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Subjects of Major Concern

Note: You will find repeated references to similar themes throughout my manual. I have over-lapped these themes wherever possible in order to pound into your Being the critical changes you must embrace, or die trying. If I have not mentioned some issue, however, that springs to your mind, you are free to write me or take part in the question-and-answer phase at any of my seminars, though I assure you, if I have not addressed it, you do not need to know it.

-Before You BeginYour Attitude, Her Needs, And Becoming A Good Partner The ultimate aim of your efforts will be to become a Good Partner to Todays Woman. The path that you will take will be as follows: you shall prepare your attitude so you are ready to facilitate her needs and expectations through specific, direct actions. You cannot conform to her desires until your attitude comes in line appropriately; after you fully understand what she is seeking in her life, you will then busy yourself with certain activities of her choosing. Three key phrases will be repeated until they are drilled into your consciousness: her needs first, her well-being and a womans right to choose. These essential principles form the bedrock of your efforts to please Todays Active Woman, and must be kept in mind at every step of your evolution. For some, however, the process of coming to understand the changes a man must undertake comes as a mighty blow to the ego: You mean I have to totally rebuild my life if I want to make my wife happy?

Yes, I mean exactly that. For most men, there can be nothing short of absolute life realignment. Some progressive men, of course, are well on their way to becoming acceptable to Todays Dynamic Woman and have been undergoing the necessary transformations on their own or through mens groups and psychotherapy. While a good deal of these techniques are nearly adequate in achieving a degree of awareness not previously enjoyed, for the man serious about redefining his life in the service of Todays Independent Woman, there is nowhere to my knowledge the comprehensive and systematic body of information as presented here in these pages. At the risk of blowing my own horn, I have compiled as complete a list of technical tools for rebuilding your life according to her desires as can be found in one book. I have culled the vast majority of my insights from Pre-Classical literature, for it is my belief that this great period of discovery not only holds the keys to self-transformation (keys which are nowhere to be found in todays mess of psycho-babble and loosely-defined personal exploration), but the most far-seeing of these early thinkers held very permissive views with respect to their wifes recreational needs, an attitude I am seeking to re-establish today. Some may find the changes I outline are well within their present abilities to attain and, for these men, only a gentle shove will be all that it takes to speed them along. I am certain, however, that for the majority of readers, these changes will come with no small degree of difficulty and resistance, and so the greater portion of my efforts will be concentrated on assisting these old-school thinkers beyond their present conditioning. I understand and have seen the trouble men often have with adapting to new, uncertain conditions, and I am sympathetic to their plights, yet my goal remains unflinching, despite the difficulty some may have in reaching it: To help men re-shape themselves into creatures worthy of a womans attention. If, as you embark upon these pages, you find yourself experiencing any difficulty or hesitation in accepting unconditionally what I assert, the first step will be to carefully chart the elements you are stumbling over. As I will continue to state, take thorough and honest notes, record everything that comes to you, leave nothing out in your quest to perfect yourself. Many of the problems you encounter at the beginning of your journey will be covered in later sections, so keep a running log of your observations, and do not be afraid to closely monitor your reactions. It will get better in time, through hard work, patience and dedication. But take notes and refer to them as you proceed. Not only is it for your good, but for her well-being. Again, her needs first, her well being and a womans right to choose are the keys; your self-actualization is a grade below on the list of priorities. The work you need to do is ultimately for her, because you are nowhere near the man she needs you to become in order for her individuality to fully blossom. By remaining tied to out-moded habits and traits, you drag her down and postpone her potentiality. Yes, many of the techniques here are directly aimed at altering your behavior and attitude, but they are intended to be in the service of making her all that she can be. Again, our task as we improve ourselves is to make sure she encounters nothing we might be responsible for that can hold her back from becoming whoever she wants to become. Acceptance of this fact is tantamount to achieving strong results from my program. In addition, we will be re-examining many terms and concepts we have formally taken for granted, giving new meaning to old ideas, throwing out what does not work, re-defining what does, and offering new words and phrases as healthy, appropriate alternatives. Do not be afraid to challenge every aspect of your life as you step upon the road to becoming a Real Man. It may be necessary to completely restructure how you perceive the world, and that may entail an all-new set of values and ethics. In other words, you may be taking on new beliefs, if necessary, as you discard the old ones. Some of the ideas here may be strange or even frightening, and you may experience discomfort in attempting to accept and engage them, but the work I present here has stood the test of time and, despite initial hesitancies, the changes must be adopted if you are to become a Real Man, the Good Partner she needs -and expects- you to become.


