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1 By Emmanuel Renaud, CLT and NMBC

Addiction Reversal Program. Neuro Holistic Leech Therapy, a Neuro-Mind-Body approach for lasting results. Long term addiction influences our hopes, desires, needs, thoughts, feelings, motivations, capabilities, plans and actions in a very negative and devastating way, in most cases. In other words, it causes us to have multiple known or unknown diseases that too often cause people who are victim of addiction to be subject of bullies and ridiculous critics. Unfortunately, these inhumane treatments and comments are made because most of us dont really have a clue about addiction. Most of us see addiction as a negative behavior. This is further from the real truth because addiction is not a behavior; it is a collection of diseases that have developed overtime. My goal in this educative and empowering article is to provide some new understandings based on scientific findings and to show how a Neuro-Holistic Leech Therapy and Neuro-Mind-Body Coaching (combination of many natural therapies with medicinal leeches) approach can help reverse or slow down progressively long term addiction. By the way, I am not a medical doctor. I am a holistic leech therapist and a Neuro-Mind-Body Coach who loves, researches and studies science independently with the help of The Great Courses and other sources. Warning: This is not a fast and easy fix. It is neither a detoxification nor a prescription drug program, but it is, in my opinion, the best way to reverse long term addiction without harming anyone and without over spending. My hope is to help shed some sparks of light on this complex subject in order to help those who are victim of addiction. And to also help their love-ones have a better understanding so they can start really helping themselves and the victims before it is too late. Mini Table of Contents: A scientific and holistic definition and understanding of Addiction Can Addiction be reversed in a couple days or weeks? Why most people are having a hard time getting rid of their Addiction? Why herbs or medications or counseling are not enough in the reversal of Addiction? Can Neuroplasticity play an important role in the reversal of addiction? Why Neuro-Holistic Leech Therapy can be one of the best approaches in the reversal of addiction? Why passive and active education and empowerment are very important?

2 A scientific, holistic definition and understanding of Addiction. In the book The Brain That Changes Itself by the famous and very experienced Canadian Dr. Norman Doidge, he provided the following definition of addiction: Not all Addictions are to drugs or alcohol. People can be seriously addicted to gambling, even running. All addicts show a loss of control of the activity, compulsively seek it out despite negative consequences, develop tolerance of that they need higher and higher levels of stimulation for satisfaction, and experience withdrawal if they cant consummate the addictive act. Well, it is important to know that there is a long list of long term addictions, below you will find some of them here in this article. Addiction is a constant or non-stop use of any thing without being able to stop voluntarily and for which more, more and more is needed to make us feel satisfied temporally. For instance, not all smokers or (alcohol) drinkers are addicted because some of them can stop voluntary without any outside help of any kind. People who become addicted cant stop voluntary and they have no free-will because they have been reprogrammed by addiction. Food Addiction: I feel bad for not eating dark chocolate today. I eat chips every day. Drink Addiction: If I dont drink coffee, I feel sick. A couple beers a day keep me happy Movie Addiction: I can only see action movies. I have to watch a movie every day. Computer Addiction: Surfing the internet takes away my anxiety. I have to have my computer every day! Gym Addiction: The more weight I lift the happier I am, and I feel bad spending a day without running. Drug Addiction: I cant wake up without having a cigarette. If dont inhale every day I go crazy. Political Addiction: I cant miss Rush Limbaugh for even one day. I will be sick if the other political party wins. TV Addiction: My TV has to be on even if I am not watching. Standup comedy TV shows are my daily dose of happiness. Medication Addiction: I love pain killers. I cant sleep without taking all my pills. Beauty Products Addiction: Having too many toiletries. I cant spend a day without wearing makeup. Learning Addiction: Constantly taking new courses without using them in the real world and sometimes without finishing them. If I am not learning I feel empty. Attachment Addiction: Helicopter parenting. I cant spend a day without knowing what my son is doing. Game Addiction: When ever I dont play lottery, I have a headache. I have to play video games every night. Sports Addiction: I cant miss a game of my favorite team. Buying Addiction: I cant spend a week without buying at Macys. Buying makes me happy. Sexual Addiction: Using porn objects too frequently I feel like having sex every day. Body Part Addiction: Nail biding, constantly asking others: How do I look? Brand Addiction: I have to have my Coke every day. I only buy Coach Bags. Social Media Addiction: Facebook is my life. I cant live a day without chatting. Cultural Addiction: I only eat spicy food. I have to listen to hip hop every day. Travel Addiction: If I spend a year without traveling I will feel bad every time I think of my last trip. Every time I think of one of my trips I have an urge to travel again. Spiritual Addiction: Every time I spend a day without meditating I feel bad. My daily

