Vocabulary Words

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Vocabulary Words

Word abase abash abasia abate abbreviate abdicate abdication aberrant aberration abhor abjure ablution abnegation abolish abominate aboriginal abraded abrasive abscess abscission abscond absolve absquatulate abstain abstemious abstinence abstruse abusive academic acarpous access accessible accessory acclimate acclivity accolade Part of Speech Definition v To lower; degrade; humiliate; to bring from a higher to a lower state; to depress; to hurt the pride of. adj To embarrass. n The inability to walk due to a lack of muscular coordination. v To subside or moderate. v To shorten; to make smaller. v To renounce under oath a right, position, or responsibility. n A formal giving up of control or authority. adj Abnormal or deviant. n Something that is abnormal; a departure from the ordinary. v To detest; to hate; to loathe. v Promise or swear to give up; to renounce upon oath. v A washing, usually referring to the cleaning of ritual items. n Renunciation; to self-sacrifice; to give up or renounce. v To cancel; to put an end to; to eradicate. v To loathe; to hate. adj Primitive; original; native. adj Worn away; overused and worn-down. adj Rubbing away; causing irritation; harmful. n A swelling on the body where pus has gathered and where an infection is occurring. n A cutting off; a separation. v To go away suddenly; to leave secretly in an attempt to hide or evade a person or a thing. v To officially pardon; to forgive for an offense. v To run away quickly; to leave in a hurry; to abscond. v To refrain from use; to withdraw from participation. adj Sparing and moderate in eating and drinking; temperate. n Restraint from pleasurable things or experiences. adj Obscure; profound; hard to understand; understood by only a few people. adj Insulting; physically or psychologically harmful. adj Not practical; not useful; not directly applicable. adj Effete; no longer fertile; producing no fruit. n A sudden outburst, often emotional in nature. adj Easy to approach; obtainable; within reach. n An additional object; a useful but not essential component of a whole. v To adjust to a climate or environment; to adapt to a new area, situation, conditions, etc. n A sharp upslope; an upward slope. n An award of merit; praise; approval.

accommodate accomplice accost accountable accrue acerbity acetic acidulous acolyte acoustics acquiesce acquittal acrid acrophobia actuary acumen acute adamant adamantine addendum addiction addle address adduce adherent adjoin adjunct adjure adjutant admonish adulterate adumbrate advent adventitious adversary adverse advert

v n v adj v n adj adj n n v n adj n n n adj adj adj n n v v v n adj adj v n v v v n adj n adj v

To help someone; to oblige; to bring into harmony; to adapt. A partner in crime. To approach and speak boldly to a person. Responsible; honorable and honest. To accumulate over time; come about by addition. Bitterness in tempter;. Vinegary. Sour in attitude; sharp; bitter. An attendant who helps a priest to perform religious ceremonies; an ardent follower. The science of sound; the sound characteristics of a singular room or venue. To assent; to give in without argument or objection; to agree passively. A verdict by a jury that a person is not guilty. Bitter; sharp; biting. The fear of heights. A statistician who advises insurance companies. Mental keenness; acuity of judgement and mind. Sharp; biting; quickly perceptive; keen. Inflexible; unwilling to change; hard. Unyielding; firm; not able to be changed in opinion or purpose; unable to be cut. An addition; something that is added. A compulsive, often habitual need; a feeling of necessity for an item that is not strictly required to maintain health and longevity. To make or become confused; to muddle. To speak to; to focus ones attention on; to deal with and to contemplate. To provide as evidence; A supporter; a follower; an advocate. To be next to. Acquired or having an inferior position. To entreat; to command earnestly. A helper; an assistant. To warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; to caution. To make impure; to reduce the quality of by the introduction of something inferior. To give an incomplete or faint idea of; to foreshadow; to give a sketchy outline. An arrival. Accidental; happening by chance; not natural. An opponent; the enemy; someone or something that offers opposition. Going against; opposing; unfavorable. To remark; to turn the attention to.

advocate aegis aerate aesthetic affable affected affirmation affliction affluence affray affront aficionado agape agenda agglomeration aggrandize aggravate agility agitate agnostic agog agrarian agronomy alacrity alcove aleatory alimentary alimony allay allegiance allergy alliteration

v n v adj adj adj n n n n v n adj n n v v n v adj adj adj n n n adj adj n v n n n

To speak in favor of; to support; to encourage. A shield; protection; a defense. To put air into; to expose to fresh air; to supply with air. Artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful; appealing to the sense of sight. Friendly; easily approachable; warm and considerate. Sometime that is acted up; any entity under the influence of something else. An assertion in the positive; a confirmation. A condition of distress; a disease; the cause of suffering. Abundance; wealth. A fray; a noisy quarrel in a public. To insult; intentional act of disrespect; to intentionally hurt the feelings of another person. A fan; a devotee; an advocate or supporter of a certain ideal, way of doing things, or activity. With an open mouth. The items or list of items to be covered during a meeting; the plan of action. A heap; a collection. To make more great; to increase in power, wealth, rank, etc. To make worse; to irritate. The ability to move in a coordinated and quick manner. To stir up; disturb; to cause to move from a place of rest or peace. Being skeptical of the existence of a god or any supreme being. Eager and excited; driven by anticipation. Pertaining to land or its cultivation. The broad science of crop rotation and crop maintenance, including soil management, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, etc. Cheerful promptness; eagerness to perform a specific deed, usually without hesitation. A nook; a cranny; a recess; an enclosed space. Uncertain and unpredictable; dependent on luck. Supplying or referring to nourishment. Payments made on a regular basis, most often to a spouse of a former engagement or marriage. To calm; to make peaceful. Support; a sense of loyalty; duty towards an individual or specific cause. A condition where a person is very sensitive to certain chemicals or substances in the environment; an exaggerated immune response to otherwise harmless stimuli. A poetry term referring to the repetition of beginning sounds of two or more words; the commencement of two or more words of

allocate allude allure alluvial alms aloof altercation amalgam amalgamate amass amazon ambidextrous ambience ambiguous ambrosia ambulatory ambush ameliorate amenable amend amenities amenity amiable amicable amity amnesia amnesty amoral amorous ample amplify amputate amulet anachronism anacoluthia analgesia

v v v adj 2 adj n n v v n adj n adj n adj n v adj v n n adj adj n n n adj adj adj v v n n n n

a word group with the same letter. To assign; to set aside for a particular purpose. To refer indirectly to; to imply. To entice; attract; to tempt; to entice. Referring to soil deposits left by running water. Money or goods that are given to the poor; contributions that are given in an effort to help the poor. Reserved; indifferent; not affected. A noisy fight; a heated argument that involves yelling. A combination of different things; a mixture of metals. To combine; to form into a clump; to unite. To collect over time; to gather in large amounts. A female warrior; the jungle region in South America in the vicinity of the river by the same name. Able to use the left hand or the right hand equally well; equally skilled. The environment; the atmosphere; the mood. Uncertain; hard to understand. Food for the gods; divine nourishment. Able to move; in motion. A sudden attack made from a concealed position. To improve; to lessen discomfort. Obedient; readily managed; responsive; dutifully complying. To correct; to make a positive change; to right a wrong. Niceties; features or components that help to make life pleasurable and easier. A pleasantness; a civility; a courtesy. Agreeable; friendly; lovable. peaceful; friendly. Friendship; accord between two nations. Loss of memory. A time when a criminal is exempt from punishment; an official pardon that is mandated by a government and usually extended to political offenders. Without morals; unable to distinguish between right and wrong. Moved or marked by sexual attraction or love. Enough; abundant; sizable; opportune. To increase in size, effect, volume, etc. to expand; to broaden or clarify. To cut off part of a body; to prune. A charm or talisman; an object that is worn to protect against evil or to shun away bad luck. An error with the timeline; something or someone misplaced in time. An incorrect grammatical construction. The condition of being unable to feel pain; the absence of sense.

analogous anathema anatomy ancestry anchorite ancillary anecdote anesthetic anile animadversion animus annals anneal annex annihilate annuity annul anodyne anoint anomalous anomaly anomie anonymity antediluvian anthology

adj n n n n n n n adj n n n v v v n v n v adj n n n adj n

anthropomorphic adj antibiotic n antibody anticipate antidote antipathy antiquated n v n adj adj

Comparable; having a similar form or shape. Solemn curse; a person or something regarded as a curse; something that is polluted; excommunication. The scientific study of the structure of animals; the dissection and study of the body. Family descent; inherited properties that are shared among people with a past common family member. A person who has decided to devote his or her life to secluded study. An accessory; acting as someone or something auxiliary. A short story of an amusing event; a quick tale meant to entertain or to invoke laughter. Something that causes the loss of sensation. Of or resembling a foolish, old woman. Censure; severe criticism. Hostile feeling or intent; animosity. Official records, arranged in chronological order; the recorded history of year-by-year events. To increase the integrity of; to make more hard by repeated heating and cooling. To attach; to acquire or take possession of; to incorporate into an existing larger part. To destroy completely; to erase all memory of. A yearly or periodic allowance or payment. To clear; to make void; to remove. A drug that relieves pain; a product that soothes the nerves. To consecrate; to pour oil onto as part of a religious ceremony. Abnormal; irregular; unexpected. An irregularity; something that is out of place. Absence of accepted social values or norms; a feeling of loneliness. State or condition of not having a name or identity. Antiquated; extremely ancient. A collection of various pieces of writing, all from different authors. Possessing human characteristics. A drug, ointment, or medicine that destroys bacteria or pathogens. An immune body; something that prevents or blocks another; a protein produced as an immune response to a specific virus or bacteria. To act in advance; to prevent; to predict; to realize beforehand. A remedy; a magic potion; something that counteracts a disease or poison. Strong aversion; dislike. Obsolete, outdated, run-down.

antique antithesis antithetical apathy aperture apex aphasia apiary aplomb apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apologist apostate apotheosis appall apparent appease appellation apposite appreciate apprehend apprise approbation appurtenance apropos apse aptitude aquiline arable arbitrate arboreal arboretum arcade arcane archaic

n n adj n n n n n n adj adj n n n n v adj adj n adj v v v n n adj n n adj adj v adj n n adj adj

Something from a previous time; something made previously which is now of great worth. The direct opposite; opposition; contrast. Directly opposed. A lack of caring or interest; indifference; a lack of concern or interest in important affairs. An opening; a hole; the adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light that can enter. To top; the summit; the ultimate goal; a climax. Loss of speech due to injury or illness; an inability to speak. A place where bees are kept. Poise; composure; assurance. Prophetic; pertaining to revelations of disaster. Widely believed but untrue; of dubious authenticity. The highest point; the pinnacle. A person who writes in defense of a cause or institution. A person who abandons long-held religious or political convictions. An ideal example of something. To shock; to disgust; to dismay. Evident; easily perceived. To make quiet; to soothe; to calm. A name; a designation; the words by which someone or something is classified. Appropriate; fitting; adequate To be understanding of; to be thankful; to be conscious of. To arrest a criminal; to perceive. To inform; to give notice to. Approval; praise; sincere and warm acceptance. Something that is added to another, more important thing; adjunct; an accessory. Appropriate to the situation; apt. A semicircular domed projection of a building, most often a church. Fitness; talent. Curved and/or hooked, like an eagle's beak. Land that is fertile; fit for growing crops. To act as judge; to preside over. Related to trees. A place where different types of trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited; a place where a large variety of woody plants are kept for ornamental purposes. A covered passageway, usually lined with shops or little stores. Mysterious; known only to the initiated; hard to grasp. Antiquated; out of date; no longer used; of or belonging to the past.

archaism archetype archives ardor arduous arduous arenaceous argosy aria arid aristocracy armada aromatic arraign arrant array arrears arrogance arrogate arroyo arsenal artery artifice artless ascend ascendancy ascertain ascertain ascetic aseptic asperity aspersion aspirant assail assay assent assertive

n n n n adj adj adj n n adj n n adj v adj v n n v n n n n adj v n v v adj adj adj n n v v v adj

A word or phrase that is no longer in use; an archaic expression; something that is outdated. A prototype; a primitive pattern; something that is the first and original. Public records; a place where public records are maintained. Heat and/or excitement; passion; zeal. Hard; strenuous; labor-intensive; difficult. Difficult; steep; laborious; requiring great effort. Containing or derived from sand. A rich supply. A operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera. Dry; barren; unproductive; forgotten. A form of government in which nobility and power is based on heredity only; the privileged class. A fleet of navy warships. Fragrant; sweet smelling. To officially charge, as in court; to indict. Notorious; thorough To marshal; to arrange in order. The condition of being in debt; an accumulated debt. Proud superior mannerisms; behavior that is snobbish. Attribute unjustly; take without right. A gully; a narrow channel formed by rainwater, prevalent in the southwest of the United States and other such similar near-desert regions where there are sporadic heavy downpours. A storage place for military equipment; the available military weapons at one's disposal. A large blood-vessel; a main blood vessel in the body. A prank or deception; trickery. Honest; without guile; grossly open. To go up; to climb. Controlling influence; the condition of one person having influence over another; superiority. To find out; to make certain; to clarify and finalize. To receive information about; to judge; to gauge. Practicing self-denial; promoting self-discipline; austere. Preventing infection; having a cleansing effect. Sharpness; severity; acerbity. Slander; a damaging remark. Somebody who seeks a certain status or covets a position. To assault. To analyze; to measure with great detail; to scrutinize with the intent of arriving at a precise truth. To agree; accept. Having and expressing strong opinions; exhibiting a confident belief in one's own abilities.

assiduous assimilate assort assorted assuage assurance astigmatism astonish astral astringent astronomical astute asunder asylum atheistic atonement atrophy attentive attenuate attest attribute attrition attune atypical aubade audacious augment augury august aureole auroral auspicious authenticate autocratic autonomous autopsy auxiliary avalanche

adj v v adj v n n v adj n adj adj adj n adj n n adj v v n n v adj n adj v n adj n adj adj v adj adj n adj n

Diligent; hard-working; persevering; following rules. To absorb; to take in; to grasp and to make one's own; to fully understand. To classify into different sorts; to arrange: to match. Of various types; matched; of many origins; not of the same variety. To ease or lessen pain; to make less severe. A promise or a pledge; a statement of authenticity; certainty. A defect in the eye which prevents proper focus. To astound; to surprise. Of or pertaining to the stars, related to the stars. Something that causes contraction or that shrinks tissue. Enormously large; gigantic. Shrewd, wise, and keen. Into parts; apart; widely separated. A refuge or a shelter; political protection. Denying the existence of God or of a supreme being. Reparation for having done something wrong; remorse. The wasting away of tissue, an organ, or any part of a living organism due to a lack of food. Alert; listening carefully; at full attention; considerate. To make more thin; to weaken. To swear and testify; to bear witness to. A quintessential component; an essential quality. The rubbing away or decrease by friction; a graduation decrease in number or strength. To bring into harmony; to bring into balance. Not normal; out of the ordinary. A song sung at dawn, greeting the morning. Daring and bold. To increase; to add to; to compound. An omen; a sign; an indication of something to come in the future. Impressive; majestic; grandiose. A halo; a bright circle of light; a radiance surrounding an object or a whole figure to represent sacredness. Pertaining to the morning; pertainig to the dawn. Successful; favorable circumstances. To verify as genuine; to prove. Having absolute unchecked power; like an absolute dictator. Not needing support; being able to function without outside influence or help; self-governing. An examination of a dead body; the identification of the case of death. Additional; secondary; in a supportive role. A great mass of falling snow and ice.

aversion avert avid avocation avouch avuncular awl axiom Word bacchanal badger badinage bailiwick bait balderdash baleful balloon balm balneal banal bandy bane baneful bantering bariatric barrage barrister barterer base bask bastion bazaar beatify bedraggle beeline befriend beget beguile

n v adj n v adj n n Part of Speech n v n n v n adj v n adj adj v n adj n adj n n n adj v n n v v n v v v

A strong dislike; a hatred for. To prevent; to hold back; to avoid or to stymie. Eager; very willing. A secondary or minor occupation; a hobby. To vouch; to guarantee; to positively affirm. Of or like an uncle. A pointed spike-like tool used for piercing leather, wood, or other materials. A self-evident truth requiring no proof; a basic, unalienable principle. Definition A noisy party with a large amount of alcohol; a large and noisy celebration. To pester; to annoy continually with demands; to ask repeatedly. Teasing conversation; light-spirited banter. A person's area of knowledge or ability; the jurisdiction of a bailiff. To harass and tease; to torment; to entice. Nonsense; illogical talk or reasoning. Evil; malignant; inflicting harm. To expand like a balloon; to bulge; to increase greatly. Something that relieves pain; a substance with a pleasant smell, most often derived from tropical plants. Pertaining to bathing; of, or relating to baths. Commonplace; trite; ordinary. To discuss lightly or glibly; to pass back and forth; to circulate. Cause of ruin; poison. Causing harm; pernicious. Joking talk; good-humored ridiculing; friendly joking. Of or relating to that branch of medicine that deals with obesity; pertaining or referring to something that is obese. Repeated onslaught; an overwhelming, repetitive force. A counselor; a student of law who is asked to appear before the court. A trader; a person skilled in exchanging goods. Morally bad; characterized by a lack of human decency. To take pleasure in. A stronghold; protection; a fortified position. A marketplace; a store where many different types of items are for sale. To bless with happiness; to make blissful. To make dirty; to wet thoroughly. A direct quick route between any two points. To acquire as a friend; to act as a friend towards. To father; to produce or to procure; to give rise to. To deceive; to deliberately tell a lie with the intent to mislead or

behemoth belated beleaguer belfry belie belittle bellicose belligerent bemused benefactor beneficent benevolence benevolent benign benison bent bequeath berate beseech besiege besmirch besot best bestial bestow betray bevy bewilder bewitch bicameral bicker biennial bifurcated bigot bigotry bilge bilious

n adj v n v v adj adj adj n adj n adj adj n adj v v v v v v v adj v v n v v adj v adj adj n n n adj

delude. A huge creature; something of monstrous size or power. Delayed; tardy. To besiege; to attack; harass; to best. The bell tower of a church. To contradict; to give a false impression of; to lie. To criticize; to berate; to speak of as if not important. Belligerent; waging war; willing and eager to fight. Quarrelsome; engaged or eager for battle. Confused; lost in thought. Somebody who gives; a patron; a supporter of a certain cause that contributes in terms of money. Kindly; doing good; benevolent. Kindness; the thought of doing something well or for the sake of others; generosity that is directed towards others. Generous; charitable; characterized by a willingness to give. Not dangerous; kind; favorable. A blessing; benediction; a prayer. Determined; set; resolved. To hand down; to leave someone a portion of one's wealth after death. To scold strongly; to criticize. To beg; to plead; to appeal urgently. To surround with an army or armed forces; to harass; annoy continually. Soil; to charge falsely; to make dirty. Infatuate, to obsess. To defeat; to outwit; to outsmart; to claim victory. Savage; brutal; carnal. To confer upon; to give; to pass down. to reveal; to be promiscuous; to be unfaithful to a cause or person. A large group; a big collection. To puzzle; to confuse. TO cast a spell over; to completely captivate. Two-chambered, most often referring to a legislative body. To quarrel; to argue aimlessly. Occurring every two years. Forked; having two branches. A narrow-minded person; somebody who is unwilling to listen to the religious or political opinions of others. Intolerance towards another person's ideas or beliefs. The rounded areas that form the bottom and sides on the exterior of a ship's hull. Suffering from indigestion; irritable; easily irritated; liable to explode.

bilk billet-doux biting bizarre blackguard blackmail blandishment blast bleak blithe bloated bludgeon blueprint blues bluff blunder blunt blurt blush bluster bog bohemian bolide bolster bolt bombast bondage bookish boon boor boorish bountiful bout bow bowdlerize boycott brace brackish brag braggadocio braggart braid

v n adj adj n v n n adj adj adj n n n n n adj v v v n adj n v v adj n adj n n adj adj n n v v v adj v n n v

To cheat; to swindle; to haggle unscrupulously. A love letter; a note from a lover. Sharply painful to the body or to the mind. Fantastic; extremely odd; unconventional; perplexing. A rude person; a scoundrel; a person who uses profane language. To extort; to threaten in an attempt to gain money. Flattery, with an intention to persuade; to urge to action. A strong current of wind; a forcible stream of air or gas; an explosion of air, steam, or gas. Cold; seemingly hopeless; depressing. Cheerful; joyous; carefree. Swollen; filled with water or air; overfilled. A club; a heavy, blunt weapon. A detailed plan of action; a schematic or detailed diagram. State of depression or melancholy; sorrows. A lie; a deception. An error; a mistake; a gaffe. Having a dull edge; abrupt and frank in speech. To exclaim abruptly; to utter impulsively; to yell out from fear or embarassment. To become red, usually referring to somebody who is bashful or who becomes embarrassed and whose face turns red or rosy. To bully; to threaten; to domineer. Soft wet land; a swamp; a wet area without any moving water. Unconventional; revolutionary in terms of art. A large meteor; a fireball that eventually explodes. To support; to reinforce; to give momentum to. To dash off; to dart off; to fasten. Grandiloquent, pompous; overly showy and expressive. The state in which somebody is bound as a slave or a serf; servitude. Fond of books and reading. A favor; a blessing; a wish granted by a god. A rude, unrefined person, often with bad manners. Rude and crass; insensitive and inconsiderate. Generous; Gracious; plentiful. A match; a fight; a period of heightened activity. The front part of a ship. To modify; to clean up; to amend by removing certain parts. To abstain from use; to refuse to partake in. To hold up; to prepare. Having a salty taste; distasteful. To boast; to speak highly of. Boasting, usually vain and meaningless. A person who boasts; a bragger. To interweave strands; to make by weaving strands together.

brash bravado brawn brawny brazen breach bricolage bridle brilliant brim brink bristle brittle broach brobdingnagian brocade brood brook browbeat browse brusque buccaneer bucolic buffoon bulge bulletin bullion bulwark bungle burgeon burlesque burnish bust buttress buxom byline Word cache

adj n n adj adj n n v adj n n n adj v adj n v v v v adj n adj n n n n n v v adj v n n adj n Part of Speech n

Hasty; done without contemplation; harsh. Swagger; a pretentious display of courage; an attitude of defiance; a false show of bravery. Muscular strength; sturdiness; muscular power. Muscular; having well-developed muscles. Insolent; bold. The breaking of a contract or duty; a fissure; a gap; an opening. An object that is constructed using whatever materials are available at the time. To control or restrain; to show anger. Very smart; very vivid; bright and showy. The uppermost edge of a cup, bowl, or other saucer-like object; a protruding edge. The edge; the rim. Short stiff hair. Easily broken; malleable. To introduce; to moot; to begin a discussion upon. Enormous; very large. A fabric that is richly ornamented or which has ornate, raised patterns. To sit on with an intent to hatch; to think deeply about; to ponder. To tolerate; to endure. To bully; intimidate; to discourage by means of threats. To graze; to feed on growing vegetation; to glance at casually. Extremely blunt; abrupt; overly rude; unconstrained. A pirate; a person who defies the law. Rustic; pastoral; crude; boorish; pertaining to rural life. A stupid person; a clown; somebody who always manages to mess things up. A protruding part; a swelling of a surface. A short news report; a piece of information meant to be disseminated right away. Either gold and silver shaped in the form of bars. A defensive wall. To mismanage; to misappropriate; to blunder completely. To grow quickly; to expand; to send out buds. Referring to mockery of a serious matter. To make shiny; to rub repeatedly in an attempt to polish. A sculpture of a person's head, shoulders and chest. A support; something that props up another object. Plump; full; jolly. Piece of information that is part of an article and which identifies the author; added information that implies authorship. Definition A hiding place.

cacophonous cadaverous cadence cadet cadge caducity cahoot cajole calamity calculated calliope callous callow calorific calumny camaraderie camp canard candor canine canon canopy cantankerous cantata canvass capacious capacity caper caprice capricious carafe carapace carceral carcinogenic cardiologist carillon carnage carnal

adj adj n n v n n v n adj n adj adj adj n n n n adj adj n n adj n v adj n v n adj n n adj adj n n n adj

