58 strength of government they become the 37:01 uh... 37:02 forces 37:04 implying the army not already 37:06 to defend the state 37:08 but to defend the military 37:11 that control society 37:14 then you have a distortion 37:16 and i'm just a 37:17 because its purpose is not to realize the best 37:21 of the community 37:22 but rather that part of the community here 37:25 which both 37:27 uh... advances 37:28 the interests of that particular group 37:32

so here you have uh... this 37:34 but opposition of 37:37 what works and doesn't work 37:39 in terms of the relationship between the parts 37:42 and the virtues of these parts 37:44 all combined to constitute the virtue though 37:48 through utah 37:50 the whole sorry 37:54 now alle 37:58 those two 37:59 seemed to be 38:01 easily enough 38:02 uh... establish 38:04 but then the question number bridge mergers 38:07 what exactly 38:10 is 38:14 realize 38:16 what exactly 38:18 how in the world is a state 38:20 to try 38:22 to fulfill 38:26 a division of labor 38:28 and the fulfillment of the best of the states 38:32 and the answer yes is education 38:36 education 38:37 is that mechanism 38:40

for advancing 38:41 from 38:43 a possibility 38:45 to actuality 38:47 from taking 38:49 the raw talent 38:51 of persons 38:53 and developing those who are constantly capacities 38:56 that have the capacity ultimately too 39:01 so 39:02 his vision of education is very much of a liberal education every individual 39:07 tributes polos every individual 39:10 man and women 39:13 every member of the state 39:16 will stop 39:17 frank the beginnings 39:19 to be educated 39:21 and work their education through to the point 39:24 of their happens 39:26 the point of the counselors 39:30 as they get off at different stages 39:33 they may get off at the point at which they are 39:36 produces 39:38 it may get off at the point at which the guardians 39:41 such as john mccain 39:43 and made me get off 39:45

uh... dat point at which they are 39:49 regroup 39:51 audience of course of those who 39:53 are p 39:55 protectors state 39:57 who themselves are not in position puted side what they go to protect 40:02 so 40:03 the ones who decide what they want to protect 40:06 is a ruling group 40:08 and the guardians are best used to support the ruling group 40:14 and when they 40:16 havoc on the top and they take over 40:19 the rule 40:20 you have a distorted state and i'm just 40:24 same thing for the human individual 40:28 now unarmed 40:30 in order to had this education 40:34 you have to have a jerk agent here that proceeds 40:38 to an understanding of what do we how do we educate 40:43 and one of the great 40:46 virtues of the republic 40:48 is that it 40:50 has a theory of 40:52 knowledge 40:54 theory 40:55 flossie go into a small a g this module 40:59

uh... pattern 41:01 that theory of knowledge is that 41:04 we need to distinguish 41:07 between 41:09 those things that are acceptable to us 41:13 by peers 41:16 and those things that are only accessible by reflection 41:19 and understand 41:21 we need to distinguish 41:23 the apparent 41:26 and the real thing 41:27 what goes beyond the apparent 41:29 to the rio 41:31 so he distinguishes 41:33 two levels 41:35 the so-called 41:37 physicals 41:39 what's obvious 41:42 just a minimal education requires 41:46 to the intelligible 41:48 what behind what is behind the office 41:51 too 41:52 the more profound understanding 41:55 of what connects things to other things 42:00 one of the things that plato is 42:04 absolutely convinced 42:05

is that we know nothing about individuals we just know their 42:10 appearance 42:12 to understand particular thing 42:15 is to understand 42:18 not only that long 42:19 what how it is part of any kind of a sort or type of thing 42:36 as he calls reform 42:39 the form of a thing 42:41 is that 42:42 which binds 42:44 it's this is at the same kinds 42:47 to be instances dot com what is it that makes that i think what it is 42:52 while is it 43:00 and this gives us 43:02 aclu 43:03 to something which is very possible 43:06 which is why it when you 43:08 move into 43:10 a new place 43:12 you're able to identify 43:15 facing never 43:17 physically seen before 43:20 you've got a singles buildings 43:23 you've never seen those people 43:25 you've ever seen those trees 43:27 that the same that lake 43:31

and yet you know what they are 43:34 the capacity to know 43:37 what something is 43:40 irrespective of the fact you have to confront her previously 43:44 becomes then 43:46 aki 43:47 to understanding the form of a thing 43:51 and also pt 43:54 of reflection riddles 43:57 fault that there must have been in some way stump prior understanding knowledge 44:03 sunday or 44:05 some prior 44:07 confrontation 44:08 so we have a theory about that but that confrontation 44:13 is based on the idea that 44:16 we recognize new things 44:18 re read compromise recog nized things 44:23 overture was 44:25 are understanding of the forms things 44:28 soul all knowledge has to proceed 44:32 from favorite memory 44:34 elements 44:36 because of what 44:38 up through 44:40 to the intelligible 44:42 and up to the front 44:46