Changing For Her

Section One: Mandatory Adjustments In Attitude

Never Question Her Authority Loving Her Unconditionally It is critical we outline the elements of the required attitude we seek when learning to please Todays Spontaneous Woman. At the core of our understanding is that she requires what has been defined as unconditional love. That is, love that carries no demands, judgments or expectations and is, in truth, a state of pure acceptance for everything she says, feels, believes and desires. Everything. Next, we must drop the idea, really a myth, which states that men and women can achieve a balanced give-and-take, equal-to-equal relationship. As I will demonstrate, equality between the sexes is an impossibility, and not what we are attempting to establish. Again, to love her without reservation is our aim, and a Real Man is not concerned with being equal to his woman, he is only concerned with pleasing her. You are her partner. Todays Assertive Woman only understands her partners undivided devotion and will accept nothing short, unless she is seeking recreational partnering with an Object and sees you as a critical, though non-participatory, facilitator (a quite natural and healthy option, I assure you). A man who truly loves Todays Ambitious Woman will deny her nothing, serving her completely and taking every step to please her. This is the actual meaning of unconditional love. Therefore, commit this to memory: I will do anything for her well-being, because her needs come first and it is her right to choose what she wants and does not want in her life. The Necessity Of Obedience Let us discard the notion that men and women are in any way equal. I firmly state, we are not now, nor have we ever been. I reference the many sources of antiquity for verification. The unimpeachable Oenopides writes, In my eye, woman is as close to God as I will ever see. Adoring Xuthus notes, Perfection is my woman, I, the sand she treads upon. Boastful Theodorus adds, I laugh when I think of a mans achievements compared to those of an unchained woman. Indeed, learned men of every generation understand womans innate superiority, though a conspiracy of silence has long snuffed out this knowledge. Until now, that is, for the raw, unfiltered truth all people everywhere are coming to acknowledge is that woman is superior to man in every way but physical strength (and in a few short years, she will have surpassed men in that regard, as well). Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to recognize her superiority and not let this knowledge become a stumbling block as we undertake ways in which we can benefit from her overall excellence. Obedience and striving to accomplish whatever she desires are the first such steps. Never make the assumption that what she says, no matter the subject, is in any way incorrect or, conversely, that you know more than she does. Women have the uncanny gift of being absolutely correct in their opinions, irrespective of the subject. They have a genetic predisposition to the truth, which I will examine in detail in a later section. For the time being, embrace this fact and get to work outlining her instructions, setting aside your reactions while you learn. (I will add that few men today are capable of complete obedience, but the bar must be set high. There can be no deviating from your mission. Obey her every desire and command, tirelessly strive to

please her, and never question why.) ~ Snap-To! The Mistake Of Inattentiveness A common complaint from women of every era about their partner has been his inability to pay attention for long enough periods in order to fully absorb the brilliance of her mind and emotions. Unflattering yet absolutely correct labels continue to dog the selfish acts of men; among others, women complain that men are inattentive, do not listen, drift off or altogether ignore them. Gentlemen, I cringe when I imagine the suffering women must unnecessarily experience. There is no greater need today than for men to shut out the sound of their own minds and pay strict and close attention to the opinions, needs, feelings and desires of the women in their lives. This is imperative if men are to make the evolutionary gradations necessary of the survival of the species. There may be difficulty at first adjusting to a state of total compliance, but with time and training, you can discipline yourself to rid the mind of self-oriented distractions. I repeat: at the very forefront of your mind must be the desire to love her without reservation, knowing that to satisfy her requirements will take tremendous -though not impossible- effort. A good method that works for many men who have attended my seminars is to recognize the importance of dropping or setting aside whatever it is you are doing or thinking, no matter how important you think it may be, at the first sound of her voice, in order to listen and preserve her every utterance. Place this change at the very top of your list. Train yourself, in the words of the pataphysician, Demetrius Toteras, to silence your mental pollution. Again, when you hear her voice, stop whatever you are doing and concentrate. Nothing she says can be overlooked. ~ Taking Seriously Her Every Word This leads to our next critical section. I cannot over-emphasize this fact: everything that comes out of a womans mouth is the unadulterated truth. Let us delve into historys annals for verification. Hesiod, one of the two greatest poets of ancient Greece along with Homer, notes that women are blessed at birth with a special relationship with the goddess of Truth, Alithea. Hesiod asserts that a womans every statement must be treated with reverence and keen, crisp attention. Each word from her mouth must be considered, in what was known in Pre-Classical times, as spudeon, or to be grave and serious. Further, Hesiod felt all women were themselves muses, having root connection to the mother of all truth, Mnemosyne or memory, which is perfect and always correct. Thankfully, psychological visionaries such as Adler and Jung have also validated the inherent intuitive genius that is all women. Indeed, look no further than the hyper-lucid Gertrude Stein, who developed a system of language so complex only women on the same plane of understanding can interpret her statements. And, from our own era, the remarkable Shirley MacClaine, who intuitively feels her way through life and has no need for the analytic, logical constraints which have long shackled men. MacClaine knows and accepts her inner truth; she has freed herself to explore her recreational desires with a wide variety of men without being encumbered by false concerns of right and wrong. Yes, whatever emanates from women such as Stein and MacClaine -and all women- simply is truth. I absolutely concur with Hesiod in his belief that women not only always speak the truth, but they have the ability to instantly understand anything the very moment they encounter it. Furthermore, women know their understanding is perfect, and they are aware that what they say at every instance is true, and this truth carries with it deathly- serious implications. Therefore, since she takes everything in her world seriously, you must, too. Cherish and revere this wondrous trait, but never question it. The quicker you accept her perfection, the easier it will be to make your transformations.

