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How To Get A Job

real secrets for getting a real job in the real world

For ages 18 and up

Andrew Lawrence

How To Get A Job

How To Get A Job

real secrets for getting a real job in the real world

Andrew Lawrence

Copyright 2012 Andrew Lawrence. All rights reserved. Content of this publication is the free speech opinion of the author and shall not be construed as rendering legal, medical, financial or other licensable advice.

How To Get A Job

Authors note Yes, I could have written a 400-page book about how to get a job but no one wants to read a 400-page book about how to get a job or a 400-page book about ANYTHING! So, this book is short. And easy to read. And easy to understand. But dont let that fool you; this book is priceless. Big things often come in small packages. If you learn and apply only 1 secret from this book that helps you get a job that will be well worth the reading.

How To Get A Job

Books by Andrew Lawrence

How To Get A Job Life Changers: 10 true secrets that will change your life The Happiness Transformation Discover Your Life Purpose in 30 Minutes Soul Sex: The Ultimate Pleasure MONEY - The Basics Stories Of A Lifetime Wall Street - The Real Deal Beat Your Fatigue - in 10 Seconds! Solve Your Customer Service Problem - Fast! Glimmers Of Hope How To Thrive After 65 The Final Bubble

How To Get A Job

Do you care where you work? Do you care what you do for a living? If you do this book can help you get a job; a real job, in the real world. This book reveals the unconventional secrets of successfully getting a job in the real world. A job in the private sector. Companies, corporations, entrepreneurial organizations, these are the employment entities in the real world. Working in the real world involves producing and marketing products and services, involves profit and loss, involves real risk and real reward. The real world is where the vast majority of jobs are created. The government, a non-profit organization, or education, for the purposes of this book, is not the real world. If you are a recent graduate of high school or college, or are about to graduate, and are looking for his/her first real job in the real world this book is for you. If you already have some work experience, or are out of work, and want or need to re-enter the work force or want to change careers or jobs, this book is for you. If you want to get a GOOD job this book is for you. If you want to get the job of your dreams this book is for you. This book reveals the inside secrets on how to find that job, and how to get that job. Real secrets. To get a real job. In the real world.

How To Get A Job

Why did I write this book? To become famous? To get rich? No. I wrote this book (and 11 others) because I like to help people. I like to help people improve their life. That is why I am here on the planet. That is my purpose in life. I wrote this book because I have a lot of real world experience in the subject matter and passing it on, giving others the benefit of my experience, and helping you to improve your life, gives me a great deal of real satisfaction and fulfillment. More than fame or money. Ive had a lot of jobs in my life. In the real world. I have had several careers. Why did I have a lot of jobs? Because, work wise, I get bored easily. And, once I master an industry, usually in a few years, I tend to want to move on to something new and interesting. This is typically what entrepreneurs do. Yes, I also started businesses but that is for another book. Right now, I want to help you get a real job in the real world. Do I know what I am talking about? Put my words into action and then decide for yourself. My first full year in my first full time job I earned the equivalent, in todays money, of $175,000. Not bad. I was 23. Not bad considering I had only a college degree, a C average, and no specific skills and no experience. No, I am not bragging. I am telling you this for credibility purposes. I do know what I am talking about. Starting with my first real job after graduation I discovered how to get a good job. I have rarely NOT gotten a job I applied for. Why? Because I am that good? Well, there is that. But I got the jobs mainly because I used my own secret method and it worked! There are well-kept secrets about getting a job in the real world. Unconventional secrets. Secrets that few people know, or use. There are secrets that YOU dont know, regarding successfully applying for, and getting, a job. A good job. A REAL job. In the real world. I will now reveal those secrets. Right here. Right now. To you. Lets get started. You can thank me later.

Andrew Lawrence Los Angeles, CA

How To Get A Job

Living at home
Most young people, after they graduate high school or college, continue to live at home. Why? Because either they cant get a good full time job that pays enough to live on their own or they get a job but want to save money on expenses like rent, car, food. OK, thats fine, and often necessary, but at some point you will want to live on your own, have your own life. And have parties, and sex, in your own place instead of in your parents house or in your old room. Many older people, in their 30s, 40s and 50s, in times of extreme financial difficulty, end up moving back in with their parents or relatives. According to USA Today, The biggest impact has been on lower-income groups and the less educated. In 1980, 18% of young adults living with parents had a high school education. In 2007-09, it had jumped to 29%. "Sometimes young people live at home for practical reasons," says Sally Koslow, author of Slouching Toward Adulthood: Observations From the Not-So-Empty Nest. "Sometimes it's for the lifestyle. They don't have to pay and have access to a full refrigerator it has become far more socially acceptable for adult children to live at home for long periods of time So, unless you are graduating from Harvard, or your family has a successful business that you can work in, you may be for a while, living at your parents house. Or, if you are lucky, you may find yourself living on your own, with multiple roommates. The key to freedom, independence and having a good (and hopefully enjoyable) standard of living, is normally based on having a good job. A good income. This book can give you a tremendous advantage, a tremendous advantage over other applicants, in finding and getting a real job in the real world. That being said here are the secrets of getting a real job, in the real world