Harsh-sounding; without harmony or rhyme. Like a corpse; pale; ashen; without feeling. The rhythmic rise and fall of a group of sounds, a phrase, or otherwise an artistic movement; a regular beat; rhythm. A soldier in training; a student at a military school. To beg; to acquire by begging. The state of old age; senility. Collusion; a partnership or league. The use flattery or deceit; to persuade; to flatter. Mayhem; disaster; misery; utter disorder. Planned; deliberately and minutely executed. A steam organ; a musical instrument similar to an organ in which sound is produced by compressed air or steam. Hardened; unfeeling; having no sympathy for the sufferings of others; uncaring. Youthful; immature. Generating heat or calories. A false misrepresentation; slander; aspersion. Close fellowship; light-hearted rapport between group members. A group sharing a common cause; a circle of people with a common opinion. An unfounded and false rumor; an exaggerated, falsified report. Frankness; honesty; sincerity. Related to a dog; doglike. The accepted standard of behavior or thought. A cover; a sheet or other substance that covers or hides that which is underneath. Ill-humored; irritable; easily annoyed; not willing to listen. A story that is set to music and which is sung by a chorus. To scrutinize; to examine with great care. Spacious; large in capacity. Mental ability; role. To jump in a playful manner; to skip. A quick and unexplained change of mind; a whim. Unpredictable; fickle, tending to change one's mind. A large, glass bottle for holding drinkable liquids; a decanter. The protective shell covering the back of a turtle, crab, etc. Of or relating to a prison or incarceration. Causing cancer. A doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of ailments of the heart. A set of stationary bells that are enervated by the application of mechanical machinery. Destruction of life; slaughter; killing of large numbers of people or animals. Fleshly; referring to the body; sensual.

carnivorous carousal carp carrion cartographer caste castigate castigation castrate cataclysm catalyst catapult catastrophe catechism cater catharsis catholic caustic cauterize cavalcade cavil cede celerity celibate censor centaur centrifugal centrifuge centripetal centurion cephalous cerebral ceremonious certificate

adj n v n n n v n v n n v n n v v adj adj v n v v adj adj v n adj n adj n adj adj adj n

Preferring or eating meat. A drunken revel; an affair; a noisy celebration. To complain endlessly and unnecessarily about a small fault. Rotting, dead flesh; the rotting remains of a dead body. A person who makes maps; a person who specializes in maps. A social class distinguishable from others based on hereditary rank, profession, wealth, notoriety, etc. To correct by punishing; to criticize; to condemn in an effort to educate. Punishment; criticism; disapproval; a scolding. To remove the sex organs; to perform a procedure which is meant to make it impossible to reproduce. Great upheaval; a violent change or event. An agent that causes a change while being itself unaffected; in chemistry, an agent that causes a reaction to occur and which can be reused over and over again. To slingshot; to hurl. A calamity; a wide-spread disaster. A book of religions instructions in a questions and answer format; a summary of Christian religious doctrine. To provide food or services; to try to satisfy bad desires. The cleansing of the body; a figurative cleansing of the emotions or state of mind. Universal; general; broad; far- reaching; liberal. Burning; corrosive; sarcastically biting. To burn with a hot iron; to seal in an attempt to prevent bleeding. A group of people riding horseback; a procession of people in automobiles or other vehicles. To quibble; to make frivolous objections; to find petty flaws. To yield to; to surrender formally. Speed; rapidity; quickness. Abstaining from sexual intercourse. To eliminate inappropriate material; to supervise; to oversee so as to regulate moral values. A mythical being that is half man and half horse. Radiating; departing from the center; moving outward from a central focus. A machine that separates substances of different gravities by spinning them around a central axis. Tending toward the center. A Roman leader of a unit of 100 soldiers. Having a head. Pertaining to the brain; of or referring to intellect. Characterized by formality; overly polite. A document; proof of truth of something; a certificate that

certitude cessation chaff chagrin chalice chameleon champion chancellor chant chantey chaotic charade charisma charlatan chary chasm chaste chastise chastisement chatterbox cherubic chicanery chichi chide chisel chivalrous choice choir choleric choral chorale chore choreography chronicle

n n n n n n v n v n adj n n n adj n adj v n adj adj n adj v n adj adj n adj adj n n n v

designates the completion of an event, education, project, etc. The state of being certain and having confidence. A stop; a discontinuation. The worthless product(s) of an activity; the outer seed cover -usually unusable -- portion of grain. Annoyance; disappointment; a feeling of vexation. A goblet; a consecrated cup; a cup for the wine of the Eucharist or mass. A lizard that changes color in different situations, usually in an attempt to match the color of the background; an inconsistent person. To fight for; to support. A legal official of high rank at any institution. To repeate verbally over and over again; to sing. A song sung by sailors. Characterized by disorder; referring to immense confusion; pertaining to total mayhem. A pretense; only for show; a sham. Strong magnetism; great popular charm or appeal; popularity. A quack; a person who pretends to have knowledge about a subject Cautious; wary; showing forethought. An abyss; a deep crevice; a huge drop. Being morally pure; virginal; abstaining from illicit sexual acts. To punish; to criticize severely; to make fun of and to humiliate; to censure. Harsh censure. A person who talks an excessive amount; an extremely talkative person. Innocent; like an angel. Intended trickery; premeditated perception. Trendy; popular. To scold; to censure. A sharp steel tool used for shaping materials, most often wood or stone. Courteous; loyal; faithful; brave. Delicate; of very fine quality; the most preferable part. Group of people who sing together; an ensemble of people. Unpredictable; hot-tempered; grossly irritable. Of or for a chorus or choir; related to or created for a performance by a choir or chorus. A harmonized hymn often sung in a church. A routinely performed task; something that is performed daily. The art of representing dances in written symbols; a combination of movements which make up a dance. To report; to tabulate; to record in chronological order.

chuckle churlish cider cinder circumspect circumstantial circumvent citation cite cite civil clairvoyant clamber clamor clandestine clap clarion clasp claustrophobia cleaver clinch clipper clique clod cloister cloture cloying coagulation coalesce coalition coda coddle codicil codify coerce coercion

v adj n n adj adj v n v v adj adj v v adj v n v n n v n n n n n adj n v n n v n v v v

To laugh quietly; to laugh in a restrained manner. Rude; offensive, not easy to manage. An alcoholic drink made from apples. A badly burned substance incapable of being burned again. Cautious; taking action only after careful thought. Incidental; not directly relevant; based on circumspect evidence, but otherwise not proving a point. To outmaneuver; to outwit; to avoid. A summons to appear in court; a specific reference to a particular event, person, or idea. To quote; to summon or give a summons to. To seize the property of a person so as to compel and force the payment of a debt. Not military nor religious; courteous. Having foresight; intuitive; discerning. To climb by crawling with difficulties; to creep. To shout; to discuss or complain with a great deal of commotion. Kept or done in secret. To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden and loud sound; to come together suddenly with a sharp, striking sound. A shrill, or trumpet-like sound; an ancient trumpet. To hold; to embrace and to hold within the arms. The fear of being in closed placed; the fear of being restrained. A heavy broad-bladed hatchet. To come to grips; to secure; to hold fast. A ship build for great speed. A small exclusive group of people; a collection of people with a common purpose. Lump, esp. of clay or earth; a dull, stupid person A monastery or convent. An official procedure in which debate is stopped and a vote is taken. Excessively distasteful; overly rich and sweet. The process of forming semisolid clumps in a liquid. To combine; to fuse; to come together. A partnership; a union or group of people, countries, states, etc., with a common cause. A concluding section of a musical or literary composition. To treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; to baby. An amendment to a will; a later addition to a will that adds or otherwise clarifies earlier provisions. To classify; to arrange and enumerate for the purpose of making a law. To compel by the use of force. The use of force in an attempt to compel someone to do something which otherwise they wouldn't consider or want to

cogent cogitate cognitive cognizance cognizant cohere cohesion coiffure coincidence collaborate collegial collier colligate collins collop colloquy collude collusion colonial colossal colossus coma comatose combustible comely comestible comeuppance comity commemorate commiserate commodious communal commune compact

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do. Convincing; believable. To ponder; to think about intently. Pertaining to the mental process; of or related to a certain style of thinking. An understanding or knowledge about something. Fully aware; conscious; informed. To stick together; to be sound; to be without faults. Tendency to keep together or stick together; the intermolecular forces that hold liquid or solid molecules together. A hairstyle; a particular arrangement of a person's hair. The chance occurrence of two or more seemingly unconnected events occurring together. To work together; to cooperate; to work towards a common goal. Marked by power that is vested equally among a group of individuals or colleagues. A coal miner; a ship used for the transport of coal. To tie together; to place in a group. A tall iced drink made with gin or other alcohol and which also includes lime or lemon juice. A portion or slice of meat, usually bacon or ham. A conversation; an exchange of words. To plot or to conspire. A secret agreement, usually for a treacherous purpose. Pertaining to a colony; referring to a locale or project whose goal it is to explore a region. Immense; huge; gigantic. A gigantic statue; a person or thing of great size or importance. A prolonged state of unconsciousness caused by disease, poison, or a severe injury. In a coma; extremely sleepy; exhibiting no response to stimuli. Able to be burned; easily set on fire. Attractive; agreeable; having a soothing, pleasing appearance. Something fit to be eaten; edible; suitable for human consumption. A well-deserved punishment or misfortune; a rebuke; a penalty. Courtesy; civility. To honor; to serve as a memorial. To feel or express sympathy for; to express sorrow. Spacious; ample; comfortable, but not necessarily ornate. In common; public; pertaining or related to a commune; shared among many people. A community in which chores and income are shared among all the members. An agreement; a contract.

compartment compelling compilation complacency complaisance complaisant compliant complicity component compost composure comprehend comprehensive compromise compulsion compulsive compulsory compunction concave conceal concede concentric conception concession conciliatory conclave concoct concomitant concord concourse concupiscent concupiscible concurrent condole condone conducive conduit

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One of the many parts into which a larger, enclosed space is divided. Overpowering; irresistible in effect; holding one's attention. A list of information; a collection; a group of items in a tabular form. A sense of self-satisfaction; smugness. The quality of complying; obliging; having a willingness to please. Eagerness to please others; obliging to the wishes and needs of other people. Acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others; yielding. Participation; involvement in a questionable act or a crime; partnership in illegal activities. An element; an ingredient. A mixture of decaying organic matter. Mental calmness; assurance of mind. To understand; to know and to be able to manipulate. Broad; thorough; inclusive; all- encompassing. To put at risk; to endanger. A strong desire that is difficult to control; an irresistible impulse. Tending to take actions or to make decisions without thought or contemplation. Obligatory; something that must be done. Remorse; uneasiness caused by guilt. Curved inwards. To hide; to keep hidden; to keep from view. To admit; to give in; to yield. Having a common center; radiating out from a common point. The beginning; the budding of an idea or event. A conceding; something that yields; a privilege. Tending to reconcile; soothing; calming. A private meeting; a secret organization. To make up; to create and to prepare. That which accompanies. An agreement; harmony. A common meeting place; an area where people come together. Lustful; sensual. Desirable; driven by sexual lust or desire. Happening at the same time; in agreement. To express condolences; to express sympathy for. To overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; to excuse or to otherwise ignore. Contributing to a cause or idea; helpful. A passageway, usually for liquid; an aqueduct; a tube or pipe for the purpose of transporting water.

confiscate conflagration conflate confluence confound confute congeal congeal congenial congenital congested conglomerate conglomeration congruent conjecture conjugal connivance connotation connubial consanguineous consanguinity conscientious consecrate consensus conservatory consign console consonant consort conspicuous conspiracy consternation constituency constraint construe contagion

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To seize; to assume possession of by means of formal or legal means. A great, disastrous fire. To combine; to fuse. The joining or flowing together of two items; a place where to rivers meet. To confuse; to perplex; to puzzle. To disprove; to argue against. To become rigid; to turn stiff and solid. To coagulate; to clump; to coalesce. Pleasant; friendly; agreeable, compatible. Existing at birth; something that is manifest from the very beginning; inherent. Full; crowded; muddy; confused. A corporation made up of several different companies, all of which focus on different types of business; a large business group. A mass of material that clings together; a big mess of one item. In agreement; harmonious; corresponding. A surmise; a guess. Pertaining to marriage. Fiegned ignorance; pretense of ignorance of something wrong. The secondary meaning of a word or statement. Pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state. Having a common ancestor; relationship by blood. Kinship; relationship by birth, blood, or a common ancestor. Thorough; scrupulous; in accordance with principles. To dedicate; to sanctify; to declare as sacred. A general agreement; opinion reached by a group or decided upon by a group of people. A school of music or drama. To commit; to give to somebody else for official safekeeping or confinement. To comfort; to provide support in a time of need; to provide sympathy for. Harmonious; in agreement. To associate with; to keep company. Readily visible; easily seen; extraordinary and noticeable. A plot; a secret plan against the law, usually by two or more people. A surprise; a great shock; dismay. The set of voters that are represented by a single political official. A restraint; something that prevents progress or holds back. To explain; to interpret; to infer. An infection; a contamination.

contemn contemplate contempt contend contentious contest contiguous contravene contrite contumacious contumely conundrum convalesce convene converge converse convert convex conviction convivial convoke convulsion copious coquetry coquette cordon cornice cornucopia corporeal corpus corpuscle correlate correlation corrode corrosive corrugated coruscate cosmetic cosmorama coterie

v v n v adj v adj v adj adj n n v v v adj n adj n adj v n adj n n n n n adj n n v n v adj adj v adj n n

To scorn; to censure; to defy. To examine; to think deeply about. Scorn; disdain; evil desire to do harm. To struggle with; to compete with; to argue; to make a stance. Tending to quarrel; controversial; argumentative. To dispute; argue about the rightness of. Touching; neighboring; on the side; abutting. To contradict; to oppose; violate; to get in the way of. Filled with deep sorrow; expressing remorse. Insubordinate; rebellious; alienated; headstrong. Contemptuous treatment; harsh language. A difficult problem; a riddle. To recuperate from an illness; to recover. To come together; to call to order. To meet; to come together; to come within close proximity. The opposite; reversed in order or relation. A person who has made a switch from one religion or opinion to another. Curving outward; bulging. A firm belief. Pleasantly merry; festive; gay; good-spirited; jovial. To summon; to bring together; to convene; to call to meeting. Uncontrollable shaking; a violent reaction which usually involves the entire body. Plentiful; characterized by excess. Dalliance; flirtation; an exuberant show of admiration. A flirtatious woman. A line of fortifications which is meant to prevent access; a blockade. Ornamental molding that sits atop a column or pillar. An abundant supply; an oversupply. Referring to the body rather than to the spiritual; material. A collection; the entirety of. A minute particle; any small cell, as for example a red blood cell or a lymph cell. To define a relation; to find a similarity or other attribute which makes one object similar to another. A significant relationship; a similarity. To gradually wear away, usually because of some chemical. Fierce; eating away; tending to be destructive. Wrinkled; ridged. To sparkle; to flash; to reflect brightly. Dealing only with the outside appearance; superficial; without significance. A type of art exhibit. A group of people with a common purpose and who meet

coterminous counterfeit countermand counterpart countervail coup court courtly covenant covert covetous cow cozen cram cramped crass crave craven credence creed crepuscular crescendo crestfallen crevice criteria crockery cruciverbalist crypt cryptic cryptonym cue culinary cull culmination culprit

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socially on a regular basis; a clique. Coincident in time, scope, or duration. Forgery; fake. To cancel; to reverse a previous command; to recall. A companion; somebody or something that completes another. To balance; to compensate for; to counteract. A sudden attack; a successful takeover. To seek and to attempt to gain the favor of; to invite and to plead; to desire. Polite; exhibiting the characteristics and mannerisms of a courteous knight or loyal subject. A agreement between two people or between two parties. Clandestine; secret. Desirous; lascivious. To intimidate; to overcome with a feeling of awe; to destroy the courage of. To cheat; to hoodwink; to swindle; to deceive. To force into a small space; stuff; to fill tightly or too full. Limited in space. Unrefined; rude; undiscriminating. To desire intensely. Cowardly; pusillanimous. Belief, support. A system of religious beliefs; a doctrine. Pertaining to the time when day is changing into night or night into day; not bright. The increase in the volume or intensity of a musical composition. Dejected; dispirited; distraught; without determination or drive. A crack; a fissure; a hole in the ground. A standard, or standards, that are used in judging or in deciding the worth or value of an item. Cups, plates, or other eating and serving dishes that are made from clay. A person who is a word enthusiast; a person who loves crossword puzzles. A secret vault, usually used for burial or to store valuable or secret items. Mysterious; hidden; hard to understand. A secret word; a code word. A signal; a hint or a reminder; an indication. Relating to the art of cooking; of or pertaining to the kitchen. To pick out from among many; to reject; to select. The highest point; the climax. The person responsible for a crime; someone who perpetuates breaking the law.

cult cumber cumbersome cumulative cunctation cupidity cur curandera curator cure curmudgeon curriculum cursive cursory curtail cynosure Word dabble dainty dally damn dank dapper dappled daredevil darn dart dawdle daze dearth debacle debase debilitate debonair debut

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A religious sect, often considered extremist in nature, with beliefs that are grossly different from the established norms practiced by traditional religious groups. To weigh down or to burden; to get in the way; to hamper. Burdensome; heavy; awkward. Amassed over time; increasing by the repeated addition of parts. Procrastination or delay; tardiness. Extreme greed or desire, especially for wealth. A mongrel dog; a mean or cowardly person. A spiritual or herb doctor; a woman who practice folk medicine. A collector; a manager. To preserve; to maintain; to treat with salt or with smoke to prevent from spoiling. Somebody who has a bad temper; somebody who is grumpy and unsociable; a person who holds on to stubborn ideas and refuses to listen to others. A plan of study; a group of related courses which are mean to be taken in series. In a flowing style. Brief; casual; hastily done; haphazard. To shorten; to reduce. An object of general attention; the thing that is at the center of attention. Definition To work in a non-committed fashion; to action in a frivolous manner. Delicate; difficult to satisfy. To toy with; to trifle with; to deal with without seriousness; to waste time. To condemn; to punish; to criticize with an intent to harm. Damp and unpleasant. Neat; trim; sophisticated looking. Spotted or blotchy. Someone who takes reckless chances; somebody who seeks thrills; a risk- taker. To repair a cloth; to mend; to weave threads across. To move quickly; to jolt; to zip back and forth. Loiter; to hang around; to doing nothing and to waste time. To stun; to bemuse. Scarcity; shortage; a lack of. A disaster; a breakup; an unsuspecting calamity. To degrade; to lessen or decline in purity; to reduce the quality of. To weaken and to make less effective or functional. Charmingly dressed; having the intent to please. A first public appearance; a presentation where something is

decadal decadence deciduous decimate decipher decline declivity decomposition decorous decrepit decry deducible deed deem defalcate defame default defect defection defenestrate defiance definitely definitive deflect defray deft defunct degenerate degust dehumanize dehydrate deign deipnosophist deipnosophist delectable deleterious deliberate

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unveiled. Of or relating to a period of ten years; referring to a decade. Decay; a state of deterioration or decline. Falling off during a specific season; characterized by shedding. To kill; to destroy a large part of. To decode; to translate from an obscure or secret code into a more intelligible one. To refuse politely. A downward slope; a gradient. The process of rotting; the process which causes complex organic materials to break down into simple inorganic elements. Appropriate in behavior and appearance; with proper conduct. Dilapidated; weak; wanting. To express strong disapproval of; to condemn. Able to be deduce; capable of being reasoned about in a logical manner. An official document that details an agreement or which designates ownership of something. To consider; to judge. To misuse monetary funds; to embezzle. To harm a person's reputation; to speak badly about; to highlight flaws; to slander. Failure to perform a task; to expire at something; to neglect. A shortcoming; a malfunction; an error, most often minor. The act of deserting. To throw out the window. Blatant disobedience or resistance. Without a doubt; clearly. Authoritative; decisive. To turn aside; turn away from a straight course; to return. To pay; to assume the payment of. Neat; skillful; indicating talent or skill. No longer in use or existence; expired; past its prime. To worsen; to lose quality; to deteriorate. To savor; to taste with appreciation. To remove the human qualities from; to make animal-like; to portray as brutal, barbaric, or wholly insensitive. To remove water from; dry out. To condescend; to stoop down to; to assume accordance with one's skills and/or dignity. A person who is a skilled conversationalist, especially during social occasions. A person with excellent dinner-table conversation skills. Pleasing to the senses; very pleasant; tasty. Causing harm. To consider; to ponder; to cogitate.

delineate deliquesce deliquescent delirium delta deluge delusion delusive demagogue demand demean demeanor demented demerit demoralize demotic demure denigrate denizen denotation denouement denounce dependable depict deplore deport deposition depravity deprecate depredation deputize derelict deride

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To enumerate or to depict; to specifically separate or to sketch out into distinct parts. To melt; to become liquid. Tending to melt. A state of mental confusion. The area of a river where it enters the ocean; any area of a river where it joins another body of water and where there is resulting sand, deposits, or rocks. A flood; a rush of water. A false belief; a hallucination; a perceived notion that is not grounded in reality. Marked by deception; false or delusional; misleading. A fanatic; somebody who arises the emotions of a group of people so as to attain political prowess; a leader who incites rebellion. To ask for with conviction; to claim with an intent to receive. To disgrace; to humiliate. Behavior; the characteristic manner of a person. Not adhering to the norm; insane. A fault; a bad quality; a mark against a person who has done something illegal or morally unjust. To corrupt; to lessen the morale of; to make to give up hope. Of or for ordinary people; popular. Grave; quiet; shy and reserved. To defame; to provide a negative opinion of. An inhabitant or resident; regular visitor or somebody who is a citizen. The meaning of a word; the most basic or literal definition. An outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot; the final resolution. To condemn; to criticize; to give proof against. Reliable; trustworthy; able to be trusted; reliable; trustworthy. To portray; to paint; to demonstrate. To regret strongly; to express sorrow and severe disapproval for something. To send out of the country; to force to leave. Testimony under oath; the dethroning of a ruled. Corruption; a degenerate act; wickedness. To give a negative opinion; to protest; to belittle; to strongly disapprove. Plundering; the act of destruction. To act as a substitute; to empower a person to have authority to manage when the leading person is away. Negligent; not performing as one should; neglecting of duties. To ridicule; to speak about or to treat with contempt; to make fun of.

derision derivative dermatologist derogate desalinize descant descend descent desiccant desiccate desideratum desolate desperate despoil despondent despot desuetude desultory detached deter deterrent detrimental deviate devious devolution devolve devotee devout dexterous dialectical diaphanous diatribe dichotomy diction didactic differentiate diffidence diffuse

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Ridicule; mockery; contemptuous laughter. Not original; copied or borrowed from another source; derived. A person who studies and who treats disorders of the skin. To stray from a normal course of action; to act contrary to what is expected; to deviate from normal modes of conduct. To remove salt from. An additional melody that is sung above the principal melody. To go down; to attack. Going down; to visit or to attach; to come down upon. A substance, usually a powder, which is used to absorb moisture. To dry up; to shrink; to remove water. Something that is highly desired; something that is absolutely necessary. Abandoned and deserted; lacking life; without any prospects of improving. Without hope; deprived of any positive prospects; despairing. To plunder; to rob. Without any chance of a better future; gloomy, having no hope. A tyrant; a harsh ruler; somebody who is overly authoritative. A condition of cessation; a state of disuse. Aimless; haphazard; digressing at random; unsteady. Removed; free from emotional involvement; physically separate. To discourage; to get in the way; to hinder. Anything that discourages or deters; something that prevents further action or interferes with progress. Harmful and/or damaging. To move away or veer from the expected path. Erratic; straying from the truth or from a straight course. The passing of property from one person to another, as by hereditary succession. To deputize; to pass duties on to somebody else. An ardent supporter; an enthusiastic follower. Pious; overly religious; earnest; dedicated. Skillful; Able to use both hands equally well. Pertaining to the art of talking and of debating. Sheer (of cloth); transparent; gauzy. A harsh scolding; an invective; strong verbal abuse. The division into two separate entities; the splitting of a group; branching into two parts. The specific choice and use of words in speech or writing; exceptional clarity in speech and writing. Intended to teach a moral lesson; teaching; instructional. To distinguish between two or more items. Shyness; lack of self-confidence. Overly wordy; excessively verbose; rambling.

