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Children's Church Newsletter

Welcome to the SEVENTEENTH issue of our newsletter! This is the seventh issue with an interview! Learn a little more about the church kids! Thanks for reading!

Month 4, Week 3 December 16th, 2012

Interview with a Church Kid

Sheridan Howe
1. Do you like coming to church? Mhm because you get to learn about Jesus. 2. What do you like about being a kid? Kickball. 3. What is your favorite thing to do? Watch TV. 4. Do you read your Bible? Mhm When I have free time. 5. What is your favorite animal? Uh, cats and dogs and horses. Cause weve got like, 5 horses. Theyre fun, but not when they get out, my dad said he would kill Smokey! 6. What has been your favorite snack at Kid's church? This one! (Rice crispy treats) I just had three of them. 7. Do you like going to school? Yeah because of kickball. 8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? Uhhhhh going to school? 9. How old is your mom? 32. 10. Where is your favorite place to eat? Uh McDonalds. 11. What is your favorite thing about Kid's Church? Snacks. 12. What is your favorite color? Neon green. 13. What do you like most about your mom? That she loves Jesus. 14. Who is Jesus?

The Son of God. 15. What has been your favorite game at Kids church? Uhm Where we had to take the pitcher of water and fill it with the glasses. (Water races) 16. What did Noah do? He built the ark. 17. What would you change about Kid's Church? Hmm more crafts. 18. What is your favorite holiday? Ive got two, Christmas and Thanksgiving, cause we get together at my Grandmas house. 19. What do you want for Christmas? An Angry Bird game. Im gonna get a Kindle Fire I might buy it after Christmas because its $200 and Im saving my money. 20. What would you do with a million dollars? People who dont have homes and Salvation Army and the Army. 21. What do you think about God? He has always been. 22. What is your favorite chore? Doing laundry. 23. What do you want to be when you grow up? A vet, because one time I had to stay up til 3 oclock for my dogs puppies. 24. What has been your favorite craft at Kid's church? This one. (Nativity scene) 25. What do you think would be a good allowance? One time I got up to $200, thats pretty good! (Continued on back)

The Schedule 1st Sunday: Lesson & Science 2nd Sunday: Ocho & Craft *3rd Sunday: Video & Game 4th Sunday: Reflection & Music (and Souvenir shop)

12/16 Ocean Cups, will be provided by Lisa/Eva. 12/23 No snack, we will be upstairs for Christmas. 1/6 Veggies and dip, will be provided by Dolores H.

26. Can you remember any memory verses we have learned? Uh Im thinking Choose whom you will serve that one. 27. What do you like most about your dad? Uh in the summer sometimes well, on 4th of July he cooks on the grill, sometimes and sometimes in the summer he let Laura come and shes my friend, and she likes horses a lot, so me, her and my dad rode horses down by where we live, sorta. 28. What is your least favorite chore? Dishes. 29. What is one thing you want to tell everyone who reads this? Crafts are fun!

December 16 Game Leader OPEN December 23 We will all be upstairs December 30 Reflection Leader - Julie Kay Howe January 6 Storyteller - Kelly Phillips Paul OPEN Julius OPEN Ship Captain OPEN Angel OPEN

Please, let us know if you are willing to fill any OPEN slots!

The Memory Verse

Choose today whom you will serve But my family and I will serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

If you sign up for ANYTHING and later find that you arent able to, Next week: please let us know as soon as We will reflect on possible so we can plan around it. what we have Thanks!
Call Lisa Nuhn: 660-239-4638 We have a separate church program just for Children Sunday morning! So, if your child is between the ages of 2 years and 6th grade, please send them downstairs after the special. Thank you!

This week: Oogle will be here to tell us a little more about his underwater science station! We will also be playing some new games!

This Months theme:


learned this month, and we will be singing some pretty fun songs! We will also take a trip to the Souvenir shop.

December 16th 5:00-6:00pm With finger foods to follow!
ACC Children's Church "Don't let anyone look down on you for being young." - 1 Timothy 4:13

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