3 spiritual reading cant be skipped not even for a day because I will not be in peace all day long. It seems like that most of us have some type of known or unknown addiction, but not all addictions are as damaging as drugs or alcohol addiction. But any long term addictions that are being stopped improperly may cause tremendous health problems. This is worst than having to be waken up frequently while being in REM sleep. Having a better understanding about addiction can help us understand our sicknesses (not just behavior) and our personality, so we can work on minimizing or eliminating our addictions and at the same time understand other peoples addictions in a more human and caring way. Not knowing or not understanding the relationship between our behavior and our diseases can harm us and others. Before a lot of people agreed that homosexuality was a normal behavior (by the way, I am straight, but I want to tell the truth) because of ignorance or religion or discrimination, it was until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder by backed way from this non-scientific claim. Even though, most people did not care much for homosexuals and because of that they used to be very hostile to gays and lesbians. Today, a lot of people (including some family members) have a very hostile behavior toward people who have addiction (I could have used the word addict instead of a long phrase like the I used here, but there is a reason for that, and the reason I dont believe we should personalize a disease by saying I am an addict and we do ( I will say more it this) because of ignorance and maybe lack of compassion. Throughout this article, hopefully, you are going to have a better understanding about addiction and you will definitely agree that long term addiction is a severe disease or in some cases in collection of many diseases. I will focus more on drug addictions because too many people are suffering and dying from these types of addiction. Can our will power prevent us from being addicted? The Harvard psychologist, one of the smartest and knowledgeable scientists of our time, Steven Pinker, believes there is no Free-Will. Is he right or wrong, or right and wrong at the same time? Dr. Steven Pinker is an atheist but his No Free-Will argument or concept is almost in complete agreement with the Bible when Apostle Paul declares that The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. The understanding of these concepts is vital for the reversal of any addiction and to understand many psychogenic problems in our society. It is also important to know and agree that Pleasure or Satisfaction or Relaxation of Feeling Good can be at the root of all kinds of addiction. Here is why. Dopamine is the gas pedal of Pleasure or Feeling Good according to Ph. D and Professor of Neuroscience, Molecular, Virology, at the Ohio State University, Gary L Wenk. In his book Your Brain On Food he proved that not in theory but as a fact. And many other scientists and medical doctors like psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen; naturopath and M.D, Charles Gant; Ph. D, Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and neuroscience Professor, Robert Saposlky agree that addiction affects the brain and the body by effecting the neurotransmitters, hormones and most or all the organs of the human body. This means people who are addicted are very sick. Brain diseases are complex diseases that most scientists dont really understand. On a 60 Minutes program that was aimed to making people understand addiction, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Nora Volkow who is among the very first scientists who discovered that the brain had a lot to do with addiction; the director said on

4 60 Minutes that scientists had a long way to go in order to understand addiction because it is complex and a very difficult problem. In order words, addiction like stress is not just a simple disease, because it causes the brain and the body to become sick by altering their normal functions. When short term pleasure or reward become addiction it may turn into long term socioneurophysiological and spiritual dysfunctions, and may even cause death of the victim and or innocent people directly or indirectly. Addiction may not be contagious like many viral diseases such as the flu, but it may cause other people (close loved-ones) to become ill because we, as humans, are connected. And the way we accept, we carry other peoples pain or misfortune in our memory; the way we understand and communicate with the victims of addiction can affect our state of mind and therefore affects our health. Mental contagious disease is very subliminal, but yet more potent than one would lead to believe. This mental contagious disease, addiction, will make us sick by attacking our brain weakest part, so we may not have addiction per se, but we can have other diseases that we were predisposed to have, such as dementia or autoimmune diseases, like diabetes or breast cancer, etc. Addiction is not an isolated problem. In fact, we all have some type of addictions, some of them are latent up to now and others are in the process of being manifested slowly because the drugs, food, drink, clothing, music, movie, beauty products, politics, and so on are now manufacturing to please our brain by using powerful neuroscientific techniques to keep us using these products or services as long as possible. It is almost impossible to reject completely the high and forceful repetitive demands for pleasure in our brain. Well, let me put this way, our brain, unfortunately, is pre-disposed to be addicted. Yes, the brain comes with every ingredient needed to be addicted by being hooked on alcohol or drugs, sex, food and so on. It will serve us well to believe that our human body is not a perfect body, but it is well equipped for self-preservation when we do the right things and take the right action even before birth and during our lifetime. Here are some examples that can make you think again and again about addiction. According to the book BrandSense written by Martin Lindstrom: Sound or music to keep us as consumers. Kellogg's hired a Danish commercial music laboratory that specializes in simulating the crunch sound of breakfast cereals. No wonder why the sound is so cool in our ears. I used to love cornflakes, but I dont eat it anymore for many good reasons. General Suggestions which I will write as follow in a contractive form: GS. This is my first GS for you and I will be happier if you can share them with others. 1-GS: Corn in general is not the best food for human because it is not very pleasant and easy to digest. The digestive system of a person who is a victim of addiction may not function well, therefore feeding the body with corn will certainly cause more digestive problem ad more problems for the whole body. Sex appeal to manipulate us. Back in 1973, most airline advertisements promoted the same features of their service: meals, comfort, and pricing. Singapore Airlines broke through those traditional branding barriers with their Singapore Girl, a brand figure so successful that she is displayed in

