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Planet Stength in Rashi

Houses Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Capricon Aquarius Pisces Sun Moon Mars Swa Mercury Sama Mitra Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Mitra Sama Shatru Swa Shatru Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Kethu

Uccha Sama Sama Sama Swa Sama Mitra Mitra Swa Mitra Mitra

Neecha Shatru Shatru Uccha Neecha Mitra Mitra

Shatru Uccha Sama

Shatru Swa Neecha Shatru Mitra Sama Mitra Sama Mitra Mitra Mitra Sama Sama Sama Neecha

Uccha Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Shatru Neecha Mitra Sama Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra Uccha Mitra Sama Swa Swa Mitra Mitra Mitra Mitra

Shatru Swa/Uccha Mitra Mitra Swa Sama Swa

Neecha Sama Sama

Shatru Swa

Neecha Swa

Shatru Neecha Uccha

Saggitarius Mitra

Shatru Sama Shatru Sama Mitra Sama

Uccha Sama

Neecha Mitra

Uccha Sama

Swa Uccha Neecha Mitra Shatru Sama

: : :

Own House (75% strength) Exaltation (100% strength) Debilitation (0% strength) : Friendly (60% strength) : Enemy (20% strength) : Neutral (35% strength)

Astrological Graha Summary

Sun Nature : Malefic Age : 50 Years Rulership : Atma Status : King Complexion : Blood Red Sex : Male Elements : Fire Caste : Kshatriya Guna : Rajasik Abode : Temple Period : Ayana Taste : Pungent Season : Greeshma Direction : East Diety : Shiva Alphabets : A,E,I,O,U Moon Nature : Benefic Age : 70 Years Rulership : Mind Status : Queen Complexion : White Sex : Female Elements : Water Caste : Vaisya Guna : Sathwic Abode : Water Period : Muhurtha Taste : Saline Season : Varsha Direction : North West Diety : Parvathy Alphabets : Y,R,L,V,S,H Mars Nature : Malefic Age : 16 Years Rulership : Strength Status : General Complexion : Blood Red Sex : Male Elements : Fire

Caste : Kshatriya Guna : Rajasik Abode : Fire Period : Day Taste : Bitter Season : Greeshma Direction : South Diety : Subramanya / Agni Alphabets : K,G Mercury Nature : Benefic Age : 20 Years Rulership : Speech Status : Heir Complexion : Green Sex : Eunuch Elements : Air Caste : Vaisya Guna : Sathwic Abode : Play Ground Period : Ritu Taste : Mixed Season : Sarath Direction : North Diety : Vishnu Alphabets : T,D Jupiter Nature : Benefic Age : 30 Years Rulership : Knowledge Status : Priest Complexion : Yellow Sex : Male Elements : Ether Caste : Brahmin Guna : Sathwic Abode : Treasury Period : Month Taste : Sweet Season : Hemantha Direction : North East Diety : Brahma


: Tha, Dha

Venus Nature : Benefic Age : 7 Years Rulership : Happiness Status : Minister Complexion : White Sex : Female Elements : Water Caste : Brahmin Guna : Sathwic Abode : Bedroom Period : Fortnight Taste : Sour Season : Vasantha Direction : South East Diety : Sachidev Alphabets : C,J Saturn Nature : Malefic Age : 100 Years Rulership : Grief Status : Servant Complexion : Blue Sex : Eunuch Elements : Air Caste : Sudra Guna : Tamasik Abode : Dustbin Period : Year Taste : Astrigent Season : Sisira Direction : West Diety : Yama Alphabets : P,F,D,M Rahu Nature : Malefic Rulership : Tantra Status : Thief Complexion : Black Sex : Female

Caste : Chandala Guna : Tamasik Direction : South West Diety : Durga Ketu Nature : Malefic Rulership : Moksha Status : Sanyasi Complexion : Variegated Sex : Eunuch Caste : Sudra Guna : Tamasik Diety : Chithragupta

Nature of Rashi
Aries Odd, Fiery, Movable, Barren, Viloent, Quadruped, Short ascension, Male, Bilious, Forest, Hilly Areas, Head, Brain Taurus Even, Earthy, Fixed, Semi Fruitful, Quadruped, Short ascension,Female, Windy, Agricultural Land, Face, Eyes Gemini Odd, Airy, Dual,Barren, Human, Double-bodied, Voice, Short ascension, Male, Bile, Wind and Phlegm, Bedroom, Throat, Shoulder, Arms, Lungs Cancer Even, Watery, Movable, Fruitful, Mute, Long ascension, Female, Phlegm, Chasm with water, Chest Leo Odd, Fiery, Fixed, Barren, Human, Long ascension, Male, Bilious, Forest, Heart, Upper Abdomen Virgo Even, Earthy, Dual, Barren, Human, Long ascension, Female, Windy, Mountain, Lower Abdomen, Spleen Libra Odd, Airy, Movable, Semi Fruitful, Voice, Long ascension, Male, Bile, Wind and Phlegm, Entertainment Places, Genetelia,

