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Planets in the Tenth House

INTRODUCTION Tenth house is the Karma bhava or the house of action. This holds the key to the status, positions, reputation, fame and everything that we get as result of our action in this world. Since all planets govern one or other area of action, all of them give good results in this house, unless afflicted. This is the third upachayas after the third and the sixth house and hence the planets in this house indicate growth of the Lagna or the self. However, the growth is given by the planets in their own way based on the natural characteristics of the planets. Planets in tenth house have dhanargala on the ninth house, sukhargala on the seventh house and labhargala on the twelfth house. Thus the significations of these three houses Seventh, Ninth and the twelfth are significantly influenced by the planets placed in the tenth house. THE SUN Favourable Happy; Powerful; Blessed with children; Conveyance; Bestowed with all comforts; Success in profession and all endeavours; Noble; Attain high position and status; Famous at far and wide; Grace of the king; Successful in political objectives (more applicable in dasamsa) Unfavourable Mentally worried; Trouble to mother THE MOON Favourable High academic attainments; Brilliant; Pious; Famous; Kind hearted; Virtuous; Successful in all endeavors; Valorous; Charitable; Wealthy; Successful in his efforts; Gain wealth due to grace of the ruler Unfavourable Illicit relationship with a widow; Obstacles; Indulge in sinful deeds; Loss of reputation MARS Favourable Strong body; Admired by people; Respected; Famous; Brothers will be long-lived (If the lord of the tenth is strong the); Fortunate; Prosperous; Interest in meditation; Devoted to his preceptor; Successful in his undertaking; Financially Well-off; King or Heir apparent (association with 9th/ 10th lord); Good conveyances (association with Jupiter); Association with ruler class; Posses land; Happy; Powerful; Charitable; Valorous (like a lion); Unconquerable; Efficient in his work; Rise high in life (even from a humble origin); Blessed with children; Glorious; Brilliant intellect.

Unfavourable Obstructions in the professional career and other activities; Mentality of a thief; Indulge in sinful deeds; Cruel. MERCURY Favourable Engaged in virtuous deeds/ auspicious ceremonies; Patient; Wide spread reputation; Intelligent; Great thinker/ wise/ knowledgeable; Engaged in meritorious deeds; Perform religious rites; Honoured by the state; Acquire wealthy through many sources; Blessed with children; Wealthy and kind-hearted; Successful in his efforts; Loved by people; Inherit paternal property; If highly fortified, then the native would be good orator; well versed in trade and commerce and attain high position. Unfavourable (only if afflicted) Eye troubles; Stupid; Indulge in sinful deeds; Bad conduct JUPITER Favourable Perform righteous deeds; Spiritually inclined; Able; Widespread reputation; Respected by masses; Study Srimat Bhaagavat Gita; Wealthy; Grace of ruler/ Govt.; Good conduct; Successful in all efforts; Comforts of conveyances; Headship/ Hold administrative position; Happiness from children, father; Loves discipline and order; Wise; Charitable; Honourable Unfavourable Evil deeds (10th lord afflicted); Financial distress; Unhappiness with regards to children (placed in 6th from the karaka Bhava) VENUS Favourable Glorious; Wealthy; Intelligent; Virtuous; Happiness from friends; Respected; Attain high status and position; Famous; Engaged in religious work; Interested in works related to cosmetics or beauty products or building homes; gain in the company of women Unfavourable Difficulties and obstacles in undertaking SATURN Favourable Successful in undertaking (benefic influences); Happy; Powerful; King/ head of a village; Minister/ Judge; Wealthy; Famous; Courageous; Interested in Agriculture Unfavourable Obstacles in career; Miserly; Bilious constitution; Afflicted- indulge in sinful deeds; Troubles to father

Analysis of Bhava XIII- Planets in the Ninth House

INTRODUCTION Ninth house is primarily known as the Dharma bhava or the house of righteousness. This house is very important for righteous actions of a native. If benefics are placed in this house, then the person is righteous, virtuous, engaged in charitable activities and fortunate. Malefics, excluding Sun in the ninth house can make the native irreligious and involved in sinful activities. Saturn in the ninth can cause of fall of dharma and such natives are usually attracted by different dharmas compared to their own. It is also the house of father and hence presence of any malefics can harm the health of the father; more so if the malefic is weakly placed and afflicted. However, for proper analysis to the fathers health the strength of the ninth lord and the karaka is also seen. This is also the secondary house of worship being the fifth from the fifth house and the planets placed here shall also make give inclination towards worship of different deities signified by the planets. From the argala perspective, planets in the ninth house has dhanargala on the eighth house; Sukhargala on the sixth house and the labhargala on the eleventh house. Hence the significations of these three houses sixth; eighth and eleventh are significantly affected by the planets in the ninth house. THE SUN Favourable Religeous; Philantropic; Respected for his virtuous deeds; Respect Brahmins & scholars; Wealthy; Endowed with children; Endowed with all happiness and Fortunate. Unfavourable Proud; Stray from the path of righteousness; Trouble to father; Inimical toward mother & brother. THE MOON Favourable Highly learned; Charitable; Constructs cattle sheds, ponds for public utilities; Prosperous children; Long life to father; Wealthy; Endowed with friends & Relations; Engaged in meritorious deeds; Religious; Devoted to elders and parents; Intelligent; Happy; Passionate- Attract members of opposite sex; Fortunate from his young age; Courageous and Respected by learned. Unfavourable Weak constitution; Sickly

MARS Favourable King's favourite; Wealthy; Fortunate; Glorious; Philanthropic/ generous; Worshipper of Ganesh / Hanuman Unfavourable Early loss of father; Unfortunate (no prosperity); Illicit relationship with the wife of his preceptor; Cause sorrow and pain to others; Mean; Violent; Irreligious; Commit sinful actions; Cruel; Unsuccessful in his efforts; Devoid of happiness from brothers; Hated by people MERCURY Favourable Interested in spiritual disciplines; Religious minded; Charitable/ philanthropic; Endowed with many children; Intelligent; Wise; Extremely learned; Virtuous, humble & amicable; Learned in Vedas and Shastras; Fond of music; Patient; Full of glory; Fortunate; Long-lived father; Well cultured; Interested in meditation; Endowed with wealth and happiness; Of good conduct; Orator; Proficient in his work; Perform religious rites; Bring reputation to his family; Destroy those who indulge in sinful deeds; Worshipper of Vishnu. If associated with Jupiter engaged in the religious studies and if associated with Venus, engaged in various art forms. JUPITER Favourable Religious & Charitable; Interested in meditation; Pious; Wealthy; Long lived father; Righteous; Respected; Honourable; Protect others; Devout; Philosophical; Blessed with children; Minister/ Advisor/ Judge; Knowledgeable in shastras; Worship family gods; Learned; Handsome; Endowed with leadership qualities; Own palatial mansion; Devotee of Brahmins; Loved by near and dear; Endowed with many children; Famous; Truthful; Like justice; Travel to foreign land; Conservative/ traditional; Strict on the principles; Fortunate VENUS Favourable Strong body; Religious minded; Inclined towards meditation; Perform religious rites; Enjoy all comforts; Blessed by children; Long lived father; Highly prosperous; Devout; Philosophical; Grace of king/ govt; Happiness from brothers, wife, children and friends; Wealthy; Generous; Devoted to service of gods, guru and guests; Inclined towards money lending business; Live a comfortable & happy life; Fortunate Unfavourable Worries related to spouse; Urinary troubles SATURN Favourable (Only under benefic influences) Belief in yoga shastras and renunciation; Detached; Religious; Faith in tradition/ Traditional; Involve

in repair of religious institution; Build cattle sheds, ghats etc.; Philosophical Unfavourable Sinful; Unfortunate; Poor; Childless; Loss of father (weak & afflicted Saturn; weak and/or afflicted ninth lord); Irreligious; Evil minded; Meagre wealth; Unhappy; Cause troubles to brothers and others; Cruel minded

Analysis of Bhava XII- Planets in the Eighth House

INTRODUCTION Eighth house shows the sum total of all our past karma, for which we have taken birth in this world. The birth in this world is due to all the sins and mistakes we have done in the past life/ lives and hence this house signify the weaknesses which make us bind to this illusory world. Once all the karmas are redeemed, there is no need of staying any longer in this world and hence, this house also becomes the houses of longevity. Almost all shastras say that there should not be any malefics in the eighth house, otherwise the longevity of the native is severely curtailed. However, malefic such placed is either exalted or own house, then the longevity is not much affected. Along with the longevity of the native, this house also rule the longevity of relationships or marital ties. Malefics placed here can affect the marital harmony and longevity of the marriage. Among malefics, Marss placement is the worst placement and it goes by the name of Kuja dosa. This cause extreme troubles in marriage and the spouse might suffer death (if Mars is badly placed) or bad health. Planets in the eighth house generally express their negative qualities. Though shastras classify planets as benefics and malefics, all planets are capable of giving good or bad results based on whether their negative or positive qualities are expressed. The positive qualities are displayed when a planet is well placed in exaltation or mulatrikona or own house or friends house and the negative qualities are displayed when a planet is debilitated or in enemies house. This must be kept in mind while analysing a bhava and it is specifically applicable to eight house as this house is the house of our weaknesses. Even if a malefic is placed here, it must be very strong, for favourable results, otherwise, the results can be extremely troublesome. From the argala perspective, the planets in the eighth house shall have dhanargala on the 7th house, sukhargala on the fifth house and labhargala on the ninth house. Thus the significations of houses 5th, 7th and 9th are significantly influenced by the planets in the eighth house. The placement of Moon in the eighth is condemned by most classics. This position of Moon goes by the name of chandrastama. For such positions of Moon, the native suffers with regards to the functional and natural significations of Moon. As moon govern the physical body and mind and its resistance to diseases etc., such position of Moon can cause chronic illnesses and also mental troubles such as depression etc.

Among all the planets the placement of Mercury in the eighth house is accorded high regards by all shastras. Mercury is treated as grandson by the karaka of the eighth house; Saturn and Mercury rarely give bad results if placed in eighth house, unless heavily afflicted. Such position of Mercury gives good health, long life; knowledge of occult; virtuous and gain wealth with his own effort. THE SUN Favourable Famous; Sudden gains (from lotteries or speculation or inheritence); Committed to his words Unfavourable Angry; Defective eye sight; Weak constitution/ Health troubles; Head Injury; Loss of Wealth; Separation from kith & kins; Few children; Devoid of happiness; Disease of Anus; Suffer from Headache & Fever THE MOON Favourable Long life (only under benefic influences) Unfavouable Fickle minded/ Restless/ suffer psychological troubles; Weak constitution and easily affected by dieases; Face adversities; Fear from enemies and Danger from watery places; Short life (more so if moon is afflicted and the eighth lord is also weak and afflicted) MARS Favourable (only under benefic influences) Happy married life, Good health and Long-life Unfavourable Eye diseases / Defective eye sight (BS, BJ); Short life (unless the eighth lord is strong); Afflicted body/ Suffer due to blood related diseases; Critical to others; Sickly; Infamous; Suffer poverty; Ugly; Sexual perversions; Sorrowful; Early death of father; Urinary diseases; Consumption (T.B.); Few children; Suffer rheumatism and shooting pains; Unsuccessful in his efforts; No support from others; Adversities in life; Devoid of marital happiness (this one of the conditions of Kuja dosa) MERCURY Favourable Long lived; Owner of a large area of land; Many children; Respect and honour in many ways and will get wide spread fame and reputation; Widely known for his qualities; Authority to award punishment (judge, magistrate etc); Wide spread reputation; Supporter of his family; Virtuous; Famous; Glorious; Powerful; Acquire wealth by favour of the king or by doing business; Enjoy the company of women

JUPITER Favourable Long lived; Free from diseases; Saintly person; Learned; Well versed in Vedas & shastras Unfavourable Will not live in paternal house; Loose morals; Short lived; Sinful; Illicit relationships; Suffer poverty & earn his livelihood by serving others VENUS Unfavourable Happy; Long life (Venus rules over Mrtyunjaya mantra); wealthy, long-lived; owner of lands; Saravali says that such natives will be endowed with all kinds of comforts, very wealthy, like a king and happy, which is also supported by Chamatkar chintamani, which adds enjoyment of conveyances to the list. Favourable Trouble to mother; Short life (more so if afflicted); Sickly; Have a devoted wife but he will be discontented; Base; Harsh speech; Tormented by debt

SATURN Favourable Long life (also dependent on the strength of the 8th lord) UnfavourableIntimacy with low caste women; Earn by serving others; Defective eye sight; Limited number of issues; Unclean; Suffer from piles and other diseases of anus; Suffer poverty; Cruel minded; Devoid of good food; Unsuccessful in ventures; Loss of wealth; Devoid of company of friends; Sickly; Evil minded

Analysis of Bhava XI- Planets in the Seventh House

INTRODUCTION The seventh house is primarily seen for relationships and marital aspects of a native and secondarily for business and trade. Presence of malefics or affliction otherwise to this house cause marital disharmony, trouble to spouses health. Since this house is opposition to the Lagna, planets placed here significantly affect the Lagna by aspect. If the planets placed here is friend to the Lagna lord, then the Lagna (self) gains from the significations of the 7th house, however, if inimical to the Lagna lord, then the native suffer due to the significations of the planets placed in the seventh. Since any relationships is an emotional bond, predominant with water elements, any fiery planets

(Sun, Mars) placement in this house can cause trouble in the marital life and the relationship bond of the native as fire is inimical to the water element. Placement of watery planets such as Moon and Venus makes the native highly emotional regarding relationship with the opposite sex and they tend to be more passionate and like to have company with many partners. If these planets are afflicted, then this might cause perversions. Mars and Mercury gets into Marana karaka avastha since, Mars is a bachelor and hence abhors marriage or any relationship with the opposite sex. For Mercury, he is still an undeveloped sexually and thus in the house of relationship, Mercury feels extremely uncomfortable. However, not both give similar results while placed in the 7th house. Mars is more deadly as it cause the Kuja Dosa and makes marriage a difficult path to tread. However, though Mercury is not as bad as Mars, it makes the native suffer from impotency and not able to cope up sexually with the partner. In addition, Mars and Mercurys functional and natural signification suffer significantly while they are placed in the 7th house. THE SUN Favourable Witty; Successful in trade and business Unfavourable Late Marriage; Marital disharmony; Passionate; Immoral; Trouble to wife/ Many wives; Bald; No respect for opposite sex; Wanderer; Meat eater; Urninary troubles; Suffer due to litigation; Wrath of government; Loss in business.

