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10/31/2007 1

Quality Assurance Plan

a refresh
QA Team
10/31/2007 2
10/31/2007 3
Academy Hierarchy and Structure
Three Tiers
1. CATC (Cisco Academy Training Centre) are
trained and supported by Cisco train and
support Regional Academies
2. RA (Regional Academy) are trained and
supported by CATC train and support Local
3. LA (Local Academy) are trained and
supported by RA teach students
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Quality Assurance Academy
The Quality Assurance Academy provides quality
assurance services for the whole country.
Its role is to:
implements policies;
develop strategies;
provide advice to Cisco; and
investigate complaints.
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(Quality Assurance Support Specialist) Team
The QASS team:
provides support to the academy
community regarding Academy
Connection operation; and
assists the Quality Assurance Academy in
routine operations.
Support is provided in local language as
far as possible.
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Main Contacts
Legal Main Contact (LMC)
The person chosen for this role must be able to set aside
time to fulfil the role. For this reason, even though a
Principal, Dean or senior manage might seem to be a
good choice, the reality is that such people often do not
find the time to be operationally involved. The LMC
should be chosen carefully.
The LMC is the main point of contact for:
any local legal issues;
developing local Academy implementation policies;
investigation of complaints;
quality assurance;
general Academy implementation management; and
maintenance of financial and academic records.
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Support Academy
The Support Academy (i.e. CATCs and RAs):
must support Cisco in the recruitment and establishment of
new supported Academies;
conduct support visits (in-person and/or virtual) to
supported academies at least once per year;
provide supported Academies with mentoring and technical
support onsite (where practicable), by e-mail, and by
provide continuing education opportunities to their
supported Academies at least twice a year or more
ensure that new supported Academies are familiar with QAP
roles, responsibilities and methods before becoming an
academy; and
ensure that supported Academies are kept up to date with
QAP roles, responsibilities and methods, as required.
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All Academies
All academies provide active, serviceable and
reliable e-mail accounts for all instructors and key
support staff.
In general Hotmail, Yahoo and similar
accounts are not suitable.
Organisationally provided and administered
accounts are recommended.
All academies provide funds to support the initial
training of instructors. This may include training
fees, travel costs, and per diem expenses, etc.
The academies release time and travel funds for
main contacts and instructors to attend
continuing education activities.
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Support Fees
CATC may charge RAs a support fee based on a
cost recovery model.
RAs may charge LAs a support fee based on a
cost recovery model.
All fees are to be approved as reasonable, by the
Academy council.
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Training Centres
Training Centres (CATCs and RAs)
Training providers will give two weeks
notification if they intend to cancel an
instructor class.
Training Centres:
have at least two trained instructors per
curriculum offered.
maintain equipment support agreements or an
equivalent support agreement with an authorized
Cisco partner.
Training schedules must be approved by the
Academy Council.
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Academy itself must be authorized to offer
each curriculum they deliver.
Academy must have a Support
Agreement for each curriculum.
Maintain one instructor per Curriculum at all
Delivery program content at a rate of no
more than 12 hours per week to any one
group of students.
In secondary institutions (like high schools)
deliver no less than seventy (70) hours total
per course.
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In post-secondary institutions, instructor-led time
must total no less than forty-five (45) hours, with an
additional twenty-five (25) hours of required
proctored lab time.
The CCNA Program (i.e. CCNA 1 to CCNA 4) may
not be delivered in less than 6 months.(
untuk kur. baru boleh dalam 4 bulan, tapi..)
Must download all course material and curricula to a
local server, and password-protect all the material
and available to registers Academy Connection
users only.
Provide a minimum of 56 Kbps dedicated Internet
connection to the classroom (not just 56Kbps to the
whole the school).
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All Academies
Academy instructors must be academy trained.
This applies to all Academy curricula.
The trainee instructor-to-instructor ratio should
never exceed 25 to 1. This is also a recommended
maximum for student classes.
Main contacts and instructors are required to
access the Academy Connection Web site no less
than once per week to obtain updated Program
Where two instructors co-teach a class, they both
must be listed in the management system as
instructors; one as primary, the other as
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Learning Environment
Adequate space for the largest number of
students taught in any class. For example, for 20
students a minimum of 900 square feet or 90
square meters.
Adequate supply of appropriate computers. A
ratio of 1:1 strongly recommended. Maximum is a
Appropriate and adequate lab equipment.
For CCNA course the recommended
maximum number of students per lab bundle
is fifteen (15).
Appropriate policies and procedures to ensure the
health and safety of the participants.
Academies are encouraged to provide access and
support for students with disabilities.