Some men complain Todays Serious, Goal-Oriented Woman, to quote the poet, L. Robuis, in Yellow Tarbaby Fuckathon, is so damn serious and pissed off you cant say shit or you get your head torn off. Though most women report having been burned by a man at some point in their lives, and thus, coupled with her relationship with the truth, she has ample justification for any attitude she chooses, as far as I am concerned, Robuis belief, which some flaccid modern men share, is pure, unadulterated whining. Do not indulge such rubbish, and get to work taking her every word as seriously as she does. Additional suggestions are as follows: shut your silly mouth when she is talking; do not provoke or play witty, pithy, smarmy or funny little word games with her; and do your utmost to avoid smirking or in any way indicating when listening that you do not completely agree with her thoughts. There will be occasions when she may decide to joke or engage in light, even unfocused conversation. I urge you, however, to never let your guard down, and pay strict attention to the meanings, both hidden and overt, of her statements. Such unswerving focus can only yield bountiful results. ~ On Groveling Re-defining Manhood There is nothing more offensive than to accuse a Real Man of being a bootlicking ass-kissing sycophant to Todays Assertive, Demanding Woman. It is unfair, and totally inaccurate. For centuries, men have been saddled with a so-called macho image, or the desire to command women as their inferior subjects. Thankfully, Real Men are fast learning that these old paradigms of masculine behavior no longer work, for Todays Independent Woman has at last rejected this dominant brute and his behavior (unless she chooses one as her recreational partner, clearly). Darwin said, Only the fittest shall survive, and the belligerent, hypocritical, sexist macho man of yesteryear cannot survive and is being swept away, replaced by a Real Man, you. I say this in all confidence, true manhood can only be obtained by accepting who she is and what she needs, then doing everything in your power -and more- to provide her with that. Therefore, remove from your mind the stigma which may linger from the unjust labels bootlicker, ass-kisser and sycophant and embrace the enlightened image of a man willing to achieve his potential. We have reached a fundamental understanding. A Real Man concerns himself, above every other factor including his own needs and desires, with a womans well-being, or as the Masters prefer, her evdemonia. A Real Man views this as the ultimate challenge, far greater and more lasting than mere physical survival contests or extreme sports aimed at selfish, fleeting achievement. He knows the only mountain worth climbing is that of creating and facilitating her perfect well-being, her evdemonia, and he is unafraid to surmount every obstacle along the way. A Real Man will not rest until he is completely satisfied she is satisfied, and even then, he is right back out there trying to improve his performance, never resting on his laurels. If some should call you, either behind your back or to your face, a bootlicking ass-kisser, you will be unconcerned, for you shall be solely focused on your goal: her perfect well-being, her evdemonia. Caspar Milquetoast, Or The New Virility? The long-accepted notion that a man who allows his wife to sexually roam is less than virile has been replaced by todays new understanding. Where once a permissive man was termed a Caspar Milquetoast for his inability to put his foot down to his wifes recreational habits, Real Men have shattered this crippling label, and the term no longer carries with it any sense of shame or sting of censure. It is not unmanly to allow her to explore her sexuality, it is in fact a new stroke of bravery to give her this power she so craves. You are not weak-kneed by helping her achieve sexual satisfaction with every man she meets, you are, to the contrary, developing the New Virility. For those of you not yet there, I say, never more be in fear of those moments she expresses a