Kidney. Scorpio Even, Watery, Fixed, Fruitful, Mute, Violent, Centiped, Long ascension, Female, Phlegm, Underground, Excretory Organs. Saggitarius Odd, Fiery, Dual, Semi Fruitful, Double - bodied, Quadruped(Second Half), Long ascension, Male, Bilious, Military Places, Thighs , Liver. Capricon Even, Earthy, Movable, Semi Fruitful, Quadruped, Short ascension, Female, Windy, Watery, Knee. Aquarius Odd, Airy, Fixed, Human, Voice, Short ascension, Male, Bile, Wind and Phlegm, Porter House, Shin. Pisces Even, Watery, Dual, Fruitful, Mute, Double- Bodied, Centiped, Short ascension, Female, Phlegm, Sea, Feet

Planet Houses
First House / Lagna Body, Personality, Appearance, Health, Dignity Second House Learning, Wealth, Speech, Family, Face, Right eye. Third House Younger co-borns, Help, Communications, Courage, Valor, Neighbours, Short Journeys, Right Ear, Neck, Throat, Arms, Lungs. Fourth House Mother, Home, Immovable assets, Vehicle, Comforts, General happiness, Chest, Heart. Fifth House Progeny, Learning, Creativity, Intelligence, Intuition, Spiritual inclination, Speculation, Purva Punya, Upper abdomen, Love. Sixth House Maternal Uncle, Enemies, Thieves, Accidents, Disease, Loans, Debts, Humiliation, Legal and court cases, Pets, Servants, Subordinates, Lower Abdomen. Seventh House Spouse, Marriage, Partnerships, Passion, Sexual Desire, Semen, Kidney, Agreements and

Contracts. Eighth House Longevity, Death, Danger, Disgrace, Hurdles, Legacies, Sudden Unexpected Gains, Inheritance, Nature of Death, External Genitalia, Loss of Limb. Ninth House Father, Preceptor or Guru, Religious Learning, Wisdom, Charity, Fortune, Higher studies and Research, Long Journeys, Hips, Thighs, Liver. Tenth House Profession, Honor, Recognition, Fame, Knee Joints. Eleventh House Elder Brother, Friends, Gains of all Nature, Income, Success, Entertainment, Legs, Left Ear. Twelveth House Expenditure, Loss of Wealth, Bedroom, Sleep, Imprisonment, Exile, Renunciation, Foreign Land, Secret Enemies, Hospitalisation, Feet, Left Eye.

Planet in House
SUN First house: Righteous- minded , healthy, bilious, eye-disease, intelligence, good morals, political success, stately appearance, humanitarian instincts, lazy in work, fond of daring deeds, hot constitution, careless of reputation, string will, caprice, generosity, neglect of personal credit or respect, good work, not combative or impetuous and pioneering. Second house: Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecution good earnings, inclined to waste, bright speech, enquiring, well-educated, scientific, stubborn and peevish temper, danger in the 25th year, will stammer. Third house: Courageous, liberal, adventurous, famous, intelligent, wealthy, successful and restless. Fourth house: Mental worry, meditative defective organs, success in foreign countries, hatred of relations, keen-minded, sensitive, good reputation, success after middle age, quarrels without causes, weak constitution, introspective, unhappy, philosophical, squanders paternal property. Fifth house: Intelligent, poor, few children, paternal danger, corpulent, danger to father early, unhappy, disturbed in mind, lover of fine arts, and tactful in decision.