afloat 44:48 how you think so they're being such a thing as 44:51 formal forms 44:54 yes of course it was a formal for the use of all i can tell you 44:59 but i can tell you this 45:01 just as the sun 45:04 is a necessary condition of the visible 45:07 and to do that 45:09 without the salem everything would go dark 45:12 all energy would cease 45:15 the sun is to the vegetables 45:18 as the form of a good 45:20 used to be a countries 45:22 so it gives us a metaphor 45:25 and the metaphor is that 45:28 the essential nature of 45:31 of knowing 45:32 is dependent all cabrera the form of the book 45:37 so he's opposed ideology follows through there are levels of 45:41 just watching sophistication 45:44 but all the way that level of sophistication here 45:47 is vindicated here 45:50 by the fact that 45:54 we ourselves recognize 45:58 simply the way things work 46:01 is not the way things are 46:03

we distinguish 46:05 looks at something from 46:07 what that something is 46:10 nature of that 46:12 and that's what we see 46:13 in using 46:16 cognition understanding the attempt to opr 46:19 the particular 46:24 soul 46:25 this is rudimentary 46:28 floor plato's republic 46:30 it is essential that this be follow 46:34 and that is the 46:36 theory 46:37 acknowledged that he explores 46:40 and then 46:42 how i can tell you to what 46:45 how how important plato was to the concept of liberal education 46:49 we ourselves would not be 46:52 in the liberal arts college that we are 46:55 therefore not for plato's advocacy 47:02 man 47:04 opal physical education 47:06 and moral education 47:09 physical education and electric 47:13 and intellectual education is not just the accumulation of information 47:19

intellectual information 47:21 is the capacity to 47:24 begin to exercise judgment 47:27 and to be able to move 47:29 uh... 47:30 with understanding 47:33 beyond 47:35 information 47:36 information needs to be sorting 47:39 it needs to be 47:41 clarified and categorized 47:44 and made clear 47:46 and that's where education comes in 47:50 and we are grateful to 47:55 for teaching alistair 47:59 because our softball 48:01 began really what it is our contemporary 48:04 uh... man 48:06 university 48:08 aristotle began the inquiry into biology 48:13 into psychology 48:16 bahama 48:17 into blodgett into ethics into metaphysics 48:22 and 48:24 the horrible contemporary 48:26 series of 48:28

studies 48:30 dependent upon 48:32 uh... continuing 48:35 challenge to 48:36 the way things are appeared in the way things are 48:40 uh... finally 48:42 because i don't want to 48:44 to any more on this 48:46 there is the him 48:49 critic he has a democracy 48:51 and it's very valuable as per usual 48:55 to be able to see 48:57 democracy 48:59 as compared to 49:00 the kind of society 49:03 which he advocates 49:05 when he says you have this 49:08 you have certain degrees of the virtues of the ruling group guardians the 49:13 producers 49:13 and they produce different kinds of states different kinds of 49:17 political systems 49:19 one such 49:22 political system 49:26 is 49:28 talkers 49:33 because it aristocracy meritocracy is 49:36

the huh 49:38 fact that those 49:40 who are in positions of authority 49:42 exercise that authority out of knowledge and understanding 49:46 and not out of 49:48 other forms of 49:50 hopelessly 49:52 selective 49:53 choices some 49:56 meritocracy 49:57 for meritocracy ideology there is 50:01 commodity 50:04 then dole karki 50:08 then democracy 50:12 and then finally 50:15 because democracy 50:17 very often just doesn't work 50:19 you get to him 50:25 tyranny is the 50:28 use of is the 50:30 lightly on of 50:32 power 50:34 on one person 50:35 as representative all the people 50:39 and plato's brilliantly clear as to how 50:44 democracy very often becomes 50:47

cut their targets 50:49 freedom and equality 50:51 because under freedom and equality there's no 50:55 there is no 50:58 there's no capacity at the distinguished between what's better or worse 51:03 and the result of is say 51:07 form of 51:08 of uh... 51:10 complete and total 51:12 hmmm 51:14 adequacy 51:15 uh... opened his 51:16 to every other every possible choice 51:20 so that uh... 51:23 some people prefer this other people that 51:26 they're all open 51:28 democracy has suspended 51:31 ghar ki tends to be the role of the fuel 51:34 which is 51:35 the rule of money 51:38 and he's very clear about that 51:40 he says at one point 51:43 uh... 51:50 uh... talks about all of their pieces of it 51:59 uh... 52:01 so we must explain how camara c is transported into ordinary 52:07

yes surely the matter is this transformation three even 52:10 uh... to the bombing melissa block 52:12 well a treasure house filled with gold 52:15 which each processes 52:17 destroys a constitution 52:19 for say find ways of spending money for themselves then they stretch laws 52:24 relating to this 52:25 then they and their wives just the way it was a comparatively 52:29 them in the end victory loving an honor loving man 52:33 become lovers of making money 52:35 on one of the lovers 52:37 and a bracelet my wealthy people 52:39 and appoint demos rules 52:41 well they piss off 52:43 portland's 52:45 huh 52:46 again 52:47 he says 52:48 uh... well as the city change from the world are key to a democracy in some 52:52 such way is this because of its insatiable desire 52:56 to attain what is set before it has a good namely 52:59 the need to become as rich as possible 53:03 in what way 53:06 says 53:08 since those who rule city do so because they own a lot 53:13 i suppose there aren't going to enact laws were that young people who've 53:18