How To Get A Job

The Real World

To understand jobs in America its important to have a basic understanding of the American economic system. Ill try to make it as interesting and as simple as Possible. For a basic financial explanation of how America works here is a segment from my book, MONEY - The Basics Throughout its 235+ year history, America has been the Great Experiment, breaking many of the worlds pre-existing rules and customs. Throughout its history, America has constantly adapted, making new laws and new rules and new customs and new ways of life for its citizens. Since its inception, up until recently, Americans have been free to make life up as they go along, with a minimum of government intervention, constantly reinventing themselves and their country. That is the true strength and the true secret of America. Blessed with abundant natural resources and land and a pioneering inventive spirit America flourished from the 1600s through the 1900s. Because America was so huge and had so little population the early American settlers had to rely on themselves for food, shelter and trade. And, as many early settlers were farmers, trappers or traders who lived far outside the cities, often in the middle of nowhere, they had to be self-reliant and selfsufficient in order to survive. And, as necessity is the mother of invention, American pioneers created new and different and efficient ways to survive and prosper. And because in the wilderness of mountains and the vast prairies and the Old West laws were difficult to enforce (sometimes judges had to travel hundreds of miles on a circuit to bring law to the settlers), there was little or no infrastructure, travel was by horseback, wagon or on foot, the early American pioneers had to rely mainly on their wits and their guns. The early American pioneers and early American cowboys represent the epitome of the American spirit and the epitome of American freedom. This independent, uniquely American spirit carried through well into the 20th century and is the true and main reason for whatever positive impact America has had on society and the world. The American pioneering spirit is the basis for Americas tremendous economic success prior to 2008 and the basis for its economic system, capitalism. According to Wikipedia, Capitalism is an economic system in which property is owned by private persons and corporations, not government, and operated for profit. In a capitalist economy, investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a free market. Capitalism is usually considered to involve the right of individuals and corporations to trade, using money, in goods, services (including finance), labor and land. Capitalism is derived from the word capital. Capital means money. Capitalism is based on money in the hands of individuals and businesses. Money in the hands of

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individuals and companies with the freedom to use that money as they see fit (within the law). Under capitalism you are free to accumulate money, spend it, invest it or save it as you see fit. Under capitalism you are free to risk your money by starting your own business. This is called entrepreneurship. Under capitalism, if you risk your money and start a business and are successful, you are rewarded. Rewarded with more money. If you risk your money and start a business and that business fails you lose all your money. Risk versus reward. Starting a business is part of the American dream America is a nation of small businesses, a nation of entrepreneurs. Many men and women in the U.S. dream of being their own boss. Why? Because, as an employee, they cant stand the politics and the rigidity and the stupidity that exists in bigger companies and in government. And many people want more control over their own work, over their future, their destiny, and they want to be able to do things their way, not someone elses way. They want freedom and independence. How prevalent is this American dream? 71% of teenagers say they are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. The American economy is driven by entrepreneurs and small business. Small business is also where the jobs are. Most employees in the U.S. do not work for giant corporations or for the government; they work in small businesses (under 100 employees). Small businesses provide 60%-80% of all new jobs in a given year. Why small business is important In its simplest form, when a small business grows it does more business and expands, by hiring more employees. When the small business grows even more it has to hire even more employees to handle the increase in business. More employees means more jobs for more people. More jobs means more employees; more people getting paid and making more money. And what do employees do with the money they earn? They spend it on goods and services they need and want. When Americans earn more money they tend to spend more money, and tend to raise their standard of living and their lifestyle. This is called consumer spending Consumer spending Consumer spending accounts for 2/3rds of the entire U.S. economy. Consumer spending is based on people having money and spending it. Having money to spend is largely based on having a job. When more people have jobs and incomes (or higher incomes), overall spending in the economy goes up. When spending goes up the economy is good. When people lose their jobs they lose their income and spend less; causing overall spending in the economy to go down and the economy becomes a bad economy. Its all pretty simple, its all about jobs and income and spending. Taxes Then theres taxes. As a general rule, anything that puts more money in peoples pocket