healthy desire to explore her sexual freedoms, but take them as a sign of evolution and growth, a possibility for you to attain. There is virility in sharing your wife with men she is attracted to. True strength can only come by releasing her to explore her freedoms unabashedly. A Real Man, a virile man, takes tremendous pride in her well-being, for he takes an active hand in developing and maintaining it. Become a force for change, gentlemen, evolve and shed the unenlightened, fear-based labels that may shackle you, and embrace the possibilities. With time, patience and a great amount of effort, you can become a Real Man, a man capable of attaining and enjoying the New Virility by helping your wife or girlfriend become all that she can be, a woman free to explore her choices. Degradation, Or Consciously Measured Sublimation? There is nothing degrading about accepting the superiority of Todays Dynamic, Vibrant Woman and what that ought to mean to your life. Yes, what is required is a marked sublimation of traditional male ego, but this is a part of the natural evolution of all creatures large and small and, in my opinion, is the only direction a Real Man can take. A virile man must acknowledge his helplessness and allow her to not only lead the relationship, but make all critical decisions. Men must drop themselves down several notches from where they have traditionally been in the relationship, from emperor to footman. It is time for Man and his oppressive demands take a back seat to Woman and her emergence as the natural, dominant voice of the heterosexual relationship. Her time has arrived, she is uniquely qualified, and men everywhere must learn to get out of her way. There really is no place for the opinionated, defiant male in the modern heterosexual relationship. Long ago he wore out his welcome with his cluttered agenda of conflicting selfish needs. Thankfully, under feminist reforms, he is being removed from positions of power. So, too, is the man who feels he is being manipulated by women and wishes to re-assert himself, an absolutely false and unattainable goal. A Good Partner learns to modify, even quiet, all opinions in accordance with her requirements, keeping his own decisions to an absolute minimum. This is for his good, as well as hers and, need I mention it, the health and survival of the planet. I see the New City, I see the Old Man on his knees before the New Woman, I see the Old Man die and a New Man rise in his place, to walk behind the New Woman. I see a New Era beginning, and this New Era is good. Epicharmus the Seer. ~ Attitudinal Adjustments Aggression Versus Passivity One might immediately respond, Milt, arent you talking about becoming passive to a woman? No. I am, however, advocating the de-aggressiveness of traditional male emotional paradigms, and I am calling for the re-constructing of men into carefully controlled rational and emotional packages that avoid offending Todays Critically-Thinking Woman at all costs. I am calling for the de-fanging of the self-oriented macho male, replacing his fangs with velvet gloves, which he will then be capable of using to assist Todays Rightfully-Demanding Woman. While it may appear, at face value, this new man is almost passive to her whims and desires, a more careful examination will reveal a re-formed, re-created man who has recognized his place and is comfortable with who he is, and is not. This man has lost nothing and, in truth, has gained the world. Traditional aggressive males dis-allowed women from becoming who they might be; this shackling was wrong then and is no less wrong now. What will work for a Virile Man is to do everything in his power to free her to become who she truly is, by minimizing and removing all aggressive tendencies so they do not serve as impediments to her crucial development. Being a sexually-aggressive and closed-minded male, a prick as Toteras defines him (correctly I will add), does not work in the modern heterosexual relationship, and is, in fact, an unwieldy yoke

which a Real Man no longer need carry. I am doing what I can to help men throw off this detrimental attitude aimed at enslaving women, but passive I am not calling him to become. If anything, my goal is to re-direct his natural aggressiveness and make him aggressively concerned with her well-being. My ultimate hope is for a de-fanged Real Man, a Good Partner, to accept Womans natural superiority and either move out of her way or help her realize her vast, untapped potential. An additional note: though the techniques you will encounter in the following sections work wonders, for some, additional therapies may need to compliment my methods. One particular therapy showing great potential is a drug-based, anti-aggressiveness intervention available through Filcher Industries, D-FL8 or, as it will soon be known over-the-counter, Neuter U. The side effects (excessive sleeping, lack of appetite, loss of sexual desire, general lethargy) are tolerable and, in no time, the changes she will see in your formerly short-tempered, selfish nature will propel her with all the confidence she needs to realize her potential without any overbearing, egotistical blowhard standing in her way. The Joys Of Yielding For centuries, men took unbridled pleasure enslaving women to their venal, selfish bidding, from sexual domination to various forms of brutality. Unfortunately, no one stopped him from this cruel indulgence and, until recently, men have been free to do as they pleased. Thanks to the Feminist Revolution, this is no longer the case; now, where old-school men once took pleasure in making women suffer, the greatest reward a Real Man can experience is by giving way of his ingrained desire to suppress women and yielding -the term I prefer to use- to the great changes taking place in and around him. For a Real Man, true and lasting pleasure can only come from releasing his unhealthy desire to dominate the heterosexual relationship and yielding to whatever she feels she must have or experience. Remember, Todays Independent Woman is free, and she is not going back into the kitchen or bedroom unless she chooses to. Though some men still fear a woman living as she pleases, in my mind, there is nothing bleak or unpleasant about this prospect. We are at the dawn of a new era, where a Real Man will learn the joys of women fully actualizing their vast potentials. Soon men everywhere will rejoice over how happy their wives and girlfriends have become, celebrating her successes and sharing tips amongst themselves. You are at the forefront of this great revolution, so take pride in your accomplishments but attend to your work humbly, and with deathly seriousness. The job of a Good Partner is to offer as little resistance to the exploration of her options and choices as possible, while assisting her -if she requires it- wherever and whenever she asks. You will experience unlimited relief when the weight of your expectations and demands has been dis-inflated, when she is free to explore the rich new world before her, once you have yielded. De-Commissioning The Ego Hubris, or overt pride, has been the enemy of enlightened men since the dawn of time. Witness the destruction of nearly all of Greece, along with his own family, by Agamemnons arrogant refusal to do what was best, sacrificing Iphigenia and sailing for Troy to quench his selfish design at immortal fame. Too, the fall of Byzantium was chiefly due to the ruling monarch ignoring the sage advice offered by his female counselors; he could not accept that a woman might know more than he, and his entire kingdom paid for his inexcusable blunder. Napoleon, faced with the decision to proceed with the invasions for his own glory or scale back and save his nation from the agony of further warfare -which Josephine wisely counseled- chose to risk all France in order to achieve his brash, egotistical goals, and ultimately failed. These are but several examples of male hubris from the pages of history, yet these were great men, far different than you; their standards you would find impossible to emulate. Still, their failures, due to unyielding pride, can be our textbooks for self-improvement, and I raise these and similar illustrations throughout the book so we may learn and not repeat their mistakes, wherever possible.