THE MOON Favourable Good looking; Well behaved/ good manners; Soft spoken; Passionate- Fond of womens company; Grace of ruler/ govt.; Happiness from wife/ Marital harmony; Gains from foreign trade & business Unfavourable Poverty; Illnesses; Eye defects; Suffer fear of water; Envious of others; weak constitution (suffer many diseases due to this); Greedy MARS Unfavourable Ill health; Loss of spouse/ Ill health to spouse (due to kuja dosa); Obstacles in getting married; Move away from home; Sexual intimacy with women of loose character; Sexual perversions (association with Mercury/ Saturn); Fond of liquor; Sexual intercourse with women in Menses (association with Ketu); Without potency; Full of vanity; Humiliation at the hand of opposite sex; Immoral; Unhappy; Troubled; Suffer poverty and troubled by enemies & diseases. MERCURY

Favourable Handsome; Wealthy; Enjoy happiness from mother; Possess conveyances; Religiously inclined; Broad-minded; Married to a good natured; wealthy; intelligent wife (more applicable in Navamsa); Possess knowledge of law and rules of own country; Wise; Well dressed; Glorious; Married to a wealthy wife; Respected; Less virile Unfavourable Eat non-vegetarian food; Loss of husband (in female horoscope); Suffer from Leprosy. JUPITER Favourable Highly educated; Worried; Financial gains; Chaste, learned and devoted wife; Attached to his wife; Gain wealth from wife; Excel his father in qualities/ More generous than his father; Blessed with children; Orator; Poetic; Head of village; Learned in shastras/ Famous for his learning; Highly intelligent; Powerful; Handsome Unfavourable (only on affliction) Illicit relationship with other women VENUS Favourable Handsome/ have a charismatic personality; Passionate; Surrounded by women; Wealthy; Surrounded by luxuries; Wealth from in-laws; Influential due to wife; Expert in various art forms; Happy married life; Fond of promoting controversies and quarrels; Possess conveyances; Efficient in work; Unfavourable Hyper sexed; Have extra marital affairs; Believe in material enjoyment; Loss of wife/ Remarriage; Devoid of children SATURN Favourable Good friends; Stable wealth; Stable minded wife; Stable marital life; Gain from the trade of Iron and Metal Unfavourable Delays in Marriage; The spouse would be significantly older than the expected age / Lean bodied wife (more applicable in Navamsa); Affliction to body; Involve in prostitution; Sorrowful; Sexual intimacy outside marriage/ Intimation with women of questionable character/ Intimation with many women (own sign exaltation)/ Homosexuality (associate with Mars)/ Un-natural sex (associate with Venus)/ Suffer humiliation in the hands of women; Poor; Unhappy; Wander aimlessly; Sickly; Suffer loss of wife; Poor; Ugly; Sinful; Loose morals; Sickness to both the native and the spouse

Analysis of Bhava X- Planets in the Sixth House

INTRODUCTION Sixth house is commonly called the Ari bhava or the bhava of enemies and it is also an Upachaya. Being an upachaya, the planets placed in this house promotes the significations of the Lagna bhava and help in its growth. It is usually said the the best place for the Malefics are the upachayas. However, their placement in the sixth house is tricky since, this position on one hand gives valour and the power to conquer enemies, on the other, it gives trouble from the enemies. However if the lagna lord is stronger than the sixth lord, then the native wins over the enemies and otherwise if the sixth lord is stronger. The kind of enemies can be seen from the natural significations of the planet who is placed in the sixth house. For example, if Sun is placed in the sixth there shall be enemity with influencial persons and persons from the govt. This might also show the predominant characteristic on the enemies. The benefics placed in this house makes the person free from enemies and if there is enemity, the native conquers his enemies without much effort. This is also the house of diseases. The diseases caused in this bhava is more pathogenic than physiological. If a planet is weakly placed in this bhava then the native suffers diseases in the physiological system ruled by the planet. The physiological system ruled by different planets are as follows: Sun - Skeletal sytem Moon - Circulatory system Mars - Muscular system Mercury - Nervous system including skins Jupiter - Digestive system Venus - Reproductive system Saturn - Excretory system Along with the systems governed by different planets, they also govern other body parts, which needs to be studied to understand different diseases a person would be suffering with. Understanding diseases are an essential part of medical astrology and shall be taken up in another article. Sixth house is also the house of maternal uncles and in whole it represents the mothers family. If malefics are placed here as well as afflicted, then the natives maternal uncles might suffer. If a benefic is placed in the sixth, its natural significance suffers with the expense of the house itself (the house gains with the placement of a benefic). Thus is Moon is placed in the sixth the person suffers with lack of mental felicity and involved in many unlawful activities if afflicted too. Similarly if Venus is so place, the significations such as relationship, marital harmony etc., suffer heavily and if Jupiter is so placed, the person suffers due to excessive eating (they would like to eat, but many

things would be prohibited by the doctor). If Mercury is so placed, then the person gets into trouble due to communication and he is troubled by his kiths & kins. Venus is placed in Marana Karaka Avastha (MKA) in this house and the natural as well as functional significations of Venus significantly suffer while it is placed here. Planets in sixth have argala on the 5th, 8th and the 3rd house. Hence planets in this how singnificantly affect the significations of the mentioned houses.

THE SUN Favourable Powerful (but can be overpowered by his enemies); Successful in endeavours; Glorious; Famous; Wealthy; Passionate Unfavourable Billious temperament; Suffering to Maternal uncle; Heart or eye diseases; Bone related diseases; Acidic Troubles MOON Favourable Conquer enemies (only if strong) Unfavourable Poor; Sickly / weak constitution; Stomach ailments; Stupidity; Suffer in enemy hands; Low sexual vigour; Low life force- Lazy and Lethargic; Lower longevity; Cruel; Angry; Sinful deeds, working against the laws (govt.); Sickly in childhood. MARS Favourable Famous; Successful in his undertakings; Valorous; Defeat his enemies; Blessed with children; Wealthy; Glorious like a king; Highly passionate; Handsome; Stout bodied and Leader in his community Unfavourable Rheumatism; Leprosy (association with Mercury); Suffer hyperacidity; Troubles to maternal uncle and Spendthrift; Troubles in Litigations. MERCURY Favourable Respected/ favour by the ruler/ govt.; Author; Free from enemies; Victorious in the battlefield; Free from diseases; Earn wealth with his own efforts.

Unfavourable Leprosy (association with Mars and 6th lord); Rheumatism & shooting pains (affliction by Saturn or Nodes); Troubled by enemies/ Enemies in his community; Lazy; Harsh speech; Belligerent; Argumentative and gets angry often in arguments; Obstacles in achieving success in educational pursuits; Showy; Proud; Fond of creating controversies; Restless JUPITER Favourable Conquer enemies/ Free from enemies; Progression of lineage; Free from diseases, Clever; Interest in Mantra recitation (house of speech, 2nd, from the house of mantra, 5th); Famous; Reputation through spouse Unfavourable Marks of wound on the body; Rheumatism; Suffering from cough and cold; Acidity; Sickness to mother; Lazy; Troubled by enemies; Falling sick due to excessive eating. VENUS Favourable Devoid of enemies Unfavourable Dangerous and scheming enemies (affliction); Suffer poverty; Unhappy; Relationship with many women/ Disliked by women; Inimical toward wife; Distressed; Mean; Unsuccessful in efforts; Deprived of happiness from father or guru; Dull; Trouble in begetting children SATURN Favourable Powerful; Vanquish his enemies and diseases (however, troubled by them); Travel far and wide (association of Mars) Unfavourable Belligerent; Financial distress; Little learning; Troubles to legs/ Suffer rheumatic pains, Suffer loss of longevity (if Saturn is eighth lord); Eat a lot; Wealthy; Proud; Passionate; Courageous; Evil minded; Suffer early loss of maternal uncle

Analysis of Bhava IX- Planets in the Fifth House

INTRODUCTION The fifth house is predominantly known as Suta Bhava or the house of progeny. Since children reflects the future in anyones life, this house is also called the house governing the future. If this house is under affliction, then there shall be troubles in procreation and also the future of the native

is ruined. This also the house of chitta, or the inner harmony. Affliction to this house cause the person inherently restless and possess lesser emotional quotient. Since this is the house of progeny, which is the reflection of the native himself, this house is also known for any kind of creative impulses and very important for innovation and geniuses. Among other things, this is the house of power and authority and also represent disciples or subordinates, on which the power is weilded. Planets well placed in this house confer power and authority to the native, while if weakly placed, can cause troubles related to these areas. Fifth house is also the house of worship and mantra. Planets placed in this house reflect the natives affiliation towards different forms of divinity. If a male planet is placed here, the conception of divinity for the native is masculine and powerful, whereas female planets shows that for the native, the divinity is feminine and protective. Jupiter confers the conception of nirguna brahman and make the native worship formless form of the Brahaman. From the argala perspective, planets in the fifth house shall have dhanargala on the 4th house, sukhargala on the 2nd house and labhargala on the 7th house. Hence the significations of the 5th house such as children, knowledge, authority etc, significantly impact the significations of the 2nd, 4th and 7th house.

THE SUN Favourable Devoted to Shiva; Sharp Intellect and Wise Unfavourable Trouble to first child/ Childless; Devoid of wealth; Use intelligence in sinful deed; Wanderer; Stomach ailment (such as acidity) and Short lived. THE MOON Favourable Progenys well being; More female offspring; Highly intelligent; Fickle minded/ Changeable; Worshipper of Mother; Timid; Wise; Glorious; Truthful/ Sattvik mind; Skillful in handling money/ finances; Philantropic; Meritorious; Rajayogi- Not attached to material surrounding, even if have abundance; Councellor / Advisor; Have good friends; Serve the ruler/ king (govt. servant) MARS Unfavourable Suffer poverty; Unhappy/ worried; No children/ Loss of children/ abortions; Immoral; Wicked/ Mean/ Sinful (association with eighth lord)/ Uncontrollable; Unstable mind; Wrath of the ruler/govt.; Suffer from cuts or wounds; Liar (like to say foul against others in his absence and

create controversies); Shrewd; Troubles from enemies; Mental disorder; Lack of Intelligence; Troubles in education; Backbiter; Tormented by hunger; Suffer hyperacidity; In female horoscope this indicate terrible labour pain Favourable Have children (only under benefic influences); Governmental positions of high status; Intelligent and analytical minded; Courageous MERCURY Favourable Mothers well being; Many children but get them late in life; Possess children (only under benefic influences); Highly intelligent; Soft spoken; Wise; Learned in Mantra Shastra and Hypnotism; Minister/ advisor; Happy; Glorious; Well educated; Hold position of authority; Skilful in Trade and speculation Unfavourable Loss of children/ Inclined towards adoption; Sinful

JUPITER Favourable Highly intelligent; Wise/ Learned; Possess broad eyes; Good conversationalist/ Good orator; Endowed with illustrious children; Glorious; Feed others; Good in politics (rajaniti shastra)/ Favour by king/ govt.; Knowledgeable in Law/ Good advisor/ Judge; Prosperous; Tolerant; Fond of luxuries; Author with fruitful imagination; Wealth from children Unfavourable Loss of children/ Difficulties in begetting children (in Capricorn, Aquarius or Cancer); Suffer loss of wealth due to wrath of ruler; Loss of memory; Devoid of wisdom VENUS Favourable Wise; Intelligent; Educated; Endowed with poetic skills; Clever minister/ advisor/ judge; Long lived grandmother; Respected; Honoured by govt; Well versed in worldly affairs; Have children but devoid of happiness from them; Conveyances; Wealthy; Hardworking; Successful in speculation Unfavourable Lacks courage/ Cowerdice SATURN Favourable Birth of children (more daughters); Affairs with many women; Philosopher; Endowed with the skill of use machines

Unfavourable Childless/ Adopt a daughter (under benefic influences); Weak constitution; Extremely poor; Engaged in inferior trades; Evil minded/ Heartless; Devoid of intelligence; Devoid of learning/ Troubles in education; Devoid wealth and happiness; Wanders aimlessly; Unstable mind; Suffer gastritis