Sixth house: Defier of customs and castes, good administrative ability, few cousins and few enemies, bold a successful, war-like, licentious, wealthy, gain from enemies, clever in planning, terror to enemies, executive ability, colic troubles. Seventh house: Late marriage and rather troubled, loose morals and irreligious, hatred by the fair sex, fond of traveling, submissive to wife, wealth through female agency, fond of foreign things, discontented, wifes character questionable, subservient to women and risk of dishonour and disgrace through them. Eighth house: Low vitality, poor health, problem with authorities. Possibility of connection of work with government. Strong emotional bonds. Poor happiness from father. Poor eyesight. Stable life. Ninth house: Well read in solar sciences, attracted by sublime phenomena, charitable, godly, lucky and successful, devoted, ordinary health, little patrimony, dutiful sons, a man of action and thought, selfacquired property, many lands, philosophical, glandular disease, lover of poetry and music, successful agriculturist, learned in esoteric and occult subjects, ambitious and enterprising. Tenth house: Bold, courageous, well known, famous, clever in acquiring wealth, superior knack, healthy, learned, adventurous, educated, quick decision, fond of music, founder of institutions, high position, dutiful sons, much personal influence, successful military or political career . Eleventh house: Learned, wealthy, stately and persevering, success without much effort, famous, many enemies, wealth through fair means, good reputation, profound insight, capacity to befriend, many political enemies, man of principles, great sagacity, great success and position. Twelfth house: Sinful, poor, fallen, thieving nature, unsuccessful, adulterous, neglected, long limbs, ceremonial minded and lover of esoteric and occult knowledge, no happiness from children.

Planet in Ascendant Sign

SUN Aries - Active, intelligent, famous, traveler, wealthy, warrior, variable fortune, ambitious, phlegmatic, powerful, marked personality, impulsive, irritable, pioneering, initiative. Taurus. - Clever, reflective, attracted by perfumes and dealer in them, hated by women, slow to action, musician, self-confident, delicious drinks, happy meals, tactful, original, sociable, intelligent, prominent nose. Gemini - Learned, astronomer, scholarly, grammarian, polite, wealthy, critical, assimilative, good conversationalist, shy, reserved, lacking in originality. Cancer - Somewhat harsh, indolent, wealthy, unhappy, constipation, sickly, travelling, independent, expert astrologer.

Leo - Stubborn, fixed views, strong, cruel, independent, organising capacity and talents for propaganda, humanitarian, frequenting solitary places, generous, famous. Virgo - Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation. Libra - Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless, base, drunkard, loose morals, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive, pompous. Scorpio - Adventurous, bold, fearing thieves and robbers, reckless, cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive, idiotic, indolent, surgical skill, dexterous, military ability. Sagittarius - Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musician. Capricorn -Mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm. Aquarius - Poor, unhappy, unlucky, unsuccessful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem. Pisces - Pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful, religious, prodigal, loved by women. MOON Aries - Round eyes, impulsive, fond of travel, irritable, fond of women, vegetable diet, quick to decide and act, haughty, inflexible, sores in the head, dexterous, fickle-minded, war-like, enterprising, good position, self-respect, valiant, ambitious, liable to hydrophobia if the Moon is afflicted, large thighs, popular, restless, idiosyncratic, versatile. Taurus - Liberal, powerful, happy, ability to command, intelligent, handsome, influential, fond of fair sex, happy in middle life and old age, great strides in life, beautiful gait, large thighs and hips, phlegmatic afflictions, rich patience, respected, love-intrigues, inconsistent, wavering mind, sound judgement, voracious eater and reader, lucky, popular, influenced by women, passionate, indolent. Gemini - Well read, creative, fond of women, learned in scriptures, able, persuasive, curly hair, powerful speaker, clever, witty, dexterous, fond of music, elevated nose, thought reader, subtle, long life. Cancer - Wise, powerful, charming, influenced by women, wealthy, kind, good, a bit stout, sensitive; impetuous, unprofitable voyages, meditative, much immovable property, scientist, middle stature, prudent, frugal, piercing, conventional.