5 Madame Tussaud's Museum in London. What is different about Singapore Airlines? The answer lies in its successful attempt to appeal strictly to the emotional experience of travelers and this happened by emphasizing smoothness and relaxation, it positioned itself not as an airline, but as an entertainment company that makes travelers happy to be on board. Once again pleasure is the driver of our addiction. Taste well engineered and patented to make us want more. This worldwide company and well known by most of us because it has something that we normally use in our early morning time and many of us use it first before doing anything else. This understanding and market share make Colgate want to guarantee that its current and future clients will love the taste of its toothpaste forever or as long as they are alive. Have you ever asked yourself why certain tastes make us feel good and Golgate toothpaste smells so good? The flavor of its toothpaste is patented and engineered to our taste. 2-GS: Read the warning of the labels of the products you use. This can help you a lot to minimize the risk of getting sick, addicted and kidney diseases are some of the sicknesses. I am very serious. Most of our deodorants in the USA have warning labels that scare me. I am kidding; I dont get scared so easily. Well, the warning says the following: Ask a doctor before use if you have kidney disease. I was shocked when I read it for the first time. Most people dont read labels unfortunately. This is what the tasty toothpaste mentioned in its warning label: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used (Wait! When small amount is being used daily, it will be amount to a good quantity over time) for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. Great news! There are some new products that you can use without these fatal warnings. The Journal of Consumer Research reported that the pace of background music affected service, spending, and traffic flow in retail stores and restaurants. The slower the music, the more people shop. When slow music is played in a restaurant, the bill is 29 percent higher than when fast music is played. Starbuck does understand that concept. Even Apple computer has engineered the sound of the keyboard to make you feel happy while using it and by keeping you as a loyal client. Most Apple customers are loyal to the brand and they are very passionate about Apple. 3-GS: Music can help heal our addiction or our stressed body; can help lower the punishing pain in our brain. But it is very important to avoid music or songs that can remind us our past euphoric moments of pleasure that have lead us to addiction. It is very important to know that our western society is devoted itself in making us addicted in the name of commerce and progress. I do believe there are a lot of companies out there that are constantly in search of better products or services that make us healthier and therefore less harmful. Being addicted is not one fault, even though blaming or accusing will worsen the problem instead of helping. But it is a fact that many companies out there are not on your side. Addiction is a very powerful negative state because it goes deep inside of our ANS

6 (Automatic Nervous System) to affect the sympathetic and the parasympathetic in order to create a virtual clock and a scale in our brain and body telling us: Its time to consume and how much more is needed to get hooked. I am very and very serious, you actually listen clearly to that voice in your real ears. It that an illusion? Well, it does not matter because the brain does not know what is real or not real. Do you know what happened when the very first public movie was being screen? Yes, that was a long time ago. Most Westerners like you and I could have not believed what happened and we would have been laughing at those people, I mean, those French. Those French people were the very first in the world who when to see a movie, did they have the courage to see that movie. Could their brain resist and accept to see moving pictures on a screen for the first time? The two Lumiere brothers were very excited and they were convinced that people were going to enjoy the first movie ever, but to their surprise, something highly unusual for our time happened there. Guess what? The very first movie goers ran away because their brain could not take it at that time. In that time, 1895, my grand father was already born in France and he was a curious French man according to my dad, so he could have been there in that crowd where all those people had tremendous fear and anxiety just by seeing those moving pictures. Well, our brain does not establish a real difference between a movie and a real human scene. Have you ever had a dream in which you were either fighting or running away for your life? I did. It is unbelievable to realize how tired or confused or even upset or happy we were when we got up. What about a man who is dreaming having sex? Well, he will get up wet, filled with sperm all over his body and in the bed if he had sex a longtime ago. Certain men may have screamed, yes really scream, before ejaculating while in the dream. Because it is a real experience for him. That is why porn is so popular and so addicted. Anything that can influence our senses has a certain power over us, good or bad. The brain is a very complex machine, so far to us the most complex one. Most addictions are associated with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) because of our memory (we play over and over our addiction in our head consciously and unconsciously before acting upon our bad and uncontrollable habits) this is one of the root causes of addiction. This could be a great start to handle addiction by using space and timeline therapy to delete unwanted memories that excite addiction. Unfortunately many so called experts rely almost solely on detoxification to clean the body because the belief is the more we use detoxification the less addicted the body will become. This is ironic because inhibition is an electric action, it is not an organic one. We are not opposed completely to some smart detoxification strategies that are based on some scientific understanding of the persons body. Again addiction cant be seen as just an organic problem that herbs can solve by providing detoxification. In fact, detoxification in some cases may weaken the body and the brain and makes the person who is addicted more addicted while becoming sicker. There is always a great need for a balanced flora in our body and our pH level cant be higher than 7.3 or 7.5 if we dont have cancer. Keep in mind there is much more to be said about detoxification and pH, but not here. One of the biggest problems with addiction is what scientists call Psychosis which is a generic term for a mental condition associated with a loss of contact with reality. Delusion, hallucination, false perception and assumption mixed with anxiety and fear from the limbic system are some of the challenges and misery people who are deeply addicted face. There are many other symptoms that people who are addicted have but every individual had a unique DNA (a unique body) and is affected by many different factors that may worsen or alleviate the addiction. Thats to me is a great news!