Analysis of Bhava VIII- Planets in the Fourth House

INTRODUCTION Fourth is the house of happiness and shastras define this as sukha sthana. Since all of us are in the search of happiness in life, this house shows what motivates all our actions. Being a kendra, it has strong bearing on our activities. We all know that the Kendras are the houses of Vishnu and hence shows our actions, and the Konas are the houses of Lakshmi and shows the results we get for those actions. Malefics placed here makes the person unhappy at his native place/ home and makes him leave home / native place and go to foreign land to settle down. Where as benefics makes the person enjoy happiness at his home or native land. Along with happiness, fourth house is also seen for immovable properties such as Land, house etc. and also conveyance. Planets placed in dignity and under benefic influences bestow the native these things and many more luxuries. Whereas any affliction to this house make the native devoid of happiness from these things. This house is also seen for Mothers health. This house must be under benefic influences for Mother to be free from any troubles. Otherwise, troubles can be predicted to Mother. This house rules the heart. Affliction to this house can cause heart troubles. However, one must look for affliction to the Karaka Sun as well, before pronouncing the results. From the Argala perspective, this house has dhanargala on the 3rd house, labhargala on the 6th house and sukhargaloa on the Lagna. Hence planets in this house influences the prosperity of the siblings (3rd); service / enemies (6th) or the health of the native (lagna). THE SUN Favourable Sociable; Soft hearted; Fond of vocal / instrumental music Unfavourable Lack of Happiness; Troubled mind/ Restless; Devoid of friends or relations/ Troubled by friends or

relations; Loss of paternal property; Devoid of wealth; Devoid of conveyance; Live away from his home; Troubles to Mother; Heart trouble THE MOON Favourable Happy/ Satisfied; Fond of luxuries; Passionate- Fond of womens company; Sacrificing; Have good friends & relatives; Attain high status and position/ hold leadership position in his community; Good reputation/ liked and loved by people; Have good house, conveyances; Trade on waters (river or ocean) Unfavourable Trouble to mother and Childhood troubles MARS Favourable (only under benefic influences) Good health; Own conveyances & landed property; Mother will be long-lived; Gets land and clothes by the favour of the king/ ruler. Unfavourable Restless; Adversities in the family; Domestic disturbances (kuja dosa); Early death of father; Health troubles to mother/ Loss of mother (if highly afflicted); Devoid of land/ home; Live in dilapidated house; Suffer poverty; Inimical relations with kith and kins/ Devoid of friends; Live away from his native place; Devoid of Conveyances and land MERCURY Favourable Soft spoken; Active doing something all the time; Patient; Broad eyes; Happiness from parents; Learned; Happy; Flatterer; Wealthy; Own lands and Conveyances; Own good clothes; Wise; Enjoy company of friends; Fond of various art forms Unfavourable (only if afflicted) Devoid of land and conveyances; Bitterness in relations; Deceitful/ Acquire wealth by questionable means; Deprived of ancestral property JUPITER Favourable Happy/ Contented; Wise; Highly intelligent; Good conduct/ Clean hearted; Own land & good house; Own conveyances; Good health to mother; Good friends; Happiness from children & wife; Wealthy; Endowed with luxuries; Conquer enemies; Take part in religious ceremonies; Ambitious; Grace from rulers/ govt.; Reputed in his community Unfavourable Not contended; Devoid of land and conveyances; Suffer loss of mother; Bitterness with relations

VENUS Favourable Handsome; Intelligent; Happy/ Happiness from brothers; Good nature/ Forgiving nature; Enjoy conveyances; Good health to mother/ Looks after his mother; Enjoy landed property & house; Possess good ornaments, dresses etc; Leader in his community; Get many gifts from followers Unfavourable Devoid of land and conveyance; Distress to mother; Illicit relationship with other women; SATURN Favourable (only if Saturn is strong and under benefic influences) Happiness from mother; Popular in his community; Hold leadership positions Unfavourable Lazy; Devoid of paternal properties; Bad character; Gets into bad company; Loss of mother/ Bad health to mother/ troubles mother; Lack of happiness; Troubled; Sickly in childhood; Devoid of material happiness (from house; conveyance etc.); Domestic troubles; Loves Isolation

Analysis of Bhava VII- Planets in the Third House

INTRODUCTION Third house is a upachaya or a house of growth. Any planets in this house as reckoned from the Lagna, cause the growth of the Lagna bhava. However, the ways in which a planet shall help in growth of the Lagna shall be dependent on their own nature. Being the bhava of courage, malefics in this bhava gives courage, their affliction can cause lack of siblings or trouble to siblings. Benefics in such place may cause lack of courage or cowerdice, but is good for the health and affairs of siblings. This is also the house of skills and dexterity. Planets in this house make the person skillful in the areas ruled by the planets. Thus planets like Moon or Venus can make a person artist, however the genius and creativity is only ruled by the fifth house. Being the 7th house from the 9th house, planets in this bhava also aspect the ninth house of fortune. Hence, Malefics placed here give troubles with fortune, more so if afflicted and benefics give rise in fortune. Being the 9th house from 7th house of relationship, it shows the dharma in the relationships and hence it also the house of morality. Affliction to this house also makes a person low in morality and principles. From the Argala perspective, planets in the 3rd house shall have dharnargala on the 2nd house, labhargala on the 5th house and sukhargala on the 12th house. Thus courage and initiative actively

influences the wealth one accumulates, the knowledge one gathers and the expenditure one involves in. If benefics or the karka or the friends of the karaka of 2nd/ 5th/ 12th are placed in the 3rd house, the significations of these houses shall enhance, otherwise suffer due to significations of 3rd house. THE SUN Favourable Valorous; Famous; Wealthy; Happy; Have a good and eventful life; Intelligent; Generous; Good to friends; Forgiving nature; Patient; Devoid of illnesses; Handsome; Liked by women; Respected; Honourable; Conquer enemies; Go to pilgrimages; Philantropic; Virtuous; Endowed with material comforts; Fortunate; Aquire comforts due to grace of ruler; Prosperity of brother; growth of family. Unfavourable Devoid of siblings; Cruel Deed; Inimical towards his relations; Ear troubles; Destruction of family THE MOON Favourable Prosperity and well being of brothers; more sisters; Healthy; Strong & Courageous; Religious; Good in Literature; Enjoys material pleasures; Dependent on friends; Dependent on relations & Friends; Fond of Traveling Unfavourable Suffer Rheumatism; Autocratic/ Cruel and Miser MARS Favourable Financial gains; Brothers long lived (Mars under benefic influences); Patience; Valorous/ Courageous; Unconquerable; Generous; Meritorious; Honoured by the ruler/ govt.; Happy; Independent/ self-confident; Healthy and Famous; Self made person Unfavourable No younger siblings; Wife of questionable character; Association with prostitutes (association with nodes); Inimical to siblings or Loss of younger siblings; Devoid of good living place; Suffer tuberculosis / consumption MERCURY Favourable Many siblings; Happy; Posses landed property; Acquire wealth; High morals; Independent; Good natured; Virtuous; Tolerant; Long life (when third lord is strong); Long life to brothers; Inclination towards trade and business; Courageous; Clever; Detached from worldly affairs; Dependence of younger siblings on the native. Unfavourable Suffering in life; Suffer throat diseases; Timidity (weak third lord); Consummate rogue; Devoid of friends; Unstable mind

JUPITER Favourable: Big family; Many siblings; Religious; ; Detest materialism/ belief in simple living; Clever; Determined; Fond of Travelling; Brothers achieve high position; Fortunate but cannot earn as much as he desires; Get national honour or recognition Unfavourable: Stingy/ Miser; Impatient; Idiotic; Suffer poverty; Suffer from Acidity / Inflammation; Sinful; Malicious nature; Humiliated in public; Dominated by wife; Ungrateful; Not a friend of anybody; Worried; Devoid of courage VENUS Favourable Tolerant; Many siblings (mostly sisters); Determined; Wealthy and Happy Unfavourable Weaker constitution; Miser; Not liked by people; Devoid of happiness / wealth; Wife dominates over the native; Devoid of courage; Devoid of enthusiasm; Less fortunate; Attracted towards women; Lose morals and involve in lowly acts; Unhappy regarding children; Dependent on others SATURN Favourable Many siblings; Intelligent; Courageous/ Great strength; Determination; Natural leader; Holding administrative positions; Generous (even treat his enemies well); Patient/ persistent; Happy married life; Charitable; Ambitious; Good orator Unfavourable Loss of brothers/ Unhappy on account of brothers; Earn by questionable means; Lazy; Unhappy; Mean; Devoid of gratitude towards others; Face many obstacles in life; Suffer ear troubles; suffer due to rheumatism (vata)

Analysis of Bhava VI- Planets in the Second House

INTRODUCTION The 2nd house is primarily for Accumilated wealth (karaka Jupiter); accumulated wealth (karaka Moon) and Application of knowledge (since this is tenth from fifth house); Speech (karaka Mercury); Eyes (karaka Sun) or Face (Karaka Sun) Malefics placed in this house adversely affect these significations. Checking the argala perspective, planets placed in the 2nd house would have argala on the Lagna bhava (dharnargala); Fourth house (Labhargala) and Eleventh house (sukhargala). Malefics placed in this house affect the significations of these houses adversely, while benefics placed in second house, enhance the said houses.

SUN: Favourable Healthy; Immensely Wealthy; Aquire wealth due to the grace of ruler/ govt.; Learned in shastras; Wise; Good eye sight; Good reputation/ fame Unfavourable Egoistis; Devoid of wealth; Loss of wealth due to wrath of Government; Diseases in Face/ Mouth; Eye diseases; Lack of Intelligence; Devoid of knowledge of shastras; Ill health; Domestic disharmony (conflict with kith and kins on account of spouse); Stammer (association with Mercury and the 2nd lord is weak); Trouble to Children.

THE MOON Favourable Handsome; Glorious; Wealthy; Complacent; Knowlegeable; Large family; Attached to the family; Soft spoken; Endowed with material comforts. Unfavourable Speech troubles; Passionate; Stupid and Uneducated. MARS Favourable Gain wealth; Well educated; Good eye sight and Defeat his enemies. Unfavourable Lack of education; Eye troubles such as cataract, defective eyesight or night blindness; Eat stale food; Ugly face; Speech defects; In company of mean people; Stupid and Miser. MERCURY Favourable Many children; Talkative; Educated; Well versed in shastras; Determined; Contented; Wealthy; Virtuous; Distinction in academic pursuits; Financial gains; Proficient in Mathematics (aspected by Jupiter); Poetic; Intelligent; Soft spoken; Fond of good food and drinks; Famous; Highly moral; Orator; Generous; Fond of luxurious living; Unfavourable Uneducated; Suffer from windy troubles;

JUPITER Favourable Handsome; Intelligent; Eloquent; Sweet tongued; Soothsayer (Whatever he says comes true);

Prosperous; Wealthy; Fond of good food; Fond of luxuries; Charitable; Fond of poetry; Well versed in administrative matters Unfavourable Difficulties in education; Have thieving inclination; Liar and vulgar speech; Drunkard; Immoral; Destroyer of family; Relations with others wives; Childless; Talkative; Difficulties in accumulate wealth

VENUS Favourable Attractive eyes; Wealthy; Prosperous family; Get good food; Humble nature; Kind hearted; Helpful to others; Eloquent/ sweet tongued/ Humble in speech; Wealthy; Poetic; Enjoy good food/ drinks; Glorious; Enjoy luxuries; Enjoy company of women; Intelligent; Handsome/ decently dressed Unfavourable Eye troubles (lord weak/ afflicted); Night blindness (associate with Moon) SATURN Favourable In charge of a religious institution; Earn in foreign land /becomes wealthy in foreign land Unfavourable Suffer poverty/ Deprived of wealth by the king; Remarriage; Possess no lands; Suffer eye troubles; Suffer diseases in face; Ugly in appearance; Harsh speech; Detaches himself from the family to move to foreign land RAHU Rahu is inimical to the Karaka of the house Jupiter (wealth) or Family and being a malefic can cause distress in these areas. Favourable: Financially successful in the business related to fish, meat or restaurant; Harsh tongue/ shocking speech; Diplomatic speech. Unfavourable: Thieving habits; Low sinful deeds KETU Favourable: The native is inclined towards arts and literature; Sweet tongued

Unfavourable: Troubles to eyes and throat

Analysis of a Bhava V- Planets in First house

INTRODUCTION This section shall enumerate the different effects of all the planets in different houses. The effects of all the planets shall be divided into two distinct categories namely the favourable effect, the unfavourable effects: A planet gives favourable results if it is placed with strength viz., placement in exaltation, Moola trikona, own house or natural friends house if is under the influence of natural benefics Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or Moon. A planet gives unfavourable results if it is weak by placement viz., placement in debilitation or enemies house. if it is under the influence of natural malefics Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Sun or Ketu. The relations signified by a house suffer, if the house is placed with malefics (afflicted) and the lord of the house is weakly placed as well. If benefic aspects such house, the suffering is either nullified or minimised to great extent. The influence on the lord of the the bhava also shows the effect on the natives mental makeup towards relations signified by that house. Thus if the 3rd lord is afflicted, the the native might not go well with brothers. The different relations governed by the houses are: Lagna- Self Second- Family as a whole Third- Siblings in general and younger siblings in particular Fourth- Mother Fifth- Children; Secret friends Sixth- Enemies, maternal uncles Seventh- Spouse EighthNinth- Father TenthEleventh- Friends, Paternal uncle Twelfth- Secret enemies The natural benefics (Jupiter, Mercury, Moon & Venus) are good for the health and longivity of the relations and natural malefics (Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu & Ketu) cause health troubles and reduction in longevity and health. In the the third house malefics give lesser siblings and in the fifth house it

gives difficulties in birth of children and also lesser in numbers. THE LAGNA Lagna is primarily a kendra bhava and secondarily a trikona bhava and hence Parashara says that this bhava is specifically auspicious of all natives. If there is affliction to this bhava, the whole horoscope is affected. Malefics placed here can harm the bhava, however since this is a kendra bhava, if those malefics (Mars or Saturn) are placed in own house or exaltation, they constitute two mahapurusha yoga namely Ruchaka and Sasa Mahapurusha yoga. When such mahapurusha yoga occurs, the planet doesnot harm the bhava and instead promote the bhava. The influence of the planets on the physical features and nature, while placed on the Lagna can be seen from the characteristics of the planets, which are as follows: Sun o Has honey-coloured, golden Brown or Tawny eyes (madhu pingala drk) o Has Sqarish Face (Chaturasrah) o Has bilious temeperament (pitta prakrti) o Is intelligent (Dhiman) o Has limited hair (Puman alpaka) Moon o Is extremely windy and phlegmatic (bahu vata kapha) o Is Learned (Pragnya) o Has round face (Brtta) o Has good looking eyes (Subha Drk) o Has sweet speech (Madhu vakya) o Fickle-minded (Chanchal) o Is Lascivious/ eager to associate with opposite sex (Madana Aturah) Mars o Has fierce and blood-red eyes (krura/ raktetasana) o Unsteady or wavering (chapala) o Has bilious temperament (pitta prakrti) o Is angry (Krodhi) o Has thin waist and physique (Krsah Madhya Tanu) Mercury o Is admirable (vapush) o Is splendid and beautiful (Strestha) o Has beautiful skin/ skin without blemishes (shlishtvak) o Is fond of humor (hasya ruchi) o He has a mix of all the three humours, i.e., bilious, phlegmatic and windy Jupiter