dilapidated dilemma diligence din dinghy dingy dint diorama dipsomania dirge disabuse disaffected disallow disapprobation disavowal disband disburse discerning disciple discomfit discompose discord discount discountenance discourse discrepancy discrete discretion discriminate discriminating discursive disdain disembark disenfranchise disengage disfigure

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Falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined; neglected. A situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options. Continued determination; steadiness of effort; persistence. Continued loud noise; a tumultuous clamor. A small boat. Dirty and dull. Means; effort; force. A three-dimensional scene molded from wood, plastic or other material, depicting a scene from nature or history against a painted backdrop. An uncontrollable craving for an alcoholic drink. A funeral song; a slow mournful piece of music sung over a dead person often to commemorate that person's life. To correct a false impression; to free from false ideas. Rebellious; resentful of authority or of laws. To reject; to refuse to allow; to brandish as incorrect or inappropriate. A statement or expression of strong disapproval; a condemnation. Denial; disclaiming; refusal. To dissolve; to disperse a group; to break up and separate. To pay out, as in money; to divide up and to distribute. Quick and observant; having insight and keen knowledge; very perceptive. A follower; a student. To frustrate; to embarrass or confuse. To disturb a person's composure; to ruffle. Conflict; without harmony or agreement. To disregard. Disfavor; disapproval. A formal discussion; a conversation or oration which addresses a serious, academic point. Without consistency or agreement; confusion about the facts; a difference of opinions. Separate; unconnected; distinct. Prudence; ability to judge accurately and precisely. To distinguish; to set aside on the basis of preference. Discerning; able to separate into different groups; referring to an ability to notice differences between two or more things. Digressing; rambling; not concise. To treat with scorn; to despise; to look at with contempt. To leave; to head out; to go ashore from a ship; to unload. To deprive of a right or privilege, especially the right to vote. To uncouple; to separate from. To change the appearance of, usually for the worse; to spoil.

dishabille dishearten disheveled disinclination disingenuous disjointed dislodge dismal dismember dismiss disparity dispassionate dispense disperse dispirited disputatious disquisition dissection dissemble disseminate dissident dissimulate dissonance distend distill distinct distort distraught diurnal diva divagate diverge divestiture docket doctrinaire document doff dogmatic

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A casual manner; the condition of being poorly dressed. To discourage; to depress; to dampen ones hopes. Untidy; unkempt; dirty. Unwillingness; reluctance. Not naive; not candid; lacking in sincerity; sophisticated. Not connected; without a common thread or having no coherence. To cause to move; to force from a position of rest; to separate from. Causing or showing gloom; sad; miserable. To cut into small pieces; to cut apart; to remove or detach from the a larger whole. To eliminate from contention; to release; to no longer consider. Difference; condition of inequality. Calm; impartial; not affected by personal feelings. To give out; to prepare and to distribute. To scatter. Lacking in spirit; discouraged. Argumentative; fond of argument; willing to argue. A formal systematic inquiry; a dissertation. The analysis of an object, idea, etc.; a detailed examination. To disguise; to hide the real nature of; to pretend. To distribute; to spread; to scatter. Dissenting; rebellious. To pretend; conceal by feigning; to hide. Discord; a disagreeable sound; lack of agreement. To expand; to become larger; to swell in size. To refine; to concentrate; to separate out the most important parts. Unique; clearly different; one-of-a- kind. To twist; to falsely recount; to misrepresent. Distracted; grossly upset. On a daily basis; belonging or occurring during the day. A opera singer; a prima Donna; an idol. To digress; to stray; to lose clarity. To go astray; to vary. The state of being deprived; something that has been divested. A list of things that are slated to be done; a program that delimits the items that need to be addressed. Fanatical; impractical; without regard to practical considerations. To keep track; to provide evidence for; to keep track or to tally in an effort to prove or disprove. To take off; to remove. Opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal; pertaining to a doctrine or family of beliefs accepted as authoritative .

dolt dominant domineer doom dorsal dossier dotage doula dour douse dowdy downcast dowry drab draconian dragoon dramatize drift drivel droll drone droop drowsiness drudgery dubious ductile dulcet dull dummy duplicity dynamic dyslexia dystopia Word earmark earn ebullience ebullient

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A stupid person. Having the most influence; high and easily seen. To rule over tyrannically; to exercise power over somebody else. A particularly bad fate; a person's ruin; the end. Pertaining to the back or upper-side of an animal. A collection of documents on a specific subject or person. Senility; a decline of mental abilities. A person who provides various forms of non-medical support (physical and emotional) while a woman is giving childbirth. Sullen; dark; gloomy; obstinate. To wet thoroughly; to immerse in water. Untidy; unfashionable; slovenly. Discouraged; disheartened; sad; dejected. The money, estate, or property that a bride brings to her husband upon marriage. Dull and boring; without enthusiasm. Extremely severe or unusually cruel. To coerce or to force into action. To present in a dramatic or melodramatic way. To be carried along by currents or the wind; to purposely move from place to place. Nonsense; foolishness. Queer; amusing; waggish. To talk in a dull manner; to murmur. To bend or hang downward; to become week. A feeling of sleepiness or disorientation. Hard unpleasant work, usually labor- intensive; menial work. Questionable; causing doubt; of uncertain origin; open to suspicion. Able to be changed; malleable; pliable; easily formed into a shape; flexible. Melodious; harmonious; pleasant to the sense of hearing. Not bright; cloudy; overcast; boring. An imitation of a real object; a substitute. Intended deception; deceitfulness in speech or manners. Energetic; vigorously active; constantly changing. Any of a number of various reading disorders in which a person is not able to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information. An envisioned, futuristic society characterized by human misery, squalor, disease, and repression. Definition To set aside a sum of money for a particular purpose. To gain for the performance of service; to acquire; to deserve. An outburst of positive feeling; enthusiasm; liveliness. Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm.

eccentric eccentricity ecclesiastic ecdysiast eclipse ecliptic ecosystem ecstasy eddy edict edify efface effective effectual effeminate effendi effervescence effete effigy effluvium effulgent egoism egotistical egregious egress eidetic elaborate elaboration elated elegiac elicit elixir elliptical eloquence elucidate emaciate emaciated embargo

adj n adj n v n n n n n v v adj adj adj n n adj n n adj n adj adj n adj v v adj adj v n adj n v v adj n

Odd or unconventional; bizarre. The quality of being odd; the deviation from normal or established customs. Pertaining to the church. A prostitute; a stripper. To surpass; to overcome; to become better or stronger; to take over. The path of the sun as it passes across the sky. An ecological community, including animals, plants, bacteria, etc, together with its environment. Rapture; a heightened feeling of joy; an overpowering emotion. A swirling, fast-moving current of water or air. A formal decree issued by a government. To instruct; to dictate morally; to spiritually elevate. To rub out; to remove the surface of. Producing the desired effect; producing a noticeable response; striking. Able to produce the desired effect; valid. Having womanly traits. A title of respect; a person who is a member of the aristocracy. High spirits; the sparkling part of a drink that is caused by carbonation or fermentation. Not capable of producing young or offspring. A likeness or image of a hated person made of wood, paper, or stone. A noxious, foul smelling odor; a harmful invisible gas. Brilliant; sparkling; shining brightly. Excessive interest in one self; selfishness. Self-centered; egocentric. Notorious; conspicuously bad; shocking. An exit; an opening through which one may leave. Having extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall of visual images. To give more information; to expand; to give more detail. Adding details, giving more information. Excited; joyful; filled with enthusiasm and good spirit. Referring to an elegy; involving mourning. To draw out; to purposely anger or convince to action. A magical medicine; something that can cure; a panacea. Shaped like or resembling an oval; ambiguous. Skillful use of language. To explain; to make known. To make thin; to become weak gradually. Thin and wasted, usually because of a lack of food. A ban on commerce or other activity; a decision to stop the selling and buying of goods from a specific country or group of

embark embellish embellish embezzle emblazon embody embrace emend emetic eminent emollient empirical enact enamel enamored encapsulate encipher enclave encomiastic encomium encompass encumber encumbrance endearing endearment endemic endemic endorse energize enfranchise engage engaged enhance enjoin enlist enliven

v v v v v v v v adj adj n adj v n v v v n adj n v v n adj v adj adj v v v v adj v v v v

people. To begin; to go forth; to start a trip or journey. To make beautiful; to adorn. To adorn; to make ornate; to enhance. To use in a wrong way for one's own benefit; to steal and to use inappropriately. To decorate a shield or a flag with heraldic images. To bring to life; to be in a bodily form; to include. To adopt; to accept; to allow entrance to. To correct; to edit, in an attempt to fix errors. Something that induces vomiting. Rising above others; lofty; distinguished; well-known; superior. A soothing remedy; something that softens. Based on experience; provable by experiment. To make a bill into law. The hard outer surface of the teeth; a protective coating on metal, glass, wood, or other surface; a protective coating. To fill with love; to captivate. To enclose in a vesicle. To encode; to convert a message into secret code. A territory enclosed within another territory; any group that is isolated from all others. Praising; eulogistic; flattering. A glowing praise of something or someone; a eulogy. To surround; to include; to contain all relevant areas or ideas. To weigh down, burden; to hinder, impede. A burden that gets in the way; a barrier that impedes progress. Making dear; invoking feelings of affection. The act of showing affection or fondness. Prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region or people. Native; aboriginal; characteristic to a particular location or group of people. To approve; to give support; to agree with. To revitalize; to inject with energy; to make active; to animate. To give somebody the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote. To confront and to fight; to enter into contact; to interlock; to participate. Employed; busy; requiring one's attention. To increase; to make greater. To direct somebody to do something; to command; to legally forbid somebody to do something. To join, particularly the armed forcesjoin the armed forces; to engage. To animate; to cause a change to occur; to cause into motion.

enmesh ennui enormity enrapture enrich ensconce ensign ensign ensue entail entangle enterprising enthral enthrall entice entourage entrance entreat enumerate envisage ephemeral epic epicure epicurean epigram epistemologist epistle epitaph epithet epoch eponym

v n adj v v v n n v v v adj v v v n v v v v adj n n adj n n n n n n n

To catch within a new. Boredom; listlessness; dissatisfaction because of a lack of interest. Hugeness; excessive wickedness; of a great size, usually referring to a crime. To fill with delight; to please intensely. To make rich; to improve the quality of; to make more dense. To settle comfortably; place in a secure place. A flag or a banner; a badge which confirms identity or rank; a sign or symbol. A flag on a ship to show nationality; a badge of office or power; an emblem. To follow; to happen or become of as a result. To involve; to designate; to allow. To place into a condition of difficulty; to entwine and to make complicated. Having initiative and showing enterprise and drive. To please greatly; to tantalize; to hold spellbound. To capture; enslave; captivate; to hold one's attention, fully. To persuade; to tempt or to coerce. A group of people who travel together in support of a single purpose; a group of attendants. To case a spell upon; to fill with a specific vision or set of emotions; to impress upon. To plead; to ask earnestly; to approach somebody and to appeal for help, directions, support, etc. To list; mention one by one; to count off. To envision; to contemplate; to form in one's mind. Short-lived; fleeting; about to expire. A heroic poem or novel detailing and celebrating the feats of a hero; grand; magnificent. A connoisseur of food and drink; somebody with refined tasting abilities; a gourmet. Related or devoted to pleasure; pertaining to sensuous enjoyment. A witty thought or saying, usually short and intended to make light of a common situation. A person who is concerned with the study of knowledge. A formal letter; a written communication, often of instructive or didactic nature. An inscription on a tombstone; an inscription or short poem in memory of a dead person. A phrase used to describe a person or thing; a descriptive phrase to characterize a person. A period of time. A word derived from a person's name.

equable equestrian equilibrium equipoise equitable equivocal equivocate eradicate ergophobia erotic errant erratic erroneous eructation erudite erudite escapade eschatological escutcheon esoteric espy essence esteem estimable etch ethereal ethnology ethos etymology eugenic eulogistic eulogy euphemism euphony evanescent evict evince evoke ewe

adj adj n n adj adj v v n adj adj adj adj n adj adj n adj n adj v n n adj v adj n n n n adj n n n adj v v v n

Steady and regular; free from variations. Pertaining to horseback riding. Balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity; a stable situation. Balance; balancing force; equilibrium. Fair; impartial; honest; unprejudiced. Having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious; uncertain. To deceive by using unclear language. To wipe out; to get rid of; to clean up. A fear or work. Pertaining to passionate love; of or resembling sexual love. Wandering; straying from proper moral standards; moving around aimlessly. Irregular; characterized by unpredictable behavior. Mistaken; wrong; incorrect; faulty. The act of belching; a belch. scholarly; learned; full of knowledge. Learned; characterized as scholarly. An adventure; flighty conduct; an activity that disobeys rules; a carefree episode. Pertaining to end-matters; referring to the final state. A ceremonial shield; a coat of arms; a protective, ornate plate. Hard to understand; known only to a few chosen individuals. To see unexpectedly; to suddenly notice. The core; the most important component; intrinsic property. Respect and gratitude. Admirable; deserving of praise. To make a rough drawing; to sketch; to make an imprint. Heavenly; pertaining to non-earthly matters; airy or tenuous. The study of humankind and human cultures; the study of the different races of human beings. Individuality; morality; the fundamental character or spirit of a culture. The study or the origin of a word; the study of the different parts of a word. The study of hereditary improvement of the human race. Praising; full of eulogy; complimentary. An expression of praise, often at the time of a person's death. A mellow, mild expression that is used in place of an unpleasant one. A sweet sound; a pleasing combination of words or phrases. Fleeting; vanishing; lasting for only a brief moment more. To expel a tenant; to force to leave a house by law. To show clearly; to prove; to reveal. To call up; to bring out; to summon. A female sheep.

exacerbate exact exacting exalt exasperate except exclaim excoriate excrete exculpate execrable execrate execute exegesis exemplify exertion exhale exhaustive exhilarating exigency exiguity exogenous exonerate exorbitant exorcise expatriate expedient expedite expeditious expel expenditure expiate expiation expletive explicit expository expostulate expostulation expound expropriate

v v adj v v v v v v v adj adj v n v n v adj adj n adj adj v adj v n adj v adj v n v n n adj adj v n v v

To make worse; to aggrevate; to enbitter or infuriate. To obtain by force; to remove; to demand. Overly demanding. To raise in rank; to praise highly; to glorify. To make worse; to annoy; to irritate. To exclude; to leave out. To cry out suddenly; to shout out. To scold harshly; to denounce severely; to censure strongly. To expel from the body; to pass. To clear from blame or guilt; to clear from a charge. Extremely bad; detestable; abominable. To curse; express abhorrence for; to detest; to loathe. To put into effect; to carry out. An explanation of a text; a critical analysis. To show by example; to furnish an example; to illustrate. Expenditure of a great deal of physical work. To breathe out; to rest; to feel a sigh of relief. Complete; covering all aspects. Invigorating; refreshing and exciting. An crisis; an emergency; a state of matter that needs immediate attention. Scanty; small; a dire lack. Originating externally; arising from a source outside the organism or the cell. To acquit; to free from blame; to release from guilt. Excessive; abundant; exceeding reasonable bounds; above and beyond what is needed. To drive out (usually referring to evil spirits); to purge. A person who was deserted or left his native land. Likely to be useful; worthwhile; advantageous. To hasten; to make go faster; to expedite. Done with speed; quick. To extradite; to dismiss officially. A payment or expense. To make amends; to correct; to atone. The process of atonement or reparation for a wrong. An interjection; a profane curse; a word or short phrase added to a sentence that has no meaning but is used to infer a strong opinion or emotion. Clear and succint; to the point; definite. Explanatory in nature; serving to explain. To argue earnestly; to reason; to discuss with an intent to direct towards the correct answer. A protest; a remonstrance. Explain; to provide details for. To take possession of; to seize, often for the public good.

expunge expurgate

v v

exscind v extemporaneous adj extenuate v extinct extinguish extol extort extramundane extraneous extrapolation extricate extrinsic exude exult Word facetious facile facilitate facsimile faction factitious factotum fallacious fallible fallow fanaticism fancier fanciful farce farouche farraginous farrago fashion fastidious fathom fathomless adj v v v adj adj n v adj v v Part of Speech adj adj v n n adj n adj adj adj n n adj n adj adj n v adj v adj

To cancel; to remove; to erase. To clean; to purge of bad content; to remove offensive parts of a publication. To cut out or to cut away. Not planned; impromptu. To lessen the seriousness of; to partially excuse; to make light of. Inactive; no longer fertile; past its prime. To put out; to wipe out; to make inoperative. To praise; to bestow honors upon. To obtain by threats; to attain information by violence or by threatening violence. Situated or related to a region that is beyond the material world. Not essential; irrelevant. A projection; a conjecture or derivation; the result of using evidence to arrive at a novel solution or answer. To free from bondage; to free from an entanglement. External; not essential or inherent; extraneous; foreign; exotic. Flow out slowly; to discharge at a slow pace. To rejoice; to feel extreme happiness. Definition Joking; not serious; humorous and playful. Easily accomplished; effortless. To bring about; to create or to entice; to cause to occur. A copy; a reproduction. A party of people with a common interest or purpose; a clique. Artificial; not authentic; produced artificially. A handyman; a person who is skilled at and who can perform a wide range of jobs. Based on erroneous information; false. Liable to error; capable of doing wrong. Land that has been plowed but in which nothing has yet been planted. Excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a cause. A person who breeds animals or plants, or who otherwise has a strong interest for something. Whimsical; visionary; tending to imagine and to daydream. A broad comedy; a mockery; a humorous play composed of silly events. Fierce and wild; often reserved. Miscellaneous A mixture of items; a disorganized agglomeration of articles. To give shape to; to create; to mold. Fussy; overly picky and particular; difficult to please. To comprehend; to investigate; to contemplate. So deep that it cannot be measured or understood; unimaginable.

fatuous fault fauna favela favoritism fawning feat febrile feckless fecund fecundity feign feint felicitous felicity felon feral ferment ferocity ferret fertile fervent festive festoon fetid fetter feud fiasco fiat fickle fictive fidelity figurative figurine

adj n n n n adj n adj adj adj n v n adj n n adj v adj v adj adj adj n adj v n n n adj adj n adj n

Smug, and unconsciously foolish; unreal. A weakness; a small error; a minor offense. The animals of a period or region. A slum; scantily built shacks on the outskirts of a city, especially in Brazil. A display of partiality towards a specific, favorite, person. Extreme flattering; obsequious. Something that is difficult to do; something well done. Relating to fever. Lacking purpose; not capable of having responsibility; irresponsible. Fertile; producing offspring. Fertility; the quality of being fruitful; being very productive and producing many young. To pretend; to make believe. A trick; an act of deception intended to draw the attention away from a military maneuver. Apt; well chosen; appropriate to the situation at hand. Happiness; appropriateness; bliss. A person who is guilty of a serious crime. Not domesticated; wild and potentially uncontrollable. To agitate; to become excited; to stir up. Extremely cruelty and viciousness, likened to that of a wild animal. To discover; to make visible; to force out of hiding; to search and make known by persistent attempts. Productive; able to bear children; capable of producing many fruits, seeds, vegetables, etc. Ardent; zealous; enthusiastic; characterized with a desire to learn and inspired to action. Joyous; filled with celebration; merry; of or relating to a festival or celebration. A garland of leaves or flowers hoisted up in a loop, suspended from two points. Stinking; having a foul and offensive odor. To shackle; to chain; to bind. A long lasting battle, usually between two rivaling factions, family sects, or relatives. A total failure; a debacle; a collapse. A command; an arbitrary order; a decree. Something that is prone to change; not grounded; having no faith. Fictional; assumed; adopted in an attempt to mislead. Loyalty; accuracy; conjugal faithfulness. Not literal; metaphorical. A small ornamental statue.

filch filibuster finale finesse fingerpoint finicky finicky finite fission fissure fit flag flagellate flagrant flail flak flamboyant fleece flicker flighty flippant flit florescence flotilla flotsam flounder fluctuate fluent flush fluster fluted flux fodder foil foist foliage

v v n n v adj adj adj v n n v v adj v n adj n v adj adj v n n n v v adj n v adj n n v v n

To pilfer; to steal objects that are of little value. To block legislation in a lawmaking body by means of making very slow long speeches; to postpone or delay. Conclusion; the concluding part; the last piece. The delicate and orderly way of correctly dealing with a situation or of handling objects; elegance and flair; proper diplomacy. To point a finger at; to accuse; to blame. Overly choosy; very particular. Overly particular; fussy; difficult to please. Limited; having an end. The splitting or division of two objects, usually referring to the splitting of cells or of individual molecules. A crack; an opening; a crevice. A sudden outburst of temper; a convulsion caused by epilepsy. Droop; grow feeble; decline in vigor or strength. To whip as part of a religious punishment or for sexual pleasure; to whip back and forth. Conspicuously wicked; blatant; outrageous. To beat wildly; to thresh grain by hand; to slap; to strike quickly. Criticism; abuse. Ornate and expressive; elaborate; richly colored and highly visible. A coat or the wool of a sheep. To burn unsteadily; to waver back and forth. Whimsical; capricious and frivolous; tending to change ones mind frequently. Lacking respect; without seriousness. To fly or move lightly; to move quickly. The condition or period of flowering. A group of small warships. Drifting wreckage; debris floating on the surface of the water. To falter; to proceed clumsily or haphazardly. To waver; to change constantly; to rise and fall. Smooth and eloquent; spoken, written, or otherwise performed with little effort. A quick and sudden rapid flow, usually of water. To confuse; to make nervous; to bewilder. Having vertical parallel grooves. A flowing of material; a fluctuation; a state of uncertainty. Food for cattle, horses, pigs, etc.; feed for livestock; food given to farm animals. To thwart; to defeat; to squelch. To impose upon another by coercion; to palm off; to insert improperly. Leaves and branches; biomass.

foolhardy foppish forage foray forbear forbearance forbidding ford foresight forestall forge formality forswear forthright fortitude fortuitous forward foster foudroyant fracas fractious fracture frame franchise frantic fraudulent freebooter frenetic fresco friction frieze fringe fritter frivolous frock

adj adj v n v n adj n n v v n v adj n adj adj v adj n adj n v n adj adj n adj n n n n v adj n

Reckless and daring; without logic; risky. Excessively vain about appearance. To scour the countryside for food; to search for supplies or nourishment. A blitz raid; a quick military advance. To refrain from or to resist; to be patient. Patience; having the willingness to wait. Appearing fierce and uninviting. A shallow place in a river which allows for easy passage; a place where a river can be crossed. The ability to foresee future events; prudence in providing for the future. To anticipate and to prevent by taking action ahead of time. To reproduce fraudulently and illegally. A particular habit that is done out of cermony or long-held beliefs or customs; an impracticality. To renounce seriously or under oath. Straightforward and direct; to the point; frank and without unnecessary excess. Courage; strength of mind; resolve. Accidental; having happened by chance. Presumptuous; daring; bold. To rear; to raise; to encourage; to promote. Studding; dazzling; having a grossly mesmerizing effect. A quarrel; a noisy fight; a commotion. Complaining; bad-tempered; readily angered; peevish; irritable; quarrelsome. A break, usually in a bone or pipe. To ensnare, to implicate. A license to sell a product in a certain area; a license to open and run a new store for an already existing chain of stores. Wild and out of control; distraught from fear or worry. Cheating; illegal; deceitful. A pirate; a buccaneer; a person who goes about looking for plunder. Frantic; overly excited. Painting on wet plaster. A conflict in opinion; a clash that leads to an argument. An ornamental carving on a wall, often depicting humans, animals, gods, and their interaction; the front facade of a classical building. An edge; an ornamental border. To waste; to reduce or to throw away; to squander. Not serious; flippant; carefree. A loose garment or drape, usually worn by monks and/or others of the clergy.