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(lower taxes) stimulates spending and is good for the economy. Anything that takes money out of peoples pocket (higher taxes) creates less spending and is bad for the economy. This is perhaps the single most basic reality for the American economy yet many U.S. citizens, and many of our politicians cannot seem to grasp that simple and true concept. Our politicians spend money (YOUR money) like drunken sailors and then want MORE of your money to spend. The truth is that government spending is inefficient and wasteful. Consumer spending is much more efficient and productive and creates jobs which creates incomes which creates more spending which then creates more job, etc. And when more people have jobs, more people have incomes. And the more people there are who have incomes, and the higher the income, the more taxes the government gets. So, lower taxes creates more jobs and more income and, as a result, the government collects MORE taxes. Higher taxes creates few new jobs (and often causes a shrinkage of jobs), no new incomes, no new consumer spending and in fact, reduces all those good things. And, as a result of higher taxes, people get laid off or lose their jobs and that means fewer people are earning incomes and the government actually collects LESS tax money. So, that being the case, why would the government ever want to RAISE taxes??? Duh! In a nutshell, thats how the basic American economy works. Drawbacks and advantages One of the fundamental things about capitalism is personal responsibility. Under capitalism you have to make it work for YOU. Under capitalism, if you and your family want to live well, or want the basics of food, shelter, clothing, personal transportation, a college education, you need money. And, if you dont inherit it, marry it, etc, to get money you have to work for it. You have to e-a-r-n it. Thats your responsibility, as an individual. Thats what makes capitalism difficult. But nobody said life was easy. Sure, who wouldnt want the basics of life to be provided, free of charge. Let someone else pay for it. Let the rich people pay for it. Let the government pay for it. Let it magically happen. In America, thats not how adults think, thats how children think. As an adult, life doesnt work that way in America. For most Americans its You want it? Go earn it. Many Americans say thats mean and unfair but, mean or unfair or not, thats still the way it is. And whining wont change it. What the American economic system does allow is the opportunity to have a good life, to have a great life. To have the kind of life you want, with the freedom to live it the way you want to live it. Or get left behind and live in poverty. Is that fair? No. Is life fair? No. Thats why you need a good job.

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American exceptionalism
America IS exceptional! Since its founding the United States has been a beacon of freedom for people all over the world. People have always wanted to come to America. People dream of coming to America to live and work. For freedom and opportunity. Who wouldnt want to live in a country where your son or daughter can grow up and become president, regardless of race, religion or social status. Yes, America is not perfect but what is? Can America do better? Yes. But with all its flaws it is still an exceptional country with exceptional people. How exceptional is America? According to Paul Roderick Gregory, contributor to Forbes Magazine, The United States is the worlds major source of scientific invention and innovation. Since World War II, it has replaced old Europe as the home of most of the worlds Nobel laureates, a large number of whom were attracted from elsewhere. The United States accounts for almost 90 percent of the top inventions that have changed the way we live our lives over the past half century. 90%! The US scientific and technological leadership results from less government control, private funds devoted to research, and a competitive system that rewards entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. The US scientific and technological leadership results from less government control, private funds devoted to research, and a competitive system that rewards entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Americans host the worlds top universities Although higher education was born on the European continent, the highest ranked institutions of higher education are now located in the United States. The United States is unique in combining private and public education, which compete with one another and among themselves. According to an authoritative ranking, 51 of the top 100 universities are in America versus 17 for the European continent. Religion plays a more important role in American life Half of Americans believe that religion is a very important part of life versus 16 percent of French and Germans. More than half of Americans believe that faith in God is a necessary foundation of morality and good values. The greater importance of religion in the United States is reflected in church attendance figures. Some 43 percent of Americans attend church regularly versus an average of 8 percent for France and Germany. (no, I am not promoting religion) The headline of my checklist is that, yes, the United States of America is exceptional and Americans are proud of it. Other countries share many of the features of American exceptionalism (Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), but they do not have the presence on the world stage of the United States. My second headline is that the rest of the world is the major beneficiary of U.S. exceptionalism. It was U.S. technology that fueled the postwar booms in Europe and

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Japan and supplied the technology that spurred Chinas rapid growth over the past three decades. It is America that gave the rest of the world the IT products that have changed the way people live as far away as Africa, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan. U.S. exceptionalism created the venture capital market that made companies like Apple and Google possible. The objective fact is that, in a free economy where people can keep the fruits of their labor, the result is higher growth and productivity for all. The objective trade off made by Europeans is more equality, more government, and less productivity and growth.

It is heartening that a majority of Americans understand the essence of American exceptionalism. Again, we have a case of the common people understanding basic facts better than politicians and pundits. But a significant minority rejects the principles of American exceptionalism. Obamas main election strategy was to target this minority with policies of class warfare and convincing people that the success of a small minority is at the expense of others. Throughout much of the world, moreover, U.S. exceptionalism is viewed with disdain and almost with hatred. The American model is shrugged off with a sneer. Its best days are over Imagine (as the Beatles song said) a world without the United States. It would be a worse place. Much worse. So, now that you have some background information on real world economics and American exceptionalism, lets now go to the practical secrets of getting a job in the real world.