o Has a big body (Brhat Gatra) o Has Tawny hair and eyes (Pingala murdhajeksane) o Is phlegmatic (kapha prakrti) o Is Intelligent (Dhiman) o Is expert in all Shastras (Sarva shastra visharada) Venus o Is charming (sukhi kanta) o Splendorous physique (vapusshreshta) o Has beautiful eyes (sulochana) o Is poetic (kavya karta) o Is Exceedingly phlegmatic (Kapha adhikya) o Is also windy (Anilaatma) o Has curly hair (vakra murdhaja) Saturn is o Has an emaciated and long physique (Krsha Dirgha Tanu) o Has tawny eyes (Pingala Drsti) o Is of windy in temperament (anilaatmakah) o Has protruding teeth (sthula danta) o Is lazy (alasa) o Is Lame (Pangu) o Has coarse hair over the body (khara roma) Nodes o Rahu has smoky appearance (Dhumra akara) o Has bluish body (Nila tanu) o He resides in forests (Vanastha) o He is horrifying (Bhayankarah) o He is of windy temperament (vata prakrti) o He is intelligent (Dhiman) o Ketu is akin to Rahu Note: Terms inside the closed brackets are the sanskrit term taken from BPHS. Since the Lagna signify the self and the personality of the native, the influence of different planets shall influence the personality of the native too. If more planets are placed in the Lagna (or aspect it), the person would be broad minded as he would be having the attitude / personality traits bestowed by all planets. Many shastras say that such people will be a king, which in modern context mean an able leader or a natural leader. This is a Marana Karaka Sthana for Saturn and hence the natural significations of Saturn such as longevity gets severely affected. However, if they also constitute the Mahapurusha yoga, the effect

undergo transformation and the Marana Karaka avastha is cancelled. The different Karakas for this bhavas are: Sun - Soul; Health and Vitality Moon - Body Jupiter - Intelligence Saturn - Hair The effect of different planets on Lagna is based on their interaction with these different karakas. If they are friends to the Karaka, they shall enhance the significations of the karaka; otherwise they shall affect it adversely. However, it needs to be emphasised again that strong planets (exaltation, own, friendly houses) tend to give less malefic results than the weaker ones. It is also to be noted that each planet is a karaka for other houses too. If it is placed in a dusthana (6th/ 8th/ 12th) from the concerned house (karya bhava), then the native is unfortunate related to the affairs to that house. For example if Saturn is placed in the Lagna, it can curtail longevity since, it is the karaka of eighth house (longevity) and if placed in the Lagna, it would be placed in sixth house from the eighth, which happens to be a dusthana from the karya bhava. Similarly Mars is the Karaka for enemies and if placed in the Lagna, would be in the eighth (dusthana) from the sixth house, causing damage to the sixth house. Thus, this position of Mars, causes suffering to the enemies in the hands of the native (Lagna- self). One more very important thing to consider is the concept of argala. Planets in the Lagna would have argala on the 12th house, 3rd house and the 10th house. Malefics in the Lagna would have the argala on the 11th house too. Thus the planets in the Lagna shall effect the influences of these four houses also. If benefics are placed in Lagna, then it enhances, expenses on good cause, prosperity of the siblings, enhacement of reputation and fame and also income from desirable sources. Malefics placed in the Lagna gives quite opposite results. THE SUN Favourable effects Less Hair on head (baldish)/ Prominent forehead; Dignified; Sattvik Natured; Good health; Intelligent; Learned; Knowledgeable; Wise; Ambitious; Initiative; Natural leadership qualities; Commanding nature; Bilious Temperament; Hot tempered; Fierce; Less spoken; Valourous; Self contended; Famous; Wealthy; Acquire territory (Leo); Father of daughters (Virgo) Unfavourable effects Lethargic (predominance of tamasik guna); Obstinate; Cruel Hearted; Lack the forgiving attitude; Wanderer; Proud; Fluctuating wealth; Devoid of Learning; Devoid of authority; Devoid of progeny; Blind; Subservient to Women (Pisces); Suffer from boils; Diseases in the Head; Eye defects/ diseases/ troubles/ Eye Inflammation or Cataract of eyes/ Night blindness (Leo); (Cancer); Heart disease (Capricorn); Lose his wife/ Ungrateful (Virgo). THE MOON

Favourable Handsome; Happy; Strong built; Well versed in shastras; Wise; Intelligent; Clever converstationalist and Wealthy Unfavourable (weak in paksha bala along with other weaknesses) Fickle minded; Restlessness; Weak constitution; Deaf and Mute MARS Favourable Healthy; Strong constitution; Stout body; Big navel; Reddish hands; Valorous; Wealthy; Hot tempered; Honoured by the ruler/ govt.; Long life; Fond of sight seeing

Unfavourable Rarely get peace of mind; Marks of wounds or boils; Suffer many diseases during childhood; Stealing habit; Stupid; Cruel; Angry temperament; Unstable mind; Suffer from Mental troubles; Wicked disposition; Short life; Few children; Ugly appearance; Rheumatism; Eye diseases; Accidents; Injuries to Limb; Loss of wife/ Trouble to wife; Face evil consequences for his actions MERCURY Favourable Gentle; Educated; Early marriage; Devout listener of the recitation of religious scriptures; Like to travel to many places; Travel to pilgrimages; Inclined towards Mantras and Tantras; Have the power to free people from the influence of evil spirits; Soft spoken; Forgiving; Kind hearted; Gain of wealth; Distinction in academic pursuits; Good health; Golden lustre on the skin; Interested in Astrology; Happiness from brothers; Religious minded; Proficiency in Arts; Poetry, Literature, Logic, Mathematics and use of arms; Stout body/ Handsome; Knowledge of own country; Well versed in shastras; Sweet and tactful conversationalist; Long-life; Destroys the Arishta (evil effect on longevity) caused by other planets in the horoscope and Good physician, Prosperity of children; They usually dont suffer from any diseases. However, if they contact any disease, it will be very complicated. Unfavourable Suffer from skin diseases, bilious troubles and jaundice; Defective limb; Antagonistic towards gentlemen; Suffer from eye diseases; Inimical relations with his brothers and will be deceitful; He will be deprived of the comforts of bed (sexual pleasures) and will be a devotee of evil Gods; Suffer the loss of sight in his left eye (association with Saturn); Expenditure on undesirable persons. JUPITER Favourable Dignified appearance/ Handsome; Good natured/ amicable; Good speaker; Learned; Well versed in shastras; Knowledge of Vedas; Many children/ Happiness from children; Happy; Long lived; Perform religious deeds; Long lived; Fearless; Tolerant; Respected; Virtuous; Charitable; Philanthropic; Go to

pilgrimages; Famous; Enjoy luxuries and material pleasures Unfavourable Indulge in sinful deeds; Unstable mind; Medium span of life; Childless; Ungrateful; Full of false vanity; Forsake his near and dear; Like travelling; Inimical towards others; Miserable Jataka Parijata says in this respect - If a powerful Jupiter in his full rays is posited in a kendra (1,4,7,10), he alone wards off all aristhas just as a sincere prayer to God Mahadev destroys all sins of the devotee VENUS Favourable Handsome/ charming/ attractive; Soft-spoken; Long lived; Proficient in Mathematics; Learned in shastras; Loved by his wife; Fond of ornaments, good dresses & beauty; Liked by opposite sex; Wealthy. Unfavourable Thieving inclination; Cheat; Suffer rheumatic / phlegmatic diseases; Troubles in generative organs; Two wives (Venus own 6th/8th/12th); Fluctuating fortune; Hard hearted (lack of compassion). SATURN Unfavourable Rheumatism; Bilious complaints; Mendicant (aspected by Moon); Poor; Sickly; Unclean; Suffering from diseases in childhood; Indistinct speech; Lazy / Lethargic; Greedy; Sorrowful; Narrow minded; Conquer enemies. The native is always dissatisfied, greedy, endowed with broad vision (they cant see minute details) and over ambitious. They are usually jealous of others improvement and as a result suffer lack of peace of mind. However, if placed in own house or exalted or when placed in Pisces or Sagittarius, the native is gets name and fame. Favourable (only if in own house or in exaltation) Leader of his community; High status & position RAHU Favourable Conquer enemies; Successful in his endeavours with others help. Rahu is Leo, Cancer or Aries Lagna is specifically beneficial. Unfavourable Physical troubles and Troubles in married life. KETU

Favourable Good speaker; Successful in education (the deity of Ketu is Ganesha, who is the giver of the siddhis) Unfavourable Lean; Lacks physical felicity; Marital disharmony

Analysis of a Bhava IV- Generic Effect of Planets

Favourable and unfavourable effects of planets 1. Benefics gives unfavourable results related to its significations when placed in the 3rd, 6th or 8th or 12th houses. 2. Malefics give facourable results related to its significations when placed in the 3rd, 6th or 11th houses. 3. Planet gives unfavourable results when i. Placed in Debilitation ii. Conjoined with/ aspected by malefics iii. Conjoined with/ aspected by enemies iv. Placed in Rasi Sandhi or Gandanta v. Placed in inimical sign vi. Hemmed between malefics (Papakartari) 4. Planets give favourable results when i. Placed in exaltation ii. Placed in friends house iii. Conjoined with / aspected by Benefics iv. Conjoined with/ aspected by Friends v. Hemmed between benefics (subha kartari) 5. Planets placed in Bhava Madhya is capable of giving full results whereas the result of a planet placed in bhava sandhi would be feeble. Results of Planets: Sun: Unfavourable position: Wrath of ruler, lord Shiva, father; Diseases in Heart, stomach, eyes; troubles to bones; diseases caused by Pitta; Fear from Quadrupeds and fire; Destuction of copper utensils; Decline of personal influences on others Favourable positions: Sattvik Nature; Blessings of lord Shiva, father and rulers; Acquisition of copper utensils; Increase of wealth through journeys and by trade in woolen goods, grass, gold, leather and medicines.

Moon: Unfavourable position: Queens anger; dissatisfaction of the mother or her illness; diseases caused by vata, pitta and impure blood; enmity with superiors or relatives; wrath of Ma Durga; loss of crops; Danger to life; ill fame Favourable position: Satisfaction to mother; Gain of money by trading in ghee, sugar, clothes; Income by chanting mantras or by breeding cattle, by marine traffic and by dealing with diamonds, through the help of women and by increase of crops and increase of fame and riches Mars: Unfavourable position: Misunderstanding with brothers, Loss of landed property and gold; Fear from fire, thieves and enemies; Wrath of god Subrahmanya and trouble from military personnel; Ailments arising out of impure blood, fever, eye diseases; Loss of utensils; Cuts and wounds caused in the body by weapons Favourable: Acquision of landed property, gold, weapons; Favour of commander in chief; Grace of lord Subrahmanya; Profit from loss of enemies; Profit from brothers and kings Mercury: Unfavourable position: Wrath of lord Vishnu; Suffering from the heir-apparent; Suffering due to abusive languages; Trouble from theives. Favourable: Acquisition of horses, gold, land; Increase in friends; Acquisition of wealth with the help of Brahmins and good advisors; Income from sculptural skills and arbitration work; Increase of Fame; Performance of religious deeds; Earning by writing or mathematics; Grace of lord Vishnu Jupiter: Unfavourable position: Ear troubles; Sickness to children; Wrath of gods and brahmins; Enmity with wicked people Favourable: Increase of clarity of mind; Gain from religious practices, through persons well versed in recitation of Vedas and through favour of rulers; Acquisition of gold, horses and elephants; Blessings of gods and brahmins Venus: Unfavourable position: Sickness to wife or other female relations; Destruction of clothes; Decrease in general prosperity; Sorrow caused by love; Hatred towards government servants; Association with low born people; Death of cattles; Loss of silverware Favourable position: Gain of silver utensils; Fine clothes; Ornaments; Diamonds; Underground treasures; Marriage; gain of money; Increase of taste for music; Access to cattle and good food Saturn: Unfavourable position: Diseases caused by vitiation of wind and phlegm; Ignorance; Tendency to

steal; Irritability; Calamities; Lazyness; Physical and Mental debility; Suffering due to sarcastic attitude of spouse, children and servants; Dislocation of limbs; Jealousy. Favourable position: Reduction of sorrow; Association with old women; Increase in servants and iron goods; Headship of a town; Acquisition of buffalows Nodes: The effects of Rahu are similar to the lord of the rasi occupied by him and of Saturn. Similarly the effects of Ketu are similar to the lord of the rasi occupied by him and of Mars. General Inauspicious effects: Death; Serious diseases; Danger to near and dear ones; Destruction of house; Fall from position; Wrath of the rulers; Unpopularity; Loss; Waste of money and land; Theft of property; Dishonour; Ill fame General auspicious effects: Good health; Royal favour; Gain of money; Friendship or increase in friends; Success in all undertaking; Mental peace; Elevation to high position; Popularity; Fame; Birth of children.