7 The good news is every addiction is reversible because of neuroplasticity and faith. Neuroplasticity means the brain has the power to rewire itself. And because of the Neurogenesis, the ability to create new neurons. But this is a very complicated approach because the brain operates like a network to communicate with the rest of the body. Holistic leech therapy can play a great role in making neuroplasticity and neurogenesis happen by nourishing the body with great and vital biochemical in leech saliva. On my website I have posted countless peer reviews about the effectiveness of leech therapy, but it is good to let you know what Chinese medicine believe about leech therapy. Here is an excerpt from a Chinese company, Guangxi WanFeng Pharmaceutical Group: "Modern medical research shows that the body contains a variety of medicinal leech components, such as hirudin, heparin, anti-thrombotic factors, among which leech salivary gland secretion of hirudin is an acidic polypeptide, is the most powerful known natural thrombin inhibitors, very small amount of hirudin can inhibit the activity of thrombin in the blood, and has reduced the role of blood viscosity; In addition, hirudin also with the expansion of blood vessels, easing blood vessel smooth muscle spasm and promote the function of absorbing exudate, vein graft can remain open after surgery. Use of hirudin treat cardiovascular, thrombosis, rheumatism, hypertension, myocardial infarction, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, abdominal pain, amenorrhea, postpartum lochia endless, liver, lymphatic system, angina, eye disease, unknown tumor and cervical lymph node of nuclear and other diseases. In addition, hirudin is also rich in protein and amino acids, used to develop a variety of health food, in the elderly and prevention of high blood lipids, hypertension, liver disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and cerebral thrombosis, etc. have remarkable results. Preparation of antifreeze can cream, skin cream, hair growth cream or other creams and other beauty make-up on Blood Products." By the way, the hirudin is just one of the many ingredients medicinal leech has in its saliva. The Hirudin is scientifically recognized by the FDA and the E.U. and was discovered by John B Haycraft in England. And the organs of the body have to be in good shape to communicate with the brain. Long term addiction will certain damage or dysfunction certain organs of the body. This is why it requires a total wellness approach to reverse addiction along with its all socioneurophysiological problems. According to a new study made in South France by neuroscientists the medicinal leech has the possibility to help rebuild brain damage. Here is a link of that study: One more crucial and very important ingredient that is free and available to all of us. This ingredient has a lot of power over the brain and it can manipulate it in so many ways for healing and for many other goal and accomplishments when it is use properly. Faith is this very important element in the reversal of addiction. I mentioned above two theories, a theist and an atheist one. Lets remind us about these theories starting by the last one. Steven Pinker believes and has proved in many speeches and in his book How The Mind Works there is No Free-Will. According to Steven Pinker when French speakers like me and others say: Vouloir cest pourvoir. In English where there is will, there is power. When we say such a thing we are fooling ourselves according to Mr. Pinker. It is true there are a lot of scientific studies that proved that mankind is at the mercy of the brain in many cases. I have also proved this case and will continue proving it throughout this article. But there are tangible experiences where we can vehemently and nicely disagree with Steven Pinker theory of No Free-Will by quoting: The Flesh (brain and body) is

8 weak, but the Spirit (Cosmic Energy or God) is able or willing. The phenomena of N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) is widely happening in many countries and it is important to know that a group of scientists from many countries are working in Canada very hard to find out what N.D.E. is all about. Faith is a Comic Power it is not from the brain because we are made of energy, but it has power on the brain and the body and on the whole universe. When Paul said the Spirit is willing he meant that the Cosmic Power is superior to the Flesh (brain and body) so, you can always help yourselves directly or indirectly with the power of Faith. Faith can help us save ourselves from deadly addictions and Faith may guide us subliminally on the road of recovery to heal us in cases where we are deeply affected by psychosis. The Power of faith in the utilization of suggestions. The French pharmacist and healer, understood the power of Faith by using just one super powerful sentence that is now well known worldwide: Every day, every way, I am getting better and better. The Couism or the Cou method has helped a great number of people until this day. The medical doctor, has spent 60 years in developing and mastering what is called hypnosis. Hypnosis has been around for many thousands years and has proven to be very efficacious when it is used properly by using powerful and customized suggestions that manipulate the brain for true healing. The Ericksonian method had convinced the American Board of Medicine to recognize that hypnosis is real method of healing drug free. The UCLA chair in the pain department, a highly recognized scientist, said that hypnosis is under use because he knows its power in medicine, especially in pain. The Silva method is one of the most powerful ways of utilizing the brain to heal itself without any physical medicine. The Silva method makes great use of the mind medicine to affect the physical brain successfully. The University of Texas has many studies that proved that the Silva method was ahead of science in the brain field or neuroscience because Jose Silva believed long time ago that the brain can change itself many years before neuroscientists have agreed with his claim. You really dont need any much will to be affected by suggestions, so having Free-Will or No Free-Will does not matter. And it is very important to know that energy, Faith, may originate from a third party to affect and heal the sick. Napoleon Hill through the power of imagination, suggestion, prayer, visualization, concentration by using faith was able to get his son, who was born death to hear at about 60% and the hearing aid was invented in part because of him. The brain through faith has the power to do invisible laser surgery and intervention, believe it or not. Who ever is suffering from addiction can recover from it with or without Free-Will. What is important is to be able to customize the right strategies. These strategies must developed by the healer or therapist with the help of the sick and or his/her close loved-ones. It is more than a fact that the healer or the therapist has to able and ready to use an arsenal of healing tools and skills through faith to achieve such an important and noble task, help heal a sick. That is why I only work with people who believe there is a Cosmic Power or Super Energy that most people calls God. I am not a Medical Doctor, so my main and best tool is highly spiritual, and it is based on a Faith. So, the next question will provide you some important insights into the amazing and complex world of long term addiction.