How To Get A Job


The conventional way of getting a job is to search the newspaper or the internet to find a suitable job opening, send in a resume (with or without a cover letter), or fill out an application, wait until the recruiting person calls you, schedule a preliminary interview, show up for the interview, undergo an anxiety-filled 15 minutes of being interrogated like a criminal, being told well let you know and then waiting and hoping that they will call you to have several more interviews. Then, maybe you get the job, maybe you dont. That is typically how companies hire. Is this what you want to be subjected to? Do you have a choice? Welcome to the real world. Where everything you know, or have read, or have heard, about getting a job, is probably wrong! If you want to get a job, dont listen to your friends advice. Or your familys advice. Why? Because they probably DO NOT KNOW THE SECRETS OF HOW TO GET A JOB. That being said, I do know the successful secrets of getting a job, a real job, in the real world. Ive done it, many times. Here is secret #1 Secret #1 Find a job doing something you like to do Decide what kind of job you want to get. Why get just any job when you might just get a job you enjoy and want to do? If you are not clear as to what industry and what kind of job you want to get pick an industry. Something you have a passion for, some industry you would enjoy working in. It should be something at least a little realistic. Lets look at an example. You love basketball. If you are under 5 feet tall or cant play all that well you are unlikely to get hired as a professional basketball player. On the other hand you might be able to get a job working in a teams front office. Assuming you applied yourself to be the best of your abilities your odds of being successful at your job there would be quite high. Why? Because you have a real passion for the industry, would enjoy your work and would be willing to put forth extra effort and put in more time vital things which might give you a big advantage over other workers and contribute to your job success. Choose an industry, a profession, a job, that you have a passion for. An industry that allows you to apply your interests and aptitude. When I started college I was unsure of what major to undertake. My father helped me decide. The aptitude test I had taken in high school showed that I had a very high aptitude for math. And English. My father suggested I take accounting as a major. A respected profession. A good career. OK, I said, Ill take accounting. After 1 semester of accounting I realized that, though accounting is a good profession, and I could do the related math, I was a bit too bored working with only numbers. It wasnt enough. It fit but it wasnt a good enough fit. I switched to business administration. Why? Because I liked math. And I liked English. I liked to communicate. And, when I graduated, I wanted to make m-o-n-e-y. Lots of money. Where did I end up with my degree in Business Administration, my ability in math, my ability to

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communicate and my desire for lots of money? Wall Street. I became a money market trader on Wall Street. It fit better. It was challenging, exciting, very math and numbers oriented. You got to read a lot and do a lot of research. And you got to communicate your ideas to others. And you could make a lot of money there. For me it was better than accounting. Or becoming an English teacher (no offense to English teachers). Try and avoid the entertainment industry. Why? The performing arts, movies, TV, music, dance, etc, are especially difficult to break into. Unless you know somebody. Or you majored in a related field in college. Secret #1 get a job doing something you like to do

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Secret #2
You believe that the company doing the hiring has all the control. You believe that the questions they ask you in the interview are relevant to hiring you. You believe that the job you are being interviewed for actually exists and is ready to be filled. Wrong! The truth is that the recruiter, the human resources people who handle the hirings, are there not necessarily to hire you but also to screen you out. Screen you out, not screen you in! Eliminate you from the hiring process. Not to hire you but to exclude you from the hiring pool. Heres how it works in the real world. The company puts an ad out regarding a job opening. Hundreds, or thousands, of people apply for the job, usually via sending in their resume. Obviously, interviewers do not want to have to interview several hundred or thousands of applicants, because many of those applicants are either not qualified or are not a good fit for the available job. So they eliminate the candidates who do not at all fit their narrow criteria. For instance, if the job requirement is for 3-5 years of specific experience and you have NO experience your resume will be relegated to the round file, the junk pile, or filed away in a filing cabinets never again to see the light of day. Another truth is that sometimes, though advertised, there IS no job. Companies will sometimes place an employment ad just to test the possible labor pool for a future project or endeavor. A project or endeavor that may start in several months or a year from now. Or never. In the meantime the company collects a bunch of resumes to see how many potential candidates there are if they ever do start the project, etc and need to hire people for it. Thus, in some cases you may see an ad for a job, and send in your resume, applying for a position that does not exist! What do they do with the resumes? File them. Often forever. Another truth is that the recruiter, or human resources, often does NOT do the hiring. The actual hiring is done by the manager or executive of the area of the company that is looking to hire a new employee. The person you will be working for, your boss, is the one who will often be making the real world final decision regarding hiring you. In a small company it could be the owner or CEO. The secret is to get through the weeding out process so you can have an interview, ultimately with the person who actually has the power and the desire to hire you. How do you do that? Recruiters often make 3 piles of resumes they receive The No way/immediately reject pile. The Maybe file and