frolic frolicsome frond froward frowzy fructuous frugal frugality fruition fuddle fulminate fume fumigate funabulism functional fundamental fungible furrow furtive fusillade fussy fusty futile Word gadfly gaffe gait galaxy gale gallant gallimaufry galvanize gambit gamely gamut gangrene

v adj n adj adj adj adj adj n v v v v n adj adj adj n adj n adj adj adj Part of Speech n n n n n adj n v n adj n n

To play merrily; to jump around happily. Gay; playful; merry; frisky; inclined to frolicking. A large leaf, most often of the fern variety. Intractable; disposed to not following orders. Dirty; untidy; smelling bad. Fruitful; productive; bountiful. Thrifty; careful; economical. Thriftiness; economy. The bearing of fruit; fulfillment; the attainment of something that is or has been desired for a long time. To confuse. To thunder; to explode; issue a severe denunciation. To show ill anger; to feel hatred. To disinfect by means of fumes; to clear of disease, bacteria, or harmful insects. A show of mental prowess. For practical use only; having no decoration. Basic; primary; of primal importance. Freely exchangeable; pertaining to goods that are freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation. A shallow and long trench; a deep groove or indentation in the skin, as for example a wrinkle. Done secretly so as not to attract attention; done with stealth. A simultaneous firing of weapons; a discharge or outpouring. Overly picky; easily upset; touchy. Moldy; characterized by an unpleasant smell; musty; sickly with neglect. Useless; without hope; ineffectual. Definition A person who persistently annoys somebody else; somebody who is irritating. A social blunder; a mistake. The way that someone or something moves; a particular speed at which something travels. A large system of stars. A gust of wind; an emotional outburst (usually of laughter, tears, sorrow, etc.). Courageous and polite; attentive. A confused mess; a hodgepodge. To stimulate by shock; to provoke into action; to stir up. An opening move in chess in which a piece is sacrificed; an action whose intent is not immediately clear but which is made to produce an intended future advantage. Characterized by lively motion; exhibiting courage. The entire range; the entire collection. A condition, caused by an insufficient blood supply, which is

gape gargantuan gargoyle garland garment garner garnish garret garrison garrulity garrulous gastronome gaucherie gaunt gavel gawk gelid generality generic genesis genial geniality genre gentility gentle genuflect germ germane germinal gerontocracy gerontology ghastly ghoul gibberish

v adj n n n v v n n n adj n n adj n v adj n adj n adj n n n adj v n adj adj n n adj n n

characterized by the decay of body tissue. To open widely, usually referring to the mouth; to stare in wonder with an mouth open. Huge; of great size; enormous. An ornate waterspout, usually carved in the shape of a grotesque figure, and usually found on ornate, medieval structures. A circle of flowers or leaves, worn around the neck for the purpose of decoration. An article of clothing. To gather; to store up. To decorate or to promote. A room; an attic. A military post; troops stationed at a military location. Talkativeness; loquacity. Extremely chatty, especially about ordinary things; overly chatty. A connoisseur of good food. Socially awkwardness; lack of social etiquette; tactless behavior. Lean; very bony; emaciated. A hammer-like tool that is used by a judge to make a loud sound and to indicate the end of a matter or judgement. To stare; to look foolishly at; to look open-mouthed, in awe. Wintry; very cold; icy. Something that is vague; an approximation; a trite statement. Characteristic of an entire class or species; any product that may be sold without a brand name; belonging to a large group of similar objects. The beginning; the origin of something. Good-tempered; nice; friendly; willing to help. Cheerfulness; extreme kindness. A particular variety of art or literature. Eleance; pretentiousness; refinement. Kindly, soft, and non-threatening. To bend the knee as in worship or to touch the knee to the ground as part of the ritual of prayer. A seed; the earliest form of something. Pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand; appropriate; related to the subject at hand. Beginning; developing. A government ruled by old people or by a group of elderly council members. The study of the sociological phenomena that is associated with the elderly and with old age. Horrible; terrifying. A grave robber. Nonsense; unintelligible talk; sloppy writing; babbling.

giddy gild gimcrack gimmick girder girdle girth gist glacial glamor glaring glaze glean gloss glossary glossy glower glut glutinous glutton gory gossamer gouge gourmand gourmet gracious gradation grade granary grandiloquent graphite grapple grate gratis grave

adj v n n n n n n adj n adj v v v n adj v n adj n adj n v n n adj n n n adj n v v adj adj

Not serious; light-hearted. To cover or decorate with a thin layer of gold. An ornamental object; something of no practical value. Something that is meant to cheat, deceive, or trick somebody or something; a gadget; a scheme employed to help promote a project, idea, or a cause. A large beam of steal or metal which is used to reinforce or support a larger structure. A belt worn around the waist; a band of fabric around the waist which is used to support a dress, trousers, etc. The distance around something; the circumference. The main point; the central, key idea. Related to a glacier; very cold. Compelling charm; attracting beauty. Extremely bright; shining intensely; very vivid. To coat with a shiny surface; to cover with caramelized sugar or some other glossy or protective layer. To collect in small quantities; to gather over time. To give a falsely good appearance to. An alphabetical list of special terms and their explanations, most often at the end of a book. Shiny; smooth; unabraisive; reflecting light. To glare; look or stare angrily and intently. Overstock; a more than abundant supply. Sticky; viscous; gluey. A person who eats too much food. Bloody; stained by blood; extremely violent. A delicate material; a delicate gauze. To tear out; to cut out; to remove. An epicure; somebody who takes great pleasure in eating and drinking well; somebody who has a deep knowledge of cuisine. A connoisseur of food and drink. Kind; benevolent; exhibiting manners and style; being understanding and appreciative of those who have less. A series of gradual stages; degree in such a progression. Gradient; a particular degree; a mark; a step. A storehouse for grain. Related to overly pompous talk; the unnecessary use of difficult words or difficult language. A black form of carbon used in pencils. To wrestle; to contemplate and to come to terms with; to ponder about in an attempt to understand. To shred by repeatedly rubbing against a rough or unsmooth surface. Free-of-charge; not requiring a fee. Serious; requiring consideration.

gravel gravid gravitas gravity graze gregarious grievance grieve grim grimace grisly groove gross grotto grouch grovel grudge grueling gruesome guarded guffaw guile guile gullible guru gush gusher gustatory gusto gusty guzzle Word habitat habituate

n adj n n v adj n v adj n adj n n n n v n adj adj adj n n n adj n v n adj n adj v Part of Speech n v

A loose mixture of small rocks or pebbles. Pregnant; enlarged or burdened with something. Great seriousness. The force of attraction between two massive bodies; seriousness. To brush slightly; to gently scrape or touch. Sociable; tending to aggregate and form groups; willing to communicate. A cause for a complaint; a complaint. To lament; to feel grief. Causing fear; unrelenting; dismal; gloomy. A facial expression that relays a feeling of pain, disgust, or anguish. Ghastly; horrifying; appalling. A long narrow channel, often for the purpose of directing the movement of some object. The total amount; the sum; the final calculation. A cave; a small cavern; a small recess or shelter-like compartment in the ground. A person who constantly complains, bad-tempered complaint; a person who constantly grumbles. To behave in an attentive or servile manner; to look after; to behave as if in a state of utter servility. A deep feeling of resentment or dislike. Exhausting and exacting. Grisly; horrific; gross and terrible. Cautious and reserved; noncommittal. Boisterous laughter; a burst of loud laughter. Deceit; slyness; duplicity; cunning. Skillful deceit; cunning. Easily deceived; easily conned. A leader in the field; somebody who is recognized as influential and important. To come out in large quantities; to burst out; to flow out quickly and in great quantities. A particular object, most often an oil well, that gushes and does not need pumping. Affecting or relating to the sense of taste. Eager enjoyment; zest; enthusiasm. Windy; not stationary; tending to move and being affected by wind. To drink deeply and quickly. Definition The natural place of dwelling; the natural home of a plant, animal, species, etc. To become accustomed to or to familiarize oneself with; to become addicted; to require.

hackney haggard haggle halcyon hale halfhearted hallmark hallow hallucination halting hamper handbill hap hapless happenstance harangue harbor hardy harrowing harry hatchet haughtiness haughty haunt hauteur haven havoc hazardous headlong headstrong healthy heckler hedge heinous helm herbaceous

n adj v n adj adj n adj n adj v n n adj n n v adj adj v n n adj v n n n adj adj adj adj n n adj n adj

A horse that is used for pulling a light carriage or for riding. Exhausted; worn away; wasted away. To argue, most often about prices; to bargain, in an attempt to reduce a price. The calm and peaceful before or after a storm. Healthy and strong; full of stamina. With little enthusiasm; showing no interest, exhibiting little interest or enthusiasm A conspicuous feature or characteristic which is particular to one object; a well-known mark that indicates a certain standard or quality. Holy; consecrated. A false idea or notion that is not grounded in fact nor reality. Hesitant; faltering; not fluent. To obstruct; to prevent from progress; to hold back. A small, printed sheet or pamphlet distributed by hand. Chance; luck; fate; an accident. Unfortunate; luckless; in a state of destitute. A circumstantial event; a chance happening. A long passionate speech. To offer protection; to give refuge; to hide. Sturdy; robust; able to withstand pressure. Agonizing; causing distress; unsettling. To annoy, to torment. A small ax. Extreme pride; arrogance. Arrogant and conceited; snobbish. To frequent; to visit regularly; to repeatedly annoy or to vex. Arrogant manner or spirit; arrogance. A place of safety; a place of refuge; a safe harbor where danger is not present. Damage or chaos on a large scale; great disorder. Dangerous; having the ability to inflict serious harm. Hasty; rash; unscrupulously bold. Willful; stubborn; determined to have one's own way. Possessing good health; healthful. A person who verbally harasses somebody else or who harasses a group of people; somebody who interrupts somebody else for the purpose of harassment. A dense growth of bushes or plants, usually grown in a such a manner so as to create a boundary. Atrocious; utterly bad; detestable. The specific place (usually referring to the wheel) of a ship where steering is performed; a position of control and influence. Relating to an herb; a plant whose stem is soft and green as opposed to woody; green and leaflike in appearance.

herbivorous herd hermetic hermitage herpetologist heterogeneous hierarchy highbrow hindrance hindsight hinterlands hirsute histrionic hive hoard hoary hoax hobble holism holster homage homely homeostasis homiletics homily homogeneous hone hoodwink horde horripilation hortatory horticultural host

adj n adj n n adj n n n n n adj adj n n adj n v n n n adj n n n adj v v n n adj adj n

Eating plants and grains. A group of animals; a crowd. Sealed; airtight; not allowing the passage of microbes or contaminants. The home of a hermit. A person who studies reptiles; a zoologist who studies amphibians and reptiles. Haphazardly composed; composed of dissimilar parts; not uniform throughout. An arrangement or grouping of things into different classes, categories, levels, etc. A person with superior tastes; a genius; somebody with superior intellect. An obstacle; something that impedes. The realizing of the consequences of an event after it has happened. Back country; that part of a country that is not developed nor metropolitan. Shaggy; hairy. Theatrical; excessively dramatic; relating to actors or acting. A containment for bees, wasps, hornets, etc. A stockpile; a secret stash. Gray or white with old age. A trick that is intended to be a joke. To limp; to walk in a lame fashion. A theory that emphasizes the interdependence of the parts of a whole; a theory that whole entities have an existence other than as the sum of their parts. A leather sheath or case for a pistol or revolver. Honor and praise; tribute. Not good-looking; unattractive; lacking in physical beauty. The condition in which all parts of a system are in relative stability and equilibrium. The act or art of preaching. A sermon; a tedious moralizing lecture. Of the same kind; uniform in composition; the same throughout. To sharpen; to make more acute or effective. To deceive; delude; trick; to cheat. A crowd; a swarm. The process by which hair bristles in response to cold weather or fear; often referred to as having goose flesh. Giving strong encouragement; encouraging. Pertaining to the preservation or maintenance of gardens and plants. An organism in which a parasite lives; someone or something that harbors another.

hover hubbub humane humanitarian humdrum hummock humor hurdle husband husk hybrid hymn hypercritical hypothetical Word ichthyology iconoclast idiosyncrasy idle ignoble ignominious ignominy ignoramus illimitable illusion illusive illusory imbalance imbecility imbibe imbroglio immaculate immediate imminent immolate immure immutable impart

v n adj n adj n v n v n adj n adj adj Part of Speech n n n adj adj adj n n adj n adj adj n n v n adj adj adj v v adj v

To remain suspended; to hang about; to stay stationary in the air in one place. A confused uproar; a loud noise; a confusing mess; a tumult. Kind; considerate; humanitarian. Somebody who is devoted to the promotion and elevation of human welfare. Dull; monotonous; boring and commonplace. A knoll; a small piece of land elevated above the surrounding terrain; a ridge. To indulge; to comply with another person's wishes; to put somebody into a good mood. A challenge; a difficulty that must be dealt with. To manage frugally. The outside, usually worthless, part of an object. A mixed breed; composed of parts that have varied origins. A song of praise. Excessively demanding or suspicious; overly picky. Based on assumptions; not grounded in facts but based on speculation. Definition The study of fish; a branch of zoology that deals with fish. A person who attacks or denounces popular beliefs. A personal mannerism or odd way of doing something. Not busy; at rest; lazy; without a purpose. Dishonorable in character; shameful; base; not noble. Deserving disgrace; shameful; dishonorable. Deep disgrace; dishonor; shame. A dunce; a person who is ignorant. Boundless; infinite. A vision; a delusion or a misleading thought; a false pretense. Deceiving; based on illusion; deceptive. Illusive; deceptive; not real; imaginary. Having no balance; without symmetry; a disproportion. Weakness of mind; the condition of being stupid or incompetent. To consume liquids; to drink. An embarrassing incident; a complication that gives rise of arguing or a misunderstanding. Perfect; spotless; flawless; perfect; absolutely clean; divine; of a higher order. Done without delay; of the present time; direct. Impending; near at hand; about to happen. To kill as a sacrifice, most often by fire. To imprison; to shut in; to confine. Something that cannot be changed or altered. To make known; to decree; to relegate.

impartial impasse impassioned impassive impeach impeccable impecunious impediment impel impenetrable imperative imperceptible imperial impermeable impertinent imperturbable impervious imperviousness impetuous impetus impiety impinge impious implacable implant implausible implicate implicit implode implore implosion imply importune impotent imprecation improvident impudent impugn impute

adj n adj adj adj adj adj n v adj adj adj adj adj adj adj adj n adj n n v adj adj v adj v adj v v n v v adj n n adj v v

Not biased; utterly fair. A predicament; a condition that permits for no further progress. Filled with passion; fervent; of or characterized by zeal. Without feeling; expressionless; stoical. To officially charge with misconduct. Perfect; faultless; ideal. Having little or no money; poverty- striken. An obstacle; hindrance; a stumbling- block. To drive or to coerce to do something; to urge. Not allowing passage; not able to be pierced; not able to be understood. Necessary; critical, referring to something that absolutely must be done. Unnoticeable; slight; not able to be detected. Related to an empire; of or relating to the highest class. Impervious; not permitting passage; impossible to penetrate. Impudent; insolent; not pertinent. Tranquil; unshakably calm; placid. Impenetrable; incapable of being hurt; resilient; strong. The condition of not allowing penetration. Violent; characterized by harsh, abrupt action or motion; hasty; rash; impulsive. Moving force; a desire or inclination to do something. Lack of respect for one's religion; lack of dutifulness to God. To collide with or strike; to encroach or infringe. Irreverent; not adhering to religious customs or beliefs. Not able to be pacified; hysterical; impossible to please; relentless. To place within; to insert surgically into; to insert. Highly unlikely; not easily believable. To show involvement; to incriminate. Implied; not clearly expressed; hidden. To collapse violently inward. To beg; to plead. A collapse inwards; a bursting inward. To suggest a meaning that is not expressed or immediately clear; to signify. Beg persistently; make repeated requests for, usually in an annoying way. Unable to procreate; weak; ineffective; without strength or power. An invocation of an evil curse. Thriftless; not providing for the future; without foresight. Rash and indiscreet. Dispute or contradict in an insulting way; attack as false or questionable; to challenge. To ascribe to; to reference or refer to a person.

inadvertently inalienable inamorata inanimate inarticulate incandescent incantation incarcerate incarnadine incarnate incendiary incense inception incessant inchoate inchoate incinerate incise inclement inclined incoherent incommodious incongruity

adj adj n adj adj adj n v adj adj adj v n adj adj adj nav v adj adj adj adj n

incongruous adj inconsequential adj incontrovertible adj incorporate v incorrigible incredulity incredulous increment incriminate incubate incubus inculcate incumbent incumbents incunabulum adj n adj v v v n v v n n

No intentional; carelessly; without thought and unprovoked. Unable to be taken away; nontransferable; unquestionable. A women who loves or is loved. Lifeless; not animate; still and not moving. Unable to speak; producing indistinct speech; garbled. Strikingly bright; shining with intense heat; emitting visible light when heated. The singing or chanting of magic spells. To imprison. Having a blood-like color; crimson. Existing in bodily form; endowed with flesh; personified. Causing fire. To make angry; to make furious. The start; the beginning of something. Repeating; never ending; constant. Recently begun; not explicit; rudimentary. Not fully formed; rudimentary; elementary. To burn completely; to burn into ashes. To engrave; to make a sharp dent; to make a cut into. Stormy; severe; unkind; rough; unmerciful. Having a tendency towards a certain idea or side. Not coherent; muffled; not clear; unintelligible; muddled. Not spacious; not convenient. Something without harmony; something that is not fitting; an object or person that is out of place. Out of place; not in harmony; not in agreement. Not relevant; having no bearing on the final outcome; not important. Indisputable; not open to question. To introduce something into a larger whole; to include or embody. Uncorrectable; deviant; not following orders. The tendency to disbelief; an unwillingness to believe. Skeptical; unwilling to believe. To increase; to make larger. To accuse someone of a crime; to give evidence against; prove or convince to be guilty. To warm and look after, as an egg; to maintain at an optimal condition so as to provide for ideal development. Burden; very worrisome problem; a concern; a nightmare. To fix firmly by repetition; to instill; to ingrain by repeated learning or memorization. Obligatory; imposed as an obligation. Those who already hold a political position and who are running to be re-elected. The first, or incipient, stages of something.

incur incursion indecision indefatigable indelible indemnity indentation indict indifferent indignation indisputable indite indolence indolent indubitable induce induct inductive indulge inebriate inebriated ineffable ineffectual inenarrable inept ineptitude inert inestimable inextricable infallible infanta infantile infatuated infer infernal inferno infidel infiltrate infinitesimal infirmity inflated influx

v n n adj adj n n v adj n adj v n adj adj v v adj v v adj adj adj adj adj n adj adj adj adj n adj adj v adj n n v adj n adj v

To receive; to bring upon oneself. A raid; a sudden attack; an invasion; a hostile takeover. Irresolution; uncertainty; doubt. Tireless; untiring; showing no sign of exhaustion. Not able to be erased; impossible to be changed or washed away. Protection against loss or damage; payment for loss or damage. A recess; a concave shape within a wall, a coastline, a flat surface, etc. To charge formally. Unconcerned; unmoved; having no interest in something. Justified anger; anger brought on by an injustice. That which cannot be disputed; beyond doubt. To write; to produce a literary work. Laziness; the quality of being slothful. Lazy; easygoing; idle; non-active. Too obvious to be questioned; unquestionable. To persuade; to cause to happen; to bring about. To place officially into office; to install. Proceeding from something specific to something more general. To gratify; to yield; to give in and to satisfy a need. To make drunk; to make impure; to intoxicate. Intoxicated; drunk. Not able to be expressed in words; not able to be uttered. Not effective; not creating a desired effect. Not able to be described; that which cannot be narrated. Incompetent; not able to finish that which was started; inappropriate. The condition or quality of having no skills. Inactive; non-threatening; lacking power to move. Not able to be measured; unpredictable. That from which it is impossible to disassociate from; unable to separate from or to be untied. Always correct; never making a mistake. A daughter of a king, most often the King of Spain or Portugal; a Spanish princess. Relating to infants; immature; childish. Characterized by excessive lust or love; foolish. To deduce; to conclude from evidence. Pertaining to hell; devilish; terribly and perpetually evil. Hell; a place where fire abounds; a great fire. Somebody who does not adhere to or accept a particular religion. To pass into or through; to penetrate; to enter secretly. Very small, insignificant, difficult to notice. The state of being weak, usually from old age. Exaggerated; enlarged. A flowing into.

infraction infringe infuriate ingenious ingenue ingenuous ingrained ingratiate inherent inhibited inimical inimitable iniquitous injurious inkling innate innocuous innuendo inoculate inopportune inordinate inquisitor inroad insatiable insensate insidious insignia insinuate insipid insolence insolvent insomnia insouciance insouciant instigate institute insubordination insularity insuperable insurgent insurmountable insurrection

n v v adj n adj adj v adj adj adj adj adj adj n adj adj n v adj adj n n adj adj adj n v adj n adj n n adj v v n adj adj adj adj n

A violoation; an offense. To violate; to encroach on another person's space or ideas. To fill with rage; to make extremely upset. Clever; resourceful; marked by inventive skill. A young, artless, innocent girl. Naive and trusting; young; artless; unsophisticated; candid. Firmly rooted; established. To become popular with somebody. Intrinsic; a firm component of; established. Unable to express; held back; restrained. Hostile; unfavorable; harmful; antagonistic. Defying imitation; not able to be copied or duplicated. Wicked; perceived to be immoral. Harmful; causing injury. A hint; an inclination; an itch. Natural; not due to conditioning or lecturing. Causing no harm; sterile; dull. A hint; an indirect -- often derogatory -- insinuation. To cause to be immune against a disease; to introduce a serum or vaccine so as to prevent future infection. Untimely; occurring at an inappropriate point; poorly chosen. Excessive; not able to be enumerated; beyond limits. Somebody who questions; a person who interrogates harshly; an investigator. A hostile invasion; an advance that lessens the quantity of something; a raid. Not able to be satisfied; not able to be quenched. Having no feelings; foolish. Treacherous and stealthy; sly; intending to entrap. A badge or indicator which represents or proclaims the power of an official or important person. To hint; to refer to indirectly; to imply; to suggest. Lacking in flavor; dull; boring. Gross disrespect; haughtiness. Bankrupt; without money; lacking money to pay. Wakefulness; inability to fall and stay sleep. The state of being light-hearted; a condition on nonchalance. Unconcerned; without anxiety; indifferent. To start; urge on; incite. To establish. Disobedience. Isolation; standing alone; provincial. Insurmountable; not able to be beaten. Full of rebellion; willing and able to bear arms for a certain cause. Something that cannot be beaten; overwhelming; unstoppable. A rebellion; a rising of a group of people in an attempt to form

insurrection integral integrity integument intellect intelligentsia intent inter interim interjection interloper interminable intermittent internecine interregnum interrogate interstice intolerant intoxicate intractable intrepid intrinsic introspection intrude intuition inundate inured invalidate invective inveigh inveterate invidious invoke involute invulnerable iota

n adj n n n n adj v n n n adj adj adj n v n adj v adj adj adj v v n v adj v n v adj adj v adj adj n

resistance. A rebellion; an uprising; a revolt. Complete; necessary; utterly important. Honesty and up-righteousness. An outer covering; a container. Mental acumen; person of great intellectual ability. A collective group of intellectuals; members of an educated elite group. Eager; intent on doing something; wanting to proceed; determined. To bury; to place in a grave or tomb. Temporary; short-lived; the session between regular sessions. An exclamation; a phrase or statement meant to introduce a stark change of mood or to raise awareness to the topic at hand. An intruder; somebody who constantly gets in the way and who interferes. Endless; unable to be measured; without a boundary. Periodic; stopping and starting at intervals. Mutually destructive. The period of time between two successive reigns of a monarch; a period of time when a government has not presiding head of government. To question repeatedly; to cross- examine. A narrow crack; a space between two things. Unwilling to entertain the opinions or views of others. To make drunk; to stimulate; to make excited by the use of alcohol or a drug. Unruly; unable to be contained; difficult to manage. Fearless; brave; bold and courageous. Essential; inherent; an integral part of the whole; built-in. Examining one's own thoughts and feelings; to look within; to view the inside of. To trespass; to enter uninvited. Insight; the power of knowing without reasoning. To flood; to overcome; to submerge. Accustomed to; adapted to; hardened. To make obsolete; to destroy. Abuse; belittlement; severe scolding. To attack and complain verbally; to denounce; to vehemently object. Deeply rooted; well established; habitual. Creating ill will or envy; tending to rouse ill will or envy. To call into use; to begin; to ask for or to conjure up. Complicated; twisted; non-direct. Incapable of being injured; impossible to damage. A very small amount; a tiny bit.

irascible iridescent irksome ironclad ironic irony irrefragable irrefragable irremediable irreproachable irretrievable irreverence irrevocable isthmus itinerant Word jabber

adj adj adj adj adj n adj adj adj adj adj n adj n adj Part of Speech v

Irritable; easily angered; prone to outbreaks. Characterized by lustrous, rainbow- like colors. Tiresome; annoying; vexed. Covered or protected with a layer of iron. Contradictory to what is expected; in contrary to what is expected. Hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of a literal meaning. Something that cannot be disputed; not able to be contested. Something that cannot be disputed; not able to be contested. Not able to be remedied; hopeless; incurable; uncorrectable. That which cannot be blamed; impeccable; without fault. Something that cannot be recovered; not able to be reclaimed. Lack of proper respect. Final; something that cannot be changed or undone. A narrow stretch of land that connects two larger pieces of land. Moving around; wandering; traveling from place to place as part of a duty or a job. Definition To talk rapidly and unintelligibly; to be overly excited. Bruised; worn out; tarnished; fatigued. Harsh; cacophonous. A medical condition characterized by yellow discolorization of the eyes and skin. Envious; yellowed, prejudiced. A trip; a brief excursion; a short journey. Cheerful and pleasant; lively; bold; dashful;

jaded jangling jaundice

adj adj n

jaundiced jaunt jaunty

adj n adj



jeopardize jewel

v n

jilted jingoist

adj n





jocund jostle

adj v

jovial jubilation jubilee

adj n n

energetic and happy. Dry; uninteresting; juvenile; uninformed. To endanger; to place into imperil. A precious stone; something that is brilliant. Rejected; cast aside; shunned. An extremely aggressive person; somebody who is a bigot or who otherwise tends to persecute others. Given to joking; humorous; hilarious. Meant as a joke; said or done playfully or for entertainment. Merry; happy. To shove; to bump; to push against someone; to rattle. Merry; happy; cheerful. A rejoicing; a jolly festival. An occasion









or season of festivity or rejoicing. Irresistible crushing force; an large overpowering object. A crisis; a specific point in time which acts as a focal point for future events. A pleasure trip taken at public expense by an official. A group of people joined in political intrigue; military officers who rule a country after a successful coupe. Of or relating to the law and the administration of justice. The authority to do something; the legal right and power to deal and enforce the law. The science of law; the philosophy that is the foundation of law.