9 Can Addiction be reversed in a couple days or weeks? When I was a kid my dad always used a French Proverb to make sure I understood him fully before I do anything, which was very boring to me when I was a kid and now very smart as I am doing my best to follow the path of the wisdom that dad had followed. So, here is a French Proverb that worth paying attention before paying many thousand of dollars for fast and easy cures. La maladie vient sur le livre; elle part sur la tortue. (Sickness comes riding on a hare, but goes away riding on a turtle). Keep in mind, there is nothing absolute because every rule has at least one exception. But this French proverb is almost absolute when it comes to long term addiction. There are people who inherited addiction from one or more generations and this is scientifically proven. If you understand or study genetics or neurobiology you may agree that the Dutch hunger study may help us understand many health problems including addiction when it comes to origin or root causes. Therefore it requires a great deal of effort including socioneurophysiological and spiritual skills, time, money and especially self initiation for definite reversal of addiction. Because when it is not done correctly with the right timeline it will comeback, and in many cases, much worse than it was previously. There is an almost complete misunderstanding about addiction, specially, among those who believe herbs or plants can reverse any diseases or sickness; and believe that detoxification is the answer to almost every health problem. I do agree that detox can help with a combination of other natural therapies, but there are times detox is far from proving solution, and this applies very strongly in long term addiction. It is extremely important to understand like pain, addiction happens in the brain not because the brain or the body is filled with toxicity by alcohol, cocaine, heroin, opium, nicotine, marijuana cannabis or alcohol or chocolate or opioid drugs (pain killer medicine) or whatever can make us become addicts. In fact, this will prove my point - we can be addict to social events like in the case of porn movies or sex phone or the internet or games and these types of addiction happen without ingesting anything therefore there is no toxicity, so no detox is needed. You probably agree with me now. This is the fact, like pain, addiction happens deep inside of our nervous system. The CNS (central nervous system) is the center where addiction is processed or created and unfortunately no body knows for sure how to really treat it because like pain, it is a complex brain problem that in turns may affect the whole body. Detoxification is not really the answer. Well, in some cases, if a person is very addicted his or her immune system may be very weak, so detoxification may make that person become sicker by eliminating good bacteria in the gut. A person who became addict to any thing has his brain impaired by the power of neuroplasticity organically or and (in this case it is not - and or. Here the meaning is different) psychologically because the brain has changed itself with all the pleasure given by consumption of alcohol, drugs, movies, sex, etc. Pleasure is the best friend of the brain, but sometimes it becomes its worst enemy when pleasure is being consumed to often and later too much. The dopamine rush (accumulation of pleasure) will inhibit itself to activate other nerve cells in the central nervous system by turning pleasure into dependence along with anxiety, stress, pain, insomnia, insatiability, loss of control, illusion, and many other sicknesses. In other words, addiction is what scientists would call a set of physiological and psychological disorders, which means, at least to me,

10 addiction is not one disease, but rather a collection of diseases that is originated in the body or the brain or out of the body by one or more excessive consumption of something. It is also true that our brain is more pre-disposed to be addicted to certain chemicals (morphine, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, etc) that enhance dopamine (makes us happy and relax or provokes sweet pain (sex) secretion in our brain. Scientists now agree with this important finding and your blood type may facilitate addiction when the consumption of certain food or fruit is not inline with your blood. For instance, the Lectin chemical found in legumes such as nut and kidney beans may be harmful for types A of other blood types and may complicate addiction by creating more toxicity in the body and thereby may cause inhibition of certain neurons in the brain. What is toxic for the body will be damaging for the brain. Again, for this reason, should not only rely on detoxification to reverse addiction. It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it. Ken Hensley Why most people are having a hard time get rid of their addiction? Self initiation is the key to successful healing and most of the things that require a great deal of effort and understanding in order to succeed in the challenging game of life, are not easy to do, but very possible with the right approach. Long term addiction is not a happy state for the victim and the people around, loved-ones and close friends. Oftentimes people who suffer from addiction are forced in the meanness way possible to seek for help. Everyone agrees that no body enjoying seeing a family member destroying the body because of addiction, but caring and tactful approaches are necessary in order to help that family member find help without aggravating psychosis in the body. Being judgmental and forceful is the wrong to handle people and worst yet, an addict. It is extremely important for very close family members to seek help as well because they can become sick while dealing with the victim because of high level of stress that is involved. Highly stressed people may not be able to help a victim of addiction. A weak cant help another weak. A sick cant really help another sick. And an environment that is filled with stress, anxiety, fear and other factors that can disturb allostasis (total wellness) will certainly make addiction worse. The truth is most people ignore if they are being affected by the addiction problem that their husband, wife, father, mother, sister, brother or cousin is dealing with. Many people in such situation are in complete denial regarding their negative behavior toward the addict and sometimes toward themselves unknowingly that is creating more problems for the addicted person and for themselves. The method some health practitioners or medical doctors use to cure or to reverse or to manage the problem does not take into consideration to full aspect of the addiction problem because of many other important factors. Therefore the addiction problem can become out of control in the hands of the people who pretend they can help solve the problems. When taking the wrong herbs or medications or therapy there is a price for that too, and the price can be very costly. They are other reasons that many people who suffer from addiction may not be able to reverse the problem because it can be a very complicated issue that needs help from the

