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Before starting this, or any, hypnosis induction, get the subject's permission for you to hypnotize them. A simple Do you want to do hypnosis with me? is sufficient as long as you get a Yes answer. Also ask their permission to touch their hands, arms, shoulders, back, neck and head. 1. Please take a good long deep breath and close your eyes. 2. Now, relax the muscles around your eyes to the point where they won't work. And when you're sure they won't work, test them to make sure they won't work 3. Subject tries to open their eyes. If they can't open their eyes, congratulate them and go to step 4. If they can open their eyes, explain that they are testing to make sure the muscles around their eyes are so relaxed that when they try to open their eyes, they can't because they are keeping the muscles relaxed. Repeat step 2. 4. Now let that feeling of relaxation go right down to your toes. 5. In just a moment, we're going to do this again and when we do it the second time, you're going to to be able to relax ten times as much as you've relaxed already. 6. Now open your eyes. (short pause) Close your eyes. (short pause) Completely relax let yourself be covered with a blanket of relaxation. (Vary the phrase for subsequent steps, e.g. More relaxed., Deeper., etc.) 7. Now the third time we do it, you'll be able to double the relaxation you have. (short pause) Now open your eyes. (short pause) Now relax. If they don't close their eyes, tell them to: Now close your eyes. 8. In a moment, I'm going to lift this hand (touch the hand you are going to lift) and drop it and if you've followed my instructions up to this point that hand will be just as limp as a wet dishrag and will just plop into your lap. When you feel the hand plop, you will feel ten times more relaxed. 9. Lift the arm by the wrist and check for limpness. Move the arm slightly back and forth and up and down to determine whether you are holding all the weight of the arm or if that the subject is helping to hold the arm up. 9a. If the arm is limp, hold the wrist about 5 - 7 above the subject's leg and then release your hold on the wrist say Deeper relaxed. Then continue on to step 10. 9b. If the arm is not limp, repeat step 6 (eyes open and close) once or twice. Then do the wrist drop again. If the arm still isn't limp, ask the subject what is going on. Depending on what they tell you, do an exduction, go back an earlier step, or transition to another induction. 10. That's complete physical relaxation, but you can get mental relaxation as well as physical relaxation. In a moment I'm going to ask you to start counting out loud, from one hundred backwards. Each time you say a number , double your relaxation, and by the time you get down to ninety-eight or so, you'll be so relaxed there won't be any more numbers. Start with the idea of making that happen and watch it happen. 11. Now start. Count slowly, and softly out loud. Subject: 100. ... Double your relaxation and watch the numbers disappearing. Subject: 99. Watch the numbers start disappearing. (Say similar suggestions after every one or two numbers until the subject stops counting. You can also tell them to slow down or speed up, speak softer or louder, etc.) 12. When/if subject stops counting, go to step 13. If subject continues to count past about 90 or so, stop them and ask what is going on. Explain that they can talk easily while staying relaxed. Decide whether to stop and do an exduction, or to continue the counting, or to go back to an earlier step, or to transition into a different induction. 13. Now they'll be gone. Are they all gone? If yes, continue to step 14. If the subject answers no, tell them That's fine . . . You need to make it happen, You've got to do it, I can't do it, you can. Make them disappear, dispel them, make them vanish. Continue counting and relaxing your mind with every number. See steps 11 and 12. 14. At this point the induction is finished and you transition to deepeners, suggestions, etc. Then do an exduction.

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