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Partnership: Me to Jake: 1. Hey Jake, very interesDng thumbnails, I really like the use of lines and the textures which reect the Aztecs structures design. I like how you are thinking about your space by considering dierent views/angles, for instance 8.9.10 are very interesDng as you menDoned, keep it up hEp:// thumbnails.html#comment-form 2. looking really nice, in my opinion I like 1c, 2c, 4c as they will stand out in your secret lair because of their "glow" eect for instance 4C. I think you will have a clearer thought once you put colours and textures in your secret lair hEp:// development.html#comment-form Jake to me: 1. Thumbnail 3 is my favorite table, and in my opinion has the most 'futurisDc' appearance :) However, I think that these tables seem a bit modern rather than the furniture of the future. Maybe tweak the designs and re-think some aspects of its pracDcality? For example; perhaps involving retractable furniture or things built in the walls? What I mean by retractable is 'fold-away' items. I believe there is a nice example of this in Tron? :D I think this could also t in nice with the 'Secret Agent' part.I spoke earlier with you about the hero prop, the idea is nice and it will be nice seeing your developments :) hEp:// secret-lairs- thumbnails.html 2. Somehow I haven't seen any of these posts! I like your idea of having the kind of 'cloaking device' on your characters 'body-armour'. The background of your character is also interesDng, but I think perhaps you should dene the narraDve a bit stronger :) I'll give you Tron tomorrow as well for more inuence :D hEp:// prole.html 3. These are great photo references! I think all your images have bold colour, which is an element that you should keep throughout your design with could also assist you in developing a nice style. The last image is my favorite as I think that the 'straight lines' are more eecDve and visually pleasing :D hEp:// 4. That top image is awesome! The composition and the initial mark making is
really bold. Nice work :)

hEp:// Me to MaE: Hey MaE, I like the second thumbnail as its texture and use of colour looks interesDng. Concerning the third thumbnail, I have a feeling it would look strong once you start experimenDng with colours and textures considering your totem pole inuence map. can't wait to see more

hEp:// thumbnails.html#comment-form Peta to me: 1. I really like number 1 it just appears like it could be a very interesting space hEp://

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