11 God, The Unique Energy. Unfortunately, many scientists likes Steven Pinker, Richards Darkins are atheists, so God, according to their belief, cant help. By the way, I am not talking a being called God, because it is not a being nor a judge. Not having any belief is a problem because lack of a belief may create or may be replaced by doubt or fear or disappointment. Believe it or not the brain loves faith, love, happiness, a firm belief that the impossible can be possible. Optimism is a great tool for healing. Scientists believe in the power of the placebo. So what is faith is a place. It works and will continue working for those who have belief or faith. Why should you ignore completely the power of the placebo in healing and other interventions? Those who dont believe will certainly have a hard time healing their addiction and many other diseases. And they may rob their complete happiness and enthusiasm from themselves for not believing. Believing is free and does not hurt. In fact it helps! The good news is you have to give a name to a god or dont have to worship anything because you dont have to. It has been proven that faith does need a religion or a Being God. The book How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg proved just that. Why herbs or medications are not enough for complete reversal of addiction? I love medications, yes I do love herbs. The understanding of bacteria by Louis Pasteur from France had opened the door to the invention of all kinds of medications after pursuing and implemented the work of the German chemist, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, that was started back in the early 17th century. When addiction is becoming severe and life threaten the administration of strong drugs for anxiety, pain, insomnia, and hallucination are necessary for short term use only in my opinion. But I am not a medical doctor, only a licensed medical doctor can decide when and how to prescribe them. It is very unfortunate there are a lot of non-medical holistic practitioners who only believe in herbs and natural approaches. I am not one of them because I also believe in prescription drugs. I will use science to prove why I am oppose to long term use of opioid and most of prescription drugs. That is my belief, but readers you need to consult with your primary doctors even if you agree with my point of the view that is back by hard science. LTP (Long-Term Potentiation) When neurons are being potentiated wrongly, specially, in the limbic system while certain neurotransmitters are being blocked by medications or inhibited by certain herbs that could be more damaging in a near future. Medication drugs for addiction must be administered by medical doctors who fully understand how LTP and LTD (Long-Term Depression Not Chronic Depression) works in order to prevent neural complication in many areas of the brain and finally in the whole body. When dealing with a long term addicted person a good medical doctor should always order a FMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) and many other tests such as DCSA, CRP, T3 or T4, hP, FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) to evaluate how much problem the body and brain are having and how much genealogy or bloodline affects the problem of addiction. In my opinion there must a team of doctors and practitioners with different specialty in modern and alternative medicine. A good team could be forming with the following: A generalist, neuroscientist, psychologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, endocrinologist, pain specialist or biologist, a nutritionist, substance abuse counselor, hypnotherapist, leech therapist and a savvy holistic practitioner. Because of the way the brain processes information and communicates it is extremely important to coach the brain holistically and spiritually, no medications nor herbs can

12 substitute this imperative job that can be performed only by a well trained NeuroMind-Body and Spiritual Practitioner, and unfortunately they are very few qualified out there. Can Neuroplasticity play an important role in the reversal of addiction? Neuroplasticity is not synonym of plasticity and does not mean plasticity either. Dr. Michael Merzenich worked in Canada with Dr. Penfield who is one the pioneers of mapping the brain. I am now assuming that during the preparation of his doctorate Michael Merzenich was influenced greatly by the work of Wilder Penfield. That is why he was the first to be able to understand neuroplasticity while working with chimpanzees. After a big fight in the field of neuroscience, today, neuroscientists no longer believe that the neurons in the brain are static and when they die they stop reproducing. They now believe in neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Neuroplasticity allowed us to understand neurogenesis. Even medicinal leeches have great power to produce new neurons (neurogenesis) and to rewire or reshape the neurons (neuroplasticity) according to a French study made at the laboratory of Villeneuve by Dr. and professor Michel Salzet. This was reported in the Cit scientifique in France.
Long-Term Addiction affects the Voluntary and Involuntary, Autonomic Nervous System by changing its neuroplasticity and may damage neurons in the brain which may cause dysfunction of certain organs or physical parts of the body. The wonderful news is the reverse is also possible. And the sooner, the better. There are a great number of natural therapies including leech therapy and Neuro-Mind-Body Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Space and Timeline Therapy that can help achieve neuroplasticity and neurogenesis by using the right approach. About 2 years ago, I met a woman who was very obese and was suffering a lot. After listening to one of my radio shows in the city of Miami, she called me to congratulate me while asking me to help her with her obesity and suffering. I asked her: Did you see a doctor? And she replied: I had seen many medical doctors and health practitioners, and I have also been taking a lot of natural medicine while being on diets. Unfortunate, nothing had worked for me. That is why I am here to see you because it sounds like you know what you are talking about and I like the fact that you believe in God and have passion about helping people. Because I am not a medical doctor, so, I do something call observation, which allows me to have a full understanding so, I can create or design a wellness package that is designed solely for the person with whom I am working for. It normally takes 1 and half hours up to 3 to 4 hours to make an observation. I took about 3 hours with her that day and I only charged a small flat rate because she was unemployed. Her main problem was not really a weight problem which she had, but the loss of her marriage 10 years ago took a big toll on her and she became addicted to learning which made not having any desire to go to work or to have any social activity other going to church. She was taking many different classes, one after the other and she never made any thing with learning. When I suggested that it appeared to me that learning to her was like escaping the reality of life and she looked at me with a great surprise and minutes later she asked: How did you know that? This is very strange that you said she replied and no body had ever said anything like that to me. I have been asking myself why I am so motivated to keep going to school to try to learn something new all the time without doing any thing it. You may be right. In my opinion, learning over and over without achieving the ultimate goal which is to apply the information or the knowledge received in a concrete way. For instance, use this new found skill at work or to create a business with it was not the main problem. The