These men unwittingly suffered so we might benefit; pay attention to where they went wrong. Be on the lookout for pride-based reactions, which can only jeopardize the health of the relationship, and her fragile evdemonia. It is critical that, in every situation you encounter when dealing with Todays Passionate, Intuitive Woman, you subvert your pride, all of it. Learn that when you react to a situation out of pride, say, when you come home from work to discover your wife caressing the testicles of your neighbor or fully engaged in healthy and robust thigh play, it is your outdated ego that must be deflated. She has done nothing wrong, she is only acting naturally that which she feels. And since the expression of a womans feelings are at the very top of her list of priorities -and yours, if you are doing your job- never threaten her sensitive well-being with potential discomfort by one of your Cro-Magnon reactions. Drop your useless pride and evolve, Dinosaur, evolve. The Art Of Harmlessness The next goal you must set is to never offend Todays Serious, Goal-Oriented Woman, ever. She does not deserve it, will not understand or accept your motivations for doing it and will, in all likelihood, never forgive you for it, no matter how small the infraction. I will say it again: never offend her. The belligerent macho man remains a blight on our history. He inflicted his ego wherever he went, controlling the world by his desires, and whoever he offended mattered little in his rabid search for conquests. An ancestry of brutality, whole societies removed by his maniacal whim, the neardestruction of the planet bear witness to his marauding, angry ball sac. As an alternative, I advocate we adopt one of the philosopher, Parmenides, favorite maxims, Its nice to be nice. Being nice to her, in every situation and no matter how difficult it may appear to be or how much pride you have to swallow in order to achieve it, is the one true road to finding happiness with Todays Rightfully-Demanding Woman. She does not deserve anything less. Therefore, rebuild yourself, become harmless and inoffensive so you no longer negatively impact the world as your forefathers once did. The dangerous man of yesteryear, the risk-taking adventurer who raped and bludgeoned entire cultures into submission in his thirst for greatness, that unpredictable, uncontainable giant of a man simply is of no use to Todays Critically-Thinking Woman (though, perhaps surprisingly, these qualities are often found amongst the Objects and Winners she recreates with, a contradiction perhaps but worth only mentioning in passing). Instead, Todays Selective Woman requires a small, compliant, gentle man as her partner, harmless, predictable, nonjudgmental. Once you have performed the essential exercises in this book, with any luck and a lot of hard work, you will become this New Man. Your motto: I shall never offend her. Remember, its nice to be nice. ~ Mental Re-Construction Learning When, And When Not, To Offer Your Opinion Though nearly every woman today is herself an expert in one or more areas, there will be occasions when she may need to lean on your particular expertise or field of excellence. I assume each man reading this book has a rewarding career they excel at and take pride in doing. Therefore, stay abreast of breaking research and changes in your field so, if and when the time comes, she may benefit from your diligence. (If this is not the case, however, if you are wandering about, hesitant and second-guessing yourself no matter how old and experienced you become, I would take a serious look at my recommended reading list found at the back of this book. Drop whatever you are presently doing and commit the contents of these sacred manuscripts to memory, now. I advise this for every man seeking enlightened behavior, but for those particularly adrift, there is only this course of action which may, with effort, save you.)

At some point, you may be required to perform at some high level in an intellectual, theoretical or mechanical capacity, thus I advise you to prepare for such critical moments but, and this is crucial, take no pleasure in lording over her your so-called knowledge or experience. The truth is, gentlemen, experts can be found everywhere and, if she chooses due to your arrogance, pettiness or some other quality she finds repugnant, you can be replaced in a heartbeat. Additionally, Todays Experience-Seeking, Active Woman may every so often come to you for specific though non-technical advice; only after she has asked should you offer your insights. Under no circumstances are you to give your opinion on any subject unless you are enlisted to do so. Untimely, unwarranted opinions can disturb her well-being, particularly if it is a subject she cares about and if your opinion differs with hers in any way. The result of such uninvited musings can be poisonous to her fragile evdemonia, and your relationship. Like your penis, keep opinions hidden until -and only until- they are asked for. Modifying Your Needs, Desires And Expectations Sadly, most men remain obsessed with self-gratification. While this may have been acceptable in former times, Todays Dynamic Woman has no patience for a man bent on pleasing himself at her expense. One of the many changes you will undertake will be toning down your needs and desires, as well as taking down several notches what you expect in return -if anything- from her. There is no room for two competing sets of needs and ambitions, and the time has long since passed when the male and his endless expectations is the one which ought to be primarily fed. You must learn to carefully audit what you once desired. There may be conflict at first, at least in your mind, but by placing her needs at the top of the tree, and allowing the requirements for her evdemonia to cascade downward, you will naturally see where your desires -other than the very top desire of pleasing her at all costs- can fit in nicely, or need be edited entirely. You may come to realize, as many do, that every one of your selfish desires are, in truth, wrong for your relationship and will have to be adjusted, corrected, modified, neutered or even removed. Though momentarily painful, this sacrifice of ego must be performed. Again, by elevating her needs and desires while you reduce yours, and encouraging her critiques of your lifestyle and attitude (a subject which we will soon explore at length), you will have gone far in ridding yourself of the many stifling instincts and emotional dependencies which are holding you back from enjoying a truly rewarding relationship with Todays Spontaneous, Passionate Woman. Filtering Your Thoughts One of your more difficult tasks will be the correcting and prioritizing of your mental processes. Gorgias had tremendous difficulty keeping his thoughts entirely focused on the needs and desires of his attractive wife; he used a sharp knife to remind himself whenever his thoughts strayed. Petronius, too, employed a similar device, though less successfully, as the great writer ultimately bled to death from his inability to keep his mental imagery in check. I do not recommend such techniques, however, primarily because she does not need to see the effects of your struggles to control yourself (though these examples should serve as adequate models for how hard it is, once you have given license to your unkempt thoughts, to reign them in). It is vital your thoughts and inner images come in line with hers, or at the very least, you sublimate your own outlaw desires and opinions for the sake of the relationship. She does not need to hear anything other than what comforts her well-being. Your doubts, confusions and stray observations have no bearing on your relationship, especially if they run in any way counter to her beliefs. Remember, by placing her happiness at the top of your list of priorities, and referring to this sacred order whenever questions arise, you will have the tools to quickly understand the appropriate course in every situation. There is danger, by the way, in acting selflessly in her presence and then harboring resentments or untoward feelings privately. This acts as a poison that can erode the hard work you are doing. It