Analysis of a Bhava III- Generic effect of planets in houses

Lagna: Malefics: Failure, diseases in head, sorrows, dishonour, displacement, loss of money, pains all over the body, discomfort in all ways Benefics: General comfort, success, good health, financial prosperity, fame, promotions to higher positions Second house: Malefics: Loss of ancestral property, diseases in the face, sickness for the family members, diseases in right eye, scandals, loss of utensils. Benefics: Increase in family wealth, gains of utensils, family amity and happiness Third House: Malefics: Misunderstanding with friends and people who help them, Misfortunes to brothers, diseases in chest, neck and right ear; mental affliction, bad conduct or cowerdice. Benefic: Good conduct, courage, happiness to brothers, increase in help from others and good health Fourth House: Malefics: Distress to mother and maternal relations, loss of cattle, beds, cots, landed property and

vehicles, heart trouble, general misery and discomfort due to impure water. Benefic: Vehicles, lands, cattle, beds and general prosperity and health Fifth house: Malefics: Illness/ death / danger to children, leaving of sanchita karma, mental unrest, irritable temperament, illness to natives advisors Benefics: Birth of children, good health, peace of mind, influence and increase of good deeds Sixth house: Malefics: Occurance of wounds or ulcer in the organ ruled by the 6th sign, fear from theives and enemies, trouble in waist and navel; obstacles in undertakings; ailment signified by the occupying planet Benefics: Enemies would be vanquished, diseases will disappear and new ones do not sprout out Seventh house: Malefics: Sickness or death or separation from the life-partner, disturbances in journey; urninary troubles; fire hazard in spouses house Benefics: Marriage, recovery of lost wealth, enjoyment and happiness, safe return of relations gone to the foreign land, building of a good house. Eighth house: Malefics: Illness to servants, obstacles in all work, diseases in anus, quarrels with all, loss of wealth due to theives/ rulers or enemies; loss of appetite; diseases, bad name Benefics: Freedom from diseases, courage, longevity, facilities to acquire new houses, building mutts etc. Ninth house: Malefics: Illness to elders, father, grandchildren; ill luck; divine wrath; disinclination to the acts of charity; gradual decline of hard earned merit; ruin of ones power of penance; hard heartedness Benefics: Blessings from elders and parents; mental happiness; gods grace; increase of fortune, inclination to do good acts; increase of tapas; philantropy; happiness from grand-children Tenth house: Malefics: Failures in efforts; loss of reputation; loss of respect; ruin to assistants; breaks in profession; diseases in anckle; exile Benefics: Contruction of wayside inns; new roads; council halls; temples; success in all attempts;

increase in reputation; increase in influence; rise in profession; acquisition of assistants Eleventh house: Malefics: Illness to elder brother and sons, ailment in the left ear and legs; gain of articles as indicated by the planet Benefics: Reduction of grief; accomplishment of desired objects, gain of fresh sources of wealth and material objects signified by the planet Twelfth house: Malefics: Squandering of money; fall from position; troubles in the feet; trouble to the left eye; falls due to carelessness and sinful actions Benefics: Heavy expenditure for good purposes; gradual termination of sinful actions; recovery from illnesses

Analysis of a Bhava II- General Analysis

The following section is taken from Prasna Margam Postures Vs. Kendras (Used in Remedies) The Lagna, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th signify the postures Waking (Chakramana), Lying/ Sleeping (Sayana), Sitting (Upaveshat), Standing (Sthiti) respectively. External and Internal Bhavas Bhavas can be considered to have two significations, viz., External and Internal. The external ones are as mentioned before, whereas the internal ones are given by Varahamihira in Brhat Jataka. This difference is very important in the horoscope analysis. One must know that there are two aspects of significations of each house; one of which shows various expect of our own self , whereas the the other aspect is more related to the environment we are in and also the relations we are with Strengths & Weaknesses of Bhava The Bhavas which are associated with or aspected by their lords or benefics (Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon) are said to thrive well. Those conjoined with or aspected by malefics suffer annihilation. (26) The Bhavas which have benefics in the 2nd, 7th and the 12th or 4th and 10th from them are considered favorable. (27) The benefic nature of Bhavas is destroyed by their connection with the lords of sixth, eighth and

twefth or with the natural enemies of their lords. If the bhava, or its lord or the karaka is weak, then also the bhava suffers (28) The association of a bhava or its lord with sixth, eighth or twelfth or their lords cause suffering to the bhava. The association can be of following way: The dusthana lords are placed in the bhava or aspect the bhava The dusthana lords are conjoined with or aspect the bhava lords The bhava lords occupy the dusthanas A bhava should be considered weak under the following circumstances The said bhava, its lord or its karaka is weak The bhava is hemmed between malefics The bhava is aspected by malefics The bhava is aspected by the enemies of their lords Benefics do not associate/ aspect them Natural malefics are placed in the 4th, 8th, 12th or 5th or 9th Out of all the afflictions, if the two or three of them are present, the bhava suffers annihilation Significator (Karaka): If the different karakas are strong, then events attributed to them will be predominantly seen. If weak, then these shall exist only in name. With regard to Saturn, if he is strong, miseries and diseases decreases, however, if weak, it is felt in abundance The lords of the 9th and other favourable houses, though they may be malefics, nourish their bhava. This point has been emphasised by Varahamihira in the verse Lagnath Puthre. Benefics if strong contribute good fully, malefics if weak give their evil in full (34) A planet capable of giving rise of both good and inauspicious results, confer good results when it is strong and the the evil results when it is weak (37) A favourable planet if capable of conferring auspicious results fully, moderately according as the navamsa it occupies is vargottama, own or friendly or inimical. Similarly a malefic planet is capable of giving inauspicious results fully, moderately or feebly according to the navamsa it occupies is inimical, own, friendly or vargottama (38) If the lord and the karaka of a bhava are strong and occupy favourable houses, then the indications of the bhava will be fully experienced. On the contrary if they are weak and occupy the 6th/ 8th or 12th, the results of that bhava will be negetive or feeble (39) If the lord and karaka are strong but occupy an unfavourable position, then though the effects of the bhava may be seen, the native will not enjoy them. On the contrary, if the lord and the Karaka are weak, but occupy favourable positions, the effect will be experienced by the native, however it

would be feeble (40) If the two, the lord and karaka of a bhava, if one is strong and the other is weak, then the influence should be considered to be mixed in nature (41) If the lord of a bhava occupies a favourable position from the Bhava itself, then the effects of the Bhava will be full, however only if they are placed in favourable position from the Lagna, then the native shall have good experience (42) Such bhavas as have any relationships with the Lagna or its lord such as aspect, association, kendra disposition etc. shall be surely experienced. Benefics in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th become unfavourable. Malefics in the 3rd, 6th or 11th become favourable. The most important of all these houses is Lagna. The 5th and 9th houses are equally important. It is these three bhavas that benefics show their greatest good and malefics their worst evil. (44) Malefics in the sixth house confer all significations governed by the planet such as copper, lead etc., however the bhava i.e., the 6th house suffers. The results could be rise in enemity and diseases. (45) The good and bad significations ascribed to different planets should be used when describing the effects of dashas. (47) Planets give rise to favourable or unfavourable results based on whether they occupy Ishta or Anishta bhavas. On the basis of Samgnadhyaya, the various effects should be inferred. When Bhavas are ruined: When the lord of the 8th from a certain bhava or saturn transits the bhava and at the same time, the dasa / antar of the 6th, 8th or 12th operates, the bhava under consideration suffers. Similarly diseases signified in the various parts of the body as signified by the bhava concerned can be predicted.

Analysis of a Bhava I- Significations of Houses

INTRODUCTION Analysis of bhavas is the first step to be taken in interpretation of the horoscope. Though many things have been written on this so far, there are many inconsistencies in the books written by various authors. These inconsistencies tend to discourage any new students of Jyotisha. Thus this article strives to present the subject in a very systematic manner and hopes that the Jyotish enthusiasts and the beginners would gain substantially from this.

The article is divided into various sections starting from the significations of Bhavas; General

strengths and weaknesses of bhava; Generic effect of Benefics and malefics in the bhavas and the specific effect of all the planets in the different bhavas. I however admit that this article is no way comprehensive and leaves enough room for improvement. I shall modify/ add sections to this as and when time permits.

SIGNIFICATIONS OF HOUSES(from Prasna Margam) Note: The terms inside the brackets are the sanskrit terms used in the classic. Lagna: Excellence/ Superior goodness of beauty/ Extreme Skillness/ Cleverness/ Self Confidence (Sauthavam); The state of being/ Existence/ Perseverence/ Standing/ Stay at a place (Sthiti); Selfdependence/ Sound State/ Health/ Ease/ Comfort/ Contentment/ Satisfaction (Svasthya); Welfare/ Welbeing/ Yasha/ Fame (Shreya); Victory/ Success/ Acheivement (Jayo) Second House: Family, Wealth (Vitta), Speech (Vani), Right Eye (Dakshina Chakshu), all forms of Knowledge (Vidyascha Vividha) Third House: Patience (Dhairya), Vitality and Potency (Virya), Wrong thoughts (Durbuddhi); Siblings (Sahodara); Valour (Parakrama); Right Ear (Daksha Karna); Assistance/ help/ following (Sahaya) Fourth House: Mother (Mata); Sacrifice (Suhut); Sisters child (Bhagineau); Landed Property (Kshetram); Sukham (Happiness); Vehicles and Carriages (VahanamHsanam); grace/ beauty/ charm/ amour (Lalitya); Resting/ sleeping (Shayanam); growth and prosperity (Vriddhi); Cattle (Pasu); Birth house/ birth place (Janma Griha) Fifth house: Wisdom (Pragna); Abilities (Pratibha), Intelligence (Medha); Ability to discern (Viveka Shakti); Good deeds of past life (Puratana Punyam); Mystical hymns (Mantra); Advisor/ Misnister (Amatya); Children (Tanuja); Mental Satisfaction/ Cheerfulness (Saumansya) Sixth house: Thief / Smuggler (Taskar); Enemies/ Hostile persons (Araati); Impediment/ Obstacle/ Interruption (Vighna); Wounds/ Injuries (Vyaadha); Harm to body (Tanu Kshati); Death (Marana) by Enemies (Ari) or Weapons (Shastra) Seventh House: Marriage (Vivaha); Amour/ sexual instincts / Passion/ (Madana); Bharya (Spouse); association with other relations (Bhartr Samagama); Bed/ Sleeping place (Sayya); Wifes dwelling place (Sthri sadma); Lost things (Nastartha); Coitus (Maithuna) Eighth House: Destruction/cessation of everything (Sarvapranasa); Misfortune/ Danger (Vipad); Defame/ loss of repute (Apavad); Cause and Place of Death (Maranasya Hetupradesha); Servants (Daas); External houses/ house external to the living place (Mathadikam Veshma); Chronic diseases (Gadaa); Danger/ Obstacles (Vighna)

Ninth House: Luck (Bhagya); Duty/ Righteousness (Dharma); Kindness/ Empathy (Daya); Good deed (Punya); Father/ Guardian (Taat); Grand children (Sutatmaja); Donation/ Charity (Daana); Worship (Upasana); Good conduct and amicable disposition (Sushil); Teacher/ Preceptor (Guru) Tenth House: Religious Shrines (Devalaya); Townships (Nagar); Council (Sabha); Houses besides the road (Margalaya); Servants/ attendants (Daas); All Activities (Sarvakarma); Follow Order/ Command (Aagnaalambana) Eleventh House: Fulfillment of all desires (Sarvabhistaagama); Elder Brother (Jyestha Bhrata); Wife (Jaya) of Own Son (Nija-atmaja) or Daughter in Law; Left Ear (Vamkarna); Gain/ Profit (Labha) Twelfth House: Sin/ Evil (Paapa); Loss/ Expenses (Vyaya); Fall (Patana); Emancipation (Niraya); Left Eye (Vama-ambakam); Loss/dis-appearence of position (Sthana Bhramsa); Loss of Limbs / Physical injuries/ Depression/ Sorrow (Vikala)

Effect of Ascendant III: Gemini

PHYSICAL FEATURES Tall & straight body Long and thin arms Nervous and fidgety Dark complexion Dark hair Hazel and bright eyes NATURE Intelligent:This is one of the upachayas of the natural zodiac. The upachayas are the houses which helps in the growth of the Lagna (or the house under consideration). The 3rd and 6th house, viz., the first two upachayas are governed by Mercury, which shows that intelligence is one of the key component of survival and growth in this world. Mercury rules the intelligence which helps us in the survival in this world. This is however, different from the intelligence which makes us superior to rest of animals in this world, which is ruled by Jupiter. The operational intelligence of Mercury is borne out of the fact that it rules the skills of communication and expression, which plays a crucial role in our existence. Curious: In natural progression of age of the zodiac, we can consider Gemini as the sign, which is predominant with the attitude of a child, who has gained consciousness of the surrounding around him. This makes him experience and understand each and everything he can see or feel. This curiosity makes them delve deeper into things and question the existing paradigms, more to understand them. This endows them with a good scientific mind and also the scientific skills. They naturally are very good observant of their surroundings.

Active and rational mind: Since Mercury is the fastest moving planet and also closest to Sun; it is very quick to react. Moreover, they are highly rational. Usually they do not accept things just based on their face value and being endowed with the scientific mind, they try analyzing the thing or situation rationally. High-spirited: The lord Mercury is naturally a young man and the sign represent a child; whichever perspective it is seen, the natives of this ascendant are high spirited and actively involved in almost everything happening near them. They are full of energy and drive like the previous two ascendants, however along with it they have the curiosity to understand everything they can see. Humane: They are humane and can empathize with others; in addition to empathy the skills which make them stand alone is the ability to make others feel comfortable, as soon as they start communicating with them. Like a child who cannot withstand the pain of others, these persons also try to help others out in they all means to make them comfortable. Adaptable/ Flexible: The sign as indicated by a curious child, the natives ruled by this sign are usually flexible in trying understanding the differing paradigms, without rejecting them out rightly. This gives them a balanced outlook about anything new and also makes them flexible. They can be critical if they are faced with something which challenges their existing view points, however, they endeavor to understand more on the opponents view. The flexibility in their thought process and view points also makes them easily adaptable to any circumstances. They are usually adaptable to all pursuits. Fluent speech/ Good linguistic skills/ Writing abilities: Being a planet of expression, it rules expression through any medium, either through spoken or written. They are usually very vocal and face no restraints in communicating their ideas or feelings to someone else. They also know the art of keeping the communications lively. While they write, however, they can be good narratives or fiction or literature. Changeable/ Lack continuity/ Indecisive/ Lack self-confidence/ Lack determination and will power: Being one of the fast moving planets it shows changeability in its actions. The natives of this ascendant usually lack fixity of purpose and keep jumping over different things. They have the habit of keeping things half done for long, before they resume and complete it. This also makes it difficult for them to standby one particular opinion or viewpoint and hence making decisions becomes extremely difficult for them. They usually seek opinion from others before deciding anything. They must try developing the self confidence on their own ideas and opinions and then only can they progress higher and higher in life. Nervous/ Excessive worry/ Irritation: Sometimes these people become very nervous at different circumstances. This is rooted to the fact that they are not clear on their own stand and they have the fear of facing humiliations. This leads to excessive worries, which make them belligerent sometimes. Thus, these people who are usually gentle in nature become irritated while posed with difficulties,

which they find difficult to solve. They lose their cool often and tend to get isolated from the crowed under those circumstances.