had no discipline from spending it 53:20 and wasting their wealth 53:23 so that by making loans to their homeland security by the young people's 53:26 property and then calling those 53:28 loans in 53:30 they themselves become even richer monitored 53:34 this is a favorite thing to do 53:36 so is it clear that 53:38 by now that it's impossible for a city donald wealth 53:42 at its entire for its citizens to acquire moderation 53:46 but the one or the other is inevitably neglected 53:50 that's pretty clear 53:52 because of this the correct 53:54 because they encouraged by a discipline 53:57 or at least i mean frequently reduced people to come in stamp department 54:01 that's right 54:02 and these people said island city unimportant 54:06 adherent 54:07 the critique therefore of 54:10 too 54:12 democracy or right 54:15 it scott 54:18 it may not have it may not 54:23 because it doesn't and to the degree to which 54:27 were able to elect 54:30 to tunes 54:33

people in the morning group boys that have that capacity too 54:38 but it's very easy to get a break 54:41 down to 54:42 eighty 54:43 periods in which anarchy 54:45 and that ultimately 54:47 purity pixel 54:49 thank you very much sean who say that 54:57 out 54:59 apparently for president 55:08 mister wong 55:10 i'll take my hat my player i a lot for now 55:13 house speaker myself yet 55:33 http 55:38 hope 55:44 strike the six the 55:46 he thinks it's bad for dumb people 55:51 bad things 55:52 he thinks that young people 55:55 should be kaha 55:59 informed 56:00 about what is respected that and 56:03 and what will they turn produce that 56:07 event 56:07 a great deal of exposure 56:09 to indulgences 56:12

and to corruption 56:14 uh... that is to say too 56:17 forbes theater corrupt so 56:19 in fact 56:20 how may well destroy 56:22 so this notion of freedom of 56:26 censorship 56:28 is acutely that democratic notion 56:31 and it has 56:32 great cost 56:35 cost being paid 56:36 we for that 56:38 there is a lack of taste 56:40 there's a lot uh... 56:42 control 56:43 and there's a lack of standards 56:46 norms tend to be 56:49 ob 56:50 conventionally 56:52 of what the polls say 56:54 the market allows for any kind of interest whether it's born pornographic 57:00 whether it's drugs 57:02 whether it's alcohol 57:05 any kind of 57:07 of flow 57:09 hypochlorite 57:10

can be satisfied 57:11 if at the moment democratic society where there is total freedom 57:15 and he thinks that's bad 57:18 white because he believes that 57:21 living well 57:22 the man's self control 57:25 it but the man's 57:27 continuing monitor mamaji 57:30 of ones 57:32 capacities and palace and appetites 57:34 continuing mantra 57:35 why because 57:37 the individual faculties 57:39 had not 57:41 are insatiable 57:43 bailey are not capable of 57:46 self-monitoring 57:48 and those o 57:51 so it's not a society we live in 57:53 it society in which he considers to be better no one will 57:58 in that of exercises xmen 58:02 of 58:03 settled paradigm 58:05 of what is the ideal site 58:07 he calls it an ideal society 58:10 and he says 58:13

likely such society will never exist 58:18 but invite 58:20 if losses became kings 58:23 additive 58:24 uh... philosophy became 58:28 regarded 58:31 uh... 58:33 and i think that's true 58:36 that is to say 58:37 i think it's 58:39 to the book 58:41 that student studying philosophy 58:44 because they studied this kind of thing 58:47 and by so doing recognize how weeks exercise 58:53 choices critical 58:55 ob 58:56 decision making 59:04 contribute to it you know 59:09 it's at weather 59:13 purcell so 59:16 he or 59:21 well the presumption is that what we asked what is the good life 59:27 how shall i beat a life each of us acess classroom question 59:32 we are taking our own lives 59:34 as intrinsically valuable its own right 59:37 and something that 59:39

we need to ban all of our capacities all our resources to 59:44 to director 59:46 to their fulfillment 59:48 so he's taking it has been transmitted 59:50 life per se 59:53 and uh... 59:55 have agree with that 60:05 saying 60:10 yes of 60:11 his argument against democratic state is that generally corrupts 60:16 by glowing quotation 60:19 tends to corrupt puppet high it takes 60:22 and while there may be initially 60:25 already hopeful of 60:29 articulated app books of uh... musical offerings hope art forms of uh... of inventions such self rose am the there is a way in which we become well informed about what's the best and i among these and if we can't cultivate that through our educational system our educational system if we can cultivate their so education system then we can uh... serve democracy but it's compatible with the fact that the legendary elite is a bad word iraq community because we're all democrats but only does not occur a bad word for

uh... socrates offer plato because elite mean simply uh... able too respond to in a way that others are not able to respond to particular kinds of dates concerns haha or are on her yes yet yeah god yet well think i think they have to give well they hang together in that could within reach uh... i mazes i don't want a spectacular but every piece of literature of success in certain ways if we read it seriously

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