Wellness Book Final PDF

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ealthy Living H


Mt. San Antonio Co llege

Patrick Oltan Fall 2012 Chris Crocker


Part 1: Quality Levels

3.7 2870

GOOD SOURCE 10-19% (COLUMN=10%) B=A*.1

0.37 287 6.5 41.5 3.8 SKIP SKIP 1.7 0.16


0.74 574 13 83 7.6

Water Kcals PROTEIN CHO Fiber LIPIDS Saturated EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin E Calcium Iron

L Kcal

g g
g g g

65 415
38 85 <28



3.4 0.32 0.24 0.26 3.2 0.26 0.48 80 18 3 180 600 200 1.6 80 940 2.2 SKIP

VITAMINS mg mg mg mg mcg mcg mg mcg

mcg mcg mg mg mg mg mg

1.2 1.3 16 1.3 2.4 400 90 15

900 3000

0.12 0.13 1.6 0.13 0.24 40 9 1.5 90 300 100 0.8 40 470 1.1

1000 8 400 4700 11 1500

Potassium Zinc Sodium


Part 2: My Nutrition Prole

Fiber Main function: There are two different types of ber soluble and insoluble. Insoluble ber adds bulk to stools and prevents or help treat constipation. Soluble ber helps reduce the amount of fat in your system and will help in preventing cardiovascular disease. Result of chronic deciency: Chronic constipation Three food sources: beans, oats, fruits

N-6 Main function: Omega N-6 fatty acids stimulate hair and skin growth, maintain healthy bones, and regulate metabolism. Result of chronic deciency:Heart disease, asthma, arthritis, depression, cancer Three food sources: Corn, sunower, soybean

Vitamin D Main function: Helps the body control mineral levels. It can be absorbed from the sun or from food. Result of chronic deciency:Rickets, weak bones Three food sources: Tuna, Salmon, Eggs

Vitamin E

Main function: Helps heal skin damage, protects red blood cells, and provides a defense. Result of chronic deciency: Anemia and impairment of the immune response. Three food sources: Nuts, seeds, spinach

Kcals Main function: Kcals fuel the body with energy. If all of the energy isnt used then it can be stored as fat for later use. Result of chronic excesses:Obesity, heart disease

Protein Main function: Protein is a form of energy with each gram having 4 kcals. Protein supplies the body with the amino acids it needs to perform all its jobs. Result of chronic excesses:Increase in liver enzymes, dehydration, kidney problems, macronutrient imbalance Lipids Main function: One of the main functions of lipids is hormone production. Lipids also help the metabolism and immune system function. Result of chronic excesses:Excess lipids pose a great risk for developing heart disease. It also can cause hypertension.

Thiamin Main function: Helps the bodys cells to convert carbohydrates into energy. Result of chronic excesses: No known toxicity.

Riboavin Main function: Helps maintain good vision, building tissue, and is needed for energy metabolism. Result of chronic excesses: No known toxicity.

Niacin Main function: Converts food into energy. Result of chronic excesses: No known toxicity.

B6 Main function: Essential for the production of stomach acid. It can also help the digestion of fat and protein. Result of chronic excesses:Anemia and skin problems.

B12 Main function: It is responsible for the function for the health of nervous system. It also metabolizes nutrients. Its closely related to folate and works together. Result of chronic excesses:Rare cases only

Folate Main function: Folate helps with the formation of red blood cells. It also metabolizes proteins. Prevents neural tube defects. Result of chronic excesses: No known toxicity.

Zinc Main function: Supports normal growth and development. Result of chronic excesses:Interfere with copper absorption and cause copper deciency.