Effect of Ascendant II: Taurus

Physical Features 1. Short or Medium stature 2. Well-built and stumpy body 3. Short and thick hands 4. Broad Forehead 5. Small and bright eyes (indicated by strong Moon) 6. Short thick neck 7. Wide nostrils and mouth 8. Lustrous face 9. Broad shoulders 10. Dark Hair 11. Love curl on forehead 12. Fair Complexion NATURE Artistic Temperament: This sign is ruled by Venus and Moon gets exalted here, thus providing enough ground for expression of the artistic talent of the native. They are fond at least one of the form of arts, say music, arts, cinema or drama, etc. They start learning the art forms in their early age; they can become skillful as they possess the natural talent to learn this. Melodious voice: This is the 2nd house of the natural zodiac, which represent speech. Being lorded by Venus; the planet of relationship and attraction, they are naturally endowed with a charming and melodious voice. They like to merry around while humming, wherever they are. In addition to the lordship of Venus, this sign also exalts Moon, the planet who rules singing. Fond of good food: 2nd house also rules food as it is the house of sustenance. Being the 2nd house of the zodiac, it makes the person, a lover of good food. They are connoisseur of food and taste. Elegant: They are a firm believer of elegance and demeanor. They are naturally very well mannered and believe in fair play. This is a natural gift from the owner of the sign, Venus. Calm and Composed: They are generally calm and composed and have a great endurance power, however when they are provoked they become angry like a bull. When they get angry they are very difficult to control as they have a powerful built and a tendency to be stubborn. Their composure is also based on their tendency to conserve energy and not to waste it in unwarranted activities.

Believe in harmony: Being ruled by Artistic and Benevolent Venus, they like to stay away from any kind of fight and would not budge from their stand unless instigated. However, once instigated, they are difficult to control, just like a Bull. Firm, determined and stubborn: Though they are slow and steady in carrying out their activities; however they have a great power of perseverance and persistence to see through the conclusion of their activities. Since they are not impulsive, they shall not be agitated by the delay in the activities and patiently wait till the activity is done. Since they have a strong will- power they try carrying out their pursuits in spite of all odds, however they will take their own time and do it with their own pace until the objective is reached. Practical: They are practical in evaluating various things such as people, project or ideas etc. Being an earthy signs, which represents stability; these nativities have the tendency to take steps only after proper evaluation of the pros and cons of whatever actions they would take. This is unlike Arians, who would take up any activities coming up their way, without much prior thoughts. Cheerful: This sign, exalts Moon and hence shows a place where the mind becomes extremely delighted. Thus the natives ruled by this sign are naturally very cheerful; however, since Moon represents fluctuations and vacillations, they shall also be very Moody, while being cheerful at the same time. Due to the predominant influence of water element in this sign, the natives of these signs are also emotional and search for support from outside. This makes them prone to search happiness in their own community (2nd house also rules family and community). They are hence easily swayed away by flattery. Ambitious: Their ambition is granted by the exaltation of Moon in this sign. They want to fly high in life as they find their surrounding very appealing and instigating. They always like to be in action which take them higher and higher and would never get complacent. They are born achievers as signified by a Bull, who once decided to go ahead with a certain thing, would not be bothered about the obstacles that it would be facing while achieving the same. This makes them industrious; someone who believes is action, however, with caution. Self-centered: Usually the natives ruled by this signs are self centered and they do not have a big friends circle. They like to be contended with their own self and focus on planning out the activities and goals of their life and also the ways to achieve it. This can be said that they live in their own world of imagination. The negative side of this is that, they are hardly moved by the happening around that and have a attitude of I do not care; whatever is happening, let it happen. Also this makes them less affectionate and touched by other emotions, so much so that many call the natives of this sign as Cold hearted Passionate: They are passionate but steadfast in their love. Generally they do not fall in to relationship easily, however once they enter an relationship, they would be fully committed to it. Fortunate: They are blessed by goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of corns, the deity signified by the

Lagna lord Venus. Being the 2nd house, Dhana Bhava of the natural zodiac, they have natural tendency to find out opportunities to earn from all odds. Fond of worldly possessions: They are fond of all kinds of enjoyment, since this the natural house of wealth. In addition the lord also represents all the luxuries of the material world. This also makes them spend money in procuring them, as long as they get comfort out of it. Sometimes, they are prone to excesses and which makes them lazy and callous. Spendthrift: Being the 2nd house of the natural zodiac, which represents money and sustenance; the ruler of this sign has the natural feeling of abundance and they do not believe in hoarding money for the rainy days. Usually they would not hesitate to spend money wherever they find an opportunity, however, that should match their artistic taste and give them comfort.

Effect of Ascendant I: General Principles & Aries Lagna

INTRODUCTION The ascendant is the sign which rises in the eastern horizon at the time of birth of a person. This is one of the most influential houses in the horoscope along with the 10th house, the house of karma, which defines the purpose of our birth. While Lagna signify all the resources with which we are sent in this world, the 10th house signify the way we utilize them. Hence the ascendant or the Lagna Bhava defines our personality, may it be the physical feature, or the intelligence or our attitude. However, while studying the influence on the Lagna, one needs to consider the influence on two more lagans, the Surya Lagna (the sun sign) and the Chandra Lagna (the Moon sign). This is because; Sun represents our soul, whereas Moon represents our Mind. Since we are the product of Soul, Mind and Intelligence, we need to consider all the three, while enumerating various influences on our personality. For this reason, these three form the tripod of our life. Adding to its importance, various classics recommend seeing both Lagna and Moon for the physical features, the heart and mind; and Lagna and Sun for the personality/ nature of the person. Here we shall study the influence of various Ascendants on the physical features as well as personality of the person. Though various authors have given the effect of various ascendants on the native, this article strives to take a approach of deriving the same using broad principles. Although the principles can not be exhaustive, they can serve as broad guidelines, which shall help us delineating the effects. PHYSICAL FEATURES Principle I: The Tattva of the sign shall influence the physical features. The effect of various Tattva on the physical features is as follows: Fire: Robust physique and strong spine. Earth: Stout and muscular Air: Thin and Emaciated Water: Plump and soft muscles with accumulated fat

Principle II: The Lord of the sign shall also influence. The physical characteristics of the planets are given in the BPHS (Ch. 3), which is as follows: raktashyaamo divaadhIsho gauragaatro nishaakarah naatyuchchaangaH kujo rakto duurvaashyaamo budhastathaa 16 gauragaatro gururgnyeyah shukrah shyaavastathaiva cha krishhNadeho raveH putro gneyate dvijasattama 17 The slokas mentioned above gives the complexion ruled by different planets. Persons born with different Lagna/ Moon sign shall have different complexion based on the following: Sun- Dark red complexion Moon- Fair complexion Mars- Reddish complexion, short stature Mercury- Excellent skin and brownish complexion (like dry grass) Jupiter- Fair complexion with golden yellow tinge Venus- Dark complexion Saturn- Black complexion (very dark) The color or complexion is a very relative concept and varies based on race, geographical area etc. So one must take ample caution in judging the complexion of a person belonging to a certain a certain race and geographical area. Further Maharishi Parashara, describes the nature of the planets in the following stanzas: jiivasuuryendravah sattvam budhashukrau rajastathaa suuryaputrabharaaputrau tamahprakrtikau dvija 22 madhupingaladrksuuryashchaturasrah shuchirdvija pittaprakrtiko dhiimaanh pumaanalpakacho dvija 23 bahuvaatakaphah praagyashchandro brttatanurdvija shubhadrnhmadhuvaakyashcha chanchalo madanaaurah 24 krooro raktexano bhaumashchapalodaaramoortikah pittaprakrtikah krodhi krshamadhyatanurdvija 25 vapuhshreshhthah shlishhtavaakcha hyatihaasyaruchirbudhah pittavaanh kaphavaanh vipra maarutaprakrtistathaa 26 brhadgaatro gurushchaiva pingalo moorddhajexane kaphaprakrtiko dhimaan sarvashaastravishaaradah 27

sukhi kaantavapu shreshhthah sulochano bhrgoh sutah kaavyakartaa kaphaadhikyo anilaatmaa vakramoordhajah 28 krshdiirghatanuh shaurih pingadrshhtyanilaatmakah sthooladanto alasah panguh khararomakacho dvija 29 dhumrakaro niilatanurvanastho api bhayankarah vaataprakrtiko dhiimaan svarbhaanustatsamah shikhii 30

The Guna of the planets: o Sattvik: The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. This represents knowledge, wisdom, philanthropy etc. o Rajasik: Venus and Mercury. This represents passion and drive. o Tamasik: Mars and Saturn: This represent ignorance. Characteristics of Planets Sun o Has honey-coloured, golden Brown or Tawny eyes (madhu pingala drk) o Has Sqarish Face (Chaturasrah) o Has bilious temeperament (pitta prakrti) o Is intelligent (Dhiman) o Has limited hair (Puman alpaka) Moon o Is extremely windy and phlegmatic (bahu vata kapha) o Is Learned (Pragnya) o Has round face (Brtta) o Has good looking eyes (Subha Drk) o Has sweet speech (Madhu vakya) o Fickle-minded (Chanchal) o Is Lascivious/ eager to associate with opposite sex (Madana Aturah) Mars o Has fierce and blood-red eyes (krura/ raktetasana) o Unsteady or wavering (chapala) o Has bilious temperament (pitta prakrti) o Is angry (Krodhi) o Has thin waist and physique (Krsah Madhya Tanu) Mercury o Is admirable (vapush) o Is splendid and beautiful (Strestha)

o Has beautiful skin/ skin without blemishes (shlishtvak) o Is fond of humor (hasya ruchi) o He has a mix of all the three humours, i.e., bilious, phlegmatic and windy Jupiter o Has a big body (Brhat Gatra) o Has Tawny hair and eyes (Pingala murdhajeksane) o Is phlegmatic (kapha prakrti) o Is Intelligent (Dhiman) o Is expert in all Shastras (Sarva shastra visharada) Venus o Is charming (sukhi kanta) o Splendorous physique (vapusshreshta) o Has beautiful eyes (sulochana) o Is poetic (kavya karta) o Is Exceedingly phlegmatic (Kapha adhikya) o Is also windy (Anilaatma) o Has curly hair (vakra murdhaja) Saturn o Has an emaciated and long physique (Krsha Dirgha Tanu) o Has tawny eyes (Pingala Drsti) o Is of windy in temperament (anilaatmakah) o Has protruding teeth (sthula danta) o Is lazy (alasa) o Is Lame (Pangu) o Has coarse hair over the body (khara roma) Nodes o Rahu has smoky appearance (Dhumra akara) o Has bluish body (Nila tanu) o He resides in forests (Vanastha) o He is horrifying (Bhayankarah) o He is of windy temperament (vata prakrti) o He is intelligent (Dhiman) o Ketu is akin to Rahu Principle III: Along with the Lagna and Moon sign, the Navamsa needs to checked for better understanding of the physical attributes of person. Various texts like Nasta Jataka, Saravali etc. has given the characteristics of people born with different Navamsa and need to be studied. In my opinion, the Lagna has more say over the facial features; Moon has its say on the physique

(body) and the Navamsa Lagna over the complexion of the native. However, this is not conclusive; the readers might check different combinations and form their own conclusion. It is cumbersome to remember the effect all the 108 Navamsas on the physical features and we must find a common thread among the Navamsas for understanding. Prithuyasha in his monumental classic Horasara has given few dictums, which make this easier. Principle IV: For Further Finer analysis, one must find the effect of birth in different Hora and Drekkana. This can be studied from classics like Saravali and is not included in the scope of this article. NATURE OF ASCENDANT Though the persons in this world cannot be classified under 12 categories, there is however some pronounced similarities between persons born with a particular Lagna. For one, who is a keen observer, these underline similarities in the way people born under a particular ascendant would tend to surprise him. This effort to classify humans into categories based on the underline similarities is not unique to Jyotish and is a common phenomenon in Human Psychology. Though the placements of planets in the horoscope shall modify the horoscope quite considerably, this however, does not diminish the importance of studying the nature of people born under different ascendant as this forms the basis for the further analysis of a horoscope. Although many authors both classical and modern, have given the results of ascendants, my effort is more towards finding some consistent principles which would eradicate the necessity of mugging up the same. Principle I: The Nature of a person shall predominantly defined by the planet lording the ascendant and also the trines. Principle II: The lordship of the Ascendant shall get modified based on the nature of the trinal signs and the relationship of different planets with these trines. For illustration, if Pisces falls in trine, the native becomes platonic in love affairs as Venus attains exaltation there. They also abhor formal learning and believing in attaining wisdom, since Mercury gets debilitated there. These are some of the significations of Scorpio/ Pisces or Cancer Lagna. We shall see these in more details in subsequent section. Principle III: The attitude of the native towards various aspects of life can be judged from the lordship of the houses, governing the said aspect and the relationship between the sign and the karaka governing the said house. For illustration, Aquarians are the bravest of all others, since, the 3rd from Aquarius is lorded by Mars (karaka of war) and Sun gets exalted there and the sign itself is a fiery sign, showing the strong influence of Agni (fire) on the third house and the resultant courage. Principle IV: The progression of the zodiac represents the progression of human life through