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The Yes file. The No way file usually contains resumes that do not fit the job qualifications at all. Or are handwritten. Or have coffee stains on them. You want to submit a resume that avoids being put into the No way pile and goes into either the Maybe file or the Yes file. First, do not waste your time submitting your resume for jobs you are not at all qualified for. READ the qualifications they are looking for. If they want years of specific experience and you have none, dont bother applying for that position. Find a job opening that fits your level of experience. Yes, there are exceptions to that rule but they are few. If you have little or no experience you will be getting an entry level job. If you do well in the entry level position you may have a chance to move up, or at least make more money. Secondly, do a proper resume. More about that shortly. Secret #2 dont get weeded out

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The resume. The resume is a critically important part of the job seeking process. Its the first thing the hiring organization looks at. Your resume represents you, before you can get a face-to-face meeting to represent yourself. If your resume does not fit the hiring criteria for the job you are applying for, or does not stand out, it may quickly end up in the round file, or dead resume file. You want to try and avoid that, without misrepresenting your self and/or your experience. The conventional resume includes your name, address and contact info, career objective (optional), a chronological listing of your experience, including employment history and responsibilities, skills, education information, and any appropriate professional memberships, awards, etc. Keep the length of your resume to 1 page, if possible! If you have little or no experience then list some things you did to help others. Perhaps you helped your mother cook and clean, did baby sitting, had a paper route, a lemonade stand, volunteered for something that helped people, etc. Any good extracurricular activities or hobbies, which show your experience, should be listed, provided that they are legal activities. NOTE: if you are young and inexperienced you may be tempted to add a career/job objective at the top of your resume. Dont. One of my job-seeking pet peeves is an obvious career objective. Usually something like, Career objective: to learn good skills so I can use them in this job, get promoted to future jobs with the company, and make a good living. Duh. Leave off the career objective; its stupid and sophomoric. Its obvious that you want a good job, preferably one with a good future and that pays good money! How do you make your resume stand out? What do you do if you have little or no work experience? Should you lie on your resume? Apparently, many people lie on their resumes. They might list a college degree when they do not have one, lie about their age, lie about their skills or skill levels or responsibilities, lie about work experience they never had, and a whole host of other truth stretchers. Should you lie on your resume to get a job? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Ever. Why not? Heres a true story about what can happen. In my first real job in the real world about a month after I started the company hired 6 new trainees. The 6 trainees were working hard and learning all about Wall Street money markets. There were 200 people in 1 large room, trading, buying and selling and yelling. About 2 weeks later the boss, a director of the company, came out onto the trading floor, tapped one of the new trainees on the shoulder and beckoned him into the bosss office. About 20 minutes later the Director came back onto the trading floor and made an announcement. He said that the trainee was fired. He said that the trainee had lied on his resume; that the trainee had stated that he had a college degree and, during the verification process by the company, it turned out

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that the trainee did NOT attend college and did NOT have a college degree. What happened to the trainee? Fired. Out the door. Gone. The irony is that the Director then told us that if the trainee had told the truth on his resume he would have hired the guy anyway, without a college degree! But since the guy lied on his resume he ended up fired. Fired, for lying on his resume. Fired from the job of a lifetime! DO NOT LIE ON YOUR RESUME! Instead of lying you can put some stuff in your resume that makes you look good, that makes you stand out. For instance, you can add a section at the bottom called Personality Traits. Under that section you can put a brief list of what kind of a person you are, what you do well. Something like fast learner, loyal, a good communicator, good listener, responsible, dependable, a hard worker and I play well with others. Or, if you are really bold put it at the top of your resume, instead of the career objective. Either of these may impress the recruiter. It will also make your resume stand out. Make up your own brief Personality Traits list, as it applies to y-o-u. Do not list obvious traits like honesty, trustworthiness, showing up on time, not having any felony arrests, bathes regularly et al. These things are expected, they are a given, and listing them tends to make you look like an idiot. Also, do NOT list or reveal your political beliefs, your sexual preference, or how much you care about the environment, or animals, unless it directly relates to the job opening. What about cover letters? Sometimes the job opening requires a cover letter. What does a cover letter do? A cover letter is designed to introduce yourself - briefly - to the potential employer. The cover letter is supposed to generate a desire to know more about you and to want to bring you in for an interview. If the employment ad asks for a cover letter, write one. Look up the format on the internet. Put your Personality Traits in the cover letter. Yes, even though you will also include them in your resume. Take the time to do your resume and/or cover letter correctly! Printed. Without coffee stains. Secret #3: The resume is important. Do it right!