starts with your mental pictures; never undertake a task or personal change for her benefit with any trace of doubt, anger, resentment, fear or disgust. Recognize instantly whenever such filthy and destructive thoughts may be taking place and shortly tell yourself you must not allow these cancerous images living entrance. Remember, whenever you experience objections to anything she says or feels, you are mistaken, and it is critical you remove these mean-spirited reactions instantly. When Your Sense Of Humor Must Conform To Hers You love to joke, play games, tell funny stories; you believe this is who you are, yet every time you open your mouth with one of your witticisms, she explodes, gets offended or in some other way just does not understand. You place the blame on her, when it should rest squarely on your less-thanappropriately-humorous shoulders. There is nothing more beautiful than the laugh of a happy, contented woman, and one of your many high-priority tasks is to keep her happily laughing. If your sense of humor offends or degrades her or her beliefs, however, you must abandon your flaccid attempts at levity and do your utmost to discover the veins of humor which do please her. Things you find humorous are often anything but to Todays Serious, Goal-Oriented Woman. Sure, farting or sexist humor may win you points with the boys, but they are the death knell to your intimacy with her. The idea to keep in mind is this: if she objects to anything you suggest as funny, cease with the practice instantly, and deeply apologize for having done so. You have no options here. And if there are things she finds funny and you presently do not, you must alter your inner humor gauge to conform to hers while studying what -and why- she finds whatever she finds funny, but until then, laugh when she laughs, cry when she cries. There is no other way to address this critical behavioral deficit other than to constantly control yourself while you work on altering your approach to things humorous. One day, certainly, there will be specific and effective interventions to assist you in restructuring your funny bone, but they are a long way from winning FDA approval. Note-Taking, And Effective Conversational Techniques Keeping in mind the previously-mentioned cautions, I cannot over-emphasize the many topical elements you cannot and must not bring into your relationship. There will be plenty of time, however, for actual conversation with Todays Spontaneous, Passionate Woman; a host of occasions stretch before you, when you can seize the opportunity and offer subjects which she will find pleasing and rewarding. I am going to offer a crucial suggestion which will immeasurably enhance your attempts to please her: the art of listing and carefully detailed note-taking, centered entirely upon her world. It is crucial you develop exacting lists of her interests and the subjects she enjoys and does not enjoy participating in; this is a critical first step, the importance of which I will repeat throughout the book. The task is simple: carefully plot everything you know about her, what she does and does not like with regards to every subject you can think of, leaving no small detail out. I suggest carrying with you at all times a loose-leaf notebook, perhaps two, devoted to good and bad topics related to her overall well-being, referring to them whenever doubts arise. Never trust your instincts in conversation, for without careful preparation, your mindless, mentally-polluted offerings will inevitably offend or, at the very least, prove a distractive nuisance. I would also suggest you undertake extensive interviews with her past and present recreational partners, as well as family members and friends, in order to find out exactly which topics she likes to speak of, experience or learn about. She may also enjoy periodically reviewing an exact chronicle of her recreational exploits, complete with photographs and measurements of specific physical attributes. Such a journal can be a veritable fountain of conversational opportunities from which you may spend hours of quality time pleasantly reflecting over her more memorable experiences. Be detail-oriented here; her evdemonia depends on it. Once your lists have been prepared, you will have ample material from which to draw. Never, of course, bring up a topic when it appears she may not be in the correct emotional condition. This