different stages from childhood to old age. Like different age groups can be identified by peculiar characteristics peculiar to that group; people ruled by different zodiacal signs can be identified with such characteristics, which gain prominence in a particular age group. For example, Arians are more headstrong and determined like a small child, whereas Pisceans are like old wise men. Principle V: The symbols assigned to different signs of the zodiac have their own meaning. They represent the characteristics that are found the persons ruled by that signs. Hence it is important to study the symbols seriously, to know the nature of the persons ruled by it. For example, a Scorpion looks very calm and quite from outside, however truly it is not, it might be scheming from inside and find the opportune moment to attack its prey with its sting and paralyze it completely. Hence these characteristics would be predominant in Scorpio ascendants i.e., they might calmer from outside, however, never dare to mess up with these persons. CHARACTERISTICS OF ASCENDANTS The following section describes the physical features as well as the nature of person born in a particular ascendant. Though one cannot literally apply this, this however, forms the basis for interpretation of the nature of persons born in an ascendant. With practice, one can find out the ascendant of a person by interacting with him/ her. One must not over-emphasize the effect as mentioned here under on the nature and physical characteristics of a person, since it gets blended with the effect of other planets on the nature as well as the Navamsa, Hora and Drekkana Lagna and planets placed there in. This is an effort to present the effect of ascendant based on sound principles, which alleviate the need to remembering them without understanding. I. ARIES PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Middle stature Dry and lean body Powerful and muscular limbs Triangular face Dark and bushy eyebrows Long neck Dark or reddish complexion (the second half is darker) Rough, wiry and curly hair Broad shoulders NATURE Energetic, Impulsive and Enthusiastic: Aries is the first signs of the zodiac and thus full of creative energy. It is a fiery sign and hence the qualities of fire namely energy, initiative, independence and dominance shall be predominant in their nature. Since this the first sign of the zodiac, the energy they have is that of a newly born and they shall be they go by impulse rather than reason in doing

things. Their impulsive nature makes them prone to accidents of various kinds from physical, psychological to other aspects of life such as career etc. They are enthusiastic and their enthusiasm is expressed in form of knowing things around them and get involved in their surroundings. Courageous: Since Mars is the god of war or in the royal family, he is the commander in chief, the predominant quality of Mars namely courage is in abundance in the natives ruled by this sign. However, since the natural age of this sign is that of infant, they shall lack tact and diplomacy in using their courage. Hence, sometimes, their nature to display courage can take them to situations, they might find difficult to escape and they would seek external help for rescue. Outspoken: The abundance of energy and lack of control on their behavior, make them prone to poke their nose each and everything around them. Similarly they do not exercise any restraints on their speech, which amounts their being over spoken. Many times they regret later of speaking something, which they should not have. Enterprising: The influence of the planets Mars and Sun who gets exalted in this sign, gives them lots of enterprise. They would get involve in each and everything around them and take initiative in almost everything. However, since lack of maturity, many times those initiatives can be detrimental to their self. Prompt to react: They reflexes are pretty strong and they reach very fast to the happening around them. However, sometimes they lack the ability of judgment, before they react to certain things. They must learn to restrain them self in taking quick action in certain circumstances. Though it might be their one of the strong point, not to waste much time dilly- dallying and take prompt action; they must use their rational ability to judge the matter before getting involved, if the activity involve some risks. Rational decision-making: Since Mars governs our rational faculty; the nativities of this signs shall have this in abundance. However, what would be lacking is the ability to synthesize things based on past learning and wisdom, merited by Jupiter. Since Sagittarius is placed in the trine to this sign, they have the potential to learn from their past mistakes and incorporate those learning in their decision making. Aggressive and hot-tempered: The quality of Mars is Tamasik (preponderance of negative qualities of nature). Even though both Sun and Mars are fiery, the former is Sattvik (preponderance of positive qualities of nature) and rules magnanimity and generosity; the latter rules aggression and violence. The hot-temper is a natural attribute of fire, however it would be more predominant in Mars, it being a Tamasik planet. Self-reliant and independent: Self reliance and Independence are the natural gift to all the fiery sign. However there is a difference between the signs governed by the Mars (Aries), Sun (Leo) and Jupiter (Sagittarius). Since the latter signs are more matured than the former ones, the wisdom progressively increases from Mars to Sagittarius. This makes the Arians to be independent out of

intolerance towards others restriction and intervention in their activities. However Leos display independence out of their nature to wield authority whereas Sagittarians shows independence out of their quality of being wise (and not require support of others). Ambitious: Ambition is the natural quality of the human being and it is their constant struggle to make their mark in the society in which they leave. However more and more one matures, they find the futility in having ambition to achieve something great, since it gets metamorphosised into ambition of leading a meaningful life. Since Aries represents the first stage of human maturity, it shows that persons ruled by this sign shall constantly involve in making their mark in the society and struggle constantly to achieve something extraordinary. They ambition is supported by their enterprising and independent qualities. Self- Confident: Self confidence is given by the lord of the sign and also the planet which gets exalted in that sign, Sun. A natural question would be why Suns qualities would be so predominant in this sign, when we are seeing a sign ruled by Mars. However, one must understand that Mars should have all the qualities for the Sun to get the feeling of achievement when placed there. This is one of the biggest assets of the persons ruled by Aries. Emotional: Emotional maturity also comes out of age. Since this sign is ruled by Mars, one would think twice as to how Mars rules emotion. The doubt is valid to certain extent as Arians would rarely show the signs of emotion, however, deep down inside them, they have a heart of a child, which gets quite emotional at times. Such person, if ignore their emotions might suffer sudden emotional breakdown. Hence, persons of this sign needs to be more introspective towards their feelings and emotions. Generous and liberal: One of the greatest assets of the fiery signs is generosity and broad outlook. Since they have a fiery inside, they have a burning desire to remove the darkness in others life. If all other planets are well placed, they generously donate their possessions without many qualms. Their broad mindedness makes them liberal in their judgment of people and surroundings. Ascribe to groups: Since their emotional maturity is still at an evolving stage, even though they look independent in their actions and outlook, they need external support. To achieve that they readily ascribe to groups and make friends to get the emotional support. They also need appreciation from others for their actions, for them to feel contented. However, they would always try to dominate others in a group to make their presence felt. Determination and force of character: They have a strong will power and determination and they are committed to what they say and promised. They are strict with themselves and try achieving that what they are looking for. Coupled with the ambition that they have they can rise high in life. Because of their commitment to their words, they are liked by all. Coupled with the sparkle in their eyes and a charming nature, that of a small child, make them dearer to many. Like all fiery signs, they like socializing and they get a lot of comfort with other company.

Unconventional: Since their represent the maturity at the beginning of creation, they have the attitude to understand and discover the things which are around them on their own. They shall not be satisfied with the existing answers to the puzzles around them and it would be their constant struggle to understand everything on their own (just like a child likes to burn his fingers to understand that fire can burn). This might many times amount to re-inventing the wheel. This makes these people, naturally skeptical to the ideologies and beliefs around them and their thrust of gaining understanding the surroundings around them can only be quenched, if they get rational and scientific answers to their curiosities. Hence scientific temper is naturally born with them and they shall not blindly believe in anything. Their motive can be summarized in the line try it and then believe it

Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I

1. INTRODUCTION As the name suggests Shadbala means six fold strength. Although these strengths are combinedly used for finding the effect of planets on the lives of the natives, there is more use of the strengths and we get the clue of those uses from their names. If they were to be used combinedly, then such specific names were unnecessary. Moreover, this is more logical to think that, a planet when strong, might not be so for influencing all affairs in our lives. A planet which might give good status might not be good to show the direction of your life. So we must construe, the special significance hidden in the names given to the six sources of strengths. These strengths need not be used only predicting the results of the dasa, however, can be used for normal horoscopic interpretation. For illustration, the kendradi bala is used in ayur calculation etc. One can understand their use more and more by understanding their name and their basis of calculation. Shad Bal consists of the following strengths 1. Sthan Bal (Positional strength) 2. Dig Bal (Directional strength) 3. Kaal Bal (Temporalstrength), inclusive of Ayan Bal (Equinoctial strength) 4. Chesht Bal (Motional strength) 5. Naisargika Bal (Natural strength) 6. Drik Bal (Aspectual strength) These strengths are computed for the seven Grahas from Sun to Saturn. The nodes are not considered. 2. STHANA BALA (Maximum: 480 virupa = 8 rupas) Sthana means place and hence the sthana bala is calculated based on the placement of the planets in different signs on various parameters, such as how far are they placed from their exaltation sign etc. More follows below:

2.1 Uccha Bal (Maximum: 60 virupa = 1 rupa) Uccha means exaltation. When a planet is placed in its highest exaltation point, it is of full strength and when it is in its deepest debilitation point, it is devoid of any strength. When placed at other places, it has middling strength proportionately dependent on the distance these planets are placed from the highest exaltation or deepest debilitation point. Find the difference between a planet's longitude and the deepest debilitation point. Divide the difference by 3 and the result so obtained is the uccha bala in Virupas. When a planet is in highest exaltation point, the difference happens to be 180 deg and hence the uccha bala for such planet becomes 60 virupa (180/3). However, when a planet is placed in the deepest debilitation, the difference becomes zero and hence also the bala is zero. 2.2 Sapt Vargaj Bal (Maximum: 45*7 = 315 virupas = 5.25 rupas) Rasi, Hora, Dreshkan, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadashamsa and Trimsamsa constitute the Sapta varga. The strength of the planets in these seven divisional charts based on their placements in moolatrikona, own sign, friendly sign etc. constitute the sapta varaj bala. The method of their calculation is as follows: In the following rasis, the planets gets the corresponding Virupa of strength. Although maharishi gave the strength in terms of the avasthas they are place in, he gave the association of these avasthas with the placement of the planets in different rasis in the following chapter on the avasthas (Ch 45). The friend's, neutral and enemical signs are based on the compound relationship and hence the term, great friend and great enemy has been used in this context. Moolatrikona Sign- 45 Virupas Swakshetra (Svasth) - 30 Virupas Great Friend's Sign (Pramudit) - 20 Virupas Friendly Sign (Shant) - 15 Virupas Neutral Sign (Din) - 10 Virupas Inimical Sign (Duhkhit) - 04 Virupas Great Enemy's sign (Khal) - 02 Virupas 2.3 Oja-Yugma Rasi-Amsa Bala (Maximum: 30 Virupa= 0.5 Rupa) Oja means Odd signs and Yugma means Even signs. Thus, as the name imply, this strength is derived from a planet's placement in the odd or even signs in the Rasi and Navamsa. Moon and Venus are female planets and get strength of 15 virupas each while placed in the even signs in the rasi or navamsa. Other planets gets this strength, while they are placed in Odd (Male) signs in Rasi or Navamsa. The maximum strength which can be derived from this is 30 virupas (Venus/ Moon placed in Even sign in both rasi and Navamsa; other planets placed in the odd signs in both rasi and navamsa.) 2.4 Kendradi Bala (Maximum: 60 virupa = 1 rupa)

The name itself implies how to compute this strength. A planet in a Kendra (Quadrant: 1-4-7-10) gets full strength, while one in Panaphara (Succedent: 2-5-8-11) Bhava gets half and the one in Apoklima(Preceedent: 12-3-6-9) Bhava gets a quarter or a rupa. One rupa equals 60 virupa, thus in virupas, the kendradi bala equals: Kendra: 60 Virupa Panaphara: 30 Virupa Apoklima: 15 Virupa 2.5 Dreshkan Bala (Maximum: 15 virupa = 0.25 rupa) due to placement in first, second, or third dreshkanaof a sign. Male, female and hermaphrodite Grahas, respectively, get a quarter Rupa (15 virupa) according to placements in the first, second and third dreshkana. From this we can infer that the male planets are stronger in the beginning of a sign, female planets are stronger in the middle part and neutral planets gains strength in the ending part of a sign. 3. KALA BALA: 3.1 Natonnata Bala: (Maximum 60 virupa = 1 rupa) Natonnata is composed of two terms nata and unnata. Unnata is the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time. Unnata when deducted from 30 Ghatikas gives Nata. Moon, Mars and Saturn are stronger at night, whereas Sun, Jupiter and Venus are stronger during the day. Mercury is stronger both during day and night. Hence, the nata bala is seen for Moon, Mars and Saturn and unnata bala is seen for Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Irrespective of day or night Mercurygets the bala of 60 virupa or 1 rupa. At midnite, which marks the peak of night, the diurnal planets are weaker. Thus at that time the unnata bala of the diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus is zero, whereas the nata bala of the nocturnal planets Moon, Mars and Saturn is full 60 virupas. At the noon hr. when the day is at peak and the Sun is placed exactly on the meridian, the unnata bala of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus is full 60 virupas and the nata bala of Moon, Mars and Saturn is zero. At other time the bala is proportionate. At Surise and Sunset, which marks the junction of the day and the night, the natonnata bala for all the planets (excluding Mercury, whose bala is always 60), is the same, i.e., 30 Virupas. Also note the formula Nata Bala+ Unnata Bala = 60 virupas The fluctuation of the Natonnata bala for the planets can be seen as follows: Diurnal Planet Nocturnal Planet Sunrise 30 30 Noon 60 00 Sunset 30 30 Midnite 00 60

