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1) Provide examples of "vertical transfer" and "horizontal transfer".

Ans) Horizontal transfer refers to the movement of an established technology from one environment to another. Examples of horizontal transfer are: Business Process Outsourcing. Computer Software packages. Energy power plants

Vertical transfer refers to transfer of technology from the initial stages like research and development to application in the different industries. The examples of vertical transfer are: Gene technology- the gene is used in different industries like production of insulin, genetically modified food in the agriculture industry, etc. This is mostly the bio-tech examplesthats what I could think off.gene technology, I will have to do some research on thisif u do have any would help.

2) Explain the "turnkey package". Ans) The "turnkey package" is a type of horizontal transfer. It is a special mode of carrying out international business as well. It is a sort of contract in which a firm agrees to fully design, construct and equip a manufacturing/business/service facility and only turn it over to a buyer when it is ready for operation. The transfer includes production technology, matching equipment, plant, staff training and production preparation.

Some of the turnkey examples include: Turnkey websites- most of the online entrepreneurs lack knowledge of website designing or fund to purchase the software for designing. Turnkey websites are operating sites complete with product images, descriptions, prices and interactive scripts for forms, shopping carts, affiliate programs, etc.

Network appliances (routers) - in which the hardware and software are preintegrated and pre-configured to provide the buyer turnkey solutions to a particular problem

Turnkey home projects-.Real estate developers in Bangladesh oversees everything from site selection to the actual building of the apartments. LIR Biotech- a Malaysian company completed an aquatic health turnkey project and handed it to an animal health company in Bangladesh. They provided turnkey solutions in designing, supply of hardware equipment, detection platforms and also human resource training. This allows them to provide testing services for shrimp and other fish viral diseases.

3) Find examples of the five channelsChannels laboratory to production Examples The development of penicillin first began in the laboratory and then when large quantity was required it moved in to large-scale production. Internet, GPS, Digital photography, radar, etc. Information technology outsourcing to China and India. Outsourcing production of RMG products. Business process outsourcing. encompassing call centers. The establishment of telephone towers for widespread telephone network. This helps the rural people in using mobile phones. Agricultural techniques such as water pumps, irrigation equipments, pesticides, etc. The silicon chip was exported from America to Japan.

military to civilian application advanced




industry to backward regions, sectors, industries from the urban to rural areas

domestic to foreign countries

4) Provide an example of how FDI induces technology flow. Foreign Direct Investments is defined as a company from one country making a physical investment in another country. Majority of this investment is made in machinery, equipment and builds. An example of FDI in Bangladesh is NEO zipper. A group of individuals joined with foreign zipper manufacturing project and started it as a Greenfield investment. They set up the manufacturing facility and the manufacturing system fully encompasses the American-Korean technology for branded zippers. First, they began with trial production plastic, polyester, metal and pre-formed brass zippers. Then they moved on to producing polyester zipper line with plastic molded stoppers and later introduced the in-house electroplating process. Recently, they started invisible closeend zipper line and incorporated improved technology to smooth the sharpness of metal zipper. The above example of a FDI shows how it induces technology flow. The introduction of NEO has brought about the best machines, raw materials and processes for producing zippers. They are following the quality standards specified by walmart, H&M, Sears and K-Mart. ASTM and BS standards are being maintained in the production process. Apart from this, NEO also has an R&D department which is continuously striving to bring improvements in the strength and function of NEO zippers. Through foreign direct investment, American-Korean technology has been established in Bangladesh. It is an example of technology flow from more advanced regions to backward regions. 5) Explain with an example the "License Transaction". (Consider a local example).

License transaction refers to selling patented technology, how to use the technology, the right to use trademarks, product manufacturing, and marketing activities to other overseas subsidiaries or enterprises by transnational companies through the signing of contracts. It is the most widespread way to engage in technology transfer. License transaction is the one of the simplest and cheapest ways in which a firm can own technology. It also contributes to improving a country's technology and industrial structure.

An example of license transaction in Bangladesh would be Coca-cola. They have given Bangladesh the right to use their trademark. Do you thnk this is correct or should I go with chevroncan u tell me what else to add here. 6) Summarize the different periods of Chinese Technology Transfer. 1949-1959 Period of imitation Advanced technology was mostly imported from the Soviet Union and East European socialist countries. For the industrialization of the new China, heavy equipments and matching technologies were imported. The objective was to build similar industrial system in China as well. Amongst the 156 key projects that were imported, some of them included coal, electric power, oil, chemical engineering, aviation, automobile, textile, military industry, etc. Combined with the talents and economic management, the gross industrial value raised by 18%. Political tension and natural disasters led to slow development of technological growth. Resistance to imported technology increased so self-dependence policy dominated. Eventually technology transfer shifted from domestic to international only. Aid was provided to some Asian and African nations. It began to import the key equipment only and increased the technology import through technology admission and services. The import was not only for building the heavy industries systems but also the light industries. Technology transfer was not only amongst nations but also amongst individuals. Establishment of diplomatic relationship with the US and Chinas economic reform and the opening up of its economy affected technology. Theoretical research began. The companies introduced technology to help expedite the instruction operation. The process of technology transfer became simple and the channels increased. Many industries invested in their own R&D to efficiently use the technology.


Fumbling Period


Internalization of Development


Opening Round Stage

Technology theory is more sophisticated and directs technology transfer. Technology transfer helps the expansion of Chinese-led multinationals. Enterprises are the main source of technology transfer. Research and Development are prevalent in practice and theory. A huge supply of funding is available as the capital markets perfect themselves.

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