Leo - Bold, irritable, large cheeks, blonde, broad face, brown eyes, repugnant to women, likes meat, frequenting forests and hills, colic troubles, inclined to be unhappy, haughty, mental anxiety, liberal, generous, deformed body, steady, aristocratic, settled views, proud, ambitious. Virgo - Lovely complexion, almond eyes, modest, sunken shoulders and arms, charming, attractive, principled, affluent, comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest; truthful, modest, virtuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women, acute insight, conceited in selfestimation, pensive, conversationalist, many daughters, loquacious, astrologer and clairvoyant or attracted towards them, skilled in arts like music and dancing, few sons. Libra - Reverence and respect for learned and holy people, saints and gods; tall, raised nose, thin, deformed limbs, sickly constitution, rejected by kinsmen, intelligent, principled, wealthy, business-like, obliging, love for arts, far-seeing idealistic, clever, mutable, amicable, losses through women, loves women, just, not ambitious, aspiring. Scorpio - Broad eyes, wide chest, round shanks and thighs, isolation from parents or preceptors, brown complexion, straight-forward, frank, open-minded, cruel, simulator, malicious, sterility, agitated, unhappy, wealthy, impetuous, obstinate. Sagittarius - Face broad, teeth large, skilled in fine arts, indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, deep and inventive intellect, yielding to praise, good speech, upright, help from wife and women, happy marriage, many children, good inheritance, benefactor, patron of arts and literature, ceremonial-minded, showy, unexpected gifts, author, reflective mentality, inflexible to threats. Capricorn - Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous, good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active, crafty, somewhat selfish, sagacious, strategic, liberal, merciless, unscrupulous, inconsistent, low morals, niggardly and mean. Aquarius - Fair-looking, well-formed body, tall, large teeth, belly low, youngish, sensual, sudden elevations and depressions, pure-minded, artistic, intuitional, diplomatic, lonely, peevish artistic taste, energetic, emotional, esoteric, mystical, grateful, healing power. Pisces - Fixed, dealer in pearls and fond of wife and children, perfect build, long nose, bright body, annihilating enemies, subservient to opposite sex, handsome, learned, steady, simple, good reputation, loose morals, adventurous, many children, spiritually inclined later in life.

Planet and Education

Student of Astrology should know these significations of planets and signs for deciding the steam of education and field of career. However these are very general significations. In real life these attributes of planets and signs are got modified.

Planets and Education Planet Non-Technical Semi- Technical Statistics, Sun Political Science Mathematics, Astronomy, Actuary Technical Higher Mathematics, Physics, Mula-Ayurvedic Medicines Chemistry, Medicine, Fine Arts, Moon Humanities, Music, Dance Paramedics Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Ras aur Rasayan Law, Logic Mars related, Land Astrology, Mercury Journalism, Accountancy Biology, History, Jupiter Sanskrit, Classical Literature Management Commerce, Finance Banking, Psychology, Philosophy Zoology in association with Ketu, Biotechnology, Management, Law Semi-technical Higher Accountancy Public Relation, Accountancy Science, Mechanic Science, Engineering

Fine Arts, Humanities, Venus Music, Dance, Painting, Sociology History, Geography, Saturn Law, Prachin Vidya, Archeology

Hotel Management, Fashion Designing, Architecture, Tourism, Photography

Mula (Botany, Horticulture & Agriculture), Computer Graphics & Animation

Mechanical Work

Engineering, Geology

Pilot, Air Hostess, Aerospace/ Rahu Research Work, Psychology Avionics Aeronautical Engineering/ Environmental Science Meteorology, Computer Language, Ketu Languages Languages Programming, Microbiology in association with Jupiter

Careers by planet Sun: authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewelers Moon: nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export. Mars: fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers. Mercury: intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport, astrologers. Jupiter: finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist, humanitarian.

Venus: pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels. Saturn: the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk. Rahu: researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity, waste. Ketu: idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.

Careers by sign Aries army and police, surgeon, mechanics, iron and steel, firefighting, industrialists, athletes. Taurus luxury goods, jewelry, cosmetics, music, actors, banking, tailors, fashion, property. Gemini media and journalism, accountants, representatives, translators, writers. Cancer naval and marine, fishing, nursing, interior design, food, petroleum, historians. Leo government jobs, politics, religion, investing, diplomacy. Virgo computing, astrology, accounting, media, doctors, healing. Libra judges, artists, cosmetics, fashion, receptionists, advertising, interior decorating, prostitutes. Scorpio chemicals, drugs, liquids, insurance, doctors, nurses, police, occult. Sagittarius law, religion, banking and finance, entrepreneurs, athletes, clothing and shoes. Capricorn raw material extraction and processing such as lumber and mining Aquarius advisors, consultants, philosophers, astrologers, engineers, computing Pisces doctors, marine related, chemicals, oil, painters, hospital, prisons. Careers by house First self-employment, politics or the public at large, the body (e.g. health club) Second banking, investments, accountants, restaurants, teaching, consultants, psychologists, writing Third communication, arts, sales, advertising, computing, writing, publishing Fourth agriculture, building trades, real estate, vehicles, water, geology and mining Fifth politics, stockbrokers, religious rituals, entertainment, authorship Sixth lawyers, military, police, labour, health related professions, food, waiters. Seventh business, trade, merchant, females, foreign business. Eighth insurance, research, death-related, metaphysics (e.g. astrology), sex industry. Ninth law, university teaching, travel, religious professions, foreign countries. Tenth government jobs, dealing with public and the masses, managers, politics. Eleventh trade and business, accountants, financial institutions, group work. Twelfth foreign, jobs requiring secrecy, travels, hospitals, prisons, charities, advocacy.

