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Inter cessory P r Ay e r G u I d e

1. Passion for Jesus 2. Israel

Devote your heart to Jesus in love and obedience. Mt 22:37; Eph 1:17-19; Eph 3:16-19; Phil 1:9-11; Col 1:9-11

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.
I Tim 2:1(NLT)

Pray for revival and Gods purpose for Israel to be realized. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the salvation of the Jewish people, revival in the congregations in Israel, and for the fulfillment of all the prophetic promises to the nation of Israel. Pray that God will use GOD TV to bring the Gospel to this land. Rom 9-11 ; Is 62


Pray for the raising up of one million prayer partners who will commit to praying for the fulfillment of GOD TVs mandate to win one billion souls. Pray for GOD TVs partnership with other ministries as it brings anointed media into peoples homes. Pray for GOD TVs founders, Rory and Wendy Alec, the leadership team as well as the staff all over the world. Pray for wisdom, creativity, clarity of Gods direction, and protection and good health for the GOD TV staff and their families. Pray for the needs and challenges of our broadcast headquarters in Jerusalem, and each regional office across the globe. Pray for supernatural distribution increase for GOD TV on satellite, cable and terrestrial platforms, so that more people will hear the Gospel and be encouraged by the Word. Pray for the unsaved to be drawn to GOD TV and as many homes as possible to be reached with the Gospel. Pray for supernatural favor with Cable and Satellite Networks that God would open new doors for GOD TV.

4. Justice

Pray for an end to abortion, human trafficking, acts of violence and other injustices. Ps 72:1-4,12-14; Ps 82; Is 58:6-12

Pray for specific issues in your nation.

5. National Issues

P r Ay e r G u I d e
6. International Issues 7. Government
Pray for specific issues affecting the globe.


Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well

Pray for those in authority in your region/city/nation... that they will yield to the Godly influence around them. Rom 13; Titus 3; 1 Pet 2:13-17

8. Salvation

Pray that God would remove the scales that blind the eyes of those who do not believe and open their minds and ears to hearing and receiving the Word. Jn 16:8; 2 Cor 4:4 Pray for the salvation of three specific people/groups:

so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble

9. Healing

I Tim 2:2-3 (MSG)

Pray for a release of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Is 53:4-5; Acts 4:29-30 Pray specifically for three people who need healing:

10. Local Church

Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit in your city/region. Pray for unity and for the fullness of the Spirit to be released in the Church. Jn 14:12; Jn 17:21-23 Pray for your church or denomination.

P r Ay e r G u I d e
11. Missions


Pray for revival in a foreign city/nation and for an outpouring of the Spirit on the poor and on persecuted churches. Acts 2:17-21; 2 Thes 3:l-5 Pray that the wealth of the nations would be released for the Great Harvest and for the poor. Haggai 2:7-9 Pray for spiritual breakthroughs in the Church with unprecedented unity, purity and power. Is 63:15-16; Is 64:1-7; Rom 15:5-6,13 Pray for three cities, nations or people groups:

intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

I Tim 2:1 (NLT)

12. Ministries

Pray for key ministries and /or missionaries. 1 Cor 1:5-8; 1 Thes 3:10-13; 2 Thes 1:11-1 2; 2 Thes 3:1-5

13. Prayer Ministries 14. Family

Pray for the establishing of houses of prayer in your city/region. Is 56:6-8: Mt 21 :13; Mk 1 1 :I 7: Lk 19:46

Pray for blessing, unity and health in your marriage and for your children. Pray for Christian marriages and families to stand strong against the attacks of the enemy. Josh 24:15; Rom 15:5-6; Rom 12:9-10; Ex 20:12; Eph 5:22-6:4; Col 3:18-21 Pray for members of your family:

P r Ay e r G u I d e
15. Marketplace


Pray for your workplace and your authorities. Col 3:23-24; 1 Cor 1 0:31; Ecc 3:9-13; Ecc 5:18-20; Titus 3

intercede on their behalf, and give thanks

16. Young Adults / University Campuses

Pray for local schools and colleges, as well as for a youth revival movement.

for them.
I Tim 2:1 (NLT)

Joel 2:28; Mal 4:6

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