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Where do you find a job? A real job. In the real world. Most job seekers scour the newspaper and the internet in hopes of finding a good job and getting hired. Or they walk down the street looking for a sign in the window that says Hiring now. In reality those are the LAST places to look for a good job in the real world. Why? Because most good jobs never get filled from a newspaper, online or a store window ad. Most good jobs in the real world get filled by referral. Whats the secret of finding a good job? Whats the BEST way to get a real job in the real world? Get referred. What does referred mean? It means that, when a job opening becomes available in an area of the company, someone tells their boss about you. They vouch for your competence, your integrity, your honesty and your ability to learn, and do, the available job. In my first real full time job in the real world the business was expanding. At that time it happened to be a good economy. My company wanted to hire more trainees. The Director of my section would ask us if we had any friends or relatives who wanted a good job! Thats what they did, filled the available positions by referral. For the purposes of this book referral hiring also includes nepotism. Nepotism is when you get hired, or referred, by a relative. If your father or mother or uncle or brother or sister or cousin owns a successful business they can hire you immediately, no questions asked. No anxiety-ridden interviews, no meticulously checking your resume; you get the job by just meeting with the relative and being hired. Semi-automatic. Done deal. Hi, this is your uncle calling. Your mother says you are looking for a job. Come work with me. Why does referral hiring and nepotism fill lots of jobs? Because the risk for the employer is lower if someone they already know knows someone or vouches for someone they know. Other than graduating from Harvard with a law degree, working in a successful family business is a short cut to success. What if you dont come from a family of successful businessmen. What if you dont know any people in the industry you are looking to work in? What if you have to rely on yourself to get a real job in the real world? Surprisingly, you may not have to personally know anyone who can refer you to get a job. Use the method anyway. I call it the friend of a friend method. How does that work? Here is how you can generate a personal contact to refer you to a job Once you pick an industry you would like to work in start asking everyone you know if they know anybody in that industry. When you ask others here is how you do it. I want to work in the XYZ industry. Do you know anyone in that industry I can talk to? Start with your parents. Then ask your other relatives. And your neighbors. They may know a neighbor or a distant relative or a friend of a friend and, if so, can make a phone call to set you up. If you get 3 or more people you know to start asking people THEY know if they can help you get a job you may only be a short time and a few people away from being referred to a good job, a real job, in the real world! Yes, it can work. And its a lot better

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than blindly searching for a job and being at the mercy of a potential employer who does not know, or care, about you. Secret #4 get referred if possible

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Secret #5
Secret #5 is desire. Pick an industry, and a job, that you really want. Real desire goes a long way to finding and getting a real job in the real world. Why? Its human nature to want to hire someone who is qualified, and really wants the job. Why, if qualifications are equal among job applicants, would they hire y-o-u instead of someone else? Because you have a real passion for the type of work, a real interest in the type of work, because you dont just want a job, you WANT to work for the company. Before you settle for any job, before you get a job you may not like, go after the job(s) that you have a desire for. A job that excites you. Apply for those jobs first. Make your desire and excitement known! Express it. In your cover letter. In your interviews. Believe it! Communicate it! Come right out and say it. Tell your prospective employer, I really want to work for your company!!! And have reasons for your enthusiasm. Secret #5 true desire helps you get hired

How To Get A Job


Secret #6
Secret #6 is: theres ALWAYS a job. Sometimes the economy is good and there are lots of jobs available. Sometimes the economy is not so good and there are not so many jobs available. Sometimes the economy sucks and there are no jobs available. Wrong! Here is one of the big secrets I learned, many years, ago, when I was looking for a job in the conventional way and there were no jobs and I was getting very discouraged. Yes, I looked at the economy and saw no job openings. Nobody was hiring. Yes, I felt as though I had no job, no future, no life. Yes, I got discouraged. I thought about it, and suddenly began to look at the employment situation differently. Unconventionally. Then, I realized something. Something different. Something unconventional. Something a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I asked myself, How many jobs do I need? I answered, One. Huh, one job. I only needed one job. I then realized that there is ALWAYS one job out there. One. There may not be hundreds, or thousands, of job openings but there is ALWAYS one! And one was all I needed! I just had to keeping looking until I found the one job I could apply for and get. And that made me feel better. It energized me. I no longer felt discouraged. And, shortly thereafter, I found the one job opening I needed and the one job I needed. How many jobs do YOU need? One. You only need one job. Regardless of the economy and whatever hardships you perceive there is ALWAYS one job out there! Secret #6: there is ALWAYS one job out there and you only need one job!

