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ITE Professional Graduate Certificate in Education

Music lesson planning form

Class: AS/A2 Students Class Profile Number in class: Scheme of Work: Score Analysis Location of lesson in scheme: Lesson topic: Skyrim Score Analysis Girls: Boys: Individual needs: (SEN/EAL/G&T/Instrumentalists) Date of lesson: 17/12/12 Length of lesson: 30 mins

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Learning objectives: (Link to NC or Exam spec)

ITE Professional Graduate Certificate in Education melody, rhythm/metre, the use of

To understand how to analyse the

Context of learning: (Previous lesson / Next lesson)

One off lesson for interview purposes.

ostinato and structure of the Skyrim score. Time

5 mins

expressed through music. Musical structures Begin by musical the main section of the 10 mins Understanding singingtraditions and the part music plays in music as a class national and global culture. thinking about how the Contextual influences. notes and melody and how words fit with the Leadershipfit in to the overall structure. these skills

To be able to describe, in detail, these Activity Teaching strategies elements and demonstrate ideas. Introduce the piece Skyrim that we will be Have the key focusses on the board for the students looking at today. Play the piece once through be thinking about when they are listening to the Learning outcomes: (Link to NC or Exam spec) to Strategies for assessing outcomes: for the students to hear it. piece - ostinatos, melody, in performing. and Participating, collaborating and working with others. Participation of pupils rhythm/metre Exploring how thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions can be structure. The use of musical vocabulary/musical key words.


Notes Depending on how big the class is use either pairs or threes when completing the group work task.

The ability to offer alternatives. Question and answer from the teacher to the students. Call and response between teacher and students Participation handouts for have the words onin discussions. pupils to read Understanding without (literacy in the classroom). the use of challenge cards.
Peer assessing answers and responses.

5 mins

Use group tasks to focus activities on key Play the piece 2 more times and allow the groups to Musical experience e.g. ostinatos, melody, areas of the piece (Musical activities / repertoire) focus on what they are listening out for. Then leave a Participating, collaboratingstructure. 5with others each rhythm/metre and and working mins on couple of minutes without the piece playing to focus Exploring how thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions can be expressed practical task where the track is not needed. task. on the through music.
Musical structures Understanding musical traditions and the part music plays in national and global culture and in personal identity. Leadership skills Critical analysis of scores.

Challenge cards provided to push more able to look at specific details within the titles ostinatos, melody, rhythm/metre and structure. Less able will focus on the initial task of describing each musical element/heading - ostinatos, melody, rhythm/metre and structure.

anomalies One with will perform and 10 mins Collaborative work groupother adults:

Feedback their findings and discuss any present what they have. Ask other groups for any other different answers they may have.


Cross Curricular links: Gather findings through presentations back from Literacy reading words to vocal line, describing the music each group and vocabulary, reading a different language. usinghigher level allow other students to analyse their Push for more detailed/higher level Numeracy Looking at dates, rhythm counting and bar numbers. responses (peer assessment) and whether there is vocabulary answers from A2 students or anything historical origin of thewould like to historical History else that anybody vocal line, any add. more able students.
references to musical traditions that may influence the piece being studied.


Health and Safety:

All coats and bags tucked under tables. Chairs tucked underneath tables at start and end of lesson. Instruments set aside out of the way until ready to use. Monitoring of students using instruments/singing.


Resources and classroom organisation:

Class begin by coming in to classroom and sitting infront of the teacher. Make sure the projector/internet connection is working in the classroom. Push all students to participate in discussion about the piece of music being studied pick pupils rather than allow the same pupils to speak every time. Copyright 2008 The Open University Page 2 of 2 Challenge cards for those who are struggling to begin the task. 2.1 Web 003894 Make sure that the projector and audio system are working before the lesson starts. Pupils move in to small groups or pairs (depending on how many are in the class) to look at specific aspects of the music. Make sure you leave time to recap the key features of the piece that we have looked at during the lesson.

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