Basic Astrology - Classification of Sign

On noticing the geo-centrically apparent movement of the sun around the Earth, Zodiac has been divided into 12 signs for predictive purpose. First sign of zodiac starts from the vernal equinox, which is an intersecting point of celestial equator and ecliptic. The classification of signs has been done on the basis of following principles:

(a) Elements (b) Quality or Mode of action (c) Polarity (a) Elements There are four elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water (F-E-A-W). Each element has some traits & meaning. Each sign necessarily possesses an element to exhibit its primary response. On observation each sign has been has been entrusted with an element as follows: Fiery Sign : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earthy Sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Airy Sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Watery Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Fire is purifying. It indicates purposefulness to gain or achieve something in future with strong will. It is instinctual, outgoing, active, quick, spontaneous, impulsive, energetic, enthusiastic, courageous, confident, innovative, expressive and aggressive. Fire is the element of leading capability, jam-packed with commanding nature, forcefulness and ambition. It is enterprising. Fire projects firmness on own point of view, individualistic, self-expressive, generosity. It has the characteristics to burn so it symbolizes transformation and regeneration also. On spark level, it is outcome of resistance of two things. So, if fire has to take place, it is inevitable, resistance must be there. If there is resistance, there is struggle. Fire gives power to do struggle and come over this confidently. Fire rises very soon and falls also very quickly so when it has to symbolize emotion like anger, it means quickly rise of emotion with high intensity but simultaneously pacification of the same quickly. It is radiant and vitalizing. It is an expression of spiritual energy and determination of Spirit. Obviously, it is life force and corresponds with the Spirit and the spiritual aspects. Fire provides a sense of security, belief in his capability, warmth, inspiration, new ideas, conviction, high spirit, great faith in self, honesty and enthusiasm. Fire stands for strength & self assertion that lead it to be egoistic, daring, self willed and sometimes totalitarian, reckless in behaviour, self-centered and self-important. The direction point of fire is south in northern hemisphere. In short, the disposition of fire is full with masculine energy. It represents red and orange colour. Earth element is passive, stable, slow moving, physical, solid, structured, grounded, reserved, sensual, practical, realistic, methodical, logical, economical in approach and organized for tangible things. It is full of endurance and strength. It is stabilizing force. It symbolizes concrete mind, common sense code and materialization. Earth element is stand for supportiveness, practicality and reliability. It corresponds to the physical and materialized world in which we live and is concerned with tangible results and needs. The earth element is affiliated with traits that provide with the skills and attitude necessary to succeed by understanding the reality and value of situation etc. It is associated with sensuality (engage with life through the five senses) also. It signifies activities related to productivity and growth i.e. physical well-being rather than spiritual

attainment. In Sanskrit literature, Earth means Bhumi which is formed by Bhu dhatu. Bhu means desire for to be and its another meaning is intellect (Buddhi). So earth element indicates desire to exist or sustain. How to exist is an axis around which all working of this element goes on. Due to this, earth element is related to our basic needs of practical life i.e. food, clothe and shelter. For all these things money is required. So earth element indicates materialistic approach and pursuit for money. To extend the existence there is need of being pre-meditative, calculative methodical, hard working and responsible. If something exists, it should be recognized. How to be recognized is a kind of need that propels an individual, influenced by earth element, to get power and position. This element grants intellect to work on the mechanism for further survival and distinguished recognition. Due to this, earth element becomes secretive, reserved and introvert also. Earth is connected with north direction for northern hemisphere. In short, the disposition of Earth is full with feminine energy. It represents green and brown colour. Water element is receptive, reactive, Intuitive, psychic awareness, changeable, fertile, nurturing, contemplative, creative, imaginative, romantic, affectionate passion, emotion, feeling and nonverbal communication, communication with feeling. It is passive, introverted, unwilling to act, repetitive, unpredictable moodiness and fluctuation in emotion, deeply sensitive and subjective, sentimental, emotional approach towards life, crab mentality, impractical, impressionable and timid in disposition. Being symbolizing emotion, earth element makes a person to take decision on the urge of heart ignoring the urge of head or reason. Water indicates west direction. It is also feminine in nature. It represents blue colour. Air element indicates wisdom, musing, intellectualism, inventiveness mind power, knowledge, lifelong student, abstract, conceptual, active, objective, communicative, inquisitiveness, reasoning and mental side of life. It is social, easy to mingle, Intelligent, doers. Air element gives idea, balanced approach, thought process, philosophical or arm-chair thinking and attitude. Air element provides originality and versatility to the personality. It gives the feeling of freedom and detachment. It expresses love of people vision and human interaction and grants acceptance for different perspective. An over expression of air makes a person unrealistic, impractical, lack of emotion, lack of inner peace and harmony due to over active mind and vacillating. It indicates East direction in northern hemisphere. It is masculine in nature. It represents yellow and white colour. (b) Quality or Mode of Action Under the principle of Quality or Mode of Action, signs have been by divided into three type as follows: Moveable Sign: 1. Aries, 4. Cancer, 7. Libra, 10. Capricorn Fixed Sign: 2. Taurus, 5. Leo, 8. Scorpio, 11 Aquarius Dual Sign: 3. Gemini, 6. Virgo, 9. Sagittarius, 12. Pisces Moveable signs are called Cardinal or Dynamic signs. Fixed signs are called Static Signs also. And, Dual Signs are called Mutable or Harmonious Signs.