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Instructors should proctor all module
exams and not allow students to refer to
any external resources while testing.
Final exams MUST be proctored with
students NOT being given access any
resources other than the exam.
Records will be maintained through the
online assessment system of Academy
All Academies are required to use the
online assessment tools on Academy
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Grades and passing determination should be made using
multiple information sources in addition to online
assessments and skills assessment.
Minimum course pass requirements:
a pass at the online final exam. A grade of 70% or greater
is recommended; and
demonstration of proficiency by completing all the relevant
skills-based assessments.
Comprehensive Written, Oral, and Lab
Practical Exams
30% Final Exam
Case studies 10% Portfolio
On-Line Exams 20% Exams
Two concept-based exams 20% Oral Exams
Document all laboratory and project work
10% Journal
Practice problems and designs 10% Homework
Mastery of Skills is mandatory pass/fail Skill Exams
Comments % Item
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Academies will have policies to deal
with student cheating, which
significantly deter cheating.
Any breach of copyright will be
reported to Cisco through the
Support Academy hierarchy.
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Initial Training
Initial Instructor Training
All initial instructor training classes must be
approved by the Academy Council.
Leads to CCAI (Cisco Certified Academy
Instructor) when completed.
Academies providing initial instructor training may
charge a fee based on a cost recovery model.
The fee charged by the provider is subject to
approval Academy Council as being reasonable.
Only training events approved by the Academy
Council may be conducted.
Before attending initial instructor training,
candidates are required to download the
curriculum at least 2 weeks prior to the start of
training and study it fully.
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Initial Training
Steps to Attaining CCAI Status
The following are the steps to attaining CCAI status:
Academy Fundamentals - the twenty-four hour
Academy Orientation Course.
Beginning Curriculum Training - download and
study the curriculum at least two weeks prior to
attending the training session.
Undertake course(s) related to a particular
Curriculum prior to teaching. Curriculum must
be completed in pre-requisite sequence.
Pass the final online exams.
Pass the relevant Skills Assessments.
Pass the recognized industry certification.
Successfully teach one course of the curriculum
as verified through the online Assessment
CCAI requirements (steps 1 to 7 above) must
be completed within 24 months from the start
of initial instructor training.
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Training Guide
CCNA refer ke kur baru!
CCNA1 Networking Basics, a block of 5 days in-
CCNA2 Routers and Routing Basics, a block of 6
days in-person
CCNA3 Switching Basics and Intermediate
Routing, a block of 4 days in-person
CCNA4 WAN Technologies, a block of 4 days in-
10/31/2007 21
Training Guide
CCNA Instructor Fast Track
Orientation course; plus
3 days of skills test assessment, in-
10/31/2007 22
Sponsored Curriculum
Fundamentals of Unix I A block of 5 days
IT Essentials I A block of 5 days in-person
IT Essentials II A block of 5 days in-
Java 8 days in-person
Voice and Data Cabling (PNIE) A block of
5 days in-person
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Kurikulum baru yang ditawarkan
Wireless LAN
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Instructor Evaluation
The passing grade for trainee/student instructors'
online exams:
First attempt: 80% or higher
Second attempt: 85% level or higher
Third attempt: 90% level or higher
Fourth attempt: There is no 4th attempt. A repeat of
the course is required.
Demonstrated competency at skills tests. Two
attempts are allowed.
Instructor and trainee satisfaction collated from the
results of the feedback forms (i.e. Teach-back
evaluation during instructor training).
Satisfaction summaries compiled by the instructor(s)
conducting their training
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Instructor Evaluation
Any instructor who is observed cheating
while at instructor training will be asked
to leave the class immediately.
Instructors who are caught cheating will
be required to wait thirty days before
they are eligible to register or re-register
for training.
Any breach of copyright will be reported
to Cisco through the Support Academy
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On-Going Training
On-Going Instructor Training
At least 4 hours of additional training is required
each year for each course an instructor has
Additional training requirement begins within the
first 12 months of completing initial training.
Currency of industry certification must be
Instructors will develop annual goals for on-going
training based in part on an analysis of results
from student and program data.
Goal setting will include the use of the self-
assessment form.
Academies providing on-going training services
may charge a fee for these services based on a
cost recovery model.
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Training Costs
Instructor Training
Training costs are set by the
providing academy based on a cost
recovery model.
Instructor training fees must be
approved by the Academy Council.
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Training Cost
Student Fees
Where fees are required they must
be set using a cost recovery model.
