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1 Ty Hodge November 21, 2012 Science Lesson Professor Bergey What: The lesson will open by a question to the

student group in which the teacher asks what the students know about the stars. Then, students will be introduced to the story of how the constellations were formed through a read aloud. Students might ask question as they are being read to. After the read aloud students will engage in a conversation about the constellations. Students might discuss the history of the stars or what they really liked about the book. Teacher will introduce some questions and statements in order to stimulate certain conversation topics such as what was your favorite constellation? Or do you look at the stars at night with your family? What star constellations are you already familiar with? The students will be introduced to the origin of the stars they see at night, and they will learn that groups of stars are referred to/called constellations. Afterwards, students will be given the opportunity to create their own constellation creation. They will draw a picture consisting of stars and connect them in order to form a picture of their own design. Students will then share their personally created constellation with the group. They will sit in the special teacher chair whilst they share their story. When someone is in the teacher chair it is expected that they are to receive ones undivided attention. After each students presentation their pictures will be displayed on their classroom wall. How: The lesson is designed with a focus on student generated discussion about a specific topic, in this instance it is the stars and constellations. During the lesson students will be encouraged to ask questions during the read aloud. Additionally, after the lesson the conversation is expected to be a time where students may ask any lingering questions about what they have just learned and I they wish share any personal experiences they might have had with the stars with their families or friends. It is anticipated that at times conversation will be facilitated by the teacher if the students seem to be going off topic or sharing stories unrelated to the current lesson. Discussions are however not the only focus of this lesson. There is also a focus on students creative design. An exciting part of this lesson is that it allows the student to create their own rendition of a constellation, complete with their own personal narrative to accompany it. This gives the students autonomy over their learning and a new way to view experience learning, where they are active members in their discovery. Students will get the opportunity to role play as ancient scientists and astronomers and hopefully realize that curiosity and interest are the beginning steps to becoming a scientist. Why: This lesson is designed with a lot of focus on discussion and hands on activity for the students. Having been in my class for over 10 weeks I have gotten to know my students. The students I selected to participate in my small lesson plan love to chat and love to be given the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with their teacher and class members. They seem to thrive off of the attention and as a bonus they also seem to retain more of the academic information when their learning is interactive and vocal. They seem to learn as they are presenting their ideas to the class. Additionally, they are rarely given this opportunity during their whole class instruction thus it seemed that it might be beneficial to give the students a platform to share their thoughts during this lesson and simultaneously hone their communication skills.

Goals/Objectives: SWBAT define constellation SWBAT identify specific constellations SWBAT to describe how constellations are named Standards: Materials and preparation: Classroom logistics needed to be organized prior to this lesson. A space in which the lesson could be taught needed to be reserved ahead of time. The class also needed to be constructed in a way that is conducive to learning and the lesson planned. Pencils Crayons Loose leaf paper Star stickers

Classroom Arrangement and Potential Management Issues: The behavioural chart will still be in play during this lesson and that will be explained to the students at the beginning of the lesson. Class will not be held in the students regular classroom but rather students will be taken up to the third floor to the library. The library is very similarly structures to the students regular classroomthere will be a table, chairs and a whiteboard where ideas and the agenda will be displayed. Typical first grader behavioural management issues will have to be managed. Students will be arranged around a table in the library. Chairs will be arranged with enough space between them in order to eliminate or reduce students continuously touching each other or causing physical distractions. Students will not be given materials until they are instructed to create their own constellation. Plan: Total Time: 45 minute Students will be reminded that classroom rules (clothes pin chart) still apply during this lesson and every person in this room must respect each other and be open to sharing their materials with one another. The importance of listening while someone is speaking and giving them eye contact will be reiterated. Additionally, the process of raising ones hand and waiting to be called on will also be reiterated to the students. Read Aloud: 15 minutes Students will be read the book, . Because the book is quite short students will be encouraged to ask questions during the read aloud. After the read aloud students will engage in a conversation about the book, what they know about stars and what they now know about a combination of stars called constellations.

3 Direct Instruction: 5 minutes After the read aloud some of the constellations introduced in the book will be drawn on the book and further discussed and re-identified. Say: Okay class, we have just finished a story about the stars. We learned so many things. We learned that a group of stars has a name. Does anyone remember what we call a group of stars? (see if students get to the right response, if not)

Independent Practice: 20 minutes Students will be given a sheet of paper and a pencil. Next, they will begin their own constellation creation. Each constellation could be after an animal they really like or an animal from their own imagination. With each picture of created constellation there will be a narrative that goes along. Wrap Up: 5-10 minutes Students will share their creations and stories with the group. When a student shares their work, they will get to sit in the teachers chair Anticipated Responses: Students might revel in the opportunity to express themselves through an arts and crafts project. Hopefully the students will enjoy learning about the stars and the constellations. Many of the students might not have had a lot of opportunity to learn about the stars and this will be a time where they learn something new and exciting. And those who have learned much about the heavens might enjoy the opportunity to share what they know. However, for some ambitious students there might be some confusion surrounding what stars are and how they were created. Assessment: First students will be assessed on class participation and their contribution to the class discussion. Not on the value of what they contribute but rather that they participated at all; the beginning stages of building confidence in public speaking. Second, they will be assessed on their final constellation map and their oral story that goes along with it. Accommodations: If students do not have enough time to finish, they will be given the opportunity to do so when they return to class or before they start their art lesson. There is usually some down time then. Students who have correctly completed their work and finish early will be given the chance to be my special little helper, which entails helping Ms. Hodge clean the white board, and pack up our supplies and materials.

Appendix A-Checklist:


Student contributed to class discussion

Student Creates their Presents Other understand own constellation what a constellation to class constellation

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