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Creation Things were at one time created in a perfect format, a perfect world, a child's world or a golden age (Utopian) Modern Example: Loss of Innocence Loss of the perfect world. A movement from innocence to a more worldly adult change of mind or attitude. Rites of passage that mark change. Modern Example: Apocalypse/Flood A cataclysmic event that wipes out an existing society to start a new beginning. Modern Example: Metamorphosis (change of form) Growing up, changing boundaries, moving from rags to riches. Going from one natural boundary to another. Modern Example: Cycle Involves our concept of the universe being cyclic. There are some changes, but a basic pattern is there. This cycle helps the protagonist make sense of the world. Modern Example: Journey Some kind of challenge on a journey with a homecoming. A quest a mental journey. Movement away and a return. People who take a journey may undergo a change. Three basic stages in the journey are: Departure- Hero leaves the world he has known, receives supernatural aid begins quest. Initiation Hero is initiated to the quest by working towards and finding his goal. Return Hero returns to discover he is master of both worlds and free to live. Modern Example: Mentor A being who interacts with the hero to teach them how to survive and make the world a better place. This being could be in the form of a wise old man or woman, god, parent, teacher, etc. Modern Example: The Fool Natural fool Innocent, good hearted human being. Natural instincts to care for others. Basically good, but misdirected.

Scapegoat Someone singled out to take the burdens/sins of society. Schemer Makes foolish choices. A person who is looking for an advantage but does not work in a productive way with society. His own interests and desires are most important. Artificial fool A person who plays the fool. Can accomplish a lot, makes foolish behavior to serve his desires or needs. Seems to be on the fringes of society. Modern Example: Hero From a Greek root meaning to protect and serve, the hero is one who is able to transcend the bounds and illusions placed upon him or her. The idea of the hero revolves around self sacrifice and service to others. Modern Example: Threshold Guardian At each gateway to a new world or a higher understanding there are powerful guardians at the threshold, placed to keep the unworthy from entering. They are not usually the villains, but are lesser challenges meant to inspire growth. Modern Example: Herald A messenger of sorts, the herald is the character who issues challenges and announces significant changes in the story. Modern Example: Shapeshifter These complex characters change appearance or mood, and are difficult to understand. Their primary characteristic is change, usually to a position opposite from the hero. Modern Example: Shadow A character that represents the dark side, the unspoken, unrealized, or rejected aspects of existence. Often the shadow is present internally as well as externally, and is manifest through doubt, fear, secret, or even in the form of villains. Modern Example: Trickster A character representing a gift fro mischief and a desire for change. They are often the comic relief of a myth, and serve both aspects of good and evil. Modern Example:

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