main problem was the incapability of letting go by moving on to have a new partner or husband or boyfriend. For 10 years she was not capable of starting a new life. She was obsessed, depressed, lonely, and very unhappy while feeling rejected by her ex-husband. And that was the problem that caused her to develop addictive learning while gaining weight (over 300 lbs) along with food addiction and many other health problems. I created a very limited wellness program that covers almost every aspect of the problems she was enduring and I offered her a couple sessions of Neuro-Mind-Body coaching free of charge. After three months, she was able to let it go, started loosing weight, was able to start sleeping better, feeling more confident by gaining more selfesteem and she was able finally to start working by getting rid of her addictions. I have countless similar stories about addiction and other physical and mental problems that many of my clients were able to solve with my help. Lets find out how.

Why Neuro-Holistic Leech Therapy can be one of the best approaches in the reversal of addiction? Most people who have been through long term addiction have two big problems in common: Psychosis: neurological problems and certain physiological problems which are very visible in most cases and sometimes hidden. For instance: Digestive or glandular or immune or skeleton system problems such as liver, kidney, thyroid, constipation, blood diseases, inflammation, insomnia, allergy, and definitely pain in many forms. The saliva of the medicinal leech has biochemical enzymes that can help reduce or eliminate many of the problems mentioned above when a Neuro-holistic approached is applied. Here is a list of the biochemical enzymes in the medicinal leech, which is approved by the FDA and the E.U. and accepted by the AMA, NIH and VA. I am almost sure that this list is not complete because there could be about 10,000 types of leech according to an article published by the BBC in April 2010 about the discovery of a new type of leech in Peru that has one jaw as opposed to three and 8 teeth as opposed to 280300 teeth. But up to now most scientific studies suggested that there are between 630 to 700 types of leeches; and only 15 types are being used in medicine. Its worth saying that most practitioners use only 2 types in the Western world. Here is a list of the ingredients of the medicinal leech: Acetylcholine^ Anesthetic Substance* Apyrase Bdellines Calin Carboxypeptidase A Inhibitor Complement Inhibitors Destabilase Eglins Factor Xa Inhibitor Hirudin Hirustatin Histamine-like substances Hyaluronidase Leech-Derive Tryptase Inhibitor (LDTI) Payavit

14 The first thing to understand about these enzymes, they are vital for the functioning of the body and many of them are not found in plants and there are no medications that can replace them affectively in the body like the live medicinal leech can. Most of the medicinal leech ingredients are enzymes that inhibit, which means it stop certain activity such blood coagulation, inflammation, collagen-mediated platelet aggregation and all this is being made by just one enzyme called calin (saratin). These enzymes have many positive multifunctions that scientists still dont understand and that is why medicinal leech therapy can help so much in many areas of wellness and rehabilitation. For instance, people who have developed long term addiction tend to have mental or psychological problem like psychosis. Acetylcholine is an enzyme in the medicinal that help neurotransmitters to synapses freely because of its inhibition power it allows the Acetylcholine receptors in the brain to function properly. People who smoke or take or inhale drugs may have acetylcholine receptors damaged which may slowdown the nerve cells to communicate to each other and this may cause brain damage or brain diseases such as psychosis because of excessive drugs consumption in the case of the addicted person. In an article published by David Goodsell in November 2005 titled Molecule of the Month in RCSB Protein Data Bank web site, David Goodsell explained eloquently and skillfully with scientific demonstration about how the brain is affected by this molecule receptor, Acetylcholine. The Neuroscientist Professor at Columbia University, ARTHUR KARLIN, PH.D, in article titled "Emerging structure of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine receptors" published in February 2002 by the Journal Nature mentioned the following: The main approaches are to identify the residues that line the binding sites and conduction pathways and form the gates, to determine the three-dimensional structures, to locate the critical residues in these three-dimensional structures, and to detect structural changes in the transitions between functional states. It is important to pay attention to the phrase mentioned above: and to detect structural changes in the transitions between functional states Certainly there is a structural change in the brain network of an addicted person because of drug abused and many other factors that affect the wellness of the brain and body negatively. Furthermore, acetylcholine affects the neurons in the frontal lobes and the hippocampus which control our ability to pay attention, to make decisions, and to retrieve and to form new memories. This is very important to understand, memory is one of the biggest problems in addiction. Our memories give us the ability to recall the pleasures we had through our senses. Our memories are so powerful they can affect our taste, feeling, our desires, thoughts, and our perception of reality and so on. For instance, when we say I feel like doing or having and most cases, it is the recall of a past experience. This is where it has gotten really bad for the addict; we tend to memorize easily what makes great impact on our emotions, good or bad, pleasure or pain. If you an American or a resident of United State you cant forget the expression Georges W Bush, the former president of the country, keep saying many times over until we went to war. What was the expression? Yes, you just guessed it, 9/11. Today, any US resident felt the sorrow and I the pain I experienced during that tragic day for our nation and the world. I bet you can see and hear vividly every thing that happened that day and you may now experience some pain and anxiety again now if you were deeply affected. Well, this is the power of memory or recalling or remembering. The fact, long term addiction causes people to look for pleasure at any cost because of pain and/or sadness and/or, stress and/or and illusion, etc. Rewire our brain to erase bad memories and to form new memories is