Cardinal Signs stand for movement or changes. In these signs there is fire of Aries i.e. action with enthusiasm, Emotion of Cancer i.e. expression of feeling, Air of Libra i.e. expression of mindful thought and Earth of Capricorn signs i.e. action suited with ground reality. Person under the influence of cardinal sign is ambitious, active, responsive, versatile, enterprising, assertive, confident, adaptable, adjustable and capable to overcome on the obstacles. Such person likes to be independent and popular. He pursues his dreams with passion and takes initiative. Fixed Signs are affiliated with status quo. It In these signs there is Earth of Taurus i.e. stability, Fire of Leo i.e. driving power and enthusiasm but changeless, Emotion of Scorpio i.e. unchangeable emotion and Air of Aquarius unchanged arm-chair thinking. It indicates stability, loyalty, authoritativeness, self-reliance, pragmatism, firmness in mental approach, stubborn difficult to change, rigidness and permanence. This sign shows perseverance and strength of determination. People under the influence of fixed signs are more set in their ways, and more fixed in their views i.e. set values and ideas, uncompromising in nature but they are dependable. They are likely to have more continuity, and are more difficult to move or change. They do not readily change their minds, and are not so quick to adjust and adapt themselves i.e. resistant to external influence. They are expert at ordering and arrangement. Common Signs are characterized by mental alertness & indecisiveness. In these signs there is Air of Gemini i.e. mental ability to analyze the concepts of thought, Earth of Virgo i.e. expression of the mental power to direct work intelligently considering tangible results, Fire of Sagittarius i.e. situation based action with an objective, Emotion of Jupiter i.e. mental ability to analyze emotion, imagination. It indicates inquisitiveness, adaptability, a learner and a teacher, flexibility, intellectualism, subtle sensitivity, sympathetic approach, argumentation, discrimination, aversion to strenuous work. They are resourceful and learn from past experience and have inner urge for personal freedom. They are versatile and concerned for others but simultaneously they are changeable, fickle minded and inconsistent. They find it very difficult to concentrate. (c) Polarity As per the principle of polarity, signs are either positive signs or negative signs. Positive signs are male or masculine sign and negative signs are female or feminine signs. Positive Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius Negative Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces Traits of Positive Signs: - Positive signs indicate Yang or masculine energy. A person under the influence of Male Sign is positive. He takes initiative courageously on the basis of his conviction. Such person has developed faculty for bringing results through his action done by applying power of will, determination. By dint of these characteristics, people recognize him. He enjoys his recognition by becoming outgoing and expressing himself extrovertly. Such persons are selfinitiating, assertive and aggressive also.

Traits of Negative Signs: - Negative Signs indicate Yin or female energy. A person under the influence of Female sign is magnetic, passive, introvert and defensive. They are receptive and believe in attracting desired things rather than attempting to go out and acquire it. They need stimulation to act.

Planetary Signification
Planetary Signification, Relationship, Exaltation & Debilitation, Aspect and Planetary Strength
Significations of Planets in brief: In Vedic Astrology there are 9 planets to consider. These are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and two nodes Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is North Node and Ketu is South Node. Rahu and Ketu are a mathematical point obtained at the intersecting point of the virtual solar path and Moon path. These are known as shadow planets also. All planets have been classified as natural benefics and natural malefic. Natural benefics are supposed to give positive result and Natural malefics is stood for hindrance, obstacle and other negative result. Natural Benefic Planets are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Bright Moon. Jupiter is considered most benefic planet. Mercury is a kind of neutral planet and it acquired the quality of planet associated with him or aspecting him. If Mercury gets benefic influence, it becomes benefic. In opposite case it becomes malefic. Moon becomes benefic only when it is 72 degree away from Sun. Natural Malefics are Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Sun, Mercury (in case of malefic influence), & the Dark Moon (if it is within 72 degree from Sun). Saturn is taken as most malefic planet.