How To Get A Job


Secret #7
Secret #7 is: do your homework. OK, lets assume you applied for a job and they called you for an interview. What do you do next? You do some homework. Homework means you learn about the industry, and about the company if you know who it is. Look it up on the internet and l-e-a-r-n about it. The industry. And/or the company. Why? Because, in the upcoming interviews, you will be able to communicate that you know something about the industry you want to work in, and maybe even about the company you are interviewing with. Learn about it. Thats a good thing. It makes you sound knowledgeable, like an insider, like someone who already works in the industry or the company. If possible, BEFORE you sit down for an interview, find out what the company does. Get a feel for the company. Who is the CEO? Is it a small company or a big company? How many employees do they have? Is the company a leader in the industry? How many years have they been in business? Do they have a mission statement on their website? A mission statement is the goal of the company; what they wish to accomplish, how they want to accomplish it, and why. Do they h-a-v-e a website? If so, go visit it and explore it. Doing your homework on an industry, or a company, should take you about 30 minutes. Its 30 minutes well spent. It prepares you for the interview process, gives you an impression and some knowledge of the company, gives you more confidence n the interview, and makes you stand out from the other job applicants. Secret #7: do your homework

How To Get A Job


Secret #8
Secret #8 is the selection process. You probably believe that, since the company is doing the hiring, that they have all the control. Well, yes, and no. Yes, they have the power to hire you or not hire you but they also have a problem; finding the right person to hire. Assuming there is an actual job to be filled, who ultimately gets the job? Aside from hiring the CEOs relative, who does the company hire to fill a position? They hire the best available fit. The best available fit gets the job. Companies want to hire the best candidate. However, sometimes the best candidate is not available; perhaps they took a job with another company, perhaps the best candidate simply decides not to take a job offer, perhaps the best candidate cannot start the job for 3 months. For whatever reason the best candidate is not available. What does the company do? Assuming the company wants to hire right now they will hire the next best candidate. And so on down the list, until they hire the best AVAILABLE job applicant. Unless they cant find any suitable candidates. So, you may not be the best candidate but you may get the job anyway, because you are the best available fit. BE AVAILABLE. If you apply for a job be prepared to make a decision if they want to hire you. Be available to go to work. Physically and emotionally. Secret #8: the best available fit usually gets the job

How To Get A Job


Secret #9
Look and act appropriately and suitable for the interview. What does that mean? It means you should look right. What does THAT mean? Heres a list of things that are important to looking right for the interview Be clean Cleanliness is important. Unless you are applying for a dirty job take a shower or bath the day of the interview. Shave (unless you have a beard). Get a haircut (if you still have any hair). Brush your teeth. Use a deodorant. Do not use perfume or cologne. Dress for success Wear clothes. Preferably not wrinkled. Try not to wear shorts. Or a bathing suit. Wear an appropriate outfit for the job. For men, depending on the type of job, you might want to wear a suit, a jacket, or jeans and a t-shirt. For women, you know what to wear. A dress, skirt, t-shirt and jeans or whatever fits with the job. Keep your 6-inch heels in your closet, unless the job is with a company that makes 6-inch heels. Look like you already work there! Look like you fit in, clothing wise. If you are unsure of how the employees in that industry dress look it up in Google, under Images. For instance, if you are applying for a construction job and want to know how they dress look up construction worker in google images. Be on time OK, theres a lot of people who are always late, never on time. When interviewing for a job this is a habit that is UNACCEPTABLE. Be on time for your interview. Leave early to get there on time. You may encounter extra traffic, etc so make sure you get to the interview on time. It s better to be 30 minutes early than 30 minutes late. Being late for a job interview is an excellent way to not get the job. Act right In the interview you dont want to appear nervous and unsure of yourself, even if you are nervous and unsure of yourself. Look the interviewer in the eye. Answer the question asked. If asked a question you dont know the answer to, answer I dont know. (some of the questions are purposely difficult or impossible to answer properly. You may be asked where do you see yourself in 5 years? This is one of the stupidest questions ever asked, by anyone, anywhere. Who the hell knows where you will be in 5 years, except 5 years older! So, what do you do? Use the question to show the interviewer you have a sense of humor. What is a good answer to the question, where do you see yourself in 5 years? Some good answers are, Hopefully, alive. Or, Running the company. Either of these answers should produce a smile or a laugh from the interviewer and thats a good thing.

How To Get A Job


Secret #9: Look and act appropriately for the interview(s)

How To Get A Job


Secret #10
Secret #10 deals with the all important interview. Secret #10 is: interview the company. Dont just let the interviewer interview you, interview the interviewer! Ask pertinent questions. Interesting questions, not the usual conventional questions like how much vacation time do you get, do you have to work weekends, etc. Ask the interviewer questions like Whats the pay for this job? Is this a good place to work? Why? Why would I want to work here? (yes, this is a bold question. It shows you have some self-esteem and thats a good thing) Is there lots of competition to get ahead? Is there a lot of politics or do you get ahead based on merit? Is the job structure rigid or is there some room to do things outside the box? Does the company reward hard work? How long will it take before Im the CEO? (yeah, they should smile or laugh at that one) And throw in some normal practical questions like: Do I get a parking space? How often do I get paid? (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) What about health benefits? In the initial interview you want to make an impression. A good impression. And dont forget to turn your cell phone OFF during the interview. Not set on vibrate OFF. Secret #10: interview the interviewer