Word kapellmeister killjoy

Part of Speech Definition n n The director of a choir. A grouch; a spoilsport; a person who on purpose enjoys spoiling the pleasure of others. To arouse to action; to start a fire; to ignite. Producing or related to motion; mobile. Fate; fortune. Person who steals or has a desire to steal compulsively. A rogue; an person who cannot be trusted. The tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral. A small hill; a hillock; a small bump. Definition Likely to change; unstable. Showing signs of effort; expressing difficulty. a maze; a complicated system of paths or tunnels through which there are only a

kindle kinetic kismet kleptomaniac

v adj n n




n Part of Speech adj adj n

Word labile labored labyrinth


laceration lachrymose lackadaisical

n adj adj

laconic lactate lag

adj v v



lair laity

n n

few or a single path that does not lead in dead ends. A cord or string used to draw and tie together two opposite edges, as for example the edges of a shoe. A gaping wound; a torn, ragged cut or abrasion. Causing tears; given to years. Lacking interest or effort; without zest or drive; halfhearted. Brief and to the point; using few words. To secrete or produce milk. To develop more slowly; to follow behind, to straggle. Somebody that is slow or sluggish; a straggler; somebody who is always behind or at the rear. A shallow body of water that is separated from the sea by sandbars or a coral reef. The den or living place of a wild animal. Laypersons; a group of religious worshipers, excluding the


languid languor

adj n

largess lascivious lash lassitude

n adj v adj








clergy. An overwhelming outcome, most often a unexpected victory in politics. Lacking energy or vitality; weary; sluggish. The lack of physical energy; the condition of being without mental energy. A boon; an advantage; a blessing. Lustful; lewd. To hit with a whip; to strike; to attack. Languor; weariness; listlessness; a sense of lack of interest. A lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch. Inactive; present but invisible; dormant, but only for the time being. Freedom from limitations, expectations, and or regulations. A latticework; interwoven strips of material that are connected to form a mesh. Expressing or

lave lavish lax laxative lazy

v adj adj adj adj

ledger leer

n n

leery leeway legacy

adj n n



giving praise; complimentary. To flow along or against; to wash. Exuberant; giving freely and generously. Careless; negligent; not paying attention. Purgative; pertaining to a laxative. Disliking and avoiding work; characterized by an unwillingness to be productive. A book where monetary records are kept. An unpleasant smile suggesting cruelty; a lascivious look. Suspicious; overly cautious. Margin; latitude; room for movement. A gift made by a will; a lasting impression; something that is handed down from one generation to the next. Dexterity of hand; the use of skillful tricks in an attempt to entertain, baffle, and amuse. A member of the plant bean family

lethargic lettered lexicon

adj adj n

liability libel

adj n







that has its seeds in pods. Dull; boring; uneventful; sluggish and lazy. Educated; learned; literate, experienced. A dictionary; the particular set of words in use in a profession. A drawback; handicap; an obligation. A false and malicious statement or publication that is intended to damage the reputation of a person; a written defamatory statement. Willing to respect the ideas of others; open or receptive to change; supporting change in political or religious affairs. A profligate; somebody who refuses to follow convention. Lewd; unrestrained; lawless or immoral. A legal claim against an asset which is used to secure a loan.



limbo limn

adj v


linger lionize liquidate

v v v

lissome listless litany

adj adj n





Like wood; having the characteristics of wood. An state of uncertainty. To depict verbally or through the use of pictures. Ancestry; a record of or pertaining specifically to those past relatives that are directly related. To remain; to delay; to persist. To treat as nobility; to treat extremely kindly. To settle accounts; to pay off; to kill off; to get rid of; to abolish. Limber; flexible; supple. Languid; lifeless; without spirit or without energy. A ceremonial form of prayer in which the priest calls out invocations and the congregation replies in the same words. Bendable; flexible; something that can be easily twisted. Enraged;




loll lollop

v v





loquacious lubricate

adj v

extremely angry; furious. A rounded part or projection, usually pertaining to a section of an organ, as for example the lobe of the ear. earlobe. The study, skill, or practice of providing and appropriating resources to where they are most needed. A verbal controversy; an argument about or over words. To lounge about lazily; to rest or recline. To move or walk with a bounding motion; to bob when moving. To become visible or to take shape; to come into view, often in a threatening way; to tower, to dominate. To run or gallop slowly with long strides and an easy gait. Heavier or tending towards one side; not even. Overly talkative; garrulous. To apply a

lucid lucifugous lucrative lucre lucubration

adj adj adj n n

luculent ludicrous

adj adj

lugubrious luminary

adj n

luminous lurch

adj v

lurid lurk luscious lush

adj v adj adj

lubricant so as to make more slippery and to make easier to manage or maneuver. Easily understood; clear. Avoiding light. Profitable; generating wealth. Money; monetary profit. Diligent meditation or study, usually done at night. Easily understood; lucid; clear. Laughable; ridiculous; trifling and grossly nonsensical. Sorrowful; excessively sad; gloomy. A dignitary; object that gives light; a very important person. Shining; issuing light. To stagger; to move with an irregular swinging motion. Wild; sensational. To lie in waiting, ready to pounce or attack; to slink. Pleasing to the senses; delicious. Growing well;

lust luster lustrous

v n adj




v Part of Speech adj adj

unrestrained; with full foliage. Strong sexual desire; intense eagerness. Shine; gloss; brilliance. Shining; brilliance; notorious; wellknown. Abundant; excessively showy; rich and wonderful. To take great pleasure in; to indulge oneself. Definition Gruesome; grisly; ghastly. Derived from or composed of a mixture of languages; composed of or characterized by Latin words mixed with vernacular words. To soften by soaking in liquid; to waste away or to grow thin. A plot, seheme, or conspiracy. An exaggerated sense of manliness; a strong sense of the right to dominate. Spotted; stained. Spotted; stained. A violent

Word macabre macaronic


machination machismo

n n

maculated maculated maelstrom

adj adj n

magisterial magistrate

adj n

magnanimity magnate magniloquent magnitude maim

n n adj v v





malady malaise

n n

malapropism malcontent

n n

whirlpool; a turbulent confrontation; a hectic situation. Authoritative; imperious; commanding. A governmental official; somebody who is authorized to administer the law. Generosity. A prominent or influential person; Boastful; pompous. Greatness in size, power, or extent. To mutilate; to injury and to disable; to permanently disfigure. Temporary; built and/or performed quickly and hastily. Clumsy; without forethought; tactless; with no skill. An illness; the cause of suffering. A sense of uneasiness; a vague feeling of ill health. An inappropriate use of a word; misuse. A disgruntled person; somebody who is not happy

malediction malefactor

n n

maleficient malevolence malicious malign malign malignant

adj n adj v v adj




malodorous malpractice

adj n


with the current state of affairs. A curse. A criminal; an antagonist; a person who engages in evil acts. Being or doing evil. Ill-will; a desire for others to fail. Hateful; spiteful; expressing malice. To speak poorly of; to bad-mouth; to defame. To speak poorly of, in an attempt to defame. Tending to cause harm or death; injurious; aggressively malevolent. To pretend to be ill or have an injury; fake illness to avoid responsibilities or work. Capable of being shaped; changeable; pliable. Foul-smelling. Failure to carry out one's professional duty properly; professional misconduct. To order; to charge; to command and to

mangy maniacal

adj adj

manifest manifesto

v n


mannered mantle manumission manumit marginal maritime

adj n n v adj adj


lead. Shabby; wretched; badly kept. Insane; of or characterized by lunatic actions or thoughts; utterly mad. To make visible; to make obvious. A public declaration; an official statement of policy; rigid rules or morals, professed to the public. To control; to operate with one's hands; to play upon and to direct. Not natural; altered; affected in some way. A loose sleeveless outer garment. The act of freeing from slavery. To emancipate; to free from slavery or bondage. Just barely within a boundary or limit; very close. Bordering the sea or a large body of water; related to or referring to something nautical. To desert; to leave in an isolated place; to separate from




martial martinet

adj n


mash mask

v v

masochist masquerade mass

n v n

everybody or everything else. Damaged; disfigured; that state in which perfection, integrity, or quality are impaired. To order about; to organize; to guide to the correct place. Pertaining to war or disorder. Somebody who is overly strict; a ruthless ruler; a dictator; an ultimate autocrat who demands that rules be followed exactly. One who willingly dies for a cause; a person who willingly accepts suffering for the sake of a principle or idea. To crush; to convert into mush. To hide; to keep from sight; to cover up and to keep the real identity from being seen. A person who enjoys feeling his own pain. To don a mask or disguise; to pretend. The Christian


masticate matriculate matrimony mature

v v n adj

matutinal maul

adj v

mausoleum mauve maverick maw

n n n n

celebration of the Eucharist; the gathering of Christians for the purpose of worship. The cruel killing of many (often completely innocent) people or animals. To chew; to grind in one's mouth. To enroll in college of graduate school. The sate of being married. Developed; able to understand and capable of interacting with one's surroundings; fully grown; responsible. Occurring in the morning; early in the day. To batter; to ravage; to injure; to tear and to dismember. An ornamental, stately, and often ceremonial tomb. A pale purple; blue and red. A rebel; somebody who is a nonconformist. The mouth, jaws, or gullet of a carnivorous animal; the throat of a greedy



mayhem meager meddlesome mediate

n adj adj v




medley meek melancholy

n adj n

melee mellifluous memento

n adj n

person. Sentimental; weakly emotional; slightly nauseating. A violent disorder; chaos. Scanty; inadequate; little. Interfering; intrusive; being obstructive. To settle a dispute with the help of an outside arbitrator; to act as an intermediary. Ordinary; commonplace; neither extraordinarily bad or good; in the middle. A reflection about a specific idea, event, or state of being. A mixture; an agglomeration of several items. Submissive. A state characterized as gloomy and dim; a state of depression or of lessened sensual activity. A fight; a one-onone battle. Sweetly flowing; melodious. An object that acts as a reminder

menace menagerie

n n

mendacious mendicant

adj n


mercantile meretricious

adj adj


mesmerize metallurgical

v adj


of something from the past; a souvenir. A threat; a great disturbance. A collection of wild animals on exhibition; a zoo; a collection of odd items. Lying; habitually dishonest; untruthful. A beggar; a person whose livelihood depends on begging. A teacher; somebody who supervises and instructs; a counselor. Referring to trade or merchants. Attractive on the surface only; flashy; showy, but in a tasteless way. The combining of two objects, companies, businesses, corporations, etc. To hypnotize; to attract. Pertaining to the study of metals and the refinement of ores. An implied comparison; a figure of speech in which an expression is used






mettle mettlesome

n adj


middling mien

adj n

migrant militant

adj adj


to refer to something else indirectly as a means to suggest a similarity. Systematic; thought out; planned; clever; in an orderly fashion. Paying attention to detail; very attentive to fine points. A large city, often the agglomeration of many smaller municipalities. Endurance or courage; boldness. Courageous, highspirited; willing to enter a dangerous situation. Swamp gas; heavy vaporous matter emanating from decaying matter; unhealthy vapors. Average; without exceptional quality; fair. Bearing; manner of acting; appearance; demeanor. Changing in form or habit; wandering. Combative; bellicose; having a propensity to argue or fight. An army

millennium millinery mime

n n n

minacious minaret minatory mince

adj n adj v

minnow minute minutiae mirth misanthrope

n adj n n n

misapprehension n

comprised of ordinary people who are ready at a short notice; an army corps comprised of nonprofessional soldiers. A period of one thousand years. A shop or store that sells hats for women. A pantomime; a person who mimics others; a person who performs motions and act without speaking. Threatening. A tall, thin tower on a mosque or building. Menacing; being of a threatening nature. To pronounce or utter affectedly; to soften; to subdivide into many small fragments. A very small fish. Very small; miniscule. Petty or trivial details; trifling matters. Enjoyment; laughter; merriment. A person who loathes mankind. An error; a misunderstanding;




mischance mischief

n n


misconstrue miscreant

v n

misdemeanor miser

n n

misogamy missive

n n


confusion. Characterized as a mixture of races; cohabitation of two people of different races. Having many parts; not uniform; comprised of different components; not directly relevant. Bad luck. Troublesome behavior; a damaging course of action. Mischievous behavior; inappropriate supervision; poor management. To interpret incorrectly; to misinterpret. A wretched person; a wrongdoer; a villain. A minor crime; a small mishap; wrongdoing. A stingy person who is infatuated with wealth and the acquisition of money. A hatred of marriage. A letter; a written statement; a written communication. To lessen the severity of; to


mock mode

v n


modicum mogul

n n

moil mollify molt momentum

v v v n


appease; to moderate. Something that assists in the retention of facts; a memory aide. To ridicule; to deride. A prevailing style; the current fashion; a specific manner of going about things. The quality of not too little and not too much, but of an ample amount; not extreme. A limited quantity; a small amount. A leader; a powerful person; the head of a company or organization that has far-reaching influence. To work hard at; to drudge. To make calm or to quiet; to soothe an angry person. To lose skin or feathers before new growth. The moving force of an object; in physics, the product of mass and velocity; the quantity of motion of a moving body; a driving force. A government



monetary monochromatic

n adj


monotheism moratorium morbid

n n adj

mordant mores

adj n


that is ruled by a single, absolute ruler. Related or pertaining to monks or monasteries; pertaining to an austere form of living. Pertaining to or related to money. Having only or characterized by only a single color. An inscription of one or more initials; two or more alphabetic letters embroidered on cloth, wood, or another medium. The belief in one God. A legal delay or postponement; an interruption. Related to or exhibiting unhealthy or unnatural thoughts. Biting; sarcastic; hateful; stinging; cutting. Social conventions; moral standards; the accepted moral customs. A place where bodies are kept before burial or cremation.

moribund morose mortal mortgage

adj adj adj n

mortician mortify

n v


mote motif

n n

motility motley mottled

n adj adj


Dying; about to fail; corrupt and broken. Ill-humored; sullen; overly melancholy. Fatal; succumbing to death. A legal pledge of property to a creditor as security for the payment of a loan. An undertaker; the director of a funeral home. To humiliate, shun, or frighten by embarrassing excessively; to shame. A picture composed of small tiles, usually ceramic. A small speck; a particle of dust. A theme; a recurring element in a musical or literary work; a dominant element. The ability to move spontaneously. Multi-colored; mixed. Referring to a pattern or coloring that is blotched; spotted. A grimace, indicating displeasure; a


mufti mulct

n v



multiplicity mundane

n adj

mundane munificent munition mural muse

adj adj n n v

mussitate muster

v v

facial expression made by somebody who is pouting. To confuse; to mix up and to make matters worse; to think in a confused way. Civilian clothes. To defraud; to blackmail; to confiscate; to deplete. Having or being fluent in many languages; being able to converse with people of different nationalities. A large number, composed of many varieties. Worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday; boring. Commonplace; dull; worldly; not extraordinary. Extremely liberal; very generous. Large military arms. A painting on a wall. To contemplate at length; to ponder deeply; to be engaged in meditation. To move the lips in imitation of speech. To gather; to



mutinous mutter

adj v

myopic myriad mystic

adj n adj

assemble or to aggregate. Stale in odor or taste, most often resulting from mold or from old age. Unruly; disposed to mutiny; rebellious. To utter a complaint in a barely audible tone. Nearsighted; having no foresight. A large number. Hard to understand; having a hidden meaning or a spiritual power. Definition Resembling nacre, the shiny material that lines the internal shell of a mollusk. Lowest point. The lowest point; the weakest moment. Somebody who is conceited; somebody who is overly concerned with their looks and appearance and only their well being. A drug that decreases the reception of pain; a drug that

Word nacreous

Part of Speech adj

nadir nadir narcissist

adj n n



nascent natal natation natty nauseate nauseous

adj adj n adj v adj

nautical nave

adj n

nebulous negate

adj v




induces sleep or a state of lethargy. A telling of a story; a verbal recollection of a series of events. Just coming into being or existence. Related to birth; pertaining to a new-born. The process of swimming. Neat; smartly dressed. To cause to become sick; to disgust. Marked by a feeling of nausea; producing a feeling of illness. Of or related to ships or navigation. The long central part of a church between the two isles. Vague; hazy; cloudy; of uncertain origin. To cancel; to nullify; to cause to have no effect or purpose. Not concerned with details; failing to perform specific duties. The opponent; something that has an intent to cause harm; the opposition.



nepotism nestor nettle nevus nibble niche

n n v n v n

nimble nirvana noisome nomenclature nominal nonchalance noncommittal

adj n adj n adj n adj

nondescript nonentity

adj n

A new word; a newly created term or phrase; a new way of using a specific word. A recent convert; a new member of a religious group; a beginner. Favoritism toward one's relatives. A senior; a leader in one's field; a wise old man. To irritate; to annoy; to vex. A birthmark; a blemish. To eat gingerly; to eat using small repeated bites. A particular place; a suitable location or ideal environment. Quick in movement. An ideal state; a utopia; full rest. Foul smelling; nauseating. A system of names or of naming things. A trifling; a very small amount. A casual look of concern; lack of concern. Neutral; without commitment; undecided; cautious. Indistinctive; ordinary. A person or thing

noose nosegay nostalgia nostrum

n n n n

novelty noxious nuance

n adj n



nugatory nullify numismatist nuptial nurture

adj v n adj v

that is not important; something that does not exist or which is not perceived. A loop formed with a rope. A small bunch of flowers; a posey. Homesickness; a longing for. A quack medicine or remedy; an untested cure; a questionable medicine. The quality of being new and out of the ordinary. Harmful; corrosive. A shade of slight difference in meaning; a small distinction; a slight variation in color. Developed; suitable and physically mature for marriage or for reproduction. Worthless; futile; trifling; unimportant. To make invalid; to make null; to make obsolete. A person who collects coins. Pertaining to a wedding ceremony. To nourish and educate; to feed;



adj Part of Speech adj adj

to care for. Something that provides nourishment; a substance that brings good health. Providing nutrition or needed nutrients. Definition Stubborn; refusing to change one's beliefs. Overly stubborn; refusing to change; hardened in mischief. A bow; a gesture of homage. A tall column that tapers at the top to a pointed pyramid. To confuse; muddle; to make darker and hard to understand; to make something excessively and needlessly complex. A death notice; a declaration of a person's death. A religious offering to a deity; an offering made to God. Indirect; slanting. To destroy completely; to wipe out. Unmindful; unaware; wholly absorbed in one's

Word obdurate obdurate

obeisance obelisk obfuscate

n n v

obituary oblation

n n

oblique obliterate oblivious

adj v adj

obloquy obloquy

n n



obscure obsequious obsequy obsessive

adj adj n adj

obsidian obstetrician obstinate

n n adj

obstreperous obtain obtrude obtuse

adj v v adj

thoughts; forgetful. Slander or severe criticism; disgrace; abuse. Severe censure; overly sharp criticism, usually by many people. Offensive; crude; very disagreeable; offensively inconsiderate. Dark; vague; not clear; unknown. Slavishly attentive; servile. Funeral rites or ceremony. Thinking about something constantly; overly attentive to a single idea; an exceedingly -often neurotic -obsession. Black volcanic rock. A doctor who specializes in the delivery of babies. Overly stubborn; not easily controlled; difficult to treat Unruly and loud; boisterous; uncontrollable. To gain the possession of; to receive; to accept. To intrude; to impose oneself onto others. Having no


occlude occluded occult

v adj adj


odious odium odometer

adj n n

odoriferous odorous odyssey

adj adj n



intellectual acuity; stupid; not able to understand; lacking in insight. To make unnecessary; to get rid of; to anticipate and to prevent by taking preventive measures. To shut; to hide from view; to close; to obstruct. Blocked; hidden from view. Mysterious; secret; supernatural; beyond human comprehension or knowledge. A doctor who who specializes in treatment of diseases of the eye; an eye doctor. Causing strong dislike or displeasure; vile. Contempt; intense dislike; aversion. An instrument that records and displays the distance that has been traveled. Giving off strong an odor. Having or emitting an odor. A long, epic journey; an eventful adventure. Insulting;





olfactory oligarchy omnipotent

adj n adj



omniscient omnivorous onerous

adj adj adj



distasteful; disagreable to the senses. Casual; done without prior thought or preparation; off the record. Meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services; domineering; nosy. Concerning or related to the sense of smell. A government in which a privileged few are the rulers. All-powerful; having boundless power and authority. Overly noticeable; present everywhere at the same instance. All knowing or all powerful. Eating both plants and animals. Burdensome; requiring effort; difficult; troublesome. A phrase or group of words that sound alike or are formed in imitation of natural words or epxressions. A vicious, often brutal assault; a foray; a fierce

onus opalescent

n adj

opaque opaqueness

adj n










attack. A burden; a difficult responsibility. Like an opal; having a lustrous finish; characterized by having a slight touch of a white pigment. Not transparent. The quality of being dull and not allowing light to pass through. Well-suited and well-chosen; timely; appropriate; ready for the taking. A person who takes advantages of current circumstances, often at the expense of morals or principles. Showing scorn or reproach; outrageous; shameful. A person who specializes in the making and selling of eyeglasses. A doctor who specializes in fitting glasses and diagnosing vision problems. Of or relating to an oracle; obscurely prophetic;

orator oratorio

n n

orchestra ordain

n v


ordinance ordination

n n






ambiguous. A public speaker. A dramatic poem set to music; a long musical composition with singing but without acting. A group of musicians who play music. To decree or command; to grant holy orders; to install as a minister or priest. A trial; a series of challenges; a difficult experience. A decree; an authoritative order; a law. A ceremony conferring holy orders on a person, most often a priest. A wild, drunken revelry; and unrestrained indulgence in an activity. To gather one's sense of direction; to situate and to become familiar with. An opening; an entrance way to a cave, passage; an opening into the body. Excessively or elaborately decorated.