Sun: Father, soul, self, self-realization, Power, splendor, Patience, Government, royal favor, aggression, bitterness, inspiration, arrogance, courage, magnificence, fame, reputation, Bone, stomach, heart, Bile, Heat, East direction, Administrator, Organization and head of organization, cattle, mountain area, river bank, vitality, freedom from disease, health, gold, copper, ornament. Moon: Mother, mind, Intelligence, longing, luster, personality, mannerism, watery places, well, tank, Lake, Sea, River, salt, good perfume, North- East direction, travel, woman, happiness, mental disposition, nourishment, pearls, Phlegmatic humor, sleep, lungs, breast, chest, heart, lungs, left eye, blood, enlargement of the spleen, epilepsy, Silver. Female, Mother-in-law, Artists, Milk Booth, Fancy Articles, Travels, Agriculture, Writing poetrys, and Stories, Grocery shop, Medical shop, Breast, Stomach, Left Eye, Left side window of the house, Both Room & Latrine. Displacement, change of place. KumKum, Liquid articles, Food articles, clouds, rain, thief, Adultery, News, Motion, Light, Clandestine Activities, Astrology, Vedas, Medicine, Cloths.

Mars: Prowess, courage, valor, strength, heroism, bravery, victory South direction. will power, firmness, impulsiveness, initiative, straightforward, combat, warrior, arms battle, commander, Defence Department, weapon, accident, anger, enemy, hostility, controversy, scandal, wound fracture of limb, land fire bile minister youth obstacles burning desire, fickled mind, coagulation of blood, skull, rectum, marrow, small pox, Iron, steel, copper. Mercury: Wisdom ,learning education teaching communication versatility flexibility mobility restless tourism, maternal uncle, scholar journalist, writing, editor, accountant, treasury, business, trading, commerce, mathematics, astrology, travel and insurance agent, analysis, ambassador, receptionist, railway employees, humorous temperament, nerves, mental disorder, nervous system, neurological disorder, speech disorder, North direction, emerald, bronze. Venus: Wife, beauty, pretty, devotion, adoration, kindness, sympathy, peace, compromise, good will, brother hood, amusement, love- making, self less lover, happiness from the wife, partner, sexual happiness, semen, youthful vigor, handsome, delicacy, softness, tact, diplomacy, fidelity, fashion, artistic, dress, sensuousness, eroticism, fond of humor, enjoyment, sexual relationship and pleasure, inclination towards women, prostitution, incest, homosexuality, musical instruments, musicians, singing, dancing, dancer, acting, actors, proficiency in art, ornaments and luxurious items, furniture, poets, jewelers, perfume sellers, dealer of gems, silk merchants, confectioneries sweet makers, dealers in ghee and fat foods. painting, sculptures, dancers, textiles, cosmetics, vetenary doctor, drivers, dairy and poultry, farmers, Hotel, water sports, truth speaking, pre-eminence, decoration, gentleness, vehicle, Venereal diseases, eye diseases, indigestion, diabetes, urinary diseases, throat trouble, impotency, glandular diseases, loss of luster in body, fits. South- East direction, silver, diamond. Jupiter: Guru, grand father, duty, treasure, wealth, planet of expansion, wisdom, abundance, growth, reputation, astrology, logic, wealth, royal honour, knowledge, phlegmatic temperament, happiness, mantras, proficiency in learning, tradition, traditional literature, religious duty, Ceremony, ritual, protocol, pomp, display exhibitionistic, extravagant, exaggerating, and imperialistic. fat, obese, teacher, priests, judge, bankers, philosophers, writers, high ranks in government and society, member of parliament or legislature, mayors, international law, philosophy, Sanskrit, business management, banking, astrology, tigh, heap, North- East, yellow sapphire, gold . Saturn: Servant, Longevity, calculative, methodical, organized , diligent , laziness, obstruction, skin, distress, sickness, misunderstanding, misery, death, maid servant, outcast, wicked mind, evil, cruelty, West, discipline, self-control, restraint, moderation, sacrifice, penance, renunciation, patience, austerity, humility, modesty, immobility, old age, Knowledge concerned, lack of desire, longings, wishes-exactly opposite to moon, science, investigation, concentration, contemplation, introversion, introspection, transformation, old age, longevity, immortality and classics constriction, scarcity, constructive, a traditionalist-never a liberal, responsibility, obligations, gratitude, traditionalist-never a liberal, Loneliness, suffering, pain, diseases, sickness, paralysis, deformity, frigidity, impotence, dogmatism, fanaticism, narrow-mindedness, celibacy, cruelty, abuse, despair, anguish, filthy, scandal, disaster, calamity, doom, catastrophe, farmer, politician, blue sapphire, west, iron and steel Rahu: Grandfather, Umbrella, cowry, acquiring a kingdom, faulty logic, harsh speech, one belonging to