Sodium Main function: Helps maintain a normal blood pressure and normal function of muscle and nerves. Result of chronic excesses: High blood pressure, uid retention, electrolyte imbalance, kidney disease

Part 3: Perfect Plan Analysis

Saturated Fats: " " Overcoming an excess in saturated fats was pretty simple. My rst three days was high in saturated fats because I ate a whole box of pizza from Costco. The


" "

perfect three day analysis had no junk food at all. As long as you dont do anything too crazy its simple to not go over the limit on saturated fats. N-6

" " " "


One of the deciencies that I overcame was omega n-6. This was

overcame by adding more nuts and eggs to my diet. Nuts was the most excellent source of n-6 from my perfect three day. Followed by that was avocados being a decent source. Another get source I added was sh. Vitamin E

" " " "


Vitamin E was a major deciency i had. Its a fat soluble vitamin that has It

has a lot of benets.It can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Some good sources. Sunower seeds is an excellent source of Sunower seeds. A source I used which helped me raise my Vitamin E levels was nuts. Vitamin D

" " "


Vitamin D was a deciency that I improved on but didnt overcome. Living

in California is good because you get Vitamin D from the sun and theres a lot over here. Vitamin D is fortied in some foods and is found in eggs.


Part 4: Super Foods

" Bananas Bananas are my favorite fruit. I can eat a lot of them everyday. It was my most

used Super Food. It is high in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Its almost a good source of potassium too. Bananas were used ve times in my three day analysis. My motivation for using them in my report is because I always eat bananas and I knew they would be benecial. " Avocados Avocados is also very delicious and healthy. I

eat it very often with my steak or chicken bowls and sometimes I eat guacamole. Avocados is a great source of healthy fats and ber. It provides 20 essential nutrients including ber, potassium, vitamin-e, B-Vitamins and folic acid. My motivation for using avocados was because its my favorite source of healthy fats and its always been a part of my diet. Two servings were used during my three days.



Yogurt Its the biggest source of dairy thats used in my diet. Yogurt is benecial for you

because it contains good bacteria that your body needs. It contains probiotics which is benecial to your health. Yogurt is a great source of calcium. Which means that yogurt can help prevent osteoporosis. Its also an excellent source of B12 and good source of riboavin. My motivation for using yogurt is because I wanted to have a good source of dairy included in one of my super foods. " Carrots Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene

helps improve vision. Studies have shown that carrots are great for cancer prevention. It helps by reducing the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. Carrots are good to have nice healthy glowing skin. It prevents having dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and wrinkles. Its also a powerful antiseptic which means that it can prevent against infections. Its good to help maintain healthy gums and teeth. " Nuts Nuts are a great source of healthy fats. They are

good for your heart because they can lower LDL or the bad cholesterol in the blood. It contains unsaturated fats, ber, omega-3, Vitamin-E, plant sterols, L-arginine.



Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta

carotene. They also a good source of complex carbohydrates. To maximize the absorption of nutrients in the sweet potato its best to eat it with a source of fats. I had one serving in my three days but I usually eat more. " Cinnamon Cinnamon has a lot of different nutrients and has anti-

inammatory effects. Its a good source of magnesium, ber, iron, and calcium. My motivation for adding cinnamon was because its a nice addition for my sweet potatoes. " Raspberrie Research has shown that raspberries can be effective for

the management of obesity. They are very delicious and can pack a punch with antioxidants and vitamins.

Acai berry

Acai berry is something that I really enjoy. Although it usually is pricey and has a lot of sugar. It is known for its antioxidant effects. I chose these because its my favorite drink.



Tomatoes Tomatoes are very healthy and I always manage to include them in my diet. In

every sandwich and hamburger that I order I get tomatoes. They contain lycopene which is benecial for your heart. They are a good source of vitamin C too.



Part 5: #1 Superfood Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have long been popular in Brussels, Germany. Brussell sprouts come from the same family as cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabir. They are buds that range from an inch to an inch and a half. Brussels sprouts are very nutritious.They are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folic acid, and dietary ber. They are also believed to protect against colon cancer.

For the United States, Brussels sprouts production rst began in 18th century, when french settlers brought them to the United States. In the 1920s the rst plantings began along the California Coast, with production beginning in the 1940s.Right now there are several thousand acres of plants along the Californias Central Coast of San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties of California. Most of the US production of Brussel Sprouts comes from the Californias Central Coast. Other places of production in the world are Canada, the Netherlands, England, and Germany.