ornithologist orotund

n adj



orthoepy orthography

n n

osseous ossify ostensible

adj v adj


ostracize oust outgoing outlandish

v v adj adj

A person who studies birds. Full; strong; bombastic; pompous; pretentious. Traditional; conservative; adhering to longlasting beliefs. The study of pronouncing words correctly. The correct spelling of a word; the part of study of a language that is concerned with the spelling of words. Made of bone; bony. To harden into bone; to become hard. Apparent; appearing as such but not necessarily so; pretended. A display of importance in an effort to to obtain admiration or envy. To banish; to exclude; to make fun of. To expel; to drive out. Sociable; friendly; warm. Very odd; extremely peculiar; strange and unconventional.



outspoken outwit

adj v




overt overweening overwrought ovoid Word pablum pacifist

adj adj adj adj Part of Speech n n

A fugitive; a person who does not follow the stated laws. A point of view; a view from a particular place; an expectation for the future. Candid; blunt; forthright; honest. To outsmart; to beat by behaving more cleverly and being more cunning. Enthusiastic approval, usually expressed through load applause. Overly pushy; extremely bossy; domineering and arrogant. Not secret; open to interpretation; public. Arrogant; overly presumptuous. Overly nervous or excited; extremely agitated. Egg-shaped; round. Definition Something that is trite; something simplistic. Somebody who advocates peace; a person who opposes the use of force; a lover. A song of praise; an expression of



paladin palatable

n adj

palate palatial paleontology palimpsest

n adj n n


pall palliate pallid palpability

v v adj adj

triumph. An elaborate public spectacle depicting a historical event or conducted for the sake of a competition; a spectacular procession. A champion of a cause; a knighterrant. Easily understood; agreeable; pleasing to the taste or senses; acceptable. The roof of a person's mouth; the sense of taste. Pertaining to or suitable for a palace. The study of fossils and of prehistoric life. A parchment or piece of writing material used for a second time after the original writing has been erased. A rebirth; emergence; the state of being born again. To become boring; to become less interesting. To lessen the severity of. Pale and ashen; wan. Being understandable;

palpable palpitate paltry panacea

adj v adj n


pandemonium panegyric

n n





pantheism papyrus parable

n n n

being able to be felt, touched, and recognized. Tangible; easily perceptible; obvious. To throb; to tremble and/or beat furiously. Insignificant; petty; negligible. A cure-all; a remedy for all diseases; a solution for all problems. Flair; a seemingly easy manner of doing things; flamboyance. A ruckus; a wild, noisy commotion; a disorder. A eulogy; a formal praise or oration in honor of somebody else. A person who believes that he is important; a pretentious official. A magnificent array; a display; an ostentatious exhibition. Pertaining to a complete, unobstructed view of an entire area; a full view. The worship of all gods. Ancient paper. A short simple story that teaches a




paramour paraphrase

n v




paregoric pariah

adj n

moral. Something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct. A model of perfection; something that is esteemed and honored. An independent variable; an attribute of a system. A secret lover. To restate a passage in one's own words while retaining the original thought and intent of the author. An animal or plant that lives on another; something that simphons energy and/or resources from another. Writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat. To cut away the outer covering or layer; to remove the skin of; to trim using a knife. A soothing medicine; A rejected and loathed person; somebody who does not fit in well




parody paroxysm

n n



parse parsimonious

v adj

parsimony partial

n adj

with others. The area that is under the supervision of a single priest and which is served by one main church. The style of language; a manner of speaking; an idiom. A conference; a discussion; a meeting where two opposing sides discuss and/or argue. An imitation, often humorous; a spoof; a travesty. An uncontrollable attack, which can be either of pain or laughter. A floor made of wood strips that are laid out in a specific pattern. The act of killing one's father, mother, or similar close relative. To examine closely; to separate into lots. Extremely economical; stingy; sparing; frugal. Stinginess; excessive frugality. Favoring one side over another; prejudiced; a









pathetic pathogen

adj n

pathological patina

adj n

particular inclination towards one object or idea over another. One-sided; committed to a party; biased; prejudiced. To divide into parts; to separate into distinct entities. Somebody who has just become wealthy; a newly rich person. A literary or musical composition imitating a previous artist, often with a satirical undertone. Rural; relating to shepherds or to those that herd animals. A combination of flour and water that is the basis of many dessert- like tarts, biscuits, etc. Causing sadness or affecting the emotions. Something that causes disease; a bacteria or virus which causes damage or which inflicts pain and suffering. Pertaining to or related to disease. A green crust

patois patriarch

n n

paucity pebble

adj n

peccadillo peccant

n adj

peckish peculate

adj v

pecuniary pedagogue pedant

adj n n

substance that accumulates on old bronze and copper surfaces. A local or provincial dialect. The ruler or leader of a family, a tribe, or a group of people; any person regarded as a father or central leader and progenator of a race of people. Scarcity; a lacking of; dearth. A small stone; a rock fragment that has usually been worn down to a small size by erosion. A small offense or fault; a minor sin; a minor weakness. Sinful or unruly; guilty of violating a rule or violating a standard practice or common mode of conduct. Ill tempered or irritable; easily annoyed. To embezzle monetary funds or another person's property. Pertaining or related to money. A teacher; somebody who instructs. A teacher who overemphasizes








peer peerless peevish pejorative

n adj adj adj


minor details; somebody who focuses and dwells on trivial book knowledge rather than on broad ideas and concepts. Bookish; showing off learning; marked by an excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; absurdly learned. To travel about and to carry items with the intent to sell; to hawk. Commonplace; ordinary; trite; unremarkable; overly dull. A medical doctor who specializes in treating children's diseases. Ancestry; lineage; the classification and identification of progenitors. A person who has equal standing with another. Without equals; incomparable. Bad-tempered; irritable; easily annoyed. Negative in connotation; having a belittling effect. Currency; wealth; riches, especially

penance penchant pendulous

n n adj

penitent penology

adj n



penumbra penurious

n adj

penury peon

n n

perceptive percolate

adj v

if acquired illegally or unscrupulously. Self-imposed punishment for sin. An inclination; a strong liking. Hanging loosley; suspended; hanging and/or limp. Expressing regret. The study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation; the study of the punishment of crime. Overly contemplative; thoughtful, often to the extent of being sad. The partial shadow that is caused by an eclipse. Not willing to part with money; stingy; poor; destitute. Extreme poverty; dearth; scarcity. An agricultural worker who does not own land; a menial laborer. Keen; insightful; wise. To pass slowly through a sieve; to move through a material that has small holes or

peregrination perfidious

n adj









perjury permeable

n adj

pernicious perpetual

adj adj

openings in it. A trip; a travel; an excursion. Treacherous; having a faithless or disloyal disposition; tending to cheat, lie, and mislead. To pierce; to put a hole through by means of punching, boring, etc. Done routinely and as a duty; done with little care; superficial. Extremely dangerous; treacherous and risky. Of or pertaining to the periphery or border; related to the outer edge, the margin, or some extreme. To destroy; to disappear completely; to vanquish. False testimony that is given while under oath. Able to be penetrated; allowing liquids or gas to pass through; porous. Harmful; dangerous; deadly. Lasting for eternity; lasting for an indeterminably long time.


persiflage perspicacious perspicacity

n adj n


perspicuous pertinacious

adj adj

pertinent perturb peruse pervasive perverse

adj v v adj adj

perversion pervert

n v

To make perpetual; to make something last for a long time; to cause to remain in existence. Good-natured talk; banter. Insightful; penetrating; astute and scholarly. Keen insight and understanding; quick in perception. Clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity. Plainly expressed; clear; easy to understand. Adhering tenaciously to an action; stubborn; resolute. Relevant; suitable; allowable. To disturb; to dislodge. To read carefully. Having the ability to permeate or the spread throughout. Wicked; against social customs and without regard to manners; stubbornly wrongheaded. Corruption; the state of being gross and wrong. To corrupt; to misuse; to turn from right to

pest pestle

n n

petrify petrous

v adj





pew phalanx

n n


phantasmagoria n

wrong. A destructive insect or person; a nuisance. A tool that is used to grind substances, often herbs or medicines, in a hard bowl. To turn into stone; to stun or paralyze. Like a rock; referring to the hardness of a stone or rock; rigid and solid. Trivial; not important; miniscule; irrelevant. Touchy; peevish; ill-tempered; very impatient; unreasonable; unruly. A bench or seat for the congregation in a church. A military formation in which soldiers form a wall-like defense by overlapping their shields and positioning their long spears to point outwards. A fantasy; an illusion produced by the mind. A collection of imaginary items; a shifting series of phantasms that increase or

pharisaical pharisee

adj n



philanderer philatelist phlegmatic

n n adj

phobia phoenix

n n



diminish in size, pass into each other, or dissolve. Excessively pious; hypocritical. A self-righteous person; somebody who is of a sect of the Jewish religion that rigidly adheres to the Laws of Moses. Having a function whose sole purpose is to express or convey emotion or to fulfill a social task; lacking informational content. A faithless lover; somebody who tends to flirt. A person who studies and collects stamps. Calm; not easily disturbed; showing little emotion; having a calm temperament. A very strong fear of something. Somebody or something of excellent worth and stature; a supreme idol. Related to daring, enchanting, and marvelous tales of adventure; involving often humorous mishaps and observations

piebald pied pilfer pinnace pious

adj adj v n adj

piquant pique

adj v

piscatorial pitch

adj n




of an otherwise common individual. Of different colors; mottled; speckled. Multi-colored; having patches of different colors. To steal, especially items that are of small value. A small boat, usually nonmotorized. Overly devout; religious; adhering to duty and customs. Agreeably pungent or spicy; provocative; sharp. To affect with irritation; to wound the pride of; to excite curiosity. Pertaining to fishing. The sticky substance that is obtained from distilling coal tar or petroleum; the residue that remains after the processing of petroleum products. Essential part; the fundamental aspect; the core constituent. A small amount; an trifling allowance or



placard placate placid plait plane

n v adj v n




plausible pleat

adj n

plebeian plebiscite pledge

adj n n

wage. Of great relevance or importance; crucial and absolutely necessary; being the key component. A sign or notice for public display. To pacify; to bring peace to; to appease. Peaceful; calm. To braid or to interweave. A carpenter's tool that is used to smooth and level a wooden surface. A trite or banal statement; an object that is unoriginal. Purely spiritual; idealistic; theoretical; without sensual desire. Feasible; possibly valid, but sill open to doubt. A fold in a fabric or garment; a purposeful crease in a piece of fabric. Common; trite; vulgar. A direct vote by the entire electorate. A formal promise; a security to guarantee payment.

plenary plenipotentiary pliable

adj adj adj



ploy plucky

n adj

plumage plume plummet plump plunge

n n v adj v

plutocracy podiatrist

n n

Attended by all qualified members. Having full power; characterized with absolute authority. Flexible; able to be changed; easily influenced; adaptable. To pledge; to give one's honor; to commit to a future deed. To continue without rest, often in a monotonous way; to continue to move around. A plan of attack whose goal it is to gain an advantage. Exhibiting spirit and heart in the face of unfavorable odds. The feathers on a bird; the outer covering of a bird. A feather, often ornamental. To fall sharply; to fall straight down without resistance. Pleasantly fat; nicely rounded; full in form. To fall or move quickly downward; to move suddenly and with excessive force. A society ruled by the wealthy. A doctor who




polish poltroon polygamist

v n n






studies and treats disorders of the feet. A pedestal; a raised platform; a place from which a speech is given or from where a slightly better view is attainable. Good judgment and composure; overall balance in body and mind. To split into opposite extremes; to separate into distinct camps. To make smooth of shiny by repeated rubbing. A coward. Somebody who has more than one partner at any one time. A person who speaks several languages; somebody who is multilingual. A one piece blanket-like garment that is worn over the shoulders and which covers the rest of the body. Relating to a bishop or pope; pompous; pretentious. Nonsense; blabber; balderdash; rubbish.

pore porous portend portent portentous

v adj v n adj

portly pose

adj v




postmortem postulate

adj v

To study intently; to ponder; to scrutinize. Full of pores; allowing passage. To foretell; to presage. An omen of am impending important event. Pompous; ominous, or of momentous significance. Stout; corpulent; dignified. To assume; to put up for consideration; to present. A person who pretends to be sophisticated; a person who makes a concerted effort to portray himself as elegant. To postulate; to assume the existence of; to stipulate. A group of men who are gathered at the request of a government official or gangleader and whose goal it is to impose rules or to perform a specific task. Occurring after death. To assume or claim something as being true, without giving

posture potable potentate potential potion

n adj n adj n





pragmatist prate

n v


proof. Pose; attitude. Suitable for drinking; drinkable. A monarch; a sovereign; a ruler. Possessing possibilities. Of dose of some liquid; some amount of some medicinal or otherwise healing ointment; a liquid dose. A mixture composed of several types of items; a heterogeneous mixture. A soothing ointment that is applied to irritated, inflamed, and sore parts of the body, usually used to relieve the symptoms of a burn. Grounded or based on experience; of or acquired through practice. A practical person; somebody who is not an idealist. To talk idly; to jabber; to talk nonsensically; to boast. To talk idly; to babble; to mumble; to talk without any sense.



precepts precinct

n n




precise preclude

n v

precocious precursor

adj adj

precursory predecessor

adj n

A person or stature of authority; something that came previously in time and which has become the standard or ideal. A person who leads and directs the choir at a church. Rules; standards; accepted means of conduct. A subdivision of a city; a distinct area that is defined for the purpose of elections or to delineate police jurisdiction. A cliff; a sharp cutoff; a risky or dangerous position. Something that is unduly sudden; rapidly or hastily forward; rash. Exact; cutting. To make impossible; to prevent or prohibit. Characterized by advanced or early development. A fore-runner; something or someone that comes before. Preliminary. Former occupant; something or someone that came before.





prefatory prefigure prehensile

adj v adj


premeditate prepossessing preposterous

v adj adj

prerogative presage

n n

To determine in advance; predestine; to settle beforehand. A difficult situation; a tricky or dangerous scenario. A preference; partiality; a bias; a desire of one thing over another. To make oneself tidy; feel and show self-satisfaction or pride. Introductory; pertaining to a preface. To foreshadow; to envision beforehand. Capable of grasping or holding; eager; able to perceive. An introduction; a forerunner; something that is preliminary. To plan in advance. Attractive; something that is engaging. Outrageous; absurd; unreasonable or overly ridiculous. Privilege; an unquestionable right. A sign of something that is about to happen; an omen; a






pretext prevail prevaricate prey prim primal

n v v n adj adj


foreboding about a future event. The ability to predict the future; knowledge of actions before they occur. Respect or admiration resulting form achievements or reputation. A claim or a title to an object; a claim to importance or dignity. Ostentatious; showy; pompous; making unjustified claims; overly ambitious. An excuse; a false, alternative, reason for an action. To triumph over; to overthrow; to become victorious. To lie; to hide the truth; to stray from the right course. The target of a hunt; a victim. Neat and formal; proper; tidy and well-kept. First in rank; of highest importance; being the first; the original. A group of mammals including humans, lemurs, and monkeys.




primordial primp privation

adj v n



probity proboscis

n n


proclivity procurator

n n


Bearing a first offspring; a woman who has borne but one child or who is pregnant for the first time. Seniority by birth; state of being the first-born child; the right of the eldest child. Existing since the beginning. To groom with care; to adorn; to extemporize. Lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; hardship; the result of deprivation. Made a participant in something secret; belonging to a person in a private capacity. Uprightness; honesty. The trunk of an elephant; the long snout of certain animals, such as the anteater. To announce; to state or show clearly; to make publicly known. Inclination; tendency. A person who is employed to handle the affairs of another; an agent. To arrive at

prod prodigious

v adj





profundity profuse profusion progenitor

n adj n n


prognathous prognosticate

adj v

through effort; to achieve carefully and often unscrupulously. To poke; to instigate; to stir up. Enormous; wonderful; extraordinarily large and amazing. A child of exceptional talents; a wonder; a marvel. A person who makes unfairly large profits, usually through unscrupulous means. Deep; complex and thoughtprovoking; thoughtful; lifealtering. Depth; the condition of being profound. Abundant, lavish. A great amount; an overabundance. Ancestor; the person or thing that is responsible for all subsequent relatives. Children; offspring; the descendants of a person or of a group of people. Having a jaw that sticks out; having protrusive teeth. To predict the

prohibitive proletarian

adj n

prolix prolixity prominent

adj n adj

promiscuous promote

adj v


prone prong pronounced proof

v n adj n


future; to foretell future events. Preventing an action; forbidding. A member of the non-elite; somebody of the working class; a blue-collar worker. Tiring; unduly long and strung out. Tedious, unnecessary wordiness; diffuse. Protruding outward; noticeable; eminent; widely known. Indiscriminate; choosing freely. To raise in rank; to advance; to advocate; to publicize. To cause to happen; to urge; to provoke; to provide a cue for. Inclined to; likely to suffer from something. A pointed part; a projection. Distinct; noticeable; easily detected. A trial photographic print or otherwise other printed material. A support; an object placed under or against something to


propensity prophetic propitiate propitious

n adj v adj



propulsive prosaic prosaic

adj adj adj

proscenium proscribe proscribe

n v v

prevent it from falling. To spread; to increase in number; to multiply. A natural inclination; an inkling. Having to do with predicting the future. To appease; to conciliate. Auspicious; presenting favorable circumstances; benevolent. A supporter of a particular cause; somebody who backs an idea. Proper fitness; quality of being proper; correct conduct. driving forward; having the power to propel. Something that is unimaginative and uninteresting; dull. Commonplace, mundane, hackneyed, trite, pedestrian. The part of a stage that is front of curtain. To prohibit; to ostracize; to outlaw. To denounce as dangerous; to condemn as





prosperous prostrate protagonist

adj adj n







harmful. To confront; to conduct legal proceedings; to begin court action against. To convert to a religion; to cause a person to accept a certain belief. The study of the metric structure of a poem or single verse; the art of versification. Success with financial matters, business matters, food production, etc.; a state characterized with positive profits. Successful; affluent; fertile. Stretched out full and flat on ground. A supporter; the leader or noticeable supporter of an idea. Able to take on many forms; versatile; able to eventually morph into many different forms. The normal mode of doing things; diplomatic etiquette. To prolong; to make longer in terms of time; to draw out. Prolonged;






proviso provocative

n adj

provoke proximity proxy prude prudence prudent prudish prune

v n n adj n adj adj v

extended. To stick out; jut; to project forwards or out from the center of an object. A place of origin; the origin or source of something. The quality of being provident; preparation for the future; foresight. Pertaining to a narrow region; limited in scope; unsophisticated. A condition as part of an agreement; a stipulation. Arousing the senses; annoying; arousing sexual feelings or strong emotions. To make angry; to cite to action; to anger. Nearness of one thing to another. An authorized agent; an authority to act for another. Overly proper or righteous. Careful forethought. Cautious; careful. Overly proper; excessively modest. To cut away; to make smaller; to remove excess; get remove the dead components.

pry pseudonym psychiatrist

v n n

psychopathic psychosis

adj n



puerile pugilistic

adj adj

pugnacity puissance pulchritude

n n n

pulchritudinous adj pulmonary pulpit adj n

To inquire about in a non-civil manner. A fictitious name; a pen name. A doctor who treats mental diseases; a medical doctor that prescribes medicines for the treatment of mental disorders. Dealing with mental disorder. A mental disorder that manifests itself via several symptoms, and which indicates a lapse in normal metal acuity or function. Referring to the influence that the mind has over the body. Childish; immature. Pertaining to fighting with one's hands; referring to boxing. Combativeness; a predisposition to fighting. Strength; force; might. Beauty; comeliness. Physically stunning. Pertaining to the lungs. A raised platform used in preaching,



punctuate pungent punitive purgatory

v adj adj n

purge purloin purloined purport

v v adj n

purported purveyor pusillanimous putative

adj n adj adj

most often found in a church. Precise; paying attention to trivialities; strict in observing customs. To break the flow of; to stress; to emphasize. Stinging; sharp tasting; strong smelling. Punishing; concerned with punishment. The place where spirits dwell; in terms of religion, a temporary state or place where it is believed that souls reside after one's death and where such souls are cleaned. To remove; to get rid of; to eliminate. To steal; to pilfer. Stolen; embezzled. The main intention; the purpose; the central meaning of something. Claimed but as yet unproven; rumored; alleged. A person who provides food items; a caterer. Cowardly; lacking courage; fearful. Supposed; inconclusively

putrefaction putrefy putrescent

n v adj

putrid pyre

adj n Part of Speech v n v

accepted as true. The act of becoming rotten or impure. To make impure; to contaminate; to make unusable. To becoming putrid; to stagnate and become rotten; putrefying. Decaying; rotten; foul. A large pile of wood for burning a corpse. Definition To drink deeply; to drink greedily. A predicament or unfavorable situation. To cower; to shrink back; to cringe; to lose hope. Odd; oldfashioned; picturesque. A state of doubt; perplexity; a condition characterized by uncertainty or riddled with a dilemma. Isolation; the condition in which a person or thing is removed from the general population. To dig into; to inquire; to bore into. Experiencing

Word quaff quagmire quail

quaint quandary

adj n


quarry queasy

v adj

queer quench

adj v





quiescence quiescent

adj adj

quietus quintessence

n n

quisling quittance quiver quorum

n n v n

nausea; felling as if about to vomit; squeamish. Strange; deviating from the normal. To put out or extinguish; to suppress; to satisfy (thirst). Given to complaining; fretful; constantly whining. A request; in inquiry; the phrasing of a question. The essence of a thing; an odd feature; the distinctive component. The state of being passive; quiet; at rest. Temporarily inactive; at rest and in hiding; dormant, but only for the time being. A final acquittance from debt or an obligation; a rest. The purest form; a perfect example; an essential ingredient. A traitor who aids invading forces. A release; a discharge from a debt or obligation. To shake slightly but vigorously; to tremble. The fewest number

quotidian Word raconteur

adj Part of Speech n

of people required; the minimal number of members required for a meeting, usually the number that constitutes the majority of all the members; a select few. Banal; ordinary; conventional. Definition A story-teller; a person who tells stories often, and does it with wit and skill. Expressing love and/or happiness; bright due to joy. Vulgar; base; tawdry. A lottery; a competition where a winner is chosen at random. A unkempt, dirty child in torn clothes; a person wearing tattered clothing. Banter; a goodhumored debate. Clothing; garments. A debauched, dissolute person. Stylish in a sporting, hip way; dashing; smart. To call together; to unite; to bring to action; to summon; to revive.

