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Oz Backpackers, a travel company, offers economical accommodation to backpackers throughout Australia. Oz Backpackers realise they need a fully interactive and animated web site and have approached your design company to create a web site that provides backpackers with key information about hostels, tips on travelling in Australia, information on popular tourist sites and a booking form for travellers to be able to book accommodation. I am going to make a fully interactive and animated website. This addresses the clients requirements because it will provide backpackers with key information about hostels, tips on travelling in Australia, information on popular tourist sites and a booking form for travellers to be able to book accommodation. I am going to have 11 pages. The first page will be the welcome splash screen. The second page is the home page. The third page is booking page. The forth page is the contact page. The fifth page is the tips for travellers page. The home page will have hidden buttons that will link to pages 6-11. These will be individual pages on the states in Australia. The first page is the welcome splash screen. The word welcome will appear on the screen with, in a smaller font, the sentence please click a button from the bar above to continue. The background colour and rollover buttons in the navigation bar will also load and an image of Australia. Nothing else will load until the website user clicks one of the rollover buttons. The second page is the Home page. The home page will have a map of Australia which has hidden buttons that will change colour and show the name of the state the user mouse is hovering over. If the state is then clicked on, a link will take the web user to the webpage specific to that state. The home page will also have a sentence that will explain what the page does, for example click a state to see relevant information. The third page is booking page. The booking page will have a drop down list form to book a trip to Australia. It will also have a send button. The forth page is the contact page which will have a list of contact information. This will include phone numbers and email addresses. The fifth page is a tips for travellers page, and will explain to the website users a few helpful tips about travelling in Australia. The six to eleven pages will be information on the individual states that will only appear when the website. The states will be West Australia, North Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and New south wales. The types of images I will use are of Australias outback, and cities, also people and possible animals. The website has to be completed by 30th November as agreed in the brief. As the author of the website, I will take into responsibility for not using any copyrighted material without permission of the copyright owner. I will use: No bad language, full-nudity, offensive material to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability and no reference to drugs and/or people in respect of libellous content.

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