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Why gram-positive bacteria less threatening pathogens, and why gramnegative bacteria more pathogenic than gram positive.
Gram negative bacteria have less peptidoglycon in the cell wall. One of the several unique characteristics of Gram-negative bacteria is the structure of the outer membrane structure different to that of gram-positive bacteria. This membrane contains a complex lipopolysaccharide which acts as endotoxin. This is not present in Gram-positive bacteria. This outer membrane protects the bacteria from several antibiotics, which would normally damage the inner membrane or cell wall(peptidoglycon). The outer membrane provides these bacteria with resistance to lysozyme and penicillin. Other drugs can be used, for example chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and nalidixic acid. Gram positive bacteria are simply more dependent on peptidoglycon for their cell walls. Penicillin can across the peptidoglycon layer while it cant across the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria. Hence penicillin is more effective on gram positive bacteria than gram negative ones.

Example of disease caused by bacteria

TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis is an infection disease. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are called mycobacterium tuberculosis. People with TB or tuberculosis cough excessively and suffer a terrible pain in the chest. They cough up blood and display excessive weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite and a persistent fever. CHOLERA It is an intestinal infection caused by the vibrio cholera bacteria that contaminates food stuff and water. Cholera is a diarrheal disease that is, spread via consumption of undercooked food, deficiency of hydrochloric acid and poor hygiene. BUBONIC PLAGUE The bacteria that cause the plague are the yersinia pestus variety. The different kinds of bubonic plague include the common form that spreads through certainrats and fleas. Sepsis is a form of the disease when the bloodsuleam is infected with bacterium. Pneumonic plague refers to a condition when the bacterium infects the lungs. PERTUSSIS Pertussis is also referred to as whooping cough. The bacteria that spread this disease are referred to as bordetella pertussis. The disease takes a toll on the immune system of younger people within 6 weeks.

TYPHOID FEVER Also known as gasulic fever,abdominal typhus, infantile remittent fever, unuleated fever progress in four individual stages, each lasting approximately one week. A characteristic symptom of typhoid is a slowly progressive fever.

Function of using crystal violet, iodine, ethanol, and safranin

The uses of crystal violet are to stain Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria at the beginning of the gram staining process. It is later washed away from the Gram-negative bacteria by the alcohol/acetone rinse. Besides, iodine isoften called a mordant when used in the gram stain. The function is to form large crystals with the Crystal Violet dye used as the first stain. These crystals get trapped in the matrix of the Gram-positive cell walls so when we decolorized the smear properly it wont be washed away from those cells but will be washed away easily from Gram-negative cells who have the outer membrane surrounding their much thinner cell wall. Ethanol are used in this experiment for the purpose decolouring method, washing away the iodine-crystal violet complex formed in gram negative bacteria. So,that the gram negative bacteria can be stained with safranin. The Safranin are used to give it the colour of gram negative bacteria.

The importance of bacteria

There is a lot of importance of bacteria. First, is the recycling of chemical elements in the ecosystem. The prokaryotes play an essential ecological role as decomposers which are important in recycling nutrients. Bacteria are able to convert inert nitrogen gas in the atmosphere into ammonia in a process called fixation. Secondly, many bacteria are symbiotic with other organisms. In the interaction between Escherichia coli ( a type of enterobacteria in the human intestines) and humans, bacteria get a place to live and food source and in return they benefit the host by aiding digestion. Next, bacteria that cause human disease or have a parasitic relationship with their host are referred to as pathogens. Some bacteria are important pathogens of plants and animals. Lastly, the research and technology method are used to produce improved strains of bacteria for commercial uses such as prokaryotic decomposers are used in sewage treatment.

Biology for Matriculation Semester 2, Second Edition, Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd, 2011 Campbell, N.A. & J.B Reece, Biology, Seventh Edition, University of California, The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Inc, 2005 http:// my Biology Laboratory Manual Semester 1 &2, Ninth Edition, Matriculation Division Ministry Of Education Malaysia

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