15 probably the first and most important remedy for the reversal of addiction. Anyone who knows and understand the power of mental deletion can agree with me. The same way you can delete pictures in a camera and I am glad to say you can do the same as well for memories of all kinds. The use of Space and Timeline Therapy and combined if necessary with hypnotherapy memories can be deleted and replaced with better ones. And there are some herbs that can help achieve this task in a much more effective and lasting way. The good news is medicinal leech has many enzymes that can deal with inflammation, infection, damaged neural structure, blood coagulation, bacteria, venous diseases, pain, appetite, psychosis, insomnia when it is well combined holistically. The medicinal leech is a living pharmacy in the body of humans when it is properly given in a holistic medicinal leech session or program. To me it is a great mistake not to use holistic medicinal leech therapy in the rehabilitation of people who became addicted.

Why passive and active education and empowerment are very important? Yesterday I was reading many comments regarding an article written on the website of titled Mess Up Again Ill Make You Pay. This was regarding Amanda Bynes who was driving under the influence of drug and alcohol. She is among many and many celebrities and normal people, not just the 47% as mentioned by Mitt Romney. And this what reported: Bynes' folks decided they couldn't wait any longer and just leased their place out. This reported showed a lot of problems between the parents of Amanda and the problems she is having herself. I know that is not in the business of helping people take control of their life but their reporting may worsen the case instead of helping. But my purpose here is to show when people who became addict need more than ever, support, care and affection, from everyone and especially, love-ones and close friends. Both, Amanda and her parents need help and they need it very fast. They dont need just short term supports; it has to be long term under the supervision of a qualified team of experts as I mentioned before in order to work out the best wellness program for her that can affect the whole Amandas body and brain along with her parents. Will Amanda Bynes want to be around her parents who are deeply troubled by her situation? Will the parents understand their state of mind and her state of mind as well? Is Amanda Bynes sick mentally and physically? Is Amanda ready to work on herself? Should she be forced or convinced to do so? And if yes, what is the first step into complete healing? Addiction is a complex subject and a complex state for the victim and her/his love-ones. That is why only a long term holistic approach combined with the right education can reverse addiction definitely or can help live with it under perfect control until disappear if possible. It is very important to understand not every kind of addiction is reversible completely when considering the person total life history including before birth and during pregnancy. Unfortunate, it is so. And this realization or acceptation is very and very important to share with the addicted person and the parents, but it has to be done in a tactful and smart way in order to take advantage of this possibility.

16 There is nothing wrong with a little addiction here and there as long as it is being talking care in the best way possible. Well, we all have some addictions and fortunately not the fatal ones. Well, it has been a pleasure sharing some of my understanding about addiction. I hope you were able to find some pearl of wisdom herein and I also understand that you may some disagreement with some of my positions or understanding and that is okay. There are many ways to go to Rome. But let me ask you this question. Will you get there too early, on time or too late? Emmanuel Renaud is a curious researcher in the field of holistic medicine. He is not a medical doctor, so no information herein is given as a medical advice. Anyone who needs medical advice or medical treatment should contact a physician. And no information given here is approved by the FDA. Emmanuel Renaud lives in New York and has a consultation office in Manhattan, but he is available to travel anywhere in the world to see client when requested and permitted. Emmanuel Renaud is a Certified Leech Therapist and a Self Taught Neuro-Mind-Body Coach. Neuro-Mind-Body Coaching is the highest level of self-help teaching and coaching in the three major areas of our life: Health, Education and Work. Emmanuel Renaud provides a full disclosure on his website and always asks his clients to seek medical advice and treatment from their licensed medical doctors. Holistic Leech Therapy is a wellness program that anyone can use for wellness purposes to nourish brain, mind and body and to become better you at work, business, home while living happily and wellnessly. Website: Pone: 646-238-4800 Email:

Other important links from Emmanuel Renaud: Any reference that is made in this article belongs to their owners or publisher. This article can be shared with anyone online and of offline, but it must be in its totality, otherwise you must contact Emmanuel Renaud for authorization.

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