radiant raffish raffle

adj adj n


raillery raiment rake rakish rally

n n n adj v

rampage rampant

v adj

rancid rancor rancorous random range

adj n adj adj n


rank rapacious rapport

adj adj n

rapture rash rasher raspy

n adj n adj

A wild or violent run; a foray. Spreading quickly and without limits; not restrained; uncontrollable. Rank; having a stale odor. Long-lasting hatred; bitterness. Expression bitterness; full of spite; virulent. With no purpose; without a plan; done haphazardly. A group of mountains that share borders and which were created at about the same time. A person designated as a manager and protector of a park, an area, or some other designated region. Very offensive in terms of odor or flavor. Voracious; ravenous; given to plunder. Close relationship; emotional closeness; harmony or agreement. Great joy; ecstasy. Harsh; unexpected; crazy. A portion of bacon or ham, usually used for frying. Characterized by a


rational rationale raucous

adj n adj



raze rebuff rebuke rebus

v v v n



harsh noise. The process of logical reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises. Having reason; based on reason; logical. Justification; grounds for action. Harsh and unpleasant; noisy, unruly, and boisterous. Extremely hungry; voracious; dangerously deprived of nourishment. To destroy completely; to burn or to eradicate. To reject; to undo; to restrain. To criticize severely; to scold loudly or harshly. The representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols; a puzzle where a player must decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and word. A response; an answer; a justification or official response to an argument. To take back; to disclaim or disavow; to take

recapitulate recast received receptive recidivism

v v adj adj n



recital recite

n v



back a previous statement. To summarize; to restate; to reformulate. To remake or to refashion; to recreate. Accepted; assumed to be a tandard. Willing or able to receive; capable of accepting. A relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior; a tendency towards old, unwanted and possibly illegal habits. Directions for making something; a step-by-step ordering of activities that must be performed in a specific order to attain a desired end product. To repay; to give what was previously received. A dance or musical performance. To repeat aloud; to produce from memory; to describe. To make something fit for use; to obtain from a waste product; to take back. Somebody who lives alone; a


recondite reconnaissance recourse recreant recrudescence

adj n n adj n

recruit rectify rectilinear rector

n v adj n

recuperate recuperate

v v



person who avoids contact with other people. To agree upon a settlement; to restore peace; to settle one's differences. Abstruse; not easily understood; profound; secret. Surveying of other people; spying on the enemy. The act of resorting to assistance. Craven; disloyal; cowardly. A reappearance; a revival, marked with vigor and new activity. A new member of the armed forces or other organization. To correct; to make right; to adjust and remedy. Characterized by movement in a straight line. A person who is ordained as a clergyman in the Christian church; the religious leadership within a given religion. To recover; to regain after loss; to get back to health. To regain stamina; to become strong again after an illness. Occuring over and


redoubtable reduce

adj v



reek refine

v v

refraction refractory refulgent refurbish refuse regal

n adj adj v v adj

over again; repeating. Someone who refuses to follow rules or conform to customs and traditions. Arousing respect; evoking fear or reverence. To make less; to demote; to lower; to make less complicated or to change to a more manageable form. Superfluous; in addition to what is necessary or adequate; overly verbose. To emit, usually an unpleasant odor; to give off. To make more pure; to change for the better; to make polished. The bending of light. Unmanageable; grossly disobedient and stubborn. Effulgent; brilliant; brightly shining; gleaming. To renovate; to brighten or refresh; to make new again. To decline to do or accept something. Royal; imperial; of or related to somebody of extreme wealth and noble stature.

regale regent

v n

regicide reimburse reinstate

n v v


rejoinder relapse

n n

relent relevant relic relinquish relish

v adj n v v

To delight; to entertain with food or drink. A person who rules or governs in the place of another; a person who steps in and performs official duties while the rightful ruler or manager is ill or absent. The assassination of a king or queen. To repay; to pay back; to refund. To return or restore to a former position; to return to a former position of stature and importance. To say again; to repeat; to redo, often over and over again. A quick reply; retort; a comeback. A return to a previous state; a falling back to a former condition. To become less severe; give in; to surrender. Important; pertaining to the topic at hand. A remnant from the past; a surviving artifact. To give up reluctantly, to yield or to release. To enjoy; savor; to take pleasure from.

remediable remission

adj n

remit remnant remonstrate remorse remote remunerative

v n v n adj adj

render rendezvous rendition renegade

v n adj n


Reparable; something that can be fixed. A decline; a temporary halt; the cancellation of a debt; a pardon. To forgive; to release from blame. Remains; what is left over; a memory. To protest; to object. Deep regret for a past wrongdoing; guilt. Distant; aloof; reserved; almost out of reach. Related to finance or money; productive and/or profitable. To represent; to generate an image of; to draw. A meeting place; meeting at a set time or place. A representation; a rendering; a translation. A person who deserts a cause; a person who goes against the wishes and rules of a group to which he/she previously was an advocate for. To deny; to not follow a required course of action; to

renounce renovate

v v

renowned reparable repartee repeal repercussion repertoire

adj adj n v n n


replenish replicate reportorial repose repository reprehensible repress reprieve

v v adj n n adj v n

go back on. To formally give up; to disown; repudiate. To restore; to improve; to bring back to a former state. Celebrated; well known; famous. Something that can be fixed; able to be remedied. A quick clever reply; a witty remark. To annul; to revoke; to take back. A rebound; a consequence or reaction. A list of works of music, drama, plays, performances, etc. To be discontented with; to be annoyed with; to complain. To fill up again; to rejuvenate. To reproduce; to duplicate. Pertaining to a report. A state of being at rest. A place of storage; a storehouse. Deserving blame; blameworthy. To hold back; to restrain. A postponement or cancellation of a

reprimand reprise

v n


reprobate reprobation repulsion repulsive reputable reputed requiem requisition requite resentment

n n n adj adj adj n n v n

reservation residue

n n

punishment; a pardon, usually temporary. To reprove severely; rebuke; to criticize harshly. A repetition (referring to a musical movement). To blame; to disapprove; to show disappointment. A person hardened in sin; somebody who lacks decency. Severe disapproval; censure. Strong distaste; disgust. Causing a feeling of disgust; offensive. Having a good reputation; respectful. Supposed; purported. A mass or ceremonial service for the dead. A demand or request, usually formal. To make a return for; to repay. Bitterness; displeasure; a feeling of anger and revenge. A feeling of doubt; uncertainty. Something that is left over; a

resign resilience

v adj



resolution resolve

v n

resonant resourceful

adj adj


resplendent respondent

adj n

restive restraint resurrect

adj n v

remainder; a leftover balance. To submit; to give in. The ability to quickly recover and to maintain control. Elastic; having the power to spring back; able to recover quickly; able to withstand change. Strong desire; determination. Strong determination; resolution; firmness of purpose. Giving off an echo; resounding loudly; deep and full. Clever; creative; using ones resources in an efficient way. A rest; an interval during which there is a lower than usual amount of activity. Brilliant; splendid in appearance; glorious. A person who responds; a person who has to answer in a court of law. Restless; impatient; resisting authority. Self control; a restriction. To revive; to bring back from the


retard retentive reticent reticulated retinue

v adj adj adj n

retiring retort retribution retrodict

adj n n v

retrograde retrospective

adj adj

reverberate revere

v v

dead. To keep; to maintain the possession of; to employ and to utilize the skills of. To hinder; to hold back; to delay. Holding on; being able to remember; having good recall. Inclined to silence; overly reserved; not talking. Covered with a netlike pattern of lines; like a net. A following; the attendants associated with an important person. Shy, reserved; modest. A sharp, quick reply; a rejoinder. Punishment for wrongdoing; vengeance. To explain or predict a past event using knowledge about the present state of affairs or knowledge learned since the event occurred. Having a backward motion; reversed. Looking back on the past; considering previous events. To echo; to resound. To show respect for; to idolize.

reverent revert

adj v


revoke revulsion rhapsodize

v n v



ribald riddle rigid rigmarole

adj v adj n

Feeling or expressing respect; worshipful. To relapse; to turn back to a previous position or instance. An verbal attack, usually involving vile and abusive language. To cancel; to take back; to take away or retract. A strong feeling of disgust; a violent change of feeling. To speak or write in an overly, exaggerated enthusiastic manner. An excessively enthusiastic expression of emotion or feeling; an instrumental composition that is irregular. The art of effective communication; effective persuasion; language which aims to persuade or to convince. Characterized as vulgar; wanton; profane; bawdy. To make complicated; to make puzzling. Hard; unyielding; not bendable. A complicated procedure; jabber;


ripple risible rivet riveting

n adj v adj

robust rogue roll rolling

adj n n adj

roster rostrum

n n


rousing rubbish

adj n

meaningless talk. The tough outer covering of a fruit, especially of a melon, lemon, or orange. A small wave; a minor disturbance. Amusing; comic; laughable. To captivate; to hold. Awe-inspiring; holding ones attention; engrossing; extremely interesting. Strong; vigorous; resistant to change or corruption. A dishonest person; somebody who is deceitful. The calling of names. Rising and falling in a gentle manner; changing in a continuous manner. List of names. A raised platform for the purpose of giving a speeh; a pulpit. Repetition; learning through mere memorization rather than by means of understanding. Lively; inducing excitement. Garbage; trash; junk; worthless





ruddy rueful ruffian ruffle

adj adj n v




ruse rustic

n adj


material. Fragments; rubbish; the remains of something. Red and healthylooking; healthy looking and full of vigor; ruddy. A title or heading in a manuscript; an established mode of conduct or assumed correct way of acting. Reddish; tainted with red. Sorrowful; mournful. A violent scoundrel; a bully; a cruel person. To disturb; to alter the smoothness or regularity of something. Contemplative; marked with deep thoughts; meditative. To ponder; to think over; to mentally process in a slow, languid manner; to mull over. A trick; a stratagem. Pertaining to country life; simple and unsophisticated; plain and ordinary. To make a small sound; to rub two objects together to make a sound, as



for example two pieces of silk; to make a sounds while brushing against something. Without pity; showing no mercy; overly cruel; barbaric. Definition Of or relating to priests; pertaining to the priesthood. Desecrating; profane and insulting. Inviolably sacred. Wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight. A wise person. Obscene; lecherous; lustful. Prominent; projecting beyond a line; outstanding. Of or resembling salt; salty. A mixture of items. Healthful; conducive to good health; beneficial. Tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; promoting wellbeing. A metal urn; a teakettle. Displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; exhibiting mockery

Word sacerdotal sacrilegious sacrosanct sagacious sage salacious salient saline salmagundi salubrious salutary

Part of Speech adj adj adj adj v adj adj adj n adj adj

samovar sanctimonious

n adj

sanguinary sanguine sanitation

adj adj n

sapient sarcasm sarcophagus

adj n n

sardonic sartorial

adj adj

sate satiate satori

v v n

saturnine saunter savor savory

adj v v adj

of piety. Bloody; with much bloodshed; bloodthirsty. Optimistic; cheerful; hopeful of the future. The disposal of sewage and garbage; the act of cleaning or removing waste. Wise; sagacious; acute. A cunning ironic remark; mockery and ridicule. A decorated, often ornate, box fashioned usually out of wood, stone, or marble, which is used to store a dead body. Overly mocking; disdainful; sarcastic. Pertaining to tailors or tailoring; pertaining to clothing. To fully satisfy; to exceed. To satisfy fully; to complete; to fulfill. The state in which a person suddenly acquires enlightenment. Gloomy and dark. To stroll; to go for a leisurely walk. To enjoy thoroughly; to take pleasure in. Pleasing to the



scabbard scandal

n n



scanty scapegoat scarify

adj n v


schematic scheme

n n

senses; pleasant in taste; agreeable. Living among rocks; growing among rocks or boulders. A case for a sword; a sheath. A disgraceful action or circumstance; a grave offense, which results form a fault or misdeed, that is publicly visible. Shocking; surprising and offensive; unheardof; totally unexpected. Meager; insufficient; of small amount. A person who bears the blame for another. To make small cuts in or on, as for example the skin; to break up and loosen the surface of. To hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; to search for food. An outline or a summary diagram; a blueprint. An orderly arrangement of elements or events that constitute a plan of action or

schism scintillate scoff scorch

n v v v


scowl scrappy scrimmage

v adj n

scrupulous scrutinize scurf scurrilous scurry

adj v n adj v

scurvy scuttle seamy

adj v adj

attack. A division into factions among a group of people. To sparkle; to glitter; to flash. To laugh at; to mock; to ridicule. To sear; to cause to become discolored due to the application of heat. To clean by hard rubbing; to clean using a detergent or other harsh agent. To frown angrily. Disconnected; fragmented. An official battle, fight, or competition between two people, groups, teams, etc. Thorough; detailoriented; exacting. To examine closely with the intent to critique. Scaly skin; dead epidermis matter that is shed. Abusive; obscene; inappropriate; indecent. To move or proceed hastily; hurry; move briskly; to scamper. Contemptible; mean. To sink a ship; to scrap or to discard and do away with. Sordid; unpleasant;

sear seasoned seclusion

v adj n

secrete secular

v adj





seduce sedulous seedy seethe seine

v adj adj v n

filthy or base. To burn the outer surface of; to char. Hardened; experienced; wellversed. Isolation; solitude; a condition of bliss or of no interruptions. To conceal or to hide; to place out of sight. Pertaining to issues that have no spiritual basis; worldly; temporal. To calm or to relieve; to soothe; to make mellow and artificially peaceful. Performed while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled. Conduct or language inciting rebellion; act of rebellion; an act of resistance to authority. To entice away from proper conduct. Diligent; assiduous; persevering. Run-down; dirty; decrepit; disreputable. To be violently disturbed; to boil. A net for catching fish; a fishing net that hangs vertically when



semblance senility

n n



sensuous sententious

adj adj

sentinel sepulcher sequacious

n n adj


serendipity serried servitude

n adj n

deployed in the water. Pertaining only to a few certain things or items; not allencompassing. Outward appearance; guise. Old age; the condition of being feeble and absent minded, due to old age. Pertaining to the pleasures of the senses; carnal.devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal. Pleasureful; pertaining to the physical senses. Pithy; terse; short and concise; aphoristic; selfrighteous; tending to be excessively moralizing. A sentry; a lookout. A tomb; a grave. Proceeding smoothly; happening regularly; something that is disposed to follow. To isolate or to place into distinct groups; to segregate. The luck of finding a gift or object of value by chance. pressed closely together; crowded. Slavery; mandatory

sesquipedalian shackle shamble shambles shard shear sheath sheathe sherbet shipment shirk

adj v v n n v n v n n v

shiver shoddy

v adj

shrew shrill shrivel shrug

n adj v v

labor imposed as a punishment. Tending to use long words; grossly wordy. To chain; to fetter. To walk awkwardly. Complete ruin; a wreck. A fragment of broken pottery. To remove fleece or hair by cutting; to cut with shears. The cover for the blade of a weapon; the cover for a tool. To hide; to place into a protective pouch; to encase. Flavored ice dessert. A package or load of goods sent by sea, road, air, etc. To avoid; to shy away from responsibility or work. To shake; to vibrate. Inferior; made of less than ideal materials; not genuine. A scolding woman; a small mouse-like rodent animal. High-pitched; intense; sharp and piercing. To shrink; to dry up; to cause to become wrinkled. To consider

shun shunt

v v


sibylline sidereal silt

adj adj n

simian simile

n n

simper simulate

v v


sinewy sinister

adj adj

unimportant; to disregard; to designate as boring and irrelevant. To keep away; to keep at bay. To move; to shove; to get rid of or to send away; to change the course of. An unethical lawyer; and unscrupulous person. Prophetic; oracular. Pertaining to the stars. Sediment deposited by running water at the turn of a river, at the entrance of a harbor, or at a delta. Related to or like a monkey. A comparison between two things using the words 'like' or 'as'. To smirk; to smile in a silly way. To imitate; to fake the appearance of; to feign; to represent a simplification. A well-paid position that requires little work and little -- if any -responsibilities. Tough; stringy; muscular and strong. Evil; ominous;

sinuous skeptic

adj n

skim skimp

v v



skittish skulk

adj v

slack slacken slag

v v n


slash slat

n n

intent on doing harm. Twisting; winding; tortuous. Somebody who doubts; a person who is willing to consider facts before jumping to conclusions. To read or glance through quickly; to brush. To use scantily; to offer in limited quantities; to use sparingly or economically. A miser; somebody who is stingy; somebody reluctant to spend money. Capricious; easily agitated; frivolous. To move furtively; to lie in waiting, with an expectation to pounce. To be sluggish; inactive; loose; to be negligent. To slow down; to loosen; to make or become slack. The residue from smelting metal; waste matter; drainage. Defamation; false and intentionally malicious statements. A long, sweeping cut. A flat and narrow strip of wood or

slavish slew slight slink slipshod sloth

adj adj n v adj n


sluggard smattering smelt

n n v




plastic. Resembling or acting like a slave; servile; imitating. A large quantity or number. An insult; a snub; an affront on a person's dignity. To move quietly so as to defy detection; to sneak. Careless; sloppy; untidy; faulty. A slow moving mammal that lives in the trees; somebody who is lazy or slow. A person who is habitually unconcerned with his outward appearance or his work. A lazy person; somebody who is repeatedly inactive. A small scattered number or amount. To melt with the goal of separating; to blend ores so that they change their chemical composition. To suppress; to cover; to cut off from the air supply; to surround. A dirty mark; something with uneven or unclear edges. A trap used to capture birds or

snarky snub sober

adj v adj


sobriquet sodden soggy soiree

n adj adj n

sojourn solace

n n



small animals. Irritable; tending to be easily agitated. To treat with contempt; to ignore. Self-controlled; solemn; calm; not drunken and not out of control. Moderation pertaining to the indulgence in alcohol; the quality of being sober. Nickname; a fancy or familiar name for a person. Fully soaked; saturated. Heavy and saturated with water. An evening party; a social gathering with an intended purpose or composed of people with similar interests. A short stay; a temporary visit. Comfort that is given in times of sorrow or great trouble. To repair by fusing alloys with the help of high heat; to mend; to unite. A nonstandard or outdated grammatical construction; a grammatical mistake.

solicitous solidarity solitude soluble somatic somatic sonic soot soothsayer sophistry

adj n n adj adj adj adj n n n

sophomoric sordid sorority sound

adj adj n adj



anxious; worried; concerned. Agreement of interest among a group of people. The condition of being alone; a state of seclusion. Able to be dissolved in a liquid. Of or related to the body. Of or relating to the bod; bodily; physical. Referring to the speed of sound. The black powder that is produced by burning. A person who foretells the future. Fallacious reasoning; an invalid logical argument meant to mislead. Immature; not fully developed; like a sophomore. Wretched; selfish; dirty. A club or organization of women students. Valid; in good condition; characterized by good judgment. A ruler, such as a queen or king, of a monarchy; a supreme ruler. The condition of complete


spare sparse spartan

v adj adj

spasmodic spat spate spatula

adj n n n






independence and self-government; supremacy of authority. A small shiny piece that is placed onto a garment for decoration; and ornament. To refrain from harming; to protect. Thinly scattered or layered; scanty; with no leftovers. Without attention to detail or comfort; not luxurious, sternly disciplined. Without rhythm; fitful; of or like a spasm. A squabble; a small argument or minor dispute. A large number; a sudden, unexpected rise. A broad-bladed knife or other instrument used for spreading, mixing, leveling, or scooping. A long shaft weapon with a metal point on the end. Seemingly reasonable but actually incorrect; intentionally misleading. Ghostly; of or pertaining to a phantom.

spectrum spendthrift spin splice spontaneity

n adj v v n



sprightly sprite spruce spry spurious squabble squall

adj n v adj adj n n

squalor squash

n v

squat squeamish

v adj

The entire range of possibilities. Extravagant; indulgent; without regard to cost. To rotate swiftly; to twist. To bring together; to combine end- toend; to unite. Without premeditation; occuring without forethought. Irregular; intermittent; occurring at irregular intervals. Lively; animated. An elf; a fairy; a pixie. To make neat; to trim. Nimble; active; moving quickly. False; counterfeit; lacking authenticity. A minor quarrel; bickering. A sudden windstorm, often one that is violent; a deluge of rain and snow. A condition of filth; neglect; absolute despair. To crush; to suppress; to relinquish violently. To crouch; to sit closely to the floor. Easily shocked; peevish; touchy;

stab staccato

v adj

stagnant staid stalemate stalk

adj adj n v





stately static statutory stead

adj adj adj n

fastidious. To pierce with a pointed weapon. Played in an abrupt manner; marked by sharp sound; disjointed. Stale; not flowing; foul smelling; motionless. Serious; fixed; settled; permanent; not flimsy. A deadlock. To chase or pursue stealthily; to move threateningly or in a menacing manner; to spy upon. To bring or come to a standstill; to stop completely; to thwart. To speak with excessive pauses or repetitions; to involuntarily repeat words. A condition of no movement; a state characterized by a lack of activity. A specific division of a poem, comprised of usually more than a few lines. Couth; formal. Motionless; unchanging; not developing. Created by legislative decree; regulated by rules. The place that has

stealth stellar stentorian stern stertorous

n adj adj n adj


stifle stigma stigmatize

v n v




been occupied previously by somebody else. The attribute of moving secretly or unseen. pertaining to the stars; outstanding. Loud; extremely powerful. The rear part of a sailing vessel. Characterized by a loud and heavy sound made while snoring. A perfectionist; a person who insists that things be exactly right or performed a certain way. To suppress; to prevent or to inhibit; to smother. A mark or symbol of shame or disgrace. To defame; to denounce; to describe something or somebody scornfully or in bad taste. To engrave, draw, or paint by small dots or small motions. To put forward for consideration; to state as a necessary condition; to mention as a requirement. An enclosure made of wood; a series of



stoic stomach stomp straggle stratagem stratified stray

adj v v v n v v

streak strepitous stringent

v adj adj

stroll strut studious stultify

n v adj v

posts implanted into the ground which act as a barrier or blockade. Dull; unimaginative; unoriginal; conservative. Impassive; unmoved by joy or grief. To bear; to tolerate. To trample heavily; to tread violently. To stray or fall behind; to spread out. A scheme aimed to deceive; a trick. Divided into distinct layers or classes. To wander; to loose one's intended course of movement; to loose one's way. To move very fast; to dart. Noisy, boisterous, clamorous. Binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; requiring adherence to harsh rules. A leisurely stroll; a slow walk. To swagger; to walk in a pompous fashion. Given to diligent study. To make or cause to appear or become stupid or

stump stun

v v


stygian stylize

adj v



subjugate sublimate sublime subliminal

v v adj adj



foolish; to frustrate; to hinder. To baffle or to puzzle; to perplex. To amaze; to astound; to shock; to render speechless; to incapacitate, most often for only a short moment. A state of apathy; a daze; a condition marked by a lack of awareness. Dark; gloomy; black. To restrict to a particular style; to fix in accordance to a specific convention. To overcome; to challenge; to hinder; to supress and to bring under control. Influenced by personal feelings and opinions; occurring or taking place within the mind. To conquer; to control; to subdue. To refine; to make pure; to rarefy. Causing deep feelings; arousing; supreme. Below the threshold of conscious perception; subtle. Occupying a lower rank; inferior;

subpoena subsequent

n adj







substantiation subterfuge

n n

succinct succor succulent succumb suckle suede

adj n adj v v n

submissive. A formal order requiring a person to appear in court. Referring to something that happens later; following in time. Behaving like a slave; servile; attending to the wishes of another. A lump of money or direct aid, provided by the government. Significant; essential or fundamental; considerable. To support; to establish with the aid of evidence; to verify. An analysis or documentation of a particular topic. A pretense; a false show that is meant to evade or to evade something. Concise and to the point; expressed using few words. Assistance; help; relief. Juicy; full and tasty; exceedingly rich. To yield to; to give in; to die. To take or to give milk at the breast or udder; to nurse. Leather with a soft surface.




suitor sullen

n adj

sullied sully

adj v

summation sunder sundry supercilious

v v adj adj

supererogatory superfluity superfluous superimpose supernumerary

adj n adj v adj

A person who advocates the extension of voting rights to women. Spread through or over, usually referring to color or hue. A man who is courting a woman. Dark; gloomy; morose, often displaying ill humor. Stained; dirtied; discredited. To defile; to tarnish; to alter so as to become unfavorable. The calculation of the total; summingup; a summary. To separate; to part; to cleave or sever. Miscellaneous; separate; assorted. Disdainful characterized by haughty scorn; arrogant. Superfluous; more than is needed or demanded. A large amount; a luxury. More then is needed or wanted; overabundant. To place over something else; to place on top of. In excess of what is prescribed, stated, or necessary.