Breeding research has been used to improve the taste on Brussels sprouts. It was researched by Syngenta in the Netherlands, they were able to focus on a compound called glucosinolates and it has resulted in a less biter taste and more healthy benets. These improvements in reducing acidic taste has been credited with providing a renaissance of growth for Brussels sprouts.


The recommended planting date for brussell sprouts in southern California is between June and July. For northern California it is between February and May. A Brussels sprout is ready for harvest after 90 to 180 days after planting. The plant rst grows a large stalk, then little buds grow along the stem. Each stalk usually grows 2 to 3 lbs of Brussels sprouts.

Brussels Sprouts are very nutritious and have a lot of vitamins. Its an excellent source of Vitamin A with one cup of brussel sprouts being 1,122 IU. Its also an excellent source of beta carotene with 669 IU. Brussel Sprouts are very low calorie too which means that they are very nutrient dense. One cup of Brussel Sprouts have only 64 calories in one cup and they will deliver a lot of benets. One cup of Brussel sprouts contains 160% RDA of Vitamin C.


Part 6: My Plate
DRI goals are very important to follow. Anyone that wants to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle has to follow it or have a good general idea. To me DRI is more important than myPlate because its specically for you. For grains I exceeded the goal by ten percent. For vegetables I didnt meet the goal. This will be denitely something I try to improve on but its denitely a lot to consume. Fruits I was only at 57%, which I usually exceed because I eat a lot of bananas. Dairy is something I rarely have. The only sources of dairy I have are ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, and cheese. For protein I believe that 7 oz is pretty small amount. I have protein with every meal and I can easily exceed that with breakfast.



Part 7: Water
Water is a vital nutrient to our body that we must drink to live. It helps ush out the toxins in the body and with other important roles. Water is a much better choice for someone to drink than over juices. Juices contain a lot of sugar which were all trying to avoid as much as possible. Water plays a huge role in obesity because most people who are obese consume more sugary drinks than water. Most of the time they replace their water with liquid that is not as desirable to the body such as soda. Many people have told me that after cutting sodas from their diet that they automatically lost weight.

Including juices in a meal plan would just add extra sugar and calories to your meal plan. It would be recommended not to make it a daily habit of including any sodas or juices because the calories and carbohydrates add up quick. Juices should be looked at more as a once in a while thing instead of a daily drink. Although, its a decent start to someone looking to quit sodas.

The reason I love water is because it has a numerous amount of benets. Your muscles consist of 75% water, which is one reason I love water. It also helps lube your joints so

that you have less pains. Drinking water helps out a lot with working out. When you exercise your body temperature raises and the water in your system cools your body temperature down letting you have a better workout and make you last longer. It also will make your body and skin look better. It can keep that young look to you by aiding in keeping your skin hydrated.

My consumption of water is usually a pretty good amount. My goal is to at least drink a gallon of water everyday because thats what makes me feels best. The way I get it is that I just drink a couple big glasses with each meal I have. For everyone else a general rule is women should be around 9 glasses and men around 13 according to the Medicine of Institute.

If you exercise a lot then you should increase your water intake accordingly. There is time that sports drink are acceptable though. While youre working out the carbohydrates in the drink will give your body a little more boost than just water alone.


There are a few different sources people can get their water from. My personal favorite would be to buy a lter and add it to your home water line in the kitchen. Before taking this nutrition class, I would be going to the store and buying a gallon of water everyday. Now I changed and use the refrigerator water lter. What I ended up learning is that the water pipes are more regulated than bottled water. Other sources of water is food and other beverages. A lot of food contains water in it, especially fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can contain up to 90% water. This contributes to someones daily water intake.