subject I address elsewhere but it is critical you refrain from blurting out any untimely or offensive subjects without careful preparation, and those subjects you do raise must conform exactly to her specifications and time-tables. With practice, you will be able to identify how to speak to her properly, and when. ~ Confession Unnecessary Weight Upon Her, Or The Road To Manhood? The days of vios lathios, or the hidden life, when a man did one thing and said another, keeping a mistress or dallying with prostitutes while performing the duties of the faithful husband, those days, gentlemen, are now officially over. Everything in your life from here on must be up-front; harbor no secrets. It is presumptuous for a man to have a private world he does not share entirely with his wife or girlfriend. She must know, if she expresses a desire, everything about you. If you are truly determined to please Todays RightfullyDemanding Woman, then get in touch with yourself and reveal everything to her, for there can be no privacy in your relationship, no independent life separate from hers. Therefore, the word for you to operate under from now on is transparent, and you will herein conform to a strict code of total transparency. In almost every case, however, this will not be true for Todays Spontaneous Woman. She is by no means to be held to the same standards that bind you, for she will no doubt feel the necessity to create and maintain an independence separate from you, which she has every right to do. And if the woman you crave is not especially forthcoming with her views, feelings or activities, whatever they may be, again, it is her right and her choice and you must respect her. There is nothing you have to add on the matter, other than to be focused entirely on becoming transparent. Omologein sophon, the Ancients murmured, or total confession of all deeds and thoughts, the only approach for the development of the Good Partner. Indeed, a Real Man religiously practices openness and an unswerving willingness to accept, modify, alter and instantly take any position his wife or girlfriend requires, for the sake of her well-being. You must learn to gauge, of course, whether your openness in any way disturbs, burdens or inconveniences her, but it is integral to the relationship that you conceal nothing and be ready and willing to offer deep and meaningful explanations and descriptions whenever she asks for them. I was at my best when my back was to the wall and she stood in my face, demanding explication. Then, I was a true poet. Catullus. Yet, as every snowflake differs from the next, so, too, do women, and what upsets one in confession of past or present deeds may prove enlightening or entertaining to another. You will know -or ought to know and, in time, will certainly know if you faithfully employ my techniques- exactly what you can and cannot confess to. Hopefully, you have -or will have- ceased with any nefarious behavior necessitating further concealment from her, so that, soon, there will be no issue of deception on your part ever again. If, for example, you are a compulsive masturbator who cannot see a womans ankle without racing off to the bathroom to maniacally yank on your scrawny little red sausage and, by revealing this fetid trait, you would disturb her delicate sense of trust, I advise you promptly dis-engage yourself from the habit, and I do not care how. If that means, in animal husbandry terms, you become a gelding, then so be it, the method is not my concern; whatever it takes, as long as you do not offend her. Gauging Her Responses To Your Openness The visionary sexologist, vgrafen, in his pioneering work on personal exploration, My Confessions, suggests men take the position much like a catcher in baseball when dealing with the question of how honest one ought to be responding to Todays Assertive, Dynamic, Critically-Thinking Woman: Offer your revelation in stages, begin by testing the waters, based on what you know of her

capacity to absorb uncomfortable information, then wait and carefully study her reaction. Look for clues by taking every facet of her response into account, catching her reply and delivering back to her an easy, inoffensive toss, making sure the toss comes with no surprises or hidden spins. This ought to provide you enough time to decide whether or not to go further into the meat of your confession, or redirect into some harmless subject. Do not make her search for any subliminal or vague message, however. The results can be devastating. If you have been doing your homework, painstakingly charting every one of her needs, desires and expectations, her habits, patterns, likes and dislikes, you will soon develop the understanding and therefore will be equipped to employ the appropriate techniques for receiving and delivering both comfortable and uncomfortable information. Make sure you do not mindlessly spew material that has not been screened and could in any way be construed as offensive. Your thoughtlessness and lack of preparation could result in her actually experiencing discomfort. Do not take the risk. A good rule of thumb, and though I will explore this in greater detail, is anything that upsets her serenity or has the potential to upset her serenity, immediately confess to, apologize for and set to work making better. You are the one with the filthy personal resume strung out behind you like diesel exhaust, not her. Can You Be Too Honest? As stated, yes, you can be too honest, depending upon the woman and depending upon what is revealed to her. If you begin to confess of any desultory, altogether disgusting behavior or tendencies of thought causing adverse reactions to her evdemonia, the confession must be instantly reduced in scope to that which pleases her. Remember, your duty is to her well-being. She must know that, whatever the offense, you are going to make it right, you will atone. Yet she must know everything about you; thus, if you are presently practicing any behavior she would find objectionable and may be unaware of, it is your duty to expose the offense and beg forgiveness while you offer atonement, hoping she will be of a mind to forgive and move forward. Clearly, though, if your honesty affects her adversely, it is your mistake. Many women, when pressed to react after a moment of revelation or upon discovering their mates sordid deeds, do not respond charitably, and yet that, too, is entirely justified and her option as well. Be prepared. If you are acting, feeling and thinking as you should in regards to her well-being, then only rarely as you evolve will there prove a need to confess of that which she might be unaware. At the beginning of most relationships, however, there is a normal confessional tendency to reveal how one acted previously. As a general rule, I advise coming clean during this phase with everything you have ever done, then immediately setting to work atoning or mollifying. Depending upon the woman and her range of reactions, after you have confessed of everything in your history which may potentially upset her if she had to find out the hard way, you are free to begin anew. And if you have not done anything of confessional quality, then make something up, confess and begin atoning. It will be good for you. There remains little in my fading memory that compares to the sensation of receiving her disgusted ire upon my most imaginative confession. Debased Archippus. Not every woman, however, ought to be burdened with a mans filthy behavior, past or present, and it may prove necessary, upon confession and allowing for her reaction to take whatever course it may, that you remove yourself from her presence and never return. Despite your feelings for her, it is how she feels which is paramount, and if she cannot stomach who she now knows you to be, you must leave, and I mean instantly. In closing, I will reiterate: you must give her the chance, having learned everything there is to learn about you, good and bad, to make the choice whether or not to allow you to remain with her. While you may whine and moan that the same courtesy ought to be extended your way (ie., you should know everything about her prior to any commitment on your part), I cannot endorse this position, for there are two very different scales of justice we are dealing with here, and a woman must always retain