a caste outside the four main castes, a sinful woman, a conveyance covered on all four sides, an irreligious person or a Shudra, gambling, strong at sunset, having sex with a wicked woman, going to a different country, unclean, bones, hidden abdominal ulcer, falsehood, illusion, hallucination, looking downwards, perplexity, emerald, facing south, depending on Malecchas, foreigner, foreign travel, avionics, low castes and the like, malignant tumour, great forest, wandering in difficult places, suffering from mountains, staying outside, south-western direction, complaints of wind and phlegm, serpents, southern breeze, severe, long, reptiles, interpretation of dreams, travels, old age, conveyance, world of the snakes, air, acute duodenal pain, catarrh, breathing, great valour, worship of Vana-Durga, wickedness, association with animals, writing Urdu or Persian, and harsh speech, electronics, smuggling, corruption, Crack in the wall, corner of room, rubber, plastic, dried leather, godown, coffee seed, rope, Gomed. Ketu: Maternal grandparents, Moksha, liberation, worship of the lord of Chandi, Ganesha and others, medical practitioner, dogs, cocks, vultures, final salvation, all sorts of prosperity, consumption, painful fevers, bath in the Ganga, great penance, wind complaints, friendship with hunters, acquiring prosperity, stones, wounds, Mantra Shastra, instability of mind, knowledge of Brahman, diseases of the stomach and eye, stupidity, thorn, knowledge of animals, zoology, observing silence religiously, Vedanta, all kind of luxury, fortune, suffering from foes, sparing in eating, renunciation, fathers father, hunger, great pain from peptic or duodenal ulcer, small pox, or boils and such other diseases, horned animals, a servant of Shiva, getting the order of imprisonment revoked, and conversation or association with shudras, Cats eye.

Planetary Friendship and Enmity:

Planets Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Friends Moon, Mars Jupiter Sun, Mercury Sun, Venus Mercury; Saturn Sun, Moon, Jupiter Moon, Mars, Sun Mercury, Venus Neutrals Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Saturn Jupiter Enemies Venus, Saturn Moon Sun, Moon Mercury Mercury Sun, Moon, Mars

Planetary Exaltation and Debilitation:

Planets Own Sign Exaltation Mool Trikona Debilitation


Leo 200-300

Upto Aries 100

Upto Leo 200

Upto Libra 100


Cancer 00-300

Upto Taurus 30

Upto Taurus 270

Upto Scorpio 30


Virgo 200-300

Upto Virgo 150

Upto Virgo 200

Upto Pisces 150


Libra 150-300

Upto Pisces 270

Upto Libra 150

Upto Virgo 270


Aries 120-300

Upto Capricorn 280

Upto Aries 120

Upto Cancer 280


Sagi 100-300

Upto Cancer 50

Upto Sagi 100

Upto Cap 50


Aqua 200-300

Upto Libra 200

Upto Aqua 200

Upto Aries 200

Planetary Aspect:
All planets aspects opposite (i.e. 7th aspect) house/ sign and planet(s) therein. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn have special aspect. Jupiter aspects 5th and 9th house/ sign including 7th aspect. Mars aspects 4th and 8th house/ sign including 7th aspect. Saturn aspects 3rd and 10th house/ sign including 7th aspect.

Strength of Planet: A planet becomes strong if it is (a) in exalted sign (b) in mool trikona (c) own sign (d) in friends sign (e) in kendra (f) in trikona (g) good marks in shadbal (h) having digabala (i) good strength in D9 (j) good points in Ashtakvarga A planet becomes weak if it is (a) in debilitation sign (b) in enemy sign (c) in trik house (d) in combustion (e) in retrogression (f) poor strength in shadbal (h) deprived of digabala (i) poor condition in D9 (j) poor marks in Ashtakvarga (k) defeated in planetary war.

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