Part 8: Fiber
" Fiber is found in many different fruits and vegetables and is a very important part

of the diet. One of the main functions is that it controls bowel movements. Foods that contain ber increase the bulk of the stool making it easier to pass through which decreases your chance of constipation. A high ber diet is shown to lower bad LDL cholesterol. Eating a lot of ber makes you full so it can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. " There are two different types of ber, soluble and insoluble ber. Dietary bers

are naturally found in the food we eat. Dietary ber is the part of the plant that does not break down in our stomach, and instead it passes through our system undigested. All dietary bers have to be either soluble or insoluble ber. Both are very important and have their own benets for your body. Fiber is important to your health for health and digestion. It is also important for preventing heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. " Soluble ber makes you feel full because it attracts water and forms a gel which

slows down digestion. This ends up helping control weight. Slower stomach emptying is good for diabetics because it affects blood sugar levels and has a benecial effect on insulin sensitivity. The sources that soluble ber are found are ax seeds, nuts, oatmeal, oranges, appes, strawberries, and more. " Insoluble ber are gut-healthy because they have a laxative effect and add bulk

to the diet which helps prevent constipation. It is mostly found in whole grains and vegetables.



Recommendations for ber is 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women under

50. For men over 50, its 30 grams and women are 21 grams. In my opinion getting ber from juice is ne. Especially if its fresh juiced vegetables then its an excellent source. " "


Part 9: My Wellness Life

" My whole life I have been into all different sports. My favorite are basketball and

football. I started lifting weights since the summer before high school. This has been a journey since. It made me want to learn about all the macronutrients and I had to nd out what worked best for my body. I have denitely put on a lot of muscle and made a huge transformation. Although i stopped playing as much sports when high school ended, I still continue to go to the gym. " My gym routine is usually 4-5 days a week so Im always meeting my activity

requirements. Sometimes I go to the gym and ill be in the zone and can be there for a couple hours without even realizing it. My plan is to continue this for the rest of my life. I will probably stop lifting as heavy when I reach around 28. By that time, I will just want to go to the gym and mostly focus on cardiovascular workouts. My opinion is that being muscular should be a young thing and older people should just look t and focus on their longevity. " Wellness is a priority for me because I think its the most important thing in life

along with happiness. You can be as wealthy as can be, but if youre not healthy you wont be able to enjoy it. If I were extremely wealthy, my vision would be to have a huge farm in my backyard and have someone help me grow plants and raise animals to live off of. It kind of worries me buying vegetables from the grocery store because I have no clue how they were grown or what was put on them for pesticides. Especially with these genetically modied foods.



My family is all mostly pretty athletic people. My mom was a good basketball

player in high school and great at swimming too. My dad played every sport with his favorite being tennis and basketball. My mom became obese after she had me and she kept it for about 15 years until she got surgery done. Most of my family was disappointed she took an easy way out, but its probably better that she is not 240 lbs and is now about 170. She has maintained it for a few years now too. Growing up with her I mostly ate fast food or whatever I wanted which wasnt too nutritious. A large pizza from zpizza or a few triple triples was usually one of my daily meals until I moved in with my dad. It was about 8th grade I started to change my dieting habits. My dad never eats fast food except for once in a while when we need it in a hurry. He lives a very healthy lifestyle and has always managed to get himself some exercise no matter how busy he is. For the rst couple of years living with him he would take me to the gym at 7 a.m. and we would workout. After that I was too busy with school and I just ended up working out with my football team instead. Him taking me to the gym helped me build good exercise habits and now I take myself and meet my friends at the gym. " Being in this class taught me about how people can be lacking in a few different

vitamins even if they have a perfect diet. People should track carefully and nd out what their missing in their diet so that they can adjust and ll it in. Youve also taught me how important it is to incorporate super foods into your diet. Being in this class made me realize actually how important developing habits at an early stage is important for your future adult life.



Bibliography <http://www.be-longgroup.com/Vitamin-B6-Functions.html> <http://www.health4youonline.com/article_ %20water_why_should_we_drink_8_glasses.htm> <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283> <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/nuts/HB00085> <http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/MannUsda/viewDocumentInfo.do?documentID=1212> <http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_21928107/brussels-sproutsrenaissance-alive-bay-area> <http://www.webmd.com/diet/ber-health-benets-11/insoluble-soluble-ber> Nutrition Concepts and Controversies by Sizer and Whitney (12th Edition).


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