the right to reveal or withhold her private issues. Of this, there is no debate. ~ Promises, Expectations, And Duty Your End Of The Bargain Duty is defined as faithfully upholding, which means a twenty five hour a day incessant effort on your part to fulfill her needs, desires and expectations. It is an obligation, one you heartily embrace. Your duty, then, with respect to pleasing Todays Rightfully-Demanding Woman, is to perform to her standards always. Philodemus brags, None stand before my efforts to meet her requirements. You must never promise anything you cannot deliver, other than to promise your continued effort to attempt to improve the quality of her life. Simply stated, with the concept of transparency in mind, you must become consistent, a known quantity, a clear glass house for her to see through. A woman must be able to count on this unequivocal consistency if she is to offer her fragile trust. This is the nature of true commitment. A polytribos, or man who takes many positions, is the very enemy of Todays Intuitive Woman. Only Objects and Winners are allowed to practice reality on multiple levels, as Toteras indicates, or fabricate possibilities as they see fit. In your situation, however, deception must be altogether removed or beaten out of you, in order for you to become consistent. Yet, if you have revealed unsavory habits of body and mind that must be immediately altered, there is no harm in renouncing your old ways and taking this new position if, and I underscore if these new traits themselves become measurably consistent. I will re-visit this issue but, one way or the other, your lifes singular duty must be to her evdemonia. Her well-being, gentlemen, is everything. Missing Assignments, Failed Expectations Depending upon the man, there will be more than several occasions when you do not meet what she expects of you, or even completely fail in your duties. Moments like these must bring about marked internal evaluation; as Plutarch says, It is through failure we learn our greatest lessons. So take heart in your failures, be encouraged to know that better men than you have come and gone, all of them with their vast lists of shortcomings and personal inadequacies. Every man -with the exception of Objects and Winners, obviously- sometimes and occasionally without explanation falls short, but what sets them and you, a Real Man, apart is your ability to adapt and change, to take note of where and how youve failed and then do everything in your power never to repeat the mistake. This is the mark you must constantly attain. Often, you will be confronted by her discovery of one or more mistakes made through your negligence, incompetence, or forgetfulness. These missing assignments, depending on the woman you are with, can sometimes be rectified and even forgiven if a man is willing to crawl on his knees across the desert or otherwise do whatever it takes to restore himself in her eyes and on her terms. It takes a dedicated Good Partner to be able to accomplish this, of course, but it can be done. Set your sights on the possibility that, through enough effort, you might just be able to make things right. What can be worse than her disappointment, and is there any greater sting? Pausanias the Accomplished. Then again, if the woman you are blessed to be with is less than tolerant of your mistakes and will not allow you to move on by constantly reminding you how you failed, perhaps rubbing your nose in her displeasure and making you relive again and again the ugly incident (or, most likely, incidents), then I would listen carefully to her critiques and cull what you can from them, doing your level best never to react emotionally while she is lecturing or otherwise expressing herself. Remember, she deals with you as best she is able, and you are flat lucky she even stays with you. ~

About The Author

R. Milton Quibner, senior fellow at the Pataphysical Institute in Northern California, is one of the worlds leading heterosexual relationship specialists. Quibner has developed a unique and hard-hitting self-help program for men based on Pre-Classical values and ethics. Quibner draws on the fundamental works of Western Antiquity, focusing on the ontological, axiological and epistemological discoveries found in the early texts as a means of shaping the male role in the modern heterosexual relationship, though Quibner does employ, where applicable, later source material. Aware of the impossibility of asking a modern man to emulate the rigorous virtues and behavior of a long-dead society, yet convinced the overwhelming majority of men are desperate for major personal over-haul, Quibner has designed a program geared to the more modest scope and capabilities of todays heterosexual man. Quibner is happily married, a fervent and devoted Good Partner. ~ ~

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