supersede supine supplant supple suppliant

v adj v adj n

supplicate supposition suppurate surcharge

v n v n

surfeit surly surmise

n adj v


surplus surreptitious surrogate

n adj adj

To replace; to take the place of something else. Lying on the back; passive; inactive. To unfairly take the place of; to usurp; to replace. Flexible; movable; limber. A person who petitions; somebody who is aspiring for a specific office or duty. To make a humble petition to; to pray humbly. An assumption; a hypothesis. To form or give out; to deteriorate; to break. An amount charged in addition to the sale price; an added amount. An excess; an overabundance. Ill-tempered; brash; rude and uncompromising. To guess; to assume; to conclude, but not necessarily correct. To achieve a specific goal or target; to overcome. Being in excess of what is needed. Performed secretly; in a furtive manner. Substitute;

surveillance sustenance

v n

suture svelte swarm

v adj n

swarthy sway

adj n




swill swindler

v n


something that is used in place of an original; not natural. The act of observing; watching. Food; nourishment; livelihood; that which provides food, warmth, and provides for shelter. To sew stitches to close a wound or incision. Slim; slender in figure; suave. A large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd of people or animals. Dark; dusky; dark brown; blackish. To swing from side to side; to influence another person's opinion, motive, or action. Lacking details; very general; extensive; having a broad impact. To suffer from oppressive heat; to cook; to be oppressed by extreme high temperatures. To drink greedily. A person who cheats or is otherwise untrustworthy. A person who loves luxury; a gourmet;






synopsis synoptic

n adj Part of Speech adj

somebody who strives for access to only the finest and most expensive items. A person who flatters wealthy or famous people so as to gain a personal advantage. Related to the woods or the forest; composed of branches, roots, leaves, bark, etc. An interdependent, mutually beneficial relationship between two entities. To change the rhythm of; to place emphasis on or to stress those regions that generally are not emphasized; to condense. A summary; an overview. Providing an overview or summary. Definition Taken for granted; understood without being explicitly stated; not put into words. Habitually silent; talking little; reserved. Adept skill in dealing with people; sensitivity and good sense in

Word tacit

taciturn tact

adj n



tactile talisman

adj n


tamp tangential tangible tanker

v adj adj n

tantamount taper

adj v

tarnish tarry

v v

knowing what to say at the right time. Careful not to cause offence; having the ability to distinguish between what is right and wrong. Pertaining to the organs or sense of touch. A charm; an object that is believed to warn off evil or to give special powers. An official record; a list of events of counted items; an enumeration. To lightly tap so as to force downwards. Not central; straying from the main theme. Able to be touched; something that is concrete. Ship, plane, or vehicle constructed to transport liquids in bulk. Equivalent in effect or value To gradual decrease; to make or become narrower toward one end. To make or become dull; to make discolored. To linger; to delay; to dawdle.

tatter taunt

n v


tawdry tawny taxing tedium teem temper temperament

adj adj adj n v v n

temperate tempestuous temporize tenacious

adj n v adj

A torn piece of cloth; a shred. To reproach in a contemptuous manner; to to reproach in a sarcastic or hurtful manner. A repetition; something that is redundant; something that is always true. Cheap; shameful. Brownish yellow; dull yellow. Burdensome; demanding; requiring effort. Boredom; weariness; dullness. To abound; to be bountiful; To make moderate; to make less severe; to calm. A characteristic frame of mind; a person's natural disposition; the set of mental, physical, and emotion traits that are specific to a person. Moderate; exhibiting self control. Stormy; violent; impassioned. An attempt to gain time by postponing an action. Abiding strongly; holding fast;



tender tenet

v n

tenon tensile

v adj

tenuous tenure

adj n

tepid tepid termagant terminal termination terrestrial terse tertiary testy tether

adj adj n adj n adj adj adj adj v

persistent. Promoting a particular point of view; biased; having a definite purpose. To extend; to formally offer or provide. A doctrine; dogma; the set of beliefs that are held dear by a group. To join; to fasten securely. Able to be stretched and manipulated; capable of being stretched. Flimsy; weak; unpredictable. The holding of an office or real estate; time during which such an office is held; a hold. Barely warm. Lukewarm; not eager. A violent, brawling woman. The end; fatal; at the end. The end; the conclusion of something. Relating to the earth. Concise and to the point; pithy. Third in rank. Irritable; impatient and annoyed. To chain; to tie



theoretical thermal thespian thew

adj adj adj n

thrall thresh thrifty

n v adj


throng throttle thwart timbre

n v v n

firm; to anchor with a rope or chain. Pertaining to an all-encompassing, umbrella motif, theme, or idea. Based on theory; impractical; hypothetical. Pertaining to heat; producing warmth. Dramatic; climactic; exciting. Muscle or sinew (usually used in the plural); muscular power or strength. A slave; a serf; a person in bondage. To beat or strike, especially using a flail. Careful about spending; spendthrift; economical. To beat rapidly; to contract and expand violently; to vibrate; to palpitate. A large number; a crowd of people or animals. To strangle; to choke; to suffocate. To block or to impede. The quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument; the tone characteristic which

timorous tinge

adj v

tint tirade

n n

titanic titillate titter tittup toady tocsin tolerable

adj v n n adj n adj

tolerate tonic

v n


distinguishes one instrument from other. Fearful; timid; demonstrating fear. To give slight color or quality to; to impart a certain quality. A slight degree or variation in color. A diatribe; a harangue; a long, angry, vindictive speech. Huge; of enormous size; gigantic. To tickle; to excite pleasantly; to excite agreeably. A nervous giggle; a restrained laugh. A lively movement; a prance. Obsequious; overly flattering. A warning signal; a bell that is used to sound an alarm. Able to be tolerated; neither bad nor good, but mediocre. To permit; to allow; to acknowledge. A medicine or remedy that is supposed to increase health, strength, or confidence. The act of shaving one's head, especially by



torment torpor torque

v n n

torrid tortuous toupee

adj adj n



tractable traduce

adj v

persons who are entering a religious order. The physical features of a region, including the shape of the land the the height of the terrain. To become unsteady; to fall down; to push over. To annoy; to vex. Lethargy; a state of sluggishness. The twisting force that arises from the rotation of an object; the moment of a force that results in a rotation. Very hot; scorching; ardent. Not straightforward; complex; windy. A hairpiece intended to cover a bald spot on the head. A poisonous substance, most often produced by animals or plants, for use as a defense mechanism. A religious or political propaganda pamphlet. Docile; easy to manage; easy to mold or to change. To expose to








transient translucent transmogrify

adj adj v

transmute traumatic travesty

v adj n

slander; to speak poorly of. The path taken by a moving object such as a missile or a bullet. A vagrant; somebody who travels about aimlessly. Above and beyond normal limits; superior; surpassing; above the rest. Beyond common thought or ideas; unable to be understood by practical experiences; able to be understood through intuition only. To break or to go beyond a limit or boundary; to break a rule. Temporary; shortlived; fleeting. Partially transparent. To change with grotesque or humorous effect; to alter so much to the extent of being ridiculous. To transform; change; to alter. Shocking; pertaining to a violent injury. A fiasco; something that completely

tread treatise

n n

trek trellis

n n

tremulous trenchant trencherman

adj adj n

trepidation tribulation

n n




misrepresents the truth; a parody. A particular type or style of walking. A formal article which thoroughly analyzes and discusses a specific subject. A long, difficult journey. A latticework onto which climbing plants grown and climb. Trembling; wavering; fearful. Forceful; keen; effective. A person with a big appetite; a person who eats a great deal of food. A feeling of excitement; alarm. A state or condition of suffering; an ordeal; an especially difficult trial. A court of justice; a group of lawyers or judges appointed to residue over a specific case. In ancient times, a Roman official elected to protect the interests of the common people. A person who likes to play practical jokes; a person who cheats others.

trident trifling trigger trite

n adj v adj

triumph troglodyte

n n

trope troupe

n n

truculence truism

n n

trumpery truncate truncheon trunk

adj v n n

A three-pronged spear. Trivial; unimportant; of little worth. To start; to set off; to initiate. Simple; hackneyed; commonplace; ordinary and unoriginal. Victory or success; the attaining of a goal. A person who lives in a cave; a cave dweller; somebody who is secluded. A figurative use of a word; the use of a rhetorical device. A group of performers or artists, as in a circus, traveling band, or performance group. Aggressiveness; cruelty; ferocity. A self-evident fact; something that is universally accepted as true. Decorative; of little value; worthless. To cut off; to shorten. A nightstick carried by police; a cudgel; a baton. The main wooden stem of a tree; the part of the human body that excludes






turbid turbid

adj adj



turmoil turncoat

n n

turpitude tutelage tutelary twinge

n n n n

the legs, arms, and head; the torso. A meeting arranged by lovers; arrangement between lovers to meet; a love affair. A swollen underground root stem, emanating from a plant such as a tree or potato. Swollen; bombastic; pompous; exaggerated. A commotion caused by many people; a riot; a noisy uproar or calamity. Muddy; stirred-up; agitated. Having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick and cloudy. Swollen; tumid; filled with and under pressure from liquid. Extreme confusion; a commotion. A traitor; a person who changes allegiance to the opposition party. Wickedness; shamefulness; a depraved act. Guardianship; instruction. Custodial; protective. An unforeseen attack; a biting

twitch tycoon

v n



surge of pain. To tug or pull at; to pull sharply; to jerk. A wealthy businesman; a wealthy leader or magnate. Oppression; cruel government; a type of government where the ruler is an absolute dictator. A beginner; a novice; somebody who is just barely learning a trade. Definition Being everywhere at the same time; omnipresent; allimportant. The amount of liquid that is needed to completely fill a container. A firm, last demand. To howl; to wail. Offense; resentment. Shady; apt to take offense. Something that cannot be explained; something that cannot be accounted for. Not open to attack; impregnable; indisputable. Violent;

Word ubiquitous

Part of Speech adj


ultimatum ululate umbrage umbrageous unaccountable

n v n adj adj

unassailable unbridled

adj adj

uncanny unconscionable

adj adj

uncouth undermine

adj v




undulate undulating unearth unearthly unencumbered unerringly

v adj v adj adj adj

unrestrained; uncontrolled. Strange; mysterious; out of the ordinary. Unscrupulous; without conscience; excessive and beyond reason. Not restrained; clumsy in decorum or manners. To weaken gradually; to imply incompetence; to cause to falter. To state with less truth than is warranted by the facts; to underestimate. A person who studies and prepares to assume the role of the lead actor or performer should the situation arise. To support by providing monetary funds; to sign an agreement and to assume fiscal liability. To move back and forth; to fluctuate. Characterized or moving with a wavelike motion. To bring to light; to excavate. Ghostly; supernatural. Not hindered; freeflowing; simple. Without mistakes;

unfaltering unfeigned unfetter unfledged unilateral

adj adj v adj adj





unkempt unlettered

adj adj

unobtrusive unravel unrequited unruly

adj v adj adj



unknowingly. Steadfast; firm; not changing. Not pretended; sincere; true. To liberate; to set free; to remove from bondage. Immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly. One-sided; without consideration of everybody's needs and desires; selfish. Free from restraints; not concerned about the consequences of ones behavior; free in feelings. General; omnipresent; pertaining to everyone and everything; cosmic. Disheveled; giving the impression of being uncared for. Not well educated; illiterate and not capable of making sound judgments. Inconspicuous; quiet. To open up; to disentangle; to solve; to conclude. Not requited; not reciprocated. Disobedient; lawless; difficult to control and not following orders. Unharmed; unhurt; having escaped



unsightly unsullied untenable unwarranted unwieldy

adj adj adj adj adj

unwonted upbraid upholster

adj v v


urbane usufruct

adj n


without injury. Improper; indecent and inconsiderate of customs or traditions. Ugly; unpleasant to glance at. Untarnished; clean and fresh. Incapable of being defended; not able to be justified. Unjustified; groundless; undeserved. awkward to carry or move; cumbersome; unmanageable. Rare and unaccustomed; unusual. To scold; to reproach. To cover with a decorative or otherwise suitable and aesthetically pleasing material. Confusion; a noisy tumultuous clash or voicing of disagreement. Elegant, and refined in manners. The right to use something that usually belongs to somebody else; the legal right of enjoying the profits of something that belongs to somebody else. To illegally seize another persons




utopia uxorious

n adj Part of Speech adj n

power or rank; to take over. The process of lending money at exorbitant (and often illegal) interest rates. Useful for a specific purpose; tending towards being useful rather than beautiful. An ideal society; a blissful place. Excessively or foolishly devoted to one's wife. Definition Empty; lacking in ideas; inane. A capricious occurrence; an unpredictable course of action; a whim. A wanderer; a homeless person. Boastful; conceited; an overwhelming feeling of selfimportance. A farewell speech; the act of saying goodbye and leaving. A physically weak person who is overly -- and often morbidly -concerned about his health. To make valid; to confirm; to state confidently. Bravery.

Word vacuous vagary

vagrant vainglorious

n adj



validate valor

v n

valorous vandal

adj n


vantage vapid

n adj

vaporize variegate

v v

variegated varnish vaunted veer vegetate

adj n adj v v

vehement vellicate venal

adj v adj

Brave and gallant. A person who intentionally destroys things belonging to other people. Forerunners; the lead-most group of soldiers in an army or mobile military force. A position of advantage. Dull and uninteresting; lifeless; lacking imagination. To turn into vapor. To change the appearance of; to alter the colors of; to introduce variety. Varied; manycolored; diverse. Paint used to cover a surface with a glossy film. Boasted; bragged; excessively praised; overly publicized. To change direction; to alter course. To be in a sluggish, non-active state; to have no interests of to have no activity. Forceful; passionate; with marked vigor. To tickle; to touch with the intent to arouse the senses. Willing to be dishonest; willing to be bribed.

vendetta vendor

n n




venial venison venom

adj n n

vent ventilate

v v

ventral ventriloquist

adj n

veracious verbalize verbiage

adj v n

A bitter, often blood feud. A person who sells items; somebody who supplies goods or services. A coating of very good material that is overlaid over inferior material; an ornamental coating. Deserving respect; commanding respect by virtue of reputation, age, dignity, etc.; worthy of reverence. Forgivable; trivial; minor; fleeting and/or momentary. The meat from a deer. The poison of an animal, most often referring to a snake; extreme hatred. To release; to let go; to express fully. To allow fresh air to pass over; to replace stale air with clean air. Near the belly; towards the front. A person who is skilled at making it seem as if his or her voice is coming from another person or object. Truthful; honest. To put into words. A pompous array of words; characterized by having too many



verdant verdant verdigris

adj adj n

verisimilitude veritable verity

n adj n


vernal versatile vertebrate

adj adj n

vertiginous vestige

adj n

unnecessary words; wordiness. Characterized by an excessive repetition of meaningless words. Green and fresh; overly green. Green; covered with green plants or grass; lush. Green coating on copper which has been exposed to the weather. Likelihood; the appearance of truth or honesty. Being truly so; real; genuine; authentic. The condition of being valid or true; a long-standing principle. Small animals or insects that are generally destructive or injurious to a person's health. Fresh; youthful; pertaining to spring. Multi-talented; having many functions. A creature which has a backbone or spinal cord; belonging to the group of animals with a segmented spinal column. Causing dizziness or confusion. A trace; the remains of something.




vicissitude victuals vigilance vigilant vignette

n n n adj n


vindictive vintner vinyl

adj n n



Capable of maintaining life; feasible; practical; referring to something that can be accomplished. An article of food; nourishment; a delicate, dainty food article. A change; and alternation; a change of fortune. Provisions; food items. Watchfulness. Watchful; alert; looking out for danger. A small drawing or sketch at the beginning or end of a chapter of a book. To clear from blame; to free from blame or accusation by providing proof. Liable or tending to exact revenge; vengeful; spiteful. A wine merchant; a person who crafts or sells wines. A type of plastic that is generally strong yet slightly flexible. To break a law; to defile or violate a rule of conduct; to desecrate a sacred tenent. A loud and domineering woman; a large or strong woman.






visage visceral viscous vise vista

n adj adj n n

vital vitiate vitiate

adj v v

vitreous vituperative

adj adj

Potent; burly; full of vigor; hopeful; having those characteristics most often attributed to an adult male. An person renowned for his highly artistic ability, usually specifically referring to a pianist. Exceptionally harmful; poisonous; hostile and unhindered. appearance; facial characteristics. Referring to the internal organs of the body. Thick; sticky; characterized by a resistance to flow. A tool for holding something in place; a clamping device. A mental view which is characterized by foresight. Animated; vibrant and full of life. To lower the quality of; to weaken; to spoil. To spoil the effect of; make inoperative; corrupt morally; to make imperfect. Pertaining to or resembling glass. Abusive; scolding; defamatory.

vivacious vivid vivify vociferous volatile volley

adj adj v adj adj n


voluble voluminous

adj adj

voluptuous vortex

adj n


vouch vouchsafe vulgar

v v adj

Lively; animated and mobile. Bright and distinct. To give life to; to animate; to enliven. Clamorous; noisy; crying out loudly. Changeable; fickle; unstable, tending to explode. A discharge, often simultaneous, of a number of missiles or projectiles. Talk or conversation that is fluent or continuous. Characterized by a constant speech; fluent. With great intensity or having great volume; excessively large or bulky. Overly sensual; well developed; ample. The center of turbulence; a predicament into which one is thrown without any choice. A regular; a stout worshiper; a person who is bound by a religious vow. To give personal assurance; to guarantee. To grant, as in a favor or through grace. Coarse; harsh, not refined; pertaining to something

vulpine vulture

adj n Part of Speech v

common. Like a fox; crafty and sneaky. A large bird that feeds on carrion; a greedy person. Definition To walk awkwardly, usually using short steps while swaying the body from side to side. To walk or pass through something that is liquid, gelatinous, or otherwise impedes movement. To talk vaguely; to prattle, without any apparent purpose or intent, as to mislead. To give up; to voluntarily not claim what is otherwise earned or ordinarily granted. The trail of a ship or other object in the water; path of something that has gone by. To walk slowly; to meander aimlessly. To decrease in strength; to decrease gradually; to fizzle out; to grow smaller. To acquire by cleverness or deception; to trick. Unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; immoral and

Word waddle





wander wane

v v

wangle wanton

v adj

warble ward

v n

warmonger wary wassail

n adj n

wastrel waver wax weary welter wheedle whilom whimsical whit

n v v adj n v adj adj n

malicious; promiscuous. To sing with melodic embellishments. An administrative division of a city; a specific division in a hospital; a region that is resided over by a single or a group of religious leaders. A person who urges war or who shows enthusiasm for it. Cautious; watchful, vigilant. A salutation wishing good health to a person; a revelry which includes merriment and drinking. A waster; a person who freely spends and wastes money. To move back and forth; to be undecided. To increase gradually; to grow steadily. Tired physically; mentally drained; fatigued; tiresome. A heap of confusion; turmoil; a jumble. To deceive, to persuade, to obtain by flattery. Former; once. Capricious; fanciful; childishly strange. A small amount; a

whittle wholesome

v adj





willowy wilt wily wince winnow

adj v adj v v

wispy wistful withhold

adj adj v

particle; a small, small bit. To pare; to cut or to trim; to reduce systematically. Conducive to good mental or physical health; healthful; beneficial. A ring of leaves around a stem or central axis; a circular arrangement. To exercise (power or influence) effectively; to handle (a weapon) capably. To move or gyrate from side to side with an irregular twisting motion. A trick; an artifice; a stratagem aimed to fool, entice, trap, deceive. Flexible, pliant, graceful, or slender. To sag; to loose freshness; to droop. Crafty and cunning. To shutter; to show bodily or mental pain. To sift; to separate the chaff from grain; to separate the good parts from the bad parts. Thin; barely noticeable; slight. Thoughtful; sadly pensive. To retain; to refuse to give; holdback.

witless wizened woe

adj adj n




wrath wreak wrench wretch wring

n v v n v

wry Word xanthic Word yeoman yield yoke

adj Part of Speech adj Part of Speech n n v

Lacking intelligence or wit. Shriveled; withered; wrinkled. Great sorrow; a deep grief that cannot be consoled; extreme suffering. Engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual; pertaining to the material world. To quarrel noisily and disruptively; to attain through arguing. Anger; fury; hatred. To inflict; to execute; to place. To twist or pull; to strain. A miserable, often angry person; a despicable person. To twist and squeeze, esp. to extract liquid; to wrench or twist painfully. Twisted; bent out of shape. Definition Yellowish; of yellow pigmentation. Definition A man owning a small piece of land; a middle-class farmer. The amount produced or generated; income on investment; profit. To join together; unite; to

yokel yore

n adj

harness; to attach. A rustic; a country bumpkin. Referring to a time that has long since passed; bygone; referring to something that has transpired a long time ago. Definition Pleasantly plump; having a full body. Comical; crazy; clownish. A fanatic; an overly ambitious person; a person with excessive enthusiasm. The point in the sky that is directly overhead. A gentle breeze; a wind from the west. The outer skin of an orange or lemon used for giving a special taste to food; spice; an interest; spirited enjoyment.

Word zaftig zany zealot zenith zephyr zest

Part of Speech adj adj n n n n

Word mode

Part of Speech n

Definition A prevailing style; the current fashion; a specific manner of going about things. Very odd; extremely peculiar; strange and unconventional. To point a finger at; to accuse; to blame. Pertaining to the brain; of or referring to intellect. Out of place; not in harmony; not in agreement. Primitive; original; native. Deep; complex and thought-provoking; thoughtful; lifealtering. To indulge; to comply with another person's wishes; to put somebody into a good mood. Additional; secondary; in a supportive role. A deep feeling of resentment or dislike. A long narrow channel, often for the purpose of directing the movement of some object. The end; fatal; at the end. Huge; of great size; enormous. To quarrel; to argue aimlessly. To leave; to head out; to go ashore from a ship; to unload.

outlandish adj fingerpoint v cerebral adj incongruous adj aboriginal adj profound adj humor auxiliary grudge groove terminal gargantuan bicker disembark v adj n n adj adj v v


prim adj inarticulate adj debut n ironic adj

To decode; to translate from an obscure or secret code into a more intelligible one. Neat and formal; proper; tidy and well-kept. Unable to speak; producing indistinct speech; garbled. A first public appearance; a presentation where something is unveiled. Contradictory to what is expected; in contrary to what is expected.

Part of Speech defection n boon n ensue v extraneous adj stoic adj retrodict v Word earmark delusive virtuoso malinger v adj n v

Definition The act of deserting. A favor; a blessing; a wish granted by a god. To follow; to happen or become of as a result. Not essential; irrelevant. Impassive; unmoved by joy or grief. To explain or predict a past event using knowledge about the present state of affairs or knowledge learned since the event occurred. To set aside a sum of money for a particular purpose. Marked by deception; false or delusional; misleading. An person renowned for his highly artistic ability, usually specifically referring to a pianist. To pretend to be ill or have an injury; fake illness to avoid responsibilities or work. Fussy; overly picky and particular; difficult to please. To break or to go beyond a limit or boundary; to break a rule. With an open mouth. To plot or to conspire. A person who loves luxury; a gourmet; somebody who strives for access to only the finest and most expensive items. To graze; to feed on growing vegetation; to glance at casually. Relating to fever. To give somebody the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote. A shallow and long trench; a deep groove or indentation in the skin, as for example a wrinkle. Serious; fixed; settled; permanent; not flimsy.

fastidious adj transgress v agape collude sybarite browse adj v n v

febrile adj enfranchise v furrow staid n adj Part of Speech




frowzy adj encomium n appurtenance n prognathous devolve labile macaronic sophistry anneal plebiscite enmesh contumely horripilation pall propitiate lucubration conflate base putative adj v adj adj n v n v n n v v n v adj adj

A net for catching fish; a fishing net that hangs vertically when deployed in the water. Dirty; untidy; smelling bad. A glowing praise of something or someone; a eulogy. Something that is added to another, more important thing; adjunct; an accessory. Having a jaw that sticks out; having protrusive teeth. To deputize; to pass duties on to somebody else. Likely to change; unstable. Derived from or composed of a mixture of languages; composed of or characterized by Latin words mixed with vernacular words. Fallacious reasoning; an invalid logical argument meant to mislead. To increase the integrity of; to make more hard by repeated heating and cooling. A direct vote by the entire electorate. To catch within a new. Contemptuous treatment; harsh language. The process by which hair bristles in response to cold weather or fear; often referred to as having goose flesh. To become boring; to become less interesting. To appease; to conciliate. Diligent meditation or study, usually done at night. To combine; to fuse. Morally bad; characterized by a lack of human decency. Supposed; inconclusively accepted as true.

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