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Training Costs
Cost Recovery Model
A cost recovery model includes only those costs directly
associated with delivering a class. The cost may be
estimated using the cost calculator provided on Academy
Connection. The cost may include:
instructor salary
relevant facilities cost
amortization of equipment cost (e.g. depreciation)
surcharges and levies applicable to the class
general internal operational costs
management costs
other costs that may be reasonably attributed to the
particular class
The cost may not include any cost that supports other
programs, activities, business ventures, dividends to
shareholders or other forms of profits to external bodies.
10/31/2007 30
Staff Replacement
If a Legal Main Contact, a Curriculum
Lead or instructor leaves an Academy,
that individual must be replaced by a
suitably trained and qualified person
within ninety (90) days.
Academy may not conduct training events
or classes until an instructor replacement
is selected and trained in the course to be
taught by the Academy.
A Local Academy may temporarily share
an instructor from another nearby
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Student and Instructor Agreement
This relates to the agreement that all users are
presented with the very first time they log on
to Academy Connection. They cannot continue
with their initial log in until they have clicked
"agree" to this document.
All information provided by users to Academy
Connection will: - be accurate and in no way
misleading or false (including user profile)
- in no way be offensive, secret, obscene,
prohibited, malicious, liabelous, pornographic,
etc. (including user profile)
10/31/2007 32
Student and Instructor Agreement
- not violate intellectual property or copyright
restrictions and laws
- not be used to solicit business (with the
exception of the Career Connection features)
Everything hosted on the Academy Connection
website should be treated as copyright Cisco
By posting any information on Academy
Connection users grant Cisco Systems fully
unrestricted rights to that material for ever.
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Downloaded Curriculum
This relates to the agreement displayed
when a user requests a download of
curriculum from Academy Connection
Academy agrees not to :
- make any copies, duplicates or
derivative works
- remove, conceal, alter, or cover any
product identification or notices of any
proprietary or copyright restrictions
10/31/2007 34
Logos and Trademarks
Academy Connection and
This relates to various documents available on Academy
Connection and
Academies have the right to use the Cisco Academy logo
available on Academy Connection only. - To use any other
logo (including other Cisco logos) prior permission in writing
is required.
The Cisco Academy logo may only be used in accordance with
guidelines available on Academy Connection. The guide
- Logo size and shape
- Backgrounds and features
- Notably, the Cisco Academy logo must never be more
prominent than the logo of the academy using the Cisco
Academy logo.
10/31/2007 35
Logos and Trademarks
Cisco Systems is a registered trademark hence
usage of the words Cisco Systems or Cisco in
ways other than referring to Cisco Systems is
illegal. For example the url is illegal. Similarly,
the subject Cisco1, is illegal.
The following are also trademarks of Cisco
Systems and must always be acknowledged and
restricted in usage as with the name Cisco
Systems above. CCNATM, CCNPTM, CCIETM, etc.
Cisco and Networking Academy graphics, text and
other material found on Academy Connection and
other Cisco sites may not be used without prior
written permission. (For details see
10/31/2007 36
Logos and Trademarks
Academy Partners, Sponsors and
It may be assumed that all the
above range of restrictions equally
apply to the Academy Program's
suppliers, partners and sponsors.
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Breaches of Copyright
Any breach of copyright will be
reported to Cisco through the
Support Academy hierarchy
they can be reported directly through
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SMARTnet Service
SMARTnet Service
SMARTnet is an equipment maintenance contract
that academies can purchase from Cisco.
The Academy SMARTnet service provides:
24 hours, 7 days a week telephone support from
the TAC (Technical Assistance Centre)
next business day replacement of faulty hardware
(includes shipment of new item and return of faulty
access to CCO (Cisco Connection On-line for: - documentation
- technical FAQs
- software (IOS) upgrades
Cisco Channel Partners (i.e. authorized Cisco
suppliers) also provide support contracts with
similar features.
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SMARTnet Service
Access to CCO
Initial access to the restricted areas of CCO requires a
SMARTnet contract number or a PICA with which to
create a user account. (ICAs are available through
Cisco Channel Partners' support agreements.)
Subsequent access is by username and password
established during initial login.
There is no restriction on the number of CCO users per
SMARTnet contract.
SMARTnet requires annual renewal therefore make sure
the contract is sent to your LMC, not your
infrastructure department.
Regional Academies are required to subscribe to
SMARTnet for their donated equipment.
Local Academies are highly recommended to take out a
SMARTnet or similar Channel Partner contract.
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F. Astha Ekadiyanto
Hot line : (021) 32199005
10/31/2007 41
QA Team
F. Astha Ekadiyanto (QASS)
AAP Ratna (
Endang S (
Adhe W Astato (
10/31/2007 42

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