3.2 Paksha Bal Paksha can be loosely translated as a fortnite. However in Jyotish term, Paksha is the duration between conjunction and opposition of the Luminaries. The duration from Conjunction to Opposition is the time when the Phase of Moon increase and is termed as Waxing Moon, which in Jyotish parlance known as the Sukla Paksha. Whereas the duration from opposition to conjunction, the phase of Moon decreases and is termed as Waning Moon, which in Jyotish Parlance known as Krsna Paksha. The Benefics are stronger in the Sukla Paksha and the Malefics are stronger in the Krsna Paksha. This forms the basis for calculation of the paksha bala. The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, well associate Mercury, whereas the malefics are Sun, Mars and Saturn. The paksha bala of the Moon is 2 rupas (120 virupas) at the end time of Full Moon and New Moon. The Paksha bala of the Moon goes down to 60 virupas, during the middle of the pakshas. Find the angular distance between Sun and Moon. If the angular duration exceeds 180 degrees, deduct the same from 360. The degrees so obtained when divided by 3, which will indicate the Paksha Bala of each of the benefic Grahas. The Paksh Bal of benefic should be deducted from 60, which will go to each malefic, as Paksh Bal. 3.3 Tribhaga Bala Tribhaga means three parts. This strength has gained its name from the fact that the day and night are divided into three parts each. The Planets which gain 1 virupa of strength during different part of a days is a as follows: Mercury- First 1/3 part of day Sun- Middle 1/3 part of day Saturn- Last 1/3 part of day Moon- First 1/3 part of Night Venus- Middle 1/3 part of Night Mars- Last 1/3 part of Night Jupiter gets this Bal at all times. 3.4 Varsha (Abda) - Maasa- Dina- Hora Bal Varsha-Maasa-Dina-Hora Bal. 15, 30, 45 and 60 Virupas are in order given to Varsh Lord, Maas Lord, Dina Lord and Hora Lord. 3.4.1 Varsha Bala: The Varsha mentioned here is the solar year or the samvatsara, which commences when the Sun moves to the first sign on the zodiac, Mesha. This is the weekday lord of the day in which the Sun has transited to Mesha. If Sun has moved after 00:00 hrs of civil calendar, the previous weekday has to be taken. 3.4.2 Maasa Bala: Like Varsha Lord, each saurya masa (Solar Month) commences when the Sun

transits each sign of the zodiac. Take the weekday lord on which Sun has moved to a new sign as the lord of the Masa. If Sun has moved after 00:00 hrs of civil calendar, the previous weekday has to be taken. 3.4.3 Dina Bala: Dina is weekday. The lord of the weekday is the lord of the day. 3.4.4 Hora Bala: Hora means planetary hour. Each day from sunrise to next sunrise is divided into 24 equal parts of one hour. These Horas are ruled by the 7 Grahas from Sun to Saturn. The first Hora of the day is ruled by the Lord of the week day. The 2nd one is ruled by the Lord of the 6th week day, counted from the first ruler. The 3rd Hora is ruled by the Lord of the 6th week day, counted from the 2nd Hora Lord. Similarly it proceeds in the same manner, till the first Hora of the next day is taken over by the Lord of that day himself. At a particular time, the lord of a particular hora gets the Hora bala of 60 Virupas. From the strength of the Varsa, Maasa, Dina and Hora lord, we can see that Hora lord gets the maximum strength, i.e., 60 Virupas, highlighting the importance of the hora lord over the other lords at any time. 3.5 Ayan Bala The Earth's equitorial plane when projected to the celestial spehere (a hypothetical sphere which has shows the visible stars and planets), is known as the celestial equator. The planets which we see, can be above, below or placed on the celestial equator at any point of time. The angle which they make with respect to the plane of celestial equator measured from center of earth is called the declination or Kranti. The Declination of Sun is maximum, i.e., 2327 during the solstices where the Sunrises either on Tropic of Cancer or Capricorn, whereas during the equinoxes, the declination becomes zero. The calculation of the ayana bala is complecated, however the same can be accomplished using a simple formula: Ayan Bal = 60*(2327 Kranti)/(4654) = (2327 Kranti)*1.2793. Now a days with the advent of computers, things have become easier for the Jyotishis. When Moon or Saturn have southern Kranti (placed below the equitorial plane) or, when Sun, Mars, Jupiter, or Venus have northern Kranti (Placed above the equitorial plane), take plus and otherwise minus. As far as Merucry is concerned, it is always plus. Krantis can be ascertained from a standard modern ephemeris. Sun's Ayana Bal is again multiplied by 2 whereas for others the product arrived in Virupas is considered as it is. 3.6. Yudhdh Bala When two planets are placed inside each other's orbs of influence, they are supposed to be in war or yuddha. Should there be a war between the planets, the difference between the Shad Balas of the two should be added to the victors Shad Bal and deducted from the Shad Bal of the vanquished.

4. DIK BALA The planets gains full Dikbala in the following houses: 1st (Lagna Bhava) - Jupiter and Mercury (Ethery and Earthy element) 10th (Karma Bhava) - Sun and Mars (Fiery element) 4th (Sukha Bhava) - Venus and Moon (Watery element) 7th (Jaya Bhava ) - Saturn (Airy element) When the planets are placed away from the bhava where they get the full dik bala, there strength is proportionately reduced. The maximum strength attained here is 60 virupa or 1 rupa. To compute the dikbala find the angular distance of the planet and the 7th of bhava where they get the full dik bala. If the angular distance is more than 180 then, subtract it from 360. The result when divided by 3, gives the dikbala of the planets. The longitude of the bhava is same as the Lagna cusp as per the equal house distribution. 5. NAISARGIKA BALA Naturally the planets are stronger in the order of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun in the ascending order. There natural strength is computed by dividing one Rupa by 7 and multiply the resultant product by 1 to 7 separately to obtain the strength of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun respectively. This happens to be Planet In virupas In rupas Sun 60.00 1.00 Moon 51.43 0.86 Mars 17.14 0.29 Mercury 25.70 0.43 Jupiter 34.28 0.57 Venus 42.85 0.71 Saturn 08.57 0.14

6. DRIG BALA Drig is derived from Dris, which is the root of the verb "to see". So this strength is gained by the virtue of the aspect (Graha Drsti) of different planets on a planet. The aspect of benefics are considered to be strength and the aspect of malefics are considered to be weaknesses. For calculation of this strength, the partial aspects are also taken into consideration. The aspects of planets are given hereunder 7th- All planet aspect with full sight

4th/8th- Mars aspects with full sight while others aspect with 3/4th of their sight 5th/ 9th- Jupiter aspect with full sight and others aspect with 2/4th of their sight 3rd/ 10th- Saturn aspect with full sight and others aspect with 1/4th of their sight From the drik balas of a planet we can judge what is the strength of aspects of the benefics and malefics on it and their combined influences. Aspect of benefics promote the house owned by the planet, by rendering the lord strong. It also enhances the house of which the said planet is a karaka. The calculation is cumbursome and shall be given in subsequent article. This might be of some academic interest.

7. CHESTA BALA Chesta means to move or to try. This strenth is attained by the planets, excluding the lumeries by the the virtue of their kind of movement. For Sun, the Ayana Bala becomes its chesta Bala, whereas for Moon, the Paksha Bala becomes the chesta Bala. For other planets, eight kinds of motions are attributed to they. These are: Vakra (retrogression) Anuvakra (entering the previous sign in retrograde motion) Vikal (devoid of motion) Mand (somewhat slower motion than usual) Mandatar (slower than the previous) Sama (neither fast nor slow) Char (faster than Sama) Atichar (entering next sign in accelerated motion) The strengths, allotted due to such 8 motions are 60, 30, 15, 30, 15, 7.5, 45 and 30 virupas.

8. OTHER CONSIDERATRIONS: 8.1 Shad Bal requirements: 390, 360, 300, 420, 390, 330 and 300 Virupas are the Shad Bal Pindas, needed for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn etc. to be considered strong. If the strength exceeds the abovementioned values, the Grah is deemed to be very strong. A strong graha shall protect its houses and karakakatva and is more capable of giving its results. However, the nature of the results shall be influenced by the ownership, placements and the yogas the planet involved in. However, it is important to know what is the strength of each of the elements of the shadbala, to know the exact nature of the result 8.2 Requirement of strength of individual elements of Shadbala Jupiter, Mercury and Sun are strong, if each of their Sthana Bala, Dig Bala, Kaala Bala, Cheshta Bala and Ayana Bala are, respectively, 165, 35, 50, 112 and 30 Virupas. The same required for Moon and

Venus are 133, 50, 30, 100 and 40. For Mars and Saturn these are 96, 30, 40, 67 and 20. 9. USE OF SHADBALA The individual elements of the shadbala show different aspects in our life. They are as follows: 1. Sthana Bala: This planet is the giver of position and status. This also shows which positions are most auspicious for us and where shall we be most comfortable. 2. Dig Bala: This shows the direction which shall be good for us for growth in the career or self development. 3. Kaala Bala: This shows which time is best suitable for us for undertaking an activity. 4. Cheshta Bala: This shows what drives us, our inherent desires and purpose of our struggle in this life. 5. Naisargika Bala: This is of lesser consquence as this remains constant all through out. This is to be used in conjunction with other strengths. This indicate which planets are naturally more able to dictate their results. 6. Drik Bala: This shows which planet shall be favourable all through out in the life of native as this is based on the aspect of benefics on the planet. 10. CONCLUSION This is still a nacent area and require more researches to find out the exact use of each of the elements of the shadbala, rather than using the total values of the shadbala for analysing the dasas. We must understand that, each point of time is influenced by one or other planets with varying extents and we can judge these subtle influences, by analysing which planets are stronger at which point of time. One good use I found with these balas is find the directional influences. For illustration, at this point of time while I am writing this article, Sun is having highest kala bala and highest chesta bala. In my rasi chart, Sun is the 9th lord placed in the 9th house with 10th lord, where as in the siddhamsa it is placed in the 12th house being the 6th lord. Chesta bala shows what are my desires or what am I trying to do at this point of time. Sun being the 9th lord shows teaching (with AK Mars shows that the desire is very strong); in the siddhamsa, being the 6th lord in the 12th, it shows the attitude of service (6th) without any motivation to gain (12th). In the dasamsa it is placed in the 8th house being the 6th lord and I am here sitting, without going to my office, writing this mail. The kala bala is also highest that of Sun, shows that I should be doing Sun's activity at this point of time. As Sun also shows that chesta as mentioned above, I am able to do something which I crave for. When I go further, I see that more strength (Kaala bala) is coming from the Ayana Bala, showing that, this is also helping me achieving the direction (Ayana) of my life. If the strength was due to Hora Bala, then I would have done something, which was directed by my environment and circumstances, like sitting in a Jyotish class or in a conference.

Dhana Yogas: Combinations For Wealth I


Maharishi Parashara in BPHS says that the Kendras are specifically the houses of happiness and the Trikonas are the houses of Wealth and Prosperity. This is because Kendras are ruled by Vishnu, the sustainer and Trikonas are governed by Lakshmi, the giver of prosperity. Thus, these houses shall appear prominently in the combinations of wealth. Along with it, 2nd house is the house of accumulated wealth and 11th house is the house of gains or income and thus, these houses are equally important in the matters of wealth. 12th signify the house of loss and its involvement in the combinations show loss of wealth. Lets see what different classics have to say in these matters of wealth: Bhavartha Ratnakara

If the theres a parivartana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the 2nd and 11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the placement of the 5th and 9th lords in their own houses.

Here the author talks of the association of the lord of wealth (accumulated), i.e., 2nd lord, with either the 5th house (Trine) or the 11th house (gains), the native earns a lot of money. This to note here that while 9th house shows past, the 5th house shows future. Since the author talks of involvement of the 5th lord, the native shall "Earn" the wealth with his own effort and not inherit from his Father (lineage), as signified by the 9th house. In the subsequent line, the author speaks of the strength of the 5th and 9th houses, the key houses of blessings of Lakshmi.

If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th, dhana yoga results.

Here the author, reiterates the same concept, just to give emphasis on the association of the houses of wealth and gains with the houses representing the blessings of Lakshmi. Various combinations can be possible by the association with the 2nd and 11th lord with 5th and 9th house. However, in my humble opinion, association of 2nd lord with 5th and 9th lords or houses are more important that 11th lords association with the 5th and 9th lords (the houses are given lower priority), in bestowing wealth to the native.

If the said planets (2nd and 11th)are associated with lords other than the 5th and 9th, no dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy moderate wealth.

This statement is particularly important, as this states that in the absence of any dhana yoga, the person would not suffer penury and shall have riches based on the inherent strength of the 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses. The person shall have moderate wealth and can make a comfortable living out of it as long as there is no association of the houses of wealth with "BAD" houses (which we shall discuss in the combinations for penury).

Therell be loss of wealth if the 12th lord associates with the 2nd and 11th lords.

12th is the house of losses and association of the 12th lord (vyayesha) with the lords of the 2nd and 11th lords, shall cause loss of wealth. However, this cannot be interpreted as lack of wealth. This can be interpreted as the native shall earn wealth based on the association of the lords of the houses of wealth (2nd and 11th) with the houses of blessings of lakshmi (5th and 9th) or their inherent

strength, however, the native has to face losses on unexpected ventures as indicated by the 12th house or 12th lord.

Its always fortunate for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and Mercury.

Here the author brings in the influence of the Karaka for wealth, Jupiter. It is known that if the karaka of a house is well placed of associate with the lord of the house of aspect the house, then that particular significations of the house is enhanced. If Jupiter associate (conjunct, aspect, have exachange) with the 2nd lord (11th lord is left out, as accumulated wealth is under focus), the native is fortunate and can have good bank balance. Why Mercury is brought into picture is yet to be understood!

If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a dhana yoga is formed

In the first stanza, the author talked of the stength of the 5th and 9th lords/ houses, whereby here he talks of the strength of the trine which was left out, i.e., the Lagna and the lord/ houses of wealth and gain. The purpose of seggregating these into two different places can be priority which the author gives for the strength of the combination to bestow wealth. In my humble opinion, the exaltation and other strengths (sthana bala in shadbala scheme) of the said lords shall also noteworthy to be studied in the context of Dhana Yogas.

If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a powerful dhana yoga results

While in previous stanzas, the author speaks of the association of the 2nd and 11th lords with the trinal lords, namely 5th and 9th; in this stanza, he mentions the placement of the lords of wealth and gain together in the Lagna can also bestow a powerful dhanayoga. In my humble opinion, the combination can be extended to placement of the 2nd and 11th lord in 5th and 9th too. If one of the two of the 2nd and 11th lords are placed in the trine, then the combination is proportionately weakened. The placement of 5th or 9th lord in the houses of wealth and income, however has lesser consequences on the matters of wealth.

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