How To Get A Job


Secret #11
About now you are evaluating yourself and whether or not you can follow the ideas in this book. Whether or not you can utilize the secrets I have revealed in this book. You may be saying, Thats not me. Im not aggressive enough to do those things. Getting a real job in the real world using these secrets takes guts. Balls. Why? Because if you do not use the secrets you will simply be at the mercy of the hiring process and, ultimately, at the mercy of life. It is very important that you declare that you want the job you are applying for. You want to tell everyone that interviews you, I want the job! Say those words. I want the job. Say it with conviction. Like you believe it, like you mean it. Say it from the heart. I want this job! Say it over and over again until you feel it. Practice it in the mirror (yes, Im serious). That way when you go to an interview you can say I want the job easily and with believability. Say I want the job to everyone you interview with! It can set you apart from all the other applicants. Use it 3 times in every interview. Do it at the beginning of the interview, after you and the interviewer(s) get settled. Say I want the job again in the middle of the interview, if you have an appropriate moment to say it. And say I want the job again at the end of the interview, just to remind them that indeed, y-o-u want the job. Why is this important? Doesnt every applicant want the job? Not necessarily. And no other job applicant is likely to say it. Why not? Its bold. Its aggressive (in a good way). Its egocentric (look it up if you dont know what that means). On the other hand, declaring what you want is a powerful tool for life and for work. It lets people know what you really want, so if they are so inclined they know what to give you, they know how to help you. Make sure that you tell everyone that interviews you, I want the job! Secret #11: say you want the job!

How To Get A Job


If you follow and implement these secrets it can help you get a real job in the real world. A GOOD job in the real world. These secrets help you to be different than other job applicants. Why is that a good thing? It helps to stand out, to not be the same as the hundreds of other applicants. Yes, you want to stand out. At least a little bit. Yes, you want to be BOLD. As difficult and uncomfortable as that may be for some people it will make the job hunt go much easier and faster. Why? Because it gives you more CONTROL, over your life and your employment. Trust me, I know this from many many years of work and life experience. So you may have to become a bit more assertive, a bit more aggressive, a bit bolder than you normally are. Youll get used to it. Try it and see for yourself. Youll be amazed at the results!

How To Get A Job


Lets recap the secrets of getting a job, a real job, in the real world. Secret #1 Find a job doing something you would like to do Secret #2 Dont get weeded out Secret #3 The resume is important. Do it right! Secret #4 Get referred if possible Secret #5 True desire helps you get hired Secret #6 There is ALWAYS one job out there and you only need one job! Secret #7 Do your homework Secret #8 The best available fit usually gets the job Secret #9 Look and act appropriately for/in the interview Secret #10 Interview the interviewer Secret #11 Say you want the job! If you only learn and apply 1 secret from this book that helps you get a job it will be well worth it. The more secrets you learn and apply the better off you will be in finding a real job in the real world.

How To Get A Job


BE SMART If you are smart you might want to keep these secrets secret. You may decide to keep them to yourself and not pass them on to friends and family members. Why? If you tell other people about these secrets you will be giving away your advantage. Your advantage over other applicants in getting a real job in the real world. Is keeping it to yourself being mean or nasty or selfish? Well, yes. Welcome to the real world. Want an alternative? How about this. Tell others about this book, and its secrets, AFTER you get a real job in the real world. That way you will be helping others and you will also be able to tell them that the secrets worked for YOU. Hmm. Yeah, thatll work!

How To Get A Job


What to do next Now you know some real secrets that can help you get a real job in the real world. What do you do next? Get ready. Get set. Go!

How To Get A Job



How To Get A Job


Other Books by Andrew Lawrence

Life Changers: 10 true secrets that will change your life The Happiness Transformation The Happiness Transformation reveals how to be genuinely happy - NOW - and for the rest of your life. Discover Your Life Purpose in 30 Minutes An interactive book which quickly reveals your unique and special purpose in life. MONEY - The Basics An easy to understand book about money. A must-read for anyone who wants to be more money savvy. "The most valuable book you'll ever read" Stories Of A Lifetime Inspirational true stories of extraordinary events in the authors extraordinary life. Amazing and true stories. A motivational masterpiece! Wall Street - The Real Deal Wall Street made simple. An insightful inside look at what Wall Street is all about; why it exists, what it does, and what it means to YOUR life. Beat Your Fatigue - in 10 Seconds! Tired? Heres a quick all-natural technique that can give you a boost of energy in 10 seconds! All books by the author are available at Visit his amazon authors